October 11, 1998 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 25623 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING SOLVAY POLYMERS, company, annually produces 1.7 billion time, they did not have the capacity to handle INC., AND SOLVAY INTEROX, INC. pounds of high-density polyethylene and near­ large events. ly 800 million pounds of polypropylene at this Frank Campbell also understood the need HON. KEN BENTSEN site. This combined production level makes of families to have time to grieve for their OF TEXAS the site one of the world's largest plastic pro­ loved ones. By transferring the burden of plan­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES duction facilities. ning a funeral from the families to a funeral These plastics are used to make many Friday, October 9, 1998 home, Campbell eased the time of mourning. products essential to everyday life. For exam­ Frank Campbell's funeral home combines a Mr. BENTSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to con­ ple, high-density polyethylene is used to man­ peaceful and serene atmosphere with an at­ gratulate Solvay Polymers, Inc., and Solvay ufacture milk bottles, gas tanks, children's play tentive and courteous staff. Over the past one lnterox, Inc., Battleground Road Plant Site, toys, plastic bags, and liners. Polypropylene hundred years, the Frank E. Campbell Burial upon their selection by the La Porte/Bayshore products include food containers for products and Cremation Company has served families Chamber of Commerce as the 1998 Industry such as ketchup and syrup, carpet backing, from every strata of society including royalty of of the Year. Solvay's commitment to building and children's products such as car seats and many nations and members of the arts and a better future for the La Porte/Bayshore com­ high chairs. The site's new polypropylene gas­ entertainment world. Frank Campbell's makes munity has made it an example all industry phase line makes a special impact resistant a concerted effort to honor the individual in the can follow. polymer used to make automobile bumper fas­ style in which he or she lived. Solvay Polymers and Solvay Interox are cias and other car parts. · Over the past century, Frank E. Campbell subsidiaries of Solvay America, Inc., a holding The second company, Solvay lnterox, pro­ has become a landmark on the Upper East company for the Solvay Group, a multinational duces more than 100 million pounds of hydro­ Side of Manhattan. group of chemical and pharmaceutical compa­ gen peroxide each year. This product is used Mr. Speaker, I am honored to bring to your nies headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, with in the pulp and paper industry as a wood pulp attention the Frank E. Campbell Burial and operations in more than 40 countries. Some bleach and also has many environmental ap­ Cremation Company as it celebrates 100 600 employees and approximately 500 con­ plications such as wastewater treatment and years of serving New Yorkers in their times of tractors work at the two companies' Battle­ cleanup of contaminated soil. The company's grief. ground Road plant. Located on 274 acres, the high purity hydrogen peroxide is used as a plant in more than four decades has grown cleaning and etching agent in the semicon­ from a one-product site into the two busi­ ductor industry. The site also produces RAILROAD ECONOMIC REGULATION nesses that manufacture a wide range of persalts (percarbonates and perborates), products. which are used as color-safe brightener/de- HON. SPENCER BACHUS In addition to being an integral part of the odorizers for fabric detergents. · OF ALABAMA area economy, the two companies also con­ Mr. Speaker, I congratulate Solvay Poly­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tribute greatly to the community. Their employ­ mers, Inc., and Solvay lnterox, Inc., on being Friday, October 9, 1998 ees participate in such organizations as La named the La Porte/Bayshore Chamber of Porte's Local Emergency Planning Council, Commerce 1998 Industry of the Year. This Mr. BACHUS. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Alfred E. Citizens' Advisory Council, La Porte Education honor is well deserved for their work in ex­ Kahn, the noted economist and "father of de­ Foundation, La Porte/Bayshore Chamber of panding business and job opportunities, pro­ regulation," has rightly earned our gratitude for Commerce, and Boys and Girls Harbor. The ducing products vital to our everyday lives, his work over the years. With all due respect, employees contribute almost 5,000 volunteer their commitment to environmental protection however, Dr. Kahn is doing himself and his hours annually to surrounding communities. and worker safety, and their many contribu­ many admirers a disservice in his continued The company's stated goal is for La Porte citi­ tions to the community. calls for increased economic regulation of the zens to feel that the community is a better freight railroad industry in this country. place because of their neighbors, Solvay Poly­ Dr. Kahn testified on April 22, 1998, before mers and Solvay lnterox. IN HONOR OF THE lOOTH ANNIVER­ the Subcommittee on Railroads of the Com­ Dedication to worker safety and environ­ SARY OF THE FRANK E. CAMP­ mittee on Transportation and Infrastructure. At mental performance has also been a hallmark BELL BURIAL AND CREMATION that hearing, he testified at length on his per­ of the two companies. Their employees ac­ COMPANY ception of anti-competitive conduct by the rail tively participate in the Chemical Manufactur­ industry and his suggestions on steps that ers Association's Responsible Care program, HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY should be taken to alleviate such conduct. Dr. which promotes continuous improvement of OF NEW YORK Kahn has repeated his viewpoints at other health, safety, and environmental perform­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES times and in other venues in recent months, ance. Through a pollution prevention and including testimony to the Surface Transpor­ waste minimization program, the plant reduced Friday, October 9, 1998 tation Board. Most recently, an interview with emissions of government reportable waste Mrs. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, Dr. Kahn was the basis for an article in the compounds by 50 percent between 1987 and I rise today to pay tribute to the Frank E. October 5, 1998 issue of Traffic World. In that 1996. The site holds a charter membership in Campbell Burial and Cremation Company on interview, Dr. Kahn continues to advocate mis­ Clean Texas 2000, and employees are dedi­ the occasion of its centennial anniversary. On guided railroad reregulation .. cated to demonstrating a high level of commit­ Wednesday, October 21, Cardinal John At the April 22, 1998 hearing at which I was ment to the continued safe operations of the O'Connor will be a special guest at Frank E. present and engaged in considerable dis­ plant, along with the safety of the surrounding Campbell's 1OOth anniversary celebration. course with proponents of reregulation, Dr. community. In 1898, when Frank E. Campbell first Kahn was challenged by a number of experts The Battleground Road plant has a signifi­ opened the doors ol his funeral home, he rev­ in railroad economics and finance. In my opin­ cant history. Solvay's predecessor at the site, olutionized the way people thought about fu­ ion, his pronouncements were inconsistent Celanese Corporation, started plastic produc­ neral service. In the late nineteenth century, with operating and marketplace realities. I re­ tion at the plant in 1957, making it one of the most funerals were conducted in private spectfully submit he likewise errs on a number first sites to produce high-density poly­ homes. But since a majority of New York City of points in the recent Traffic World article, in­ ethylene. Today, Solvay Polymers, the plastics residents were living in apartments by this cluding the following: e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 25624 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 11, 1998 Dr. Kahn's basic premise is that service by disguised regulation that has failed in the past Lodge, and for the people of Indiana's First a single railroad is equivalent to monopoliza­ and would fail again. Congressional District. Not only has he main­ tion and that competition does not now exist tained a lifelong membership with Lodge #27, for shippers. To the contrary, railroads face in­ Dr. Lenzo has been a lifelong leader of the tense competition from other railroads, from A TRIBUTE TO THE LATE MAYOR, Lodge. He is currently the financial secretary other modes such as trucks and barges, and ANTHONY E. O'BLOCK and the editor of the Lodge newspaper. As from other sources for the vast majority of Walter Lippman said, "The final test of a lead­ their traffic. Shippers of all types, including HON. RON KUNK er is that he leaves behind him in other men those which ,are served by only one railroad, OF PENNSYLVANIA the conviction and the will to carry on." Dr. almost always have ways to obtain competi­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lenzo's efforts in the community, in addition to tive transportation. And because of this com­ his nationwide efforts for peace, have certainly Friday, October 9, 1998 petition, rail customers exert meaningful power inaugurated an enduring legacy. For many in negotiating railroad r~tes and services. Mr. KLINK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to years, he has worked to have the United Na­ In those relatively few cases wherein ship­ honor the memory of Anthony O'Biock, the tions designate a "Weekend of Prayer, Medi­ pers do not have effective transportation op­ distinguished and memorable first Mayor of tation, and Thought on the Futility of War and tions, existing maximum rate regulation pro­ Plum Borough.
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