Public Document GREATER MANCHESTER PLANNING & HOUSING COMMISSION DATE: Friday, 24th January, 2020 TIME: 10.00 am VENUE: GMCA Boardroom, 1st Floor Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Road, M1 6EU AGENDA 1. WELCOME, INTRODUCTIONS AND APOLOGIES 2. CHAIRS ANNOUNCEMENTS AND URGENT BUSINESS 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST (ATTACHED) 1 - 4 To receive declarations of interest in any item for discussion at the meeting. A blank form for declaring interests has been circulated with the agenda; please ensure that this is returned to the Governance and Scrutiny Officer at the start of the meeting. 4. MINUTES OF LAST MEETING HELD 12 SEPTEMBER 2019 (ATTACHED) 5 - 12 To consider the approval of the minute of the meetings held on 12 September 2019 5. PLANNING AND HOUSING COMMISSION: REVISED TERMS OF 13 - 18 REFERENCE (ATTACHED) Report of Mayor Paul Dennett, Portfolio Lead Housing, Homelessness, and Infrastructure 6. GM HOUSING MARKET MONITOR JANUARY 2020 (ATTACHED) 19 - 58 Presentation of Lucy Woodbine, Principal, Planning and Housing Research, GMCA 7. GM FLOOD AND WATER MANAGEMENT REVIEW (ATTACHED) 59 - 62 Report of Jill Holden, Greater Manchester Flood and Water Management Programme Manager, GMCA 8. BIODIVERSITY NET GAIN IN GM: UPDATE ON PROGRESS (ATTACHED) 63 - 78 Presentation of Krista Patrick, Natural Capital Coordinator, GMCA 9. 'A BED EVERY NIGHT' UPDATE (ITEM DEFERRED) Report of Molly Bishop, Strategic Lead on Homelessness, GMCA BOLTON MANCHESTER ROCHDALE STOCKPORT TRAFFORD BURY OLDHAM SALFORD TAMESIDE WIGAN 10. HOUSING STRATEGY UPDATE (VERBAL) Report of Mayor Paul Dennett, Portfolio Lead Housing, Homelessness, and Infrastructure 11. GMSF CONSULTATION UPDATE (VERBAL) Report of Mayor Paul Dennett, Portfolio Lead Housing, Homelessness, and Infrastructure 12. TOWN CENTRES UPDATE (ATTACHED) 79 - 88 Report of Mayor Paul Dennett, Portfolio Lead Housing, Homelessness, and Infrastructure ITEMS FOR INFORMATION ONLY 13. GOVERNMENT PLANNING, HOUSING AND INFRASTRUCTURE 89 - 96 ANNOUNCEMENTS – QUEEN’S SPEECH, 19/12/19 (ATTACHED) 14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS 15. FUTURE MEETINGS Date of next meeting: 19th March 2020 2.00 – 4.00pm For copies of papers and further information on this meeting please refer to the website www.greatermanchester-ca.gov.uk. Alternatively, contact the following Governance and Scrutiny Officer: [email protected] 0161 778 7009 This agenda was issued 16th January 2020 on behalf of Julie Connor, Secretary to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Churchgate House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester M1 6EU 2 Planning & Housing Commission 24th January 2020 Declaration of Councillors’ interests in items appearing on the agenda NAME: ______________________________ Minute Item No. / Agenda Item No. Nature of Interest Type of Interest Personal / Prejudicial / Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Page 1 Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Disclosable Pecuniary Personal / Prejudicial / Disclosable Pecuniary Agenda Item 3 PLEASE NOTE SHOULD YOU HAVE A PERSONAL INTEREST THAT IS PREJUDICIAL IN AN ITEM ON THE AGENDA, YOU SHOULD LEAVE THE ROOM FOR THE DURATION OF THE DISCUSSION & THE VOTING THEREON. 1 QUICK GUIDE TO DECLARING INTERESTS AT GM GROWTH BOARD MEETINGS This is a summary of the rules around declaring interests at meetings. It does not replace the Member’s Code of Conduct, the full description can be found in the GMCA’s constitution Part 7A. Your personal interests must be registered on the GMCA’s Annual Register within 28 days of your appointment onto a GMCA committee and any changes to these interests must notified within 28 days. Personal interests that should be on the register include: Bodies to which you have been appointed by the GMCA Your membership of bodies exercising functions of a public nature, including charities, societies, political parties or trade unions. You are also legally bound to disclose the following information called DISCLOSABLE PERSONAL INTERESTS which includes: You, and your partner’s business interests (eg employment, trade, profession, contracts, or any company with which you are associated) You and your partner’s wider financial interests (eg trust funds, investments, and assets including land and property). Any sponsorship you receive. Page 2 FAILURE TO DISCLOSE THIS INFORMATION IS A CRIMINAL OFFENCE STEP ONE: ESTABLISH WHETHER YOU HAVE AN INTEREST IN THE BUSINESS OF THE AGENDA If the answer to that question is ‘No’ – then that is the end of the matter. If the answer is ‘Yes’ or Very Likely’ then you must go on to consider if that personal interest can be construed as being a prejudicial interest. STEP TWO: DETERMINING IF YOUR INTEREST PREJUDICIAL? A personal interest becomes a prejudicial interest: where the well being, or financial position of you, your partner, members of your family, or people with whom you have a close association (people who are more than just an acquaintance) are likely to be affected by the business of the meeting more than it would affect most people in the area. the interest is one which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice your judgement of the public interest. 2 FOR A NON PREJUDICIAL INTEREST FOR PREJUDICIAL INTERESTS YOU MUST YOU MUST Notify the governance officer Notify the governance officer for the meeting as soon as you realise you have a prejudicial interest (before or during for the meeting as soon as you the meeting) realise you have an interest Inform the meeting that you have a prejudicial interest and the nature of the interest Inform the meeting that you Fill in the declarations of interest form have a personal interest and the nature of the interest Leave the meeting while that item of business is discussed Fill in the declarations of Make sure the interest is recorded on your annual register of interests form if it relates to you or your partner’s interest form business or financial affairs. If it is not on the Register update it within 28 days of the interest becoming apparent. TO NOTE: YOU MUST NOT: You may remain in the room participate in any discussion of the business at the meeting, or if you become aware of your disclosable pecuniary Page 3 and speak and vote on the interest during the meeting participate further in any discussion of the business, matter participate in any vote or further vote taken on the matter at the meeting If your interest relates to a body to which the GMCA has appointed you to you only have to inform the meeting of that interest if you speak on the matter. 3 This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 DECISIONS AGREED AT THE MEETING OF THE PLANNING AND HOUSING COMMISSION HELD ON 12 SEPTEMBER 2018 COMMISSION MEMBERS Mayor Paul Dennett GM Portfolio Holder - Chair Councillor Eamonn O’Brien Bury Council Councillor Suzanne Richards Manchester CC Councillor Hannah Roberts Oldham Council Councillor Linda Robinson Rochdale Council Councillor Derek Antrobus Salford CC Councillor James Wright Trafford Council Jane Healey Brown Arup Matthew Harrison Great Places Housing Association SUPPORT OFFICERS Molly Bishop GMCA Nick Cumberland Homes England Lindsay Dunn GMCA Chris Findley GM Planning Lead Steve Fyfe GMCA Planning & Housing Team Jill Holden GMCA Derek Richardson GM Ecology Unit Steve Rumbelow GM Housing, Homelessness and Infrastructure Lead Chief Executive Helen Telfer Environment Agency 09/19 ELECTION OF CHAIR RESOLVED/- That the appointment of Mayor Paul Dennett as the GM Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness and Infrastructure as Chair of the Planning and Housing Commission as per the Terms of Reference be noted. 10/19 ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR It was proposed that the appointment of Vice Chair of the Planning and Housing Commission should continue to be a representative from the GM registered housing provider sector. A nomination for Matthew Harrison, Chief Executive of Great Places Housing Group was received and approved. RESOLVED/- Page 5 That Matthew Harrison, Chief Executive of Great Places Housing Group be appointed as the Vice-Chair of the Planning and Housing Commission for the municipal year 2019/20. 11/19 MEMBERSHIP 2019-20 The Committee was asked to note its Membership for the 2019/20 Municipal Year: District Member GMCA Portfolio Lead Mayor Paul Dennett (Lab) Bolton Toby Hewitt (Con) Bury Eamonn O’Brien (Lab) Manchester Suzanne Richards (Lab) Oldham Hannah Roberts (Lab) Rochdale Linda Robinson (Lab) Salford Derek Antrobus (Lab) Stockport David Mellor (Lab) Tameside Ged Cooney (Lab) Trafford James Wright (Lab) Wigan Terence Halliwell (Lab) RESOLVED/- That the Membership for the 2019/20 Municipal Year be noted. 12/19 TERMS OF REFERENCE Members were advised that the Joint GMCA and AGMA Executive Board approved the revised terms of reference for the Planning and Housing Commission on 28 June 2019. The revised terms of reference had previously been presented as a draft to the Planning and Housing Commission on 12 September 2018 and the Commission were requested to note the key areas of change. It was highlighted that despite private sector engagement being recognised, it appeared that membership did not include a representative from the private sector Panel. It was clarified that a representative of the core group of private sector stakeholders which make up the Panel, will be included in the membership. It was advised that any reference to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) should be corrected to Homes England (HE). The Commission agreed that the proposed amends discussed would be completed and the revised terms of reference would be presented at the next meeting of the Planning and Housing Commission. These would then be presented to the Joint GMCA and AGMA Executive in June 2020 for approval. RESOLVED/- 1. That the Planning and Housing Commission Terms of Reference be noted. 2. That membership of the Commission be amended to include a representative from the core group of private sector stakeholders which make up the Panel. 3. That any reference to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) be corrected to Homes England (HE).
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