THE /VVIA URMC \ol.53.i\o.2] I riday. November 11 .M>77 281 MO I Elimination Of Attrition Is Goal Job Choice Retention Simplified Discussed By Course it Luncheon By CYMHIA I. CHII I \ By MAROO KAMI", N.W, Ed.t.r Htirn<<na staff Writar i ndergradu.ite Studenl Body I he School uf | rim ,,in,n is uf fir­ Government (USBG) President - ing an experimental COMTM, HIP Allan l.ubel played the pi,mo. s 100, .md l.ile Speaker Jose < antillo sang, am Planning." ministrators ate boxed Im II is designed foi undergraduates while Vice President foi Student AI who m.ty be experimenting indeu- fairs William Butler, assisted by lii- :egardmg the relationships uf reclor of the Bureau o thetl i i mli goals ment and Research William Q with opportunities In the work win verbally and visuall) planted world Thf purpose nl the count is the seeds tor .\n [ nvironmenl foi lei lirl|i tli*- undergrade.- Student Retention." I .lliel Hie ilr-r IslClll- At a topic luncheon Monday in the making pro Student Union, Butlei and Goodwin Hi William Spino, assistanl dean diacuaeed the problem thai haunts uf ihr- Se hool of Education said, ei irv university—attrition. "Basically. Ihis course- is designed Goodwin began the two-hour pre­ with th« purpose of helping studenls sentation with the results ol • take a look at theii c ollege work and vcy e arried out tei bj the relate to it in the working world " - of Stude-nl Affairs .rncl r, I think this course meets a need of a telephone- campaign In whii h in today s society," Spino said. "The men who failed lo return to University is a hig place with many UM this year were asked I possible majors, and it gets confus­ factors which affei ted tl ing for a student lo decide what lo tion. pick out for the future. A siudent "According to the American Col­ can gel choice anxiety from so many lege i eating Pi ogram, to m,un­ things io i•house fnjm." stable enrollment, the- i niversity I DP 100 try tries to generate an must attrae • student! awareness of individual values and every one thai drops out. Al a time attitudes which influence an individ­ when competition among i ollegi ual's view of ihe world of work. attract good studenls is Ine teasing "line assignment is to go out and and at a Univeraity which depi interview a pe raotl m your Inti on tuition dollars to meet lis but ed profession." Spino said "One girl as ours does, this relationship m interviewed a buyer and learned a tf -in--. Mu fai i thai attrition great deal about career opportuni­ campus wide problem II affei i-, ties and options everyone- who is ,t pari ol this I m- "Another girl is having difficulty versitv . ' (roodwin said interviewing a social worker. But I Goodwin said that, in the feel it is definitely still a worthw hi le phone survey, Il was revealed ih.it activity." the main reason that males leave Is The course provides a systematic because of financial difficulties, and review of individual aptitudes ard females lea\e because they want to abilities which constitute a basis for attend universities closer to their exploring many career pathways homes "We took the- Strong Campbell In­ "When the persexcvl terest Inventory test In class. This •which students Riv»- toe l.-ecvteia lisi does not tesi your .'ptitude nr worie analv/.eo through ln-dep" ; your Motivation, but it measures interviews," Goodwin said, "sever.t your interest. I found the test to be trends emerged: i Isolation definitely beneficial," student Shar­ dents report they are unable to make on Silver said friends. They have little in common The class is designed tn expand with other studenls They deei, that they belong the students'* awareness of current societal trends in relationship to 2. Boredom itudi iplain of overlap wilh high school and un­ work and leisure, a.s well as their lall.mi Murnc.n., H.fHtv mwM inspired leaching. awareness of economic trends 3 Irrelevance—students report which influence the availability of they can't see that Ihev are making work in our socieiy plex rendition of Winnie the Pooh in spectacular colors. The float truly progress toward their career goal or managed to capture Ihe Homecoming Theme of 'A Salute To Disney, • "Some people are accused ot they are not making progress to­ and also proved to be a crowd pleaser. The parade winner will be an­ being •workaholics,'" Spino said ward gaining s i areei goal Winnie The Pooh! nounced lonighi at the Homecoming Dance al the Sheraton Four Ambas­ "This course also teaches how to 4. Dissonance—the University I loais representing almnsl every I mvcrsiiv urgaatxaUtM and group sadors Hotel, featuring ( hubby Checker. The dance will nine hide this balance one's work and leisure " wasn't what they expected I l>»> year's Homecoming festivities. F.DP 100 provides students with paraded down Miracle Mile last Monday night. Pictured is ihe 9<>0 Cuni- University didn ibout MU- basic tools necessary for approach­ ing prospective employers See page 3 "We lii'lp studenls learn hoe.' in identih resources on campus to help find a job." he said, "as well as fo­ hirst \\ hite Miss St. Croix cusing on hm\ to prepare- resumes and inter v u-w s for example- "Any studenl at the i inii i eligible to Kike this course fresh­ men to seniors from everj si •rt represented There is a total I ni- verait) i lavoi to It Student Selected In St. Croix Pageant It will be a valuable elective lor career in radio and TV broadcasting By BARBARA RAllM.H Ihe Caribbean Sea. hot she's not "I've outgrown there, and I undecided students w ho base nol se­ Prior to 1917. when the 1 s Hurricana St.ll SSriHr going hick except lo visit wouldn't have opportunity for ad­ lected a majoi and are unsure about c fmtrol of the three islands. The Ban­ nr here from St Croix, vancement in my chosen field,' she their choice- t for students who Sevena Steinmann. the first while ish West India Comapany controlled iong and 10 miles said. may he- experiencing academii dlffi- woman ever to be named Mi*s si them. wide, but it is the largest of the three Steinmann is a Communication* i mix came lo I'M from an island in See page ti major I .S. Virgin Islands. major and hopes someday to h "The public has only been able to vote for governor in the past few- years." she said. Before that, the President of the U.S. appointed him Steinmann said, that there art cial problems in St Croix, which is Butler, Sargent Make 85 per cent black, but that the con­ flict is among the younger genera tion. "Life is better for the lower class Dormitory Inspection blacks than here in the U.S.," she- said. The school system is operated in ihe same way as in the U.S. consist­ lake tor granted Hv ( \ MHIA I ( 1111 1 A ing of public, parochial and priva'- A i halt was Ihtown off the sixlh Haw, Editar schools. The only difference is that <t Pearson an air conditioner there are two shifts in St. Croix. Sundav moi ning - ne of leaked c oolmg fluid ovei Mahonev s Steinmann said the public schools •-ii the dormiioiv maintei floors, wale-; fountains were rlpded in St. Croix are terrible and I but it ve a ,ni a time ol resl foi oil the walls, wall paint was peeling are some children who are still illit­ Ment foi Studenl v m the towers, retngerators were lit- erate after graduation Wjlham Butler and > ,.rallv npi- ' - were vending "Drug and alcohol problems are Scvena Steinmann al F.nvirom machines in 960, s w lodow was bro- no different in St Croix than for I atdn Hall and repaired with .isi Sunday tool teenagers in the U.S.," Steinmann Hurricane*, and a fire hose was i m walking tour throug said. dorms In n pered wifh in Eaton Hall "Alcohol is very cheap in the Is lintenam i . no reason for this, i here lands, and several rum factories are "it is i|iuie evident thai neglect, and what is located in St. Croix," she said Plant .Ihi thf i mlusion of workers to "Tourism is our main indu Hurricane the housekeeping program In the . t do some cosmetic work," but one of the largest oil refiner .uni concluded Butler said in St. Croix," she said. Sargent said that there just is nol | on kl > in hack. lh. The native language spoken in SI Elections h help on the weekends to estimated what w ,e Croix is Cruzan. a very fast broken tip with the damage- and mi'ss ns clean, eapet ialh oi English combined with Spanish and ends, and this must be »ci umulatesduring ihis time. Applications for the positions of French. Butlei While on this tour. Butler received Editor and Business Manager of the "The people eat a lot of chicken, . rm for the "Awareness Week- Hurricane for the Spring 197- Lasl spring the Uaivei sit fish and a native dish called john ,nd" which he consequently an­ mesier may be picked up in the Hur­ Mted a program initialed ny-cakes,' which is a deep-fried nounced at the topic luncheon on ricane Business Office. Room 221 of (Student Maintenance mixture of water, sugar and flour," Monday afternoon the Student I'm Committee) which is purposed to in Steinmann said Flections will take place at Ihe lorm Residence Halls through stu ten 'ed administrators or Three major types of music are ca- Board of Student Publications meet­ dent representatives of the areas in ,..
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