The Case for Impeachmet of- ichard Nixon., Part V Richard M. Nixon has com- such a way that we make major mitted an impeachable offense This article, sixth of a series, is reprinted fro&m the AFL-CIO impact on a basis which the net- by interfering with the constitu- News: the. official publication of the American Federation of Labor works, newspapers and Congress tionally guaranteed freedom of and Congress of Industrial Organizations, 815 Sixteenth Sttreet, will react to and begin to look at the press by means of wiretaps, NW,-. -W.ashington, DC. 20006. things somewhat differently. It T1I investigations and tireats is my opinion that we should be- d punitive action. requesting specific action relat- "It is my opinion this contin- gin concentrated efforts in a On Octeber 17, i9m, -former ing to what could be considered ual daily attempt to get to the number of major areas that will Yhite Rise aide Jeb Start unfair news coverage. In media or to anti-Administration have much more impact on the lagnir wt former FPtal- the short time that I have been spokesmen because of specific media and other anti-Adminis- enUtal Assat Ji. Halde- here, I would gather that there things they have said is very un- tration spokesmen and will do sian: have been at least double or fruitful and wasteful of our more good in the long run. The "I have enclosed from t-he log triple- this many requests made time. following is my suggestion as to approximately 21 requets from through- other parties to accom- "The real problem . is to how we can achieve this goal: the President in the last-3 days plish the same objective. get to this unfair coverage in (Continued on Pago 3) Vol. 17-No. 1 Jauary 4, 1974 November Ballot Issue? Calif. AFLCIO Eyes Drive For State :Health Care Act The California Labor Federa- CaorniaiF I ai plojetftflsUranceM Wwart - ilUBN AYALA-' tion called on all AFL-CIO af- "I don't need to tell you that acted first by New York State IIn filiates in the state this week to national health security legisla- the 1930's under the leadershi,ip indicate their interest in launch- tion is long overdue," Henning of George Meany and later Iin A1'ala Steps Up ing a campaign to place an in- noted in a letter sent to all Cali- corporated into national legislla- itiative measure on the Novemn fornia AFL -CIO unions and tion," Henning pointed out. ampaign for ber 1974 general election ballot councils Wednesday. Asserting that the State AF] that would enact a Consumer "But in light of the disruption CIO is currently "considerinj F'L Xey Senate Seat Health Protection Act covering of our national government by a campaign to put the HeallLb Ruben Ayala, who'has served all Californians. the Watergate scandal, the en- Care initiative on the 1974 baal- as a San Bernardino County Su- The initiative measure would ergy crisis, etc., I believe na- lot, Henning said: pervisor for seven years, in- be modeled after the Consumer tional health care will come "u we are to undertake thiis cluding four years as chairman, Health Protection Act of 1973 only after a major state such as challenage however, we tehed stepped up his campaign this (SB 770) introduced by Senator ours first enacts a state level firm commitments o'f suppor at week for the key State Senate George Moscone (D-San Fran- plan. the outset. To get the necessaxry seat at stake in the special elec- cisco), John F. Henning, execu- "Some of you may recall that 325,000 valid signatures of re.g- tion scheduled in San Bern- tive secretary-treasurer of the that's how we first got unem- htered voters we wi need to ardino County on January 15. collect more than 500,000 signa- Citing the fact that his Re- Labor IWC for Denying tures on petitions." publiqan opponent outspent him Raps Henning said there are Indi- by mike than a 2 to 1 margin in UFW a Voice on 'Wage Order cations that such a campaign the primary election December will be supported by all seg- 18, according to reports filed by he California AFL-CIO this int conditions standards for ments of organized labor as well the Secretary of State's office, weebk vigorously protested the farm workers. as by a number of other large, Ayala called on San Bernardino exc]lusion of any representative John F. Henning, executive concerned civic groups. County voters to support his of the United Farm Workers secretary-treasurer of the Call- campaign for "honesty and Uniion from the Consolidated fornia Labor Federation, AFL- "But time is short and we wil openness" in state government Walge Board appointed by the CIO, called attention to the fact have only until May 28 to col- and to demonstrate that "San Indiustrial Welfare Commission that the employee representa- lect the necessary signatures if Bernardino County is .not for to Irecommend hours and work- (Continued on Page 4) we launch the campaign," he sale." pointed out. Ayala, the California Labor A form accompanying the let- COPE-endorsed candidate, said:. ter was designed to determine INSTIUTE O INDSTRIAIL the degree of support AFL-CIO "If paid lobbyists cail the RELATIoNS tune on the critical Isues of our I .J 3 rOF EL L I LISRARY organizations throughout the I1DK tRA;AJ state are willing to dedicate to 4Ume, then the people en expect J:JItV OiF CALI JAN 7S(4 (Cotinued on Page 4) such a campaign. 25251 CIA'{5l:"l:l t Ll Q _.,,, A THE CALIFORNIA AFLsCIO's DIG EST OF BILLS The measures below introduced in the 1973-74 regular session of the California Legislature are classi- fied by the California Labor Federation as "Good," "Bad," or "Watch." An asterisk (*) indicates a bill sponsored by the California Labor Federation. Some bills will carry a cross (t) after the "Watch" desig- nation indicating that the Federation will defer to the wishes of affected affiliates on the ultimate classifi- cation of the bill. Such bills are printed in the digest to inform affiliates involved. No bill may be taken up until 30 days after the date of introduction indicated in the digest, except by a three-quarters vote. When the abbreviation (H.A.D.) appears in the digest following the author's name, it means that the measure has been held at the Speaker's desk in the House of origin and has not yet been assigned to a committee. SE'NATE BILLS SB 1477-Neiedly. (H. A. D.)-Directs the Governor to establish a and demand, and authorizes him to take various actions in connection state energy supply contingency plan within 90 days of the effective with conservation of energy, curtailment on the use of energy, and date of this act. Authorizes the Governor to proclaim a state of allocation of energy. energy supply emergency in an area affected or likely to be affected Effective only until July 1, 1975, and as of that date is repealed. thereby. Appropriates $750,000 to the Resources Agency for purposes of To take effect immediately, urgency statute. Dec. 5. carrying out the provisions of this act. Energy-Watch Provides that neither appropriation is made nor obligation created for the reimbursement of any local agency for any costs incurred by it SB 1478-Harmer (H. A. D.)-Declares specifically the existing authority pursuant to the act. of the hearing boards of air pollution control districts to grant vari- To take effect immediately, urgency statute. Dec. 5. Energy-Watch ances to petitioners who will, otherwise, be operating in violation of specific statutory provisions. SB 1483 - Dymally (H. A. D.) - Expresses legislative intent re dis- Provides that neither appropriation is made nor obligation created crimination by oil companies which own their gas stations in amount of for the reimbursement of any local agency for any costs incurred by oil or fuel they sell and supply to independent dealers. Expresses it pursuant to the act. legislative intent re preferential treatment by such oil companies to ::*To take effect immediately, urgency statute. Dec. i. other customers with whom they may have had longstandin'g contracts., State and Local Government-Watch Prohibits an oil producer who owns and operates service stations SB 1479-Alquist (H. A. D.) Enacts the State Energy Emergency Act, from allocating more oil or gas to its stations than it allocates to its and declares legislative findings in connection with energy shortages independent oil distributors. Dec. 6. Energy-Watch emergency in this state. Establishes a Policy Advisory Committee on Energy Resources to ad- ASSEMBLY. BILLS 4 vise, and make recommendations to, the Secretary of the Resources and AB 2684-Meade (P. & L.U.)-Authorizes the State Lands Commissiore Agency on designated matters relating to energy, as defined, to retain crude oil taken in kind by it pursuant to any lease, to make prescribes its membership and powers. and enter into contracts or agreements with private refiners t Vests in the secretary the authority and responsibility of the state's nature have such oil refined, and to allocate the products of such refining role in energy management, including the assessment of the to state agencies and to other public agencies if such action, in the and extent of the energy shortages and planning for energy supply judgment of the commission, is necessary to alleviate an emergency fuel shortage condition. To take effect immediately, urgency statute. Dec. 5, 1973. KEY TO SENATE ABBREVIATIONS State and Local Government-Watch Committee AB 2686-Berman (Crim.
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