~ " t k' s,' al}.> foi __-&'*' i~ '" l. ly ~·~ -.....;.; ' . P AGE I KlTCHEN-KLATTER MAGAZINE, APRIL, to be devoted to house-huntin Shenandoah, however. T.b.ey plE KITCHEN • KLATTER move here permaJ:lently about the of June and these days we all MAGAZINE our eyes open for a solution to t "More Than JUBt Paper And Ink" problem. The other night our "':. Years-Ago" column. in. the paper c.. LEANNA FIELD DRIFTMIER, Editor. ried the item that four houses an LUCILE VERNESS, Associate Editor. seven or eight apartments were f< M. H. DRIFTMIER, Business Manager. rent-and those were just the ont DOROTHY D. JOHNSON, Associate Editor. that the owners advertised; ther Subscription Price $LOO per year (12 !sanes) In the probably were a good many tha U.S. A. weren't even carried in the rental col· Foreign Countries $1.60 per :vear. umns. Those days seem almost llkt Advertlalng rates made known on application. a dream, don't they? Entered as second class matter Ma:v 21, 1987 at the Poat Office at Shenandoah, Ia., under the Act al. March Before I write to you again we hope 3, 1879. to have a drive to visit Dorothy· and Published Monthl:v b:v Frank. During the winter months we LEANNA FIELD DRIFTMIER have had to forego this pleasure sine~ LETTER FROM LEANNA Shenandoah, Iowa they live on dirt roads that are jus~ as likely to be impassable as passable while the weather is undependable. Dear Friends: 1947 was a new grandchild, were not But before long we can be fa.lrly sure This is one of the days that makes mistaken; Frederick and Betty are of their condition and then we hopr a person feel as though spring Is too hoping for a little son In July, but of to have a nice Sunday with the• slow In arriving-just a look out the course a little girl will be just as wel­ Both Lucile and Dorothy tell you wlndow makes one feel impatient with come. Betty plans to return to her much about their activities in t! all the tag-end signs of winter. I've parent's home In Ashaway, Rhode Is­ letters that I don't find many thi often thought that during these few land before long, and our thoughts are to add in my letter. weeks right in here our middlewest often with them during these days I hope that you'll find a great df really looks as drab and uninviting as when they are winding up the last of of interest and help in this Issue people from other sections of this their residence in Bermuda. Kitchen-Klatter, but we always ' country have often described it. Elev- The other little blanket went to preciate your suggestions so tell en months and one week of the year California where Margery is also get­ what ideas you have when you w• I think that our countryside is gen- ting a layette together for their baby to us. After all, we've no way uinely. beautiful, but right now . who is due to arrive in August. This knowing what you like or don't II. well, the bare bones wlll soon be is the other major thing to antici­ unless you tell us about it! covered ! pate, so you can see why July and It's time for our Sunday night lune~ I always anticipate every sign· that August are circled with such big red so this must be all. We're having po­ · our. garden will be stirring out of Its lines for our family. It looks as tato salad and ham sandwiches (I winter sleep, but this year I'm doubly though .both Marge;ry and Betty have made the filling yesterday by cutting eager because there is a ·new tulip their hearts set on boys since I haven't scraps from a ham bone and grinding bed to look forward to. We planted heard a word about girl's names! It with sweet pickles and hard-bolled one between the house and office Perhaps they feel that because Lucile eggs), and I wouldn't be surprised if and I c.an scarcely wait to see what and Dorothy both have girls, they a good many of you weren't eating kind of blooms we will have. Looking stand a good chance of getting boys. the same thing tonight for it seems forward to this reminds me that over Mart and I are already trying to flg­ to be one of the stand-by lunches for twenty-flve years ago 1planted several ure out how we can travel East and Sunday evening. There was a time hundred Darwin tulip bulbs in the West at the same time! If any of you when we always had a cake to finish yard of our new home in Clarinda- have solved this geographical problem with, but these days we just remem­ I did that work during some beauti- I wish that you'd tell me about· 1t. ber it now and then and look forward ful autumn days when Wayne played Just now I thought that I. saw a to the future when Sunday evening In his baby carriage beside me and martin fiylng around the big house will mean a nice angel food or white Frederick tried hard to dig holes in that Howard made for our garden cake to cut. the ground "just like mama". All of years ago, but I must have been mis­ Lovingly yours, us were eager for the following spring taken for It's stlll too early for them. Leanna. and we weren't disappointed for we Howard has had quite a time ·con­ had great long-stemmed tulips that vincing Juliana that this spring she exceeded our brightest mental pie- should· move into the martin house AN EASTER PRAYER tures. and live there. For a while she took This summer I want to have hemer- him seriously and talked at great Lord, now that spring is In this world .ocallis for my garden hobby, and.since length about the difficulties of getting And every tulip is a cup I have only four varieties at present food up there and where would her Filled with the wine of thy great love you can see that I have a long 'Ways crib go, but now she understands that Lift thou me up. to go. Several of my friends have he is teasing and enters right into over a hundred varieties and they the spirit of things with him and Raise thou my heart, as fiowers rise surely made a spectacular sight when assures him that on her very next trip To greet the glory of Thy day, they .bloomed. ·There ls so much en- up the alley she will bring her suit- With soul as clean as lilies are . thuslasm for this beautiful flower case and move In then and there. And And white as they. that I want to get In from the side- somehow all of this reminds me that lines and be right In the middle of it, in the latter part of January I saw a Show me that thou art April, Lord, so to speak. notice to groundhogs advising them And thou the flower and the grass; Now that winter is almost over I not to leave their holes on February Then, when awake the soft spring find myself. wondering once again 2nd-that d e s p e rat e homeseekers winds, what has become of the months that might move In! . rn hear Thee pass! -Charles Towne. ' 1 seemed to stretch so far Into the fu- We were relieved to hear that ture when I looked at them last No- Wayne and Abigail didn't have to vember. I never did find time to de- move-their Christmas vacation had REMEDIES FOR TROUBLE clde on a long, hour-consuming proj- been overshadowed by the fear that If you feel blue read Ps. 23. ect! My one major accomplishment they would have to give up their If you fear you can't pay the rent, of the winter :was making woven baby apartment in February. But every­ read, Ps. 27. blankets, big enough to be used for thing worked out all right for them If you are lonely, read, Ps. 91. more than just a carriage throw. One and they wlll. get to finish their school If the stove-pipe falls down, read of these ·blankets went to Bermuda, so year without the upset of looking for St. James 15. i• • · those of. you who gues~ that on• of other housing. Their spring vacation, If people talk a.bout )'OU, read Ps. ;:\ · the big. thlnp I. ia'4 ~ :11>13~»a~dD. ,, ~h.A'il}.~ CIQ~8¥ up :very soon, is. 51. L'.. :~'":... ,~ ~'· .i,l,~£);~~iJ~~.~i~~.~~r§~~i:~~~~~s~~'.;i:r:r:,;~{~1~;\ :_g,,,_",>•····· 1:.. .•·. l.'' •t) . 'JTCJl'BN-B:LATT"BR ltlAGAZl'ff'B, Al'"ltll., 19 .. 'f ; time. We are proud of the "stand." Then almost overnight, they getweak­ the Garden kneed and topple over. Often not a single plant Is saved. What caused 0 it? What did we do wrong? that Its dark purple flowers on short . spikes did not. equal the leaves for The trouble is called damping-off '~~~ENBy Mary Duncomb 1!~! and is caused by any one of several \./ f . interest. Lovage came up very slow­ ly with only .one plant showing. It is fungi which live in the soil near the to be my new herb th!S year and I surface.
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