Tripwire Console Orchestrator 5.0.0 - Third Party Libraries Name Selected License antlr 2.7.7 (ANTLR 2 Public Domain License) ANTLR Software Rights Notice commons-discovery 0.2 (Apache 1.1) Apache License 1.1 jdom2 2.0.6 (JDOM License) Apache License 1.1 XmlBeans 2.6.0 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 atmosphere-runtime 2.4.24.vaadin1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 axis 1.4 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 axis-jaxrpc 1.4 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 axis-saaj 1.4 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 buttongroup 2.3 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 classmate 1.3.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-beanutils 1.9.3 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-codec 1.11 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-collections 3.2.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-collections4 4.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-io 2.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-lang3 3.7 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-logging 1.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 commons-text 1.4 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 gentyref 1.2.0.vaadin1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 guava 25.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 gwt-elemental 2.8.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 gwt-user 2.8.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpasyncclient 4.1.3 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpclient 4.5.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpcore 4.4.10 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpcore-nio 4.4.10 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 httpmime 4.5.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-annotations 2.9.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-core 2.9.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jackson-databind 2.9.6 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jandex 2.0.3 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jansi 1.17.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jasypt 1.9.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 Tripwire Console Orchestrator 5.0.0 1 License Agreements Name Selected License javassist 3.20.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jboss-logging 3.3.0 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-annotations 9.2.14 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-continuation 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-http 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-io 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-jndi 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-plus 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-security 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-server 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-servlet 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-servlets 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-util 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-webapp 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jetty-xml 9.2.14 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 jpacontainer 4.0.0 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 jsinterop-annotations 1.0.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 maven-artifact 3.5.4 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 opencsv 4.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 plexus-utils 3.1.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 poi 3.17 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 poi-ooxml 3.17 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 poi-ooxml-schemas 3.17 (Apache v2.0) Apache License 2.0 shiro-core 1.3.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 shiro-web 1.3.2 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 sqlite-jdbc 3.19.3 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 stax-api 1.0.1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 switch 3.0.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 tika-core 1.17 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-client 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-client-compiled 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-compatibility-client 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-compatibility-client-compiled 8.4.5 (Apache- Apache License 2.0 2.0) vaadin-compatibility-server 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-compatibility-shared 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-compatibility-themes 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-icons 3.0.1 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 Tripwire Console Orchestrator 5.0.0 2 License Agreements Name Selected License vaadin-push 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-sass-compiler 0.9.13 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-server 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-shared 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vaadin-themes 8.4.5 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 validation-api 1.0.0 (Apache-2.0) Apache License 2.0 vt-password 3.1.2 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 wizards-for-vaadin 2.0.1 (Apache 2.0) Apache License 2.0 jaxen 1.1.6 (BSD-3) BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License jetty-schemas 3.1.M0 (CDDL 1.0) Common Development and Distribution License jsr311-api 1.1.1 (CDDL 1.0) Common Development and Distribution License javax.mail 1.5.6 (CDDL) Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 jboss-transaction-api_1.2_spec 1.0.1 (CDDL-1.1) Common Development and Distribution License 1.1 axis-wsdl4j 1.5.1 (CPL 1.0) Common Public License wsdl4j 1.6.2 (CPL 1.0) Common Public License Partial code based on stack_overflow Creative Commons Attribution Share NamespaceFilter.java 2010.01 (CC-by-SA 3.0) Alike 3.0 c3p0 (EPL v1.0) Eclipse Public License 1.0 hibernate-jpa-2.1-api 1.0.0 (EPL-1.0) Eclipse Public License 1.0 logback-classic 1.2.3 (EPL-1.0) Eclipse Public License 1.0 Tripwire Console Orchestrator 5.0.0 3 License Agreements Name Selected License logback-core 1.2.3 (EPL-1.0) Eclipse Public License 1.0 mchange-commons-java 0.2.11 (EPL v1.0) Eclipse Public License 1.0 mysql-connector-java 8.0.11 (GPL 2.0) GNU General Public License v2.0 hibernate-commons-annotations 5.0.1 (LGPL-2.1) GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 unboundid-ldapsdk 2.3.7 (LGPL-2.1) GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 redstone 1.1.1 (LGPL-2.1) GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 or later hibernate-c3p0 5.2.10.Final (LGPL v2.1) GNU Library/Lesser General Public License hibernate-core 5.2.10.Final (LGPL v2.1) GNU Library/Lesser General Public License bc-fips 3.0.0 (Legion Of The Bouncy Castle License) Legion Of The Bouncy Castle License bcpkix-jdk15on 1.53 (Legion Of The Bouncy Castle Legion Of The Bouncy Castle License License) jcl-over-slf4j 1.7.25 (MIT) MIT License (also X11) jsoup 1.11.2 (MIT) MIT License (also X11) jsoup 1.11.3 (MIT) MIT License (also X11) slf4j-api 1.7.25 (MIT) MIT License (also X11) slf4j-simple 1.7.5 (MIT) MIT License (also X11) vaadin-slf4j-jdk14 1.6.1 (MIT) MIT License (also X11) unirest-java 2.2.04 (MIT) MIT-Style License Tripwire Console Orchestrator 5.0.0 4 License Agreements Name Selected License vaadin-chartjs 1.2.0 (MIT) MIT-Style License base64 2.3.9 (Public Domain) Public Domain sqlite-dialect 0.1.0 (Public Domain) Public Domain json 20180130 (The JSON License) The JSON License flute 1.3.0.gg2 (W3C Software Copyright Notice and W3C Software Notice and License License) (1998-07-20) sac 1.3 (W3C License) W3C Software Notice and License (1998-07-20) dom4j 1.6.1 (DOM4J License) dom4j License Tripwire Console Orchestrator 5.0.0 - Third-Party Notices [antlr 2.7.7 (ANTLR 2 Public Domain License)] Copyright Statements ANTLR 1989-2006 Developed by Terence Parr Partially supported by University of San Francisco & jGuru.com License Text (http://spdx.org/licenses/ANTLR-PD) ANTLR SOFTWARE RIGHTS ANTLR 1989-2006 Developed by Terence Parr Partially supported by University of San Francisco & jGuru.com We reserve no legal rights to the ANTLR--it is fully in the public domain. An individual or company may do whatever they wish with source code distributed with ANTLR or the code generated by ANTLR, including the incorporation of ANTLR, or its output, into commerical software. We encourage users to develop software with ANTLR. However, we do ask that credit is given to us for developing ANTLR. By "credit", we mean that if you use ANTLR or incorporate any source code into one of your programs (commercial product, research project, or otherwise) that you acknowledge this fact somewhere in the documentation, research report, etc... If you like ANTLR and have developed a nice tool with the output, please mention that you developed it using ANTLR.
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