Public Document Pack CORPORATE SERVICES Deputy Chief Executive Linda Fisher GOVERNANCE AND COMMITTEE SERVICES TEAM PO Box 15, Town Hall, Rochdale, OL16 1AB DX22831 ROCHDALE Tel: (01706) 647474 Fax: (01706) 924705 Website: www.rochdale.gov.uk Twitter: @rochdalecouncil To: All Members of Council Enquiries to: Peter Thompson e-mail: [email protected] Extension: 4715 Date: 25 th March 2014 Dear Councillor, COUNCIL You are requested to attend the meeting of Council to be held in the Council Chamber at Rochdale Town Hall on Wednesday, 2 nd April 2014 at 6.15 pm. Deadlines for submissions in respect of this meeting are as follows – Wednesday before Council Noon Motion pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 11. (26 th March 2014) Notification of question at Council by a resident or ratepayer of the Borough. Tuesday before Council Noon Notification of questions to representatives on Joint (1 st April 2014) Authorities and Outside Bodies and to Portfolio Holders and Committee Chairs. Notification of amendments to proposals and recommendations being submitted to Council. Notifications should be forwarded to Peter Thompson, Senior Governance and Committee Officer on behalf of the Chief Executive. The agenda and supporting papers are attached. If you require advice on any agenda item involving a possible Declaration of Interest which could affect your right to speak and/or vote, please contact staff in the Governance and Committee Services Team at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Yours Faithfully Linda Fisher Deputy Chief Executive ROCHDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL COUNCIL 2nd April 2014 at 6.15 pm Council Chamber - Rochdale Town Hall A G E N D A Apologies for Absence 1. Mayor's Annoucements 2. Declarations of Interest Members are requested to indicate at this stage any items on the agenda in which they intend to declare an interest. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and the Council's adopted Code of Conduct, they must declare the nature of any personal or discloseable pecuniary interest required of them and, in the case of any discloseable pecuniary interest, withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item, unless permitted otherwise within the Code of Conduct. 3. Minutes 1 - 9 To authorise the signing of the minutes of the two meetings of the Council held on 27 th February 2014. 4. Public Questions and Petitions To receive petitions and questions from members of the public, where these have been received in accordance with the Petitions Scheme and/or Council Procedure Rules. 5. Notices of Motion To consider Motions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. 6. Corporate Delivery Plan and Performance Management Framework 10 - 19 7. Members' Quarterly Reports To receive quarterly reports from Members of the Cabinet, Chairs of Township Committees and Chairs of Overview and Scrutiny Committees and to permit questions from Members of the Council. (a) The Leader of the Council (b) Members' Quarterly Reports (c) The Cabinet Member for Strengthening Communities (d) The Cabinet Member for Place and Regulation (e) The Cabinet Member for Customers & Corporate Services and Townships (f) The Cabinet Member for Adult Care (g) The Cabinet Member for Children, Schools and Families (h) The Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Customer Services (i) The Chair of Heywood Township Committee (j) The Chair of Middleton Township Committee (k) The Chair of Pennines Township Committee (l) The Chair of Rochdale Township Committee (m) The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee (n) The Chair of the Health and Partnerships Overview and Scrutiny Committee 8. Representatives on Joint Authorities and Outside Bodies To permit questions to representatives on any Joint Authority or Outside Body, where received. (a) Report of the Representative to the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (b) Report of the Representative to the Armed/Reserve Forces (c) Report of the Representative to the Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority Public Document Pack Agenda Item 3 EXTRAORDINARY MEETING OF THE COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING 27 th February 2014 PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Rush) (in the Chair); Councillors Farooq Ahmed, Iftikhar Ahmed, Shakil Ahmed, Shefali Ahmed, Daalat Ali, Sultan Ali, Beswick, Bethell, Cecile Biant, Surinder Biant, Boriss, Brett, Martin Burke, Philip Burke, Burns, Clegg, Danczuk, Darnbrough, Davison, Dearnley, Duckworth, Dutton, Neil Emmott, Susan Emmott, Farnell, James Gartside, Godson, Greenall, Hartley, Holly,, Hornby, Hussain, Joinson,, Kelly, Lambert, Linden, Martin, McCarthy, Mills, Mir, Mulgrew, Neilson, O’Neill, O’Rourke, Robinson, Hilary Rodgers, Sheerin, Stott, Sullivan, Wardle, Wazir, West, Williams, Winkler and Zaman. OFFICERS: J. Taylor (Chief Executive), L. Fisher (Deputy Chief Executive), P. Kane (Director of Finance), S. Downey (Director of Adult Care Services), M. Widdup (Director of Economy and Environment), W. Meston (Interim Director of Public Health), V. Crossland, J. Murphy and H. Zammit (Finance Service), E Cunningham- Doyle, J. Hollamby, R. Miller, L. Settle and P. Thompson (Customer and Corporate Services) ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Two members of the public. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors Jane Gartside, Hobhouse, Murphy and Martin Rodgers. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 61 There were no declarations of interest. APPOINTMENT OF HONORARY ALDERMAN 62 Councillor Dearnley moved, Councillor Lambert seconded and Councillor Kelly supported a Motion that the title of Honorary Alderman be conferred upon Mrs Patricia A. Flynn in recognition of her having rendered eminent services to the Borough as a past Member of the Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council, in accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972. Upon being put to the vote, the Motion was declared to be carried. DECIDED – That Mrs Patricia A. Flynn, in recognition of her having rendered eminent services to the Borough as a past Member of Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council, be accorded the title of Honorary Alderman of the Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council. The Mayor presented Mrs Flynn with a scroll marking of the award of the title. Mrs Flynn addressed the Council and thanked members for their award. Page 1 Public Document Pack COUNCIL MINUTES OF MEETING 27 th February 2014 PRESENT: The Mayor (Councillor Rush) (in the Chair); Councillors Farooq Ahmed, Iftikhar Ahmed, Shakil Ahmed, Shefali Ahmed, Daalat Ali, Sultan Ali, Beswick, Bethell, Cecile Biant, Surinder Biant, Boriss, Brett, Martin Burke, Philip Burke, Burns, Clegg, Danczuk, Darnbrough, Dearnley, Duckworth, Dutton, Neil Emmott, Susan Emmott, Farnell, James Gartside, Godson, Greenall, Hartley, Holly, Hornby, Hussain, Joinson, Kelly, Lambert, Linden, Martin, McCarthy, Mills, Mir, Mulgrew, Neilson, O’Neill, O’Rourke, Robinson, Hilary Rodgers, Sheerin, Stott, Sullivan, Wardle, Wazir, West, Williams, Winkler and Zaman. OFFICERS: J. Taylor (Chief Executive), L. Fisher (Deputy Chief Executive), P. Kane (Director of Finance), S. Downey (Director of Adult Care), M. Widdup (Director of Economy and Environment), W. Meston (Interim Director of Public Health), V. Crossland, J. Murphy and H. Zammit (Finance Service), E. Cunningham-Doyle, J. Hollamby, R. Miller, L. Settle, S. Walter-Browne and P. Thompson (Corporate Services) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE: Councillors Davison, Jane Gartside, Hobhouse, Murphy and Martin Rodgers. MAYOR'S ANNOUCEMENTS 63 The Mayor referred to the ongoing political situation in Ukraine and, on behalf of the Council, extended his best wishes to the people of Rochdale MBC’s twin town Lviv, in western Ukraine at this difficult time. The Mayor emphasised the longstanding close links between the peoples of the Rochdale Borough and Lviv and expressed support for the Ukrainian people’s quest for greater freedom and democracy. The Mayor also referred to the problems that persistent heavy rain and flooding has caused for people living in the Midlands, the South and the South West of England, adding that the Portfolio Holder for Strengthening Communities, Councillor Sultan Ali, had written a letter to local authorities that have been so adversely affected offering support on behalf of the Council. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 64 There were no declarations of interest. MINUTES 65 DECIDED – That the minutes of the meetings of the Council held on 22nd January 2014 be approved as correct records. PUBLIC QUESTIONS 66 There were no matters for consideration under this item. QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL 67 The Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holders responded to questions submitted by Councillors. Page 2 NON DOMESTIC RATES RELIEF POLICY AMENDMENTS 68 The Council considered a report of the Director of Finance that requested Members to consider amendments to the Non Domestic Rates: Discretionary Rate Relief Policy in accordance with the amended powers available to the Council under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988. The changes to the Policy had been determined by the Government as part of the national initiatives to stimulate economic growth by supporting small businesses and town centres and to offer incentives to the construction industry. No alternatives were therefore considered as the amendments to the policy would be administered by the Local Authority under Government direction. DECIDED – That (1) the Council notes and approves the amended discretionary rate relief policy attached at Appendix A of the submitted report; (2) the Council notes and approves the inclusion of Local Business
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