170 Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 29 (2015) 170-179 © Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, 2015 Multidisciplinary Multidisciplinarni SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF znanstveni časopis MARITIME RESEARCH POMORSTVO Logistics environment1 awareness3 system prototype based on 2 modular1 Internet of Things platform Saša Aksentijević , David Krnjak , Edvard Tijan 23 Aksentijevic Forensics and Consulting Ltd, Gornji Sroki 125a, Viškovo, Croatia Saipem SpA Croatian Branch, Alda Collonnella 2, Rijeka, Croatia University of Rijeka, Faculty of Maritime Studies Rijeka, Studentska 2, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, e-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT ARTICLE INFO Internet of Things (IoT) is a completely new paradigm of interconnected computing devices in the Preliminary communication market segment that has started emerging from 2013, while trends have been recognized in 2014 and Received 22 November 2015 most predictions are related to the period until 2020. Anticipating widespread use of IoT technology KeyAccepted words: 18 December 2015 in logistics chains reported by leading sector players, a dedicated logistics testbed IoT platform named MiOT is created and tested using Raspberry PI minicomputer, with research goal to evaluate possibilities of integration of the logistics IoT platform inside existing Windows corporate domains. Internet of Things Logistics Environment awareness system 1 Introduction IoT paradigm emerged due to convergence of various technologies approximately as of 2013, even though it has Internet of Things (IoT) is a new and upcoming para- been in some its aspects discussed for decades and has digm related to networking of various applicative physical been a topic of science fiction even longer than that. devices (“things”), as opposed to current situation where At the end of 2014 there were 3,75 billion such devices networking refers primarily to computer and network already in use, and predictions state that at the end of 2015 devices and peripherals. “Things” are embedded with there will be 4,88 billion [2] devices deployed globally, and electronics, software, sensors and connectivity that en- corporations will spend more than 40 billion US$ for devel- able them to achieve functional value and exchange data opment of IoT solutions [3]. It was anticipated mid-2013 with other devices and systems. They communicate over that 26 billion such devices will be connected to the Internet Internet and cover a variety of protocols, domains and by 2020 [4]. Cisco and DHL have revised this number in applications. July 2015 to 50 billion by 2020 [5]. Some analysts set these Typical applications of IoT are various sensors or numbers at around 30 billion [6]. IoT devices are expected transponders used on farms or in search and rescue to exhibit similar exponential growth in consumer and busi- missions, automobiles with built-in sensors, biochips, ness sectors. Cisco Systems expect the IoT market to reach a wearable computers in any form and home or industrial staggering value of 19 trillion US$ [7]. automation systems. IoT technology in logistics is used to The convergence of various technologies will raise ensure quality of shipment conditions (monitoring of vi- numerous questions, and industries logistics sector will brations, strokes, container openings or cold chain main- certainly not be left out of the development. These ques- tenance for insurance purposes), item location (search tions can be divided in several categories that need to be of individual items in large areas like warehouses or har- addressed, among them the most important being infor- bors), storage incompatibility detection (warning emis- mation security, design, sustainability and environmental sion on containers storing inflammable goods closed to impact and privacy, autonomy and control. others containing explosive material) and fleet tracking In our research we have decided to tackle the following (control of routes followed for delicate goods like medical early stage IoT problems in logistics companies’ IT envi- drugs, jewels or dangerous merchandises) [1]. ronment and address some of the issues raised above by: S. Aksentijević et al. 171 / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 29 (2015) 170-179 Creating a theoretical testbed 1. Creating a working prototype IoT platform to be b) to use implementation practices that achieve the used specifically in logistics companies’ research, largest financial and CO2 savings, 2. of the physical plat- Openc) to usesource the leastdesign number of the cheapest components form’s application based on the testbed (in our case a possible, sensor system to control overall environment), while 4. : to facilitate overview of the code Deployingrespecting allthe prudential prototype measures in Windows and best domain practices and discussion. related to ICT security, By April 2015, a testbed solution for MIoTusage –of Modular Internet 3. , as Internetof Things of(IoT) Things platform inside Windows domain has been opposed to separating it outside the domain, but at created. Working title of the platform is the same time, implementing all information security , thus achieving the primary research rules imposed on devices connected to the domain. goal. The reasoning for this is that in transitory period and Besides the test bed solution, sensor electronics pack- while cross-industry standard is defined, there might age prototype has been created along with 3-tiered pro- be a need to join IoT devices to logistics companies’ gram code, softwareLEAS – support Logistics needed Environment for data Awarenessacquisition, domains and IT function should have both skills and a System.storage, interpretation and visualization. Working name of standard set of practices available at hand how to man- the package is age them. Development related to deployment of logis- tics environmental awareness system inside corporate However, the motivation for creation of both platforms Windows domain will be a subject of further research. was not purely technical, so it was decided early on in the We were led in our research by the following principles project to evaluate technology in terms of overall financial and business impact. Schematic representation of inter- thatCompliance are in line with expert panels’ concerns explained above: operation of both systems and their main components is shown in the following figure. 1. Implementation with ofbest industry’s practice bestinformation practices security standards, Test bed and prototype were created bearing in mind the possibilities of further development and integration. 2. using 3-way sustainability They have been deployed in real-time environmental mon- currently available protocols, itoring of a server room location supporting logistics chain 3. approach: activities of a multinational corporation in the period be- a) to use the electronic components with the lowest tween April and November 2015 and have proven to be disposal footprint possible, very stable in operation. Figure 1 Schematic representation of MIoT and LEAS S. Aksentijević et al. 172 / Scientific Journal of Maritime Research 29 (2015) 170-179 2 Platform architecture description HDMI connector or HDMI-DVI converter, and using stand- ard USB keyboard and mouse over onboard USB ports. MIoT/LEAS are: 2.2 Software 1. Pioneer attempts to open the discussion about Internet of Things paradigm in the logistics companies, 2. Complete mini-computing solutions for further re- RPI uses mini or micro SD card for file system stor- search and implementation, age and the operating system. The first challenge was to find an adequate operating system to run RPI. Several 3. A study in principles of Internet security, integration candidates were evaluated, among them ARM Arch Linux, and sustainability of IoT devices in existing corporate RaspBMC, RiscOS and Raspbian. Finally, Rasberry PI foun- Windows networks, and dation’s Raspbian operating system [11], contained on 4. Projects in progress used to learn and gather new NOOBS distribution [12] was selected as the most viable experience. candidate, and the selection proved to be adequate as MIoT/LEAS are not: the implementation was completed using that particular 1. Definitive answers to challenges presented by near-fu- distribution. ture adoption of Internet of Things, Raspbian is foundation’s fork of Debian Linux operat- 2. Attempts to define a way how to handle Internet of ing system, specially prepared for use with ARM proces- Things devices used in the logistics company out- sor contained in RPI. This particular operating system is side of perimeter of logistics companies’ networks or known to be pre-delivered as hardened in terms of basic domains, rules of security. The only port left open for external con- nection is port 22 used for secure SSH connections. Usage 3. Suggestions for new developments in proprietary elec- of this particular operating system provided researchers tronics used for industrial control. 2.1 Hardware with a great deal of flexibility in additional hardening of the device for outside connections. UsingIt has beenSSH decided early on in the project to provide two connectivity possibilities to access RPI: During initial investigation, several existing mini- 1. over direct serial connection (requires computing platforms were considered, among them GUI (Graphical User Interface) physical access to device) or over the network, and Beaglebone, BananaPi and Raspberry PI [8] platform (RPI in the text). Due to popular support, number of available re- 2. ; for this particular sources and open
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