X -- /• t / \ ■ X MOICDAY, APRUiT, 19B2 AVtiiitT lilirN el PirwiTlnii - .-^.. For tiM WiMk BMhig 3iattirt«stw~EBrains Hifralfi Aptil 1, the UN itself. The pilgrimage wss Naw York’a larga department Guay Tells lO O F sponsored by , the various units of stores.;. 10,494 About Town Willing, lo Serve Odd FidMwarIn CoiMisctlcwt"-:^X: -F ou ow u ir-t^ Twfrssh-' -MaoslMb « t the A M li ............ I II. .................. I ' '"" O f U N Pilgrim age The loCsl representative gave a- .nenta were swYsd and a setback ftOWING Burcan of OInalaHoas detailed account of the work of the jJairty was enjoyed by members of Mnnchetler-^Adly of Village Charm ' I Th» Touni: Ladle* Friendship United Nations and on the pre- th r lodge. First , prize waa won a n d - - - - '*■ ^ . ------------------ \cJub of St. John'* Church will amle.to the constitution. In hla by whIUr. Walsh with the booby JPtneet tonight at 7 . Mi»» Ait^ . Albert Quay, representative of PRICE nv£ C. 180 king Davl<C,Lodge No. 3i, lOOF, opinion the United NsllohS 1*1^ the prise "goktg .to darenca Aiptn- VOL. LXXI, NO. 161 ' (CUMSltlad. Adverttslng on Page 18) MANCHESTER, Co n n .. TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1952 (IPGHTEEN.PAGBS) X.JtoineV* Olbert and Mr*. Helen on the United Nations Rllgriraage, one solution to the problem of wall. , HARROWING ^ f^ a c h WM he the hoeteeeee. Informed the msmbsrs of the world peace. i' . ............. ...■L.-iL lodge at their meeting Friday ■ In the rest of his talk, the high A t ^w t o Su n ^ r a s b "'” ''' ■ ±. x X :p a p <* friend* and nel_ night that the most Impressive school junior gave the highlights .bore hohMed. M tw , M.^ry. M»rk», thing about the pilgrimage -wras of sightseeing trlps;:.mad* by-th* — -Pfc. David H:-'«t!rlor, ;*oh-'Of HBOTLER with a i^ r la e houaewarmlng the way the ' student assembly delegates during their five day Mrs. Margaret Taylor erf. 78 PleaS' party Saturday night at her nejy worked together harmoniously stay in New York. Theas Included ant atreet. Is presently trldning as Td. 2*9S43 home at 107 drive. She wa* snd Without friction, even though trips to the Hayden Planetarium. an, Air Force technician m. the o r 3914 pfeaented with a bridge table, and the students represented more na­ Statue of Liberty. TV broadcasts USAF Technical School at W a ^ n Ur ^ ^ a j)s Plans to" a buffet luncheon, waa'^rved, ua- tion* than there actually are In and a shopping tour of aoms of Air Force Base, Wyoming. '' ing the Easier motif. ' > have a potiuck at tfieTioni* orMrk. f'-s Leo Johnaon, 20# Hilliard atreet. *. tonight at 7:80. The Divine Spiritual Circle will meet tonight at the Lithuanian Social Hall on Oolway atreet at # o’clock. 1* 6 apeaher will be Mr*r Wilma Doucette of thl* town. Ph6ne Men nioirif toT^{eet Drlbblei Through ChecksLaW Mr. and Mr*. Charlea C. Hath- avay aad.rdaugbt*r. Susan, of “ Cafamle. Wyoming, are visiting In For P o w ^ town with their parents. Mr. and Pickets Due red of Mrs. Russell Hsthswsy snd Mr. and Mrs. Albert Todd. f like in Pay In Walkout ' jimmyTiiudigsir«m^ Mr shd —H»r«ld Photo.' Mrs. John Msdigsn of 42 Sslem •These are the employe* of J. w lX sIe’* me»t iepartment who are offering- a wide (electionion 01of ^Washiiigtoh, April 8-^-^ rosd, and his dog.,Csssy, were brand* of top quality ham thl* week forih e Easter holiday dinner. They are. from left to , fight. York, April 8—(/^— Pitt«burgh, April 8—(/P) 'The government today gues.ts .of . honor, at. a _• hlTWlS*?. Charles Raccagal^Edwasd- 1, EdwajrdJ?srwtt,.JWngsl^Jkuhnsy. J7src«tt,.,lUngi Ted Jaass«uj, Edwiard MeVey, H«nry Janwen i^d New . ■ sessions — A leading - steelmeker- 'ac» - drafted plans' for poMim party yesterday aflethboh. Jim­ Fred HansOn, That large Easter bunny will be given free to some lucky ham buyer at Male i this were callra., here Jn the coun­ cuRcd ■government and la ^ r , my waa 1 year old and Caaey waa t.'eek. seizure and operation of the trywide tele^phone strike that leaders witl).ihaking,A,.:d^ steel induatrj' in event the lo&ay hrougnua ilireat of in- mi a wage increase as the threatened..strike... hrougnt. A. aon,.Michael Friws*»..wM’»"™ creapp«l -»'ckfitin^>4 ,hat. could -fina}^>Dinr8 before’ * natlon- President Truman to that Saturday morning at tha Hartford \ di.arupt service. steel strike ticked away. step. : Hoapltal to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond For T h e W om en TThe charge was hprled by Audstt# <9f 42 Lsncsster road. However, officials made it New York, April Ernest T. Weir, board chair­ plain there was-no certainty Designed for gracious) flattery—our Striking CIO communications man of the National Steel A w > that seizure would be the gdv- David and Kenneth Andrulol, fashions for the discriminating woman. workers are causing few de­ Corp., who told a news con- soni of Mr. and Mri. Otto E. Superb styling . designed to slender­ ernment’s resort even if a Andrulot of 62 Elro itreeL'and lays to telephone service fer|nce that the recommen­ strangling shutdown of the thair grandfather, Edwip Kirby of ize and please her desire for a well- across the nation, but a union dations of the Wage Stabili­ groomed outlook 1 Carefully keyed to basic defense industry occu^. Camden, N. Y , all eelj^frated their official says picketing will zation board for settling the Ahd thers was'some hops In qf- bIrUidaya yeaterday, with about her figure—at prices that recognize ey- multiply the jams starting to- steel dispute followed What he flctol quarters that negoUaiUons 20 relatlvea presenL Dayld was 8 . ery- woman’s .budget. Prints - and solid.,— morrow;—-— bhmtD" termed-a desl.xX ’” '' in Nwr'Tout HiiHit him Kttr dij; ihd' Kehnito'e." ■ colors. Coupled with a W'eatern Union "There must have been a' deal the threatened walk out of 600,- strike, now lij its sixth day, an ef- between power* In .the admlnistra- 000 CIO steelworkers at midnight. - J o h n Mather-Ghapter, Order rertivs ItdpjSage ’ dr feTephon# lion ihd labor Teadera" In,, whioH tonight. ..... -.......... , " of of DeMolay, will hold a regu­ service would leave atr-mail a* the the labor leaders received asstir; Papers Bestog lar meeting tonight at 7'.30 at nation's chief means of relatively- ancs their demands would have, ''Commerce Department officiata Uie Masonic Temple. After the quick, long distance communlca- support,” declared Weir, adding; said aetaure papers hava .helm . _ m e e U n * the-inWatory-degrea-wUl to : -tlon.- ■~~7r'r.'''BnHDK misnfoirBS^nDrMi'iiiaikw' w 8 c — mtrnmt « miiiiiiieter iBortar "My o\vn opMlon' la that there drawn up, ready for Preiidant be exemplifled. A clearing of the clouded com- shell scores a hit on a ridge vcastera KoiMu Edward A. McDsde., Navy oombat photographer, made wa.s a deal made—maybe not on Truman’s signature if he wanta nuihleatlons picture wss not ari hi* picture. The official vdid not 1^ If there were any caaiialtbes. (U, 8. Navy Photo via a definite amount—but there waa them, . Manchester Lodge No. 73, A.F, Immediate prospect. Federal medi­ AF WIrephoto) a handpicked I Wage Stabiliaa- Tha White House got in touch and A.M..wi)l hold a stated com­ ator* wvre working on both the tlnn) board for the purpose of sup­ with Secretory of Commerce B a v munication at th# Maaonlo Temple telephone and telegraph dispute*, porting w'hstever deal was made.’ tjomoiTow evening at 7:30. Follow, ^ ___ yer, who waa oa a tour at tha but their effort* were fruitless. The W 8B recommended .the' CIO Midweal, and iaked him to’ return Ing the transaction of business, Tke unique situation that caught \sHintlke Unitfd'SteelworRem gets'a 17 1-2 here Immediately. the fellowcraft degree will ha con­ the telephone and telegraph serv­ Reds Seel^ Bullitt Told cent wage Increase, but turned A thin trickle of atoel dribble* from a furnace in the Edgar ' Sawyer, on hla arrival by. plane, ferred by Senior Warden Graham ices simultaneously rtems from xlown . th* iinloA’a ■ demand tor a Thompson work* of the th 8. Steel .rompBliy at PIttahurgh aa shut- told raportora he had raaelved "no— ------------ -1* Clark. A t the .conclusion qf the tmion dsmands f&r wage'ift'creasea,: Release Near union shop. down operatkma in prrpaiiiition for schMOled afceT stiWe'inoved instriictloita" on a posalble selaure degree work there will be a social but the strikes are not related. Weir called for use of the emer­ along. Itoy Hunter, auperlntendeal of the works, wntebea, (AP from the Ptosldent. hour and refreshments. To Deal^n Hiss^“W efe WIrephoto).' 87,000 OB gtrlke Paris, April 8— — Officers gency provisions of the Taft-Hart- Sawyer alao said he did not Some 67,000 GIO Communica­ lejl. Act to avert the midnight think hla fact-finding trip would ' the Girl Scout office at 983 tions Workers of America (CW A) at Oen. Elsenhower’s headquar­ Main street will bs closed Thurs­ ters here today seemed hsthlnk strike by 680,000. unionists. have been interrupted “lightly’ * went on strike. yesterday in the Russia^an Spies in ’39 Under that- law. President Tru day evening bscauss of kfaundy the general I— asked to he re­ H* aald Dr. John R. Btoalmax, diaputp against American Tele­ man can ask the courts for an Thursday. leased from bis post as Snpreluc Whits House labor advisor and phone and Telegraph Company order which would 'delay the Expect Heavy Vote systems In four states and the Munsan, korea, April s— Allied Oothmander In Europe';, Washington, April 8-—(/P) acting Director of Defense Mobi­ Miaa Mary Provan.
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