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Since 1929, architects have specifi ed Texas antiquity. We even integrated carved limestone menorrahs from the Quarries’ distinctive limestone for prominent projects original building seamlessly into the new design. The layout was inspired by Solomon’s Temple. Gated entries lead you from street to around the world. Cordova Cream, Cordova Shell, and courtyard to the sequence of spaces inside, which progressively become Lueders varieties blend beautifully today with limestone more sacred. Each enclosure opens onto a courtyard and is scaled an Acme Brick company taken from our quarries decades ago. You can trust Texas to create a sense of ancient Jerusalem. Despite these allusions, this is Please call or visit us on the internet: clearly a modern structure, one particularly well-suited to the timeless www.texasquarries.com Quarries for natural materials that defi ne our past and and comforting qualities of Texas Quarries limestone.” 512-258-1474 800-792-1234 ensure a beautiful future for today’s fi nest buildings. — David Stanford, AIA, Hahnfeld Hoffer Stanford, Fort Worth [email protected] Circle 16 on the reader service card or visit booths 607 and 609 in Fort Worth Acme_Temples 1 8/6/03, 3:42:34 PM TexasArchitect S EPT EMBER/OCT OBER 2003 2003 TSA Design Awards Overview of this year’s competition by Donna Kacmar, AIA 26 Watercourse House by a Pond, Dallas Max Levy Architect 28 Conventional Wisdom Austin Convention Center Expansion, Austin Page Southerland Page 32 Ancestral Archive Marcos B. Armijo Library Addition, El Paso Alvidrez Architecture 36 Jewel Box for Bargains Retail Protoype: Goodwill, Austin Team Haas Architects 40 Speculative Success Round Valley Texas Office Building and Garage, Bellaire Architect Works Inc. 44 Modernist Treasure Sunlit House, Dallas Max Levy Architect 48 Urban/Suburban Hybrid Twin Peaks, Austin M.J. Neal Architects 52 2003 TSA DESIGN AWARDS 05 EDITOR’S NOTE 12 NEWS UPCOMING ISSUES 20 EULOGY Doug Michels (1943-2003) We invite submissions of project and story ideas for upcoming issues of Texas Architect. 21 EXHIBIT Seminal Assemblies If you have ideas for “News” call us at (512) 478-7386, fax to (512) 478-0528, 60 SPECIAL SECTION Amon Carter Museum Expansion or e-mail [email protected]. cover image by Charles Davis Smith, AIA 74 EXPO REVIEW 64th Annual TSA Design Products & Ideas Exposition 92 BACKPAGE TEXAS ARCHITECT 3 TTexasArchitectexasArchitect SSeptember/Octobereptember/October 2003 Volume 53,53, NumberNumber 55 Texas Architect (ISSN:(ISSN: 0040-4179)0040-4179) isis publishedpublished sevenseven timestimes perper yearyear (bimonthly(bimonthly andand inin April)April) byby thethe TexasTexas SocietySociety ofof ArchitectsArchitects (TSA),(TSA), 816816 CongressCongress Ave.,Ave., SuiteSuite 970,970, Austin,Austin, TexasTexas 78701,78701, www.texasarchitect.org. TSA is the officialoffi cial Texas state or ganizationganization ofof thethe AmericanAmerican InstituteInstitute ofof ArchitectsArchitects (AIA).(AIA). CopyrightCopyright 20032003 byby thethe Texas Society of Architects. SStephentephen SSharpeharpe EDITOREDITOR [email protected]@texasarchitect.org AAdamdam Fortner ARTA R T DIRECTORDI RECTOR Circle 56 on the reader service card [email protected]@texasarchitect.org CONTRIBUTINGCONTRIBUTING EDITORSEDITORS Lawrence Connolly, AIA, Austin; Stephen Fox, Houston; Nestor InfanInfan-- zón,zón, AIA,AIA, DDallas;allas; MaxMax Levy,Levy, AIA,AIA, DDallas;allas; GeraldGerald Moorhead,Moorhead, FAIA,FAIA, Houston; EEdd Soltero, AIA, EEll Paso; Frank Welch, FAIA, DDallas;allas; Willis Winters, AIA, DDallas;allas; DDavidavid Woodcock, FAIA, RRIBA,IBA, College Station JudeyJudey DDozetoDozetoozeto ASSOCIATEASSO CIATE PUBLISHERPUBLISHER [email protected]@texasarchitect.org CCarolynarolyn BBakeraker ADVERTISINGADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVER E P RES E NTATIV E 512/249-7012512/249-7012 Nico DD’Auterive’Auterive LaurenLauren TTischlerischler INTINTERNSINTERNSERNS DDavidavid Lancaster, HHon.on. AIA EXECUTIVEE XEC U TIVE VICEVICE PRESIDENTPRESIDENT Circle 22 on the reader service card EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT TSA PUBLICATIONSPUBLICATIONS COMMITTEECOMMITTEE Thomas Hayne UUpchurch,pchurch, AIA, Brenham (chair); J. Tom Ashley, III, FAIA, McAllen; EElizabethlizabeth DDanze,anze, AIA, Austin; DDuncanuncan Fulton, FAIA, DDallas;allas; VValal Glitsch, FAIA, Houston; Julius Gribou, AIA, San Antonio; JustinJustin Howard,Howard, Assoc.Assoc. AIA,AIA, Beaumont;Beaumont; MichaelMichael Imber,Imber, AIA,AIA, SanSan Antonio; EEdd McCormick, AIA, EEll Paso; Melinda Koester Poss, AIA, DDallas;allas; Bill RReeves,eeves, AIA, San Antonio; DDavidavid RRichter,ichter, FAIA, Corpus Christi; W. DDeanean RRowell,owell, Assoc. AIA, Longview; Andrew VVernooy,ernooy, AIA, Lubbock; Mark Wellen, AIA, Midland TSA OFFICERSOFFICERS JohnJohn Nyfeler,Nyfeler, FAIA,FAIA, Austin,Austin, President;President; JeffJeff Potter,Potter, AIA,AIA, Longview,Longview, President-President-Elect;Elect; EElizabethlizabeth Chu RRichter,ichter, AIA, Corpus Christi, VViceice President; Marcel Quimby, FAIA, DDallas,allas, VViceice President; Bill RReeves,eeves, AIA, San Antonio, VViceice President; Mike Wells, AIA, DDallas,allas, VViceice President; RRayay Leiker, AIA, Houston, Secretary; James Nader, AIA, Fort Worth, Treasurer; DDavidavid Watkins, FAIA, Houston, AIA Senior DDirectorirector TSA BOARDBOARD OF DIRECTORSDIRECTORS BY CHAPTERCHAPTER William Gollihar, AIA, Abilene Chapter; Garrett Pendergraft, AIA, AmaAma-- rillorillo Chapter;Chapter; WilliamWilliam Massingill,Massingill, AIA,AIA, AustinAustin Chapter;Chapter; KayKay Henryson,Henryson, AIA, Brazos Chapter; William Holland, AIA, Corpus Christi Chapter; RRobertobert Meckfessel, AIA,, DDallasDallasallas Chapter;Chapter; EEdwardEdwarddward EE.E.. McCormick,McCormick, AIA,AIA, EEll Paso Chapter; Barry Lemons, AIA, Fort Worth Chapter; Kurt Hull, AIA, Houston Chapter; RRolandoolando Garcia, AIA, Lower RRioio Grande VValleyalley Chapter; Mary Crites, AIA, Lubbock Chapter; Phillip Thacker, AIA, Northeast Texas Chapter; DDianaiana Bravo Gonzalez, AIA, San Antonio Chapter; Greg Wall, AIA, Southeast Texas Chapter; DDonaldonald RRose,ose, AIA, Waco Chapter; RRalphalph Perkins, AIA, Wichita Falls Chapter; Tommy Cowan, AIA, Austin, AIA RRegionalegional DDirector;irector; Joseph Mashburn, AIA, Houston, EEducatorducator Member; EElainelaine Petrus, Hon. TSA, Public Member; Monique Lee, Assoc. AIA, RRegionalegional Associate DDirector;irector; Andy Mata, Assoc. AIA, Intern/Associate Member DDirectorirector Periodicals Postage Paid at Austin, TTX,X, and additional mailing offices.offices. POPOSTMASTER:STMASTER: Send address changes to Texas ArchiArchi-- tecttect,, 816816 CongressCongress Ave.,Ave., SuiteSuite 970,970, Austin,Austin, TexasTexas 78701-2443.78701-2443. Phone: (512) 478-7386. Printed in the UU.S.A..S.A. Subscription price is $20 per year for TSA members, $25 for nonmemnonmem-- bers with ad dresses in the continental UU.S..S. RReproductioneproduction of editorial contentcontent withoutwithout writtenwritten permissionpermission isis propro hibited. hibited. UUsese ofof namesnames andand imagesimages ofof productsproducts andand servicesservices inin eithereither editorialeditorial oror advertisingadvertising doesdoes notnot constituteconstitute anan endorsementendorsement byby TSATSA oror AIA,AIA, nornor doesdoes commentcomment necessarilynecessarily reflectreflrefl ectect anan officialoffioffi cialcial opinionopinion ofof eithereither organization.organization. TA isis indexedindexed byby thethe AveryAvery IndexIndex ofof ArchitecturalArchitectural Periodicals,Periodicals, availableavailable inin majormajor libraries.libraries. Circle 59 on the reader service card or visit booth 405 in Fort Worth 4 TEXASTEXAS ARCHITECTARCHITECT 9/109/10 20032003 09.10.03 004-025 4 8/15/03, 10:32:05 AM EDITOR’S NOTE Preferring new ideas over faux historicism, this year’s Design Awards jury sought clues to the direction architecture is headed. From left, Mike McCall, AIA, Maryann Thompson, AIA, and Dan Rockhill; photo by Patrick Wong. STEPHEN SHARPE 9/10 2003 TEXAS ARCHITECT 5 6 TEXAS ARCHITECT 9/10 2003 Circle 89 on the reader service card Data Proj_ad 1 8/6/03, 3:25:38 PM 9/10 2003 TEXAS ARCHITECT 7 Circle 120 on the reader service card or visit booth 211 in Fort Worth 03 Verona Marble 1 8/12/03, 10:52:56 AM NOVEMBER/DECEMBERNOVEMBER/DECEMBER 20032003 CircleCircle 4949 onon thethe
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