PROGRA M SCHEDULES FOR MAy 12th - 18th Saps Teddp Snow Crop: "FOR TV SHO WS That Are TOP watch mp Matinee Theatre" 1:30 - 2:00 P. M. (New Time During Daylight Savings Months) TUESDAY and THURSDAY Great half-hour shows. Each a complete episode. Top actors, actresses and stories combine to assure you 30-minutes of thrilling entertainment twice a week. Get the "MATINEE THEATRE" habit—watch these TOP TV productions on WOC-TV. W OC-TV Channel 5 Davenport, Ia. A N EW YORK.—Dean Martin and Jer- Paul Whiteman, grand old showman N ry Lewis addicts are due for more who has successfully shots in the arm. The NBComics are challenged eternity, scheduled for a guest shot on the May has this advice for 6 Comedy Hour, to be followed by four staying "young": As more appearances before summer. you grow older, asso- Warblers Peggy Lee and Mel Torme ciate with younger will replace Perry Como. starting July people. In that way, 2, for 8 weeks via CBS-TV. ... Arthur you'll never be old, Godfrey fans will get a break when no matter what your Arturo goes on summer vacation in years." . ABC-TV early July. Homespun comedian Herb has slated a series of great public ser- Shriner takes over on "Talent Scouts" vice features for summer TV fans: for eight weeks. Eddie Cantor will "Industries For America" highlights receive an honorary degree of "Doctor U.S. industrial might; "America In of Humane Letters" from Temple uni- View" treats scenic beauties; "Democ- versity at commencement exercises racy's Might" covers American military- June 14. preparedness, "America's Health" wilt review national welfare and "Scouting Femme comic Jean Carroll is set for In Action" will salute the U.S. Boy her own CBS variety show this sum- Scout movement. Alan Young will mer, after weeks as guestar. Frank make several Hollywood flickers. Sinatra may leave CBS for NBC this "Celebrity Time" didn't miss a beat fall, as a member of the "Comedy when Martha Wright started subbing Hour" rotation policy. Barry Gray, for infanticipating Kyle MacDonnell. young emcee of "Winner Take All," Martha's first break came as a sub for defines a skeleton as "a pile of bones Mr.ry Martin in the legit "South Paci- with all the people scraped off." He fic". Patsy Lee and Johnny Des- probably got his idea from a mirror. mond of Don McNeill's TV Club may Capsule review of Martha Rountree, soon surprise with some dance routines. the gal who emcees "Meet The Press"— They've been in secret practice. a young woman with very little talent Arthur Godfrey calls himself the and exceedingly modest about it. Ap- Frankie LaMe of World War I. parently related to someone, but how? Tony Martin, the idol of over-age . Kay Ballard, who enlivens the bobby-soxers seems destined to fill the Henry Morgan Show, has a hobby of public demand for a song 'n dance man sketching, lithographing and etching.. similar to the late George M. Cohan. TELE-VIEWS Vol. I—No. 19 -:- Week of May 12, 1951 -:-Enjoy TV Better Published weekly by Tote-Views News Co. -:- Copyright, 1931 -:- Box 350 -:- Rock Island, nt. Publisher Production Manager Executive Office: 1029 W. 2nd St. EDWARD E. JANOV HARRY WEHMAN Davenport, Iowa Editor Advertising Manager Advertising Rates Furnished HERBERT WEINBERG EARLE EDWARDS Upon Request Member of TV Forecast News Associate Editor Circulation Manager Service, National Television KENNETH Dail = AL ANDICH Program Publications SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 1 Year $5.00 2 Years $8.00 15e per copy Application for Entry as Second Class Matter is Pending -1116Pto Printed by Tr-City Review Publishing Co., 311 - 21st St., Rock Island, 111. [ 3 1 5 SATURDAY NIGHT REVUE— Variety-comedy show starring Jack Saturday Carter. 7:00 4 FRANK SINATRA SHO W — M AY 12th Variety musical. WIHBF-TV —Ch. 4 W OC-TV —'71h. 5 (Procrame Subject to Change) 5 SHO W OF SHO WS— Stars Sid Caesar and Imogene 9:00 4 THEATRE OF ROMANCE— &Dec, Hamilton Dancers, Billy Faith Baldwin S;c:i,:s 1:arnatized. Williams Quartet. 9:30 4 GRAND CHANCE ROUND-UP- 10:00 4 BIG TOP— 7:30 4 THE SHO W GOES ON - 6 A regular three-ring circus with Jack Sterling as ringmaster. 8:00 4 FAYE EMERSON— 11:00 4 TWO GIRLS NAMED SMITH - Interviews with people you know. 11:30 4 I COVER TIMES SQUARE — Johnny Warren, played by Harold 8:15 4 STORK CLUB— Huber, will help anybody out for Stars Virginia Paine, Sherman Billingsley and guests. the story. 12:00 4 WESTERN FILM — 8:30 4 LONE RANGER - Kid Ambushed." 5 YOUR HIT PARADE— 1:30 5 HORSE RACING — Snooky Lamson, Eileen Wilson and Follow the bia races from the Dorothy Collins, vocalists; the Hit tracks on the East coast. Paraders and Raymond Scott's or- 2:30 5 FILM SUBJECT- chestra. 3:00 5 MR. WIZARD — Program devoted to better health 9:00 4 WRESTLING — and living. Don Herbert is Mr. From Marigold Gardens, Chicago. Wizard. He will try to create a miniature atom explosion. 5 PUBLIC PROSECUTOR — 3:30 4 FIRST AID— John Howard has starring role. This is a local program. 5 THE NATURE OF THINGS— 9:20 5 SHEILA GRAHA M — Dr. Roy K. Marshall discusses Interviews stars of Hollywood. a scientific subject. 3:45 5 ON THE LINE— 9:35 5 MYSTERY PLAYHOUSE - With Bob Considine—News report and interviews. 4:00 4 LIFE BEGINS AT 80- 5 WESTERN PLAYHOUSE- 4:30 4 FLYING TIGERS- 5:00 4 SAM LEVENSON SHO W — - SEE — Comedy monologues concerning the bringing up of a family. 5 VICTOR SORGE SHO W - 5:30 4 ON TRIAL- PUBLIC 5 ONE MAN'S FAMILY — This domestic drama stars Bert Lytell and Marjorie Gateson. PROSECUTOR 6:00 4 KEN MURRAY SHO W — Show will originate from Philadel- SATURDAY at 9:00 P.M. phia at the annual convention of the International Variety Clubs. Sponsored by Your Tribute will be paid to Ken Mur- ray for his role in revitalizing vaudeville. Among guests are Vice President Barkley and Sen. Estes Kefauver. Motorola TV Musical theme presented by Darla Hood, the Enchanters and Murray DEALERS Dancers. As always there will be the Glcmiourlovelies. 1 4 4:30 4 TED MACK FAMILY HOUR — Amat ,ur talent vie for recognition Sunday on this program. 5:00 4 PAUL WHITEMAN SHO W - M AY 13th W H BF-TV —Ch. 4 W OC-TV —Ch. 5 5 WEEK'S NEWS IN REVIE W - (Programs Subject to Change) 5:15 5 INDUSTRY ON PARADE - 11:30 5 AMERICAN FORUM OF THE AIR 5:30 4 THIS IS SHO W BUSINESS— Theodore Granik is moderator of Panelists interview variety talent. this discussion program. Subject: Clifton Fadiman is emcee. Guests "The Basic Issue of Our Foreign include Wendy Barrie, comedian Policy." W. A. Harriman, roving a Garry Norton and Met tenor, Rich- U.S. Ambasador and Sen. Styles ard Tucker. Bridges (R., N.H.) 12:00 5 W ATCH THE WORLD - 5 THE ALDRICH FAMILY — 12:15 4 INS DAILY NEWS- Henry plans a surprise for his mother on Mother's Day. 12:30 4 FEATURE FILM — "Regular Fellers." 6:00 4 FORD THEATRE — 5 TV FORUM— "Dead on the Vine" with Margaret "Apathy in Civil Defense." Fred Phillips, John Alexander and Wil- Schwengel, Iowa state representa- liam Prince. tive; Clem Werner, Scott county defense director; Carl Stoelting, 5 COMEDY THEATRE — Quad-City director; Sam Rose, Beatrice Lillie stars. Her guests deputy defense director. Rev. are Victor Borge, singer Dick Neil Danberg, moderator. Haymes, Wally Cox and Lang & Gallagher. 1:00 5 FILM SUBJECT- 1:15 5 DREA M HOME DIRECTORY - 7:00 4 FRED WARING SHO W — 1:30 4 PARADE OF HOMES— Hoosier humorist Herb Shriner is Local real estate men display their guest. Musical numbers include wares in an attempt to interest "Sound Off," "May The Good Lord home-buyers in sales. Bless & Keep You," "The Circus" 5 MRS ROOSEVELT MEETS THE and "Give a Cheer to the Navy." PUBLIC—. 5 TELEVISION PLAYHOUSE- French Foreign Minister Robert - Ile Visitor" with Sylvia Field Schumann and Jean Monet, French and Don Murray. A psycopathic director of Plans discuss the drama of a couple's search for the "Schumann Plan" with Mrs. FDR. wife's missing son. 2:00 4 SPACE PATROL— Commander Buzz Corry and Cadet 8:00 4 CELEBRITY TIME — Happy in an adventure in space. Conrad Nagel conducts quiz with 5 MEET THE PRESS— regular panelist Herman Hickman Sen. Paul Douglas (D., Ill.) faces and his new partner Mary Mc- the questions of the press. Carty, comedienne-singer, who re- 2:30 4 YOUR PET PARADE — places Martha Wright. Guests are Betty Furness and Paul Kelly. Children and their pets on review. 5 ZOO PARADE — 5 GARRO WAY AT LARGE— Marlin Perkins, director -f Chica- hi,isic,i1 variety with Dave's gang_ go's Lincoln Park Zoo, introduces 8:30 4 W HAT'S MY LINE?— you to some more of his guests. Panelists are Arlene Francis, Dor- 3:00 4 SUPER CIRCUS— o!hy Kilgallen and Hal Block, Clown Cliff Soubie: and Mary Hartline's band assist some great 5 MARCH OF TIME- circus acts for your enjoyment. 9:00 4 WEEKLY NEWSREEL— 5 GABBY HAYES SHO W — 5 WEEKLY NEWSREEL— Dramatization of the John L. Sulli- van-Jake Kilrain fight. 9:15 5 MOVIE THEATRE — 3:30 5 MAGIC SLATE— "Song of the Open Road" with Story of "David and Goliath." Charlie McCarthy, Edgar Bergen, W.
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