TLC2, ch-end.tex,v: 1.39, 2004/03/19 p.963 Bibliography [1] Adobe Systems Incorporated. Adobe Type 1 Font Format. Addison-Wes- ley, Reading, MA, USA, 1990. ISBN 0-201-57044-0. The “black book” contains the specifications for Adobe’s Type 1 font format and describes how to create a Type 1 font program. The book explains the specifics of the Type 1 syntax (a subset of PostScript), including information on the structure of font programs, ways to specify computer outlines, and the contents of the various font dictionaries. It also covers encryption, subroutines, and hints. http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/T1Format.pdf [2] Adobe Systems Incorporated. “PostScript document structuring conven- tions specification (version 3.0)”. Technical Note 5001, 1992. This technical note defines a standard set of document structuring conventions (DSC), which will help ensure that a PostScript document is device independent. DSC allows PostScript language programs to communicate their document structure and printing requirements to document managers in a way that does not affect the PostScript language page description. http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/5001.DSC_Spec.pdf [3] Adobe Systems Incorporated. “Encapsulated PostScript file format specifi- cation (version 3.0)”. Technical Note 5002, 1992. This technical note details the Encapsulated PostScript file (epsf) format, a standard format for importing and exporting PostScript language files among applications in a variety of heteroge- neous environments. The epsf format is based on and conforms to the document structuring conventions (DSC) [2]. http://partners.adobe.com/asn/developer/pdfs/tn/5002.EPSF_Spec.pdf [4] Adobe Systems Incorporated. PostScript Language Reference. Addison- Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, 3rd edition, 1999. ISBN 0-201-37922-8. The “red book” can be considered the definitive resource for all PostScript programmers. It con- tains the complete description of the PostScript language, including the latest Level 3 operators. http://www.adobe.com/products/postscript/pdfs/PLRM.pdf TLC2, ch-end.tex,v: 1.39, 2004/03/19 p.964 964 Bibliography [5] Adobe Systems Incorporated. PDF Reference, version 1.4. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, USA, 3rd edition, 2002. ISBN 0-201-75839-3. The specification of Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF). The book introduces and ex- plains all aspects of the PDF format, including its architecture and imaging model (allowing transparency and opacity for text, images, and graphics), the command syntax, the graphics operators, fonts and rendering, and the relation between PostScript and PDF. http:// partners.adobe.com/asn/acrobat/docs/File_Format_Specifications/PDFReference.pdf [6] American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island. Instructions a for Preparation of Papers and Monographs: AMS-LTEX, 1999. This document contains instructions for authors preparing articles and books, using LATEX, for publication with the American Mathematical Society (AMS) to match its publication style speci- fications: journals (amsart), proceedings volumes (amsproc), and monographs (amsbook). ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/author-info/documentation/amslatex/instr-l.pdf [7] American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island. Using the amsthm Package (Version 2.07), 2000. The amsthm package provides an enhanced version of LATEX’s \newtheorem command for defining theorem-like environments, recognizing \theoremstyle specifications and providing a proof environment. ftp://ftp.ams.org/pub/tex/doc/amscls/amsthdoc.pdf [8] American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island. User’s Guide for the amsmath Package (Version 2.0), 2002. The amsmath package, developed by the American Mathematical Society, provides many addi- tional features for mathematical typesetting. http://www.ams.org/tex/amslatex.html [9] American Mathematical Society, Providence, Rhode Island. User’s Guide to AMSFonts Version 2.2d, 2002. This document describes AMSFonts, the American Mathematical Society’s collection of fonts of symbols and several alphabets. http://www.ams.org/tex/amsfonts.html [10] J. André and Ph. Louarn. “Notes en bas de pages : comment les faire en a LTEX?” Cahiers GUTenberg, 12:57–70, 1991. Several special cases of using footnotes with LATEX are discussed—for example, how to generate a footnote referring to information inside a tabular or minipage environment, and how to reference the same footnote more than once. http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/12-louarn.pdf [11] Michael Barr. “A new diagram package”, 2001. A rewrite of Michael Barr’s original diagram package to act as a front end to Rose’s xypic (see [57, Chapter 5]). It offers a general arrow-drawing function; various common diagram shapes, such as squares, triangles, cubes, and 3 × 3 diagrams; small 2-arrows that can be placed anywhere in a diagram; and access to all of xypic’s features. On CTAN at: macros/generic/diagrams/barr [12] Claudio Beccari and Apostolos Syropoulos. “New Greek fonts and the greek option of the babel package”. TUGboat, 19(4):419–425, 1998. Describes a new complete set of Greek fonts and their use in connection with the babel greek extension. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb19-4/tb61becc.pdf [13] Nelson Beebe. “Bibliography prettyprinting and syntax checking”. TUG- boat, 14(4):395–419, 1993. This article describes three software tools for BIBTEX support: a pretty-printer, syntax checker, and lexical analyzer for BIBTEX files; collectively called bibclean. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb14-4/tb41beebe.pdf TLC2, ch-end.tex,v: 1.39, 2004/03/19 p.965 Bibliography 965 [14] Barbara Beeton. “Mathematical symbols and Cyrillic fonts ready for distri- bution”. TUGboat, 6(2):59–63, 1985. The announcement of the first general release by the American Mathematical Society of the Euler series fonts. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb06-2/tb11beet.pdf [15] Frank G. Bennett, Jr. “Camel: kicking over the bibliographic traces in BIBTEX”. TUGboat, 17(1):22–28, 1996. The camel package provides a simple, logical citation interface for LATEX that allows the biblio- graphic style of a document to be easily changed without major editing. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb17-1/tb50benn.pdf [16] Frank G. Bennett, Jr. “User’s guide to the camel citator”, 1997. The documentation for version 1 of the camel package. On CTAN at: macros/latex/contrib/camel [17] A. Berdnikov, O. Lapko, M. Kolodin, A. Janishevsky, and A. Burykin. a “Cyrillic encodings for LTEX2ε multi-language documents”. TUGboat, 19(4):403–416, 1998. A description of four encodings designed to support Cyrillic writing systems for the multi- language mode of LATEX2ε. The “raw” X2 encoding is a Cyrillic glyph container that allows one to insert into LATEX2ε documents text fragments written in any of the languages using a modern Cyrillic writing scheme. The T2A, T2B,andT2C encodings are genuine LATEX2ε encodings that may be used in an multi-language setting together with other language encodings. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb19-4/tb61berd.pdf [18] Karl Berry. “Filenames for fonts”. TUGboat, 11(4):517–520, 1990. This article describes the consistent, rational scheme for font file names that was used for at least the next 15 years. Each name consists of up to eight characters (specifying the foundry, typeface name, weight, variant, expansion characteristics, and design size) that identify each font file in a unique way. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb11-4/tb30berry.pdf [19] Karl Berry. “Fontname: Filenames for TEX fonts”, 2003. The on-line documentation of the latest version of “Fontname”, a scheme for TEXfontfilenames; it explains some legal issues relating to fonts in a number of countries. http://www.tug.org/fontname/html/index.html [20] Javier Bezos. “The accents package”, 2000. Miscellaneous tools for mathematical accents: to create faked accents from non-accent symbols, to group accents, and to place accents below glyphs. On CTAN at: macros/latex/contrib/bezos [21] The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. The Harvard Law Review Association, Cambridge, MA, 17th edition, 2000. The Bluebook contains three major parts: part 1 details general standards of citation and style to be used in legal writing; part 2 presents specific rules of citation for cases, statutes, books, periodicals, foreign materials, and international materials; and part 3 consists of a series of tables showing, among other things, which authority to cite and how to abbreviate properly. Can be ordered at: http://www.legalbluebook.com [22] Francis Borceux. “De la construction de diagrammes”. Cahiers GUTenberg, 5:41–48, 1990. The diagram macros typeset diagrams consisting of arrows of different types that join at corners that can contain mathematical expressions. The macros calculate automatically the length and position of each element. The user can specify a scaling factor for each diagram. http://www.gutenberg.eu.org/pub/GUTenberg/publicationsPDF/5-borceux.pdf TLC2, ch-end.tex,v: 1.39, 2004/03/19 p.966 966 Bibliography [23] Francis Borceux. “Diagram 3”, 1993. Commutative diagram package that uses LATEXpicturemode. On CTAN at: macros/generic/diagrams/borceux [24] Thierry Bouche. “Diversity in math fonts”. TUGboat, 19(2):120–134, 1998. Issues raised when modifying LATEX fonts within math environments are examined. An attempt is made to suggest effective means of accessing a larger variety of font options, while avoiding typographic nonsense. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb19-2/tb59bouc.pdf [25] Johannes Braams. “Babel, a multilingual style-option system for use with a LTEX’s standard document styles”. TUGboat, 12(2):291–301, 1991. The babel package was originally a collection of document-style options to support different languages. An update was published in TUGboat, 14(1):60–62, April 1993. http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb12-2/tb32braa.pdf http://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb14-1/tb38braa.pdf [26] Neil Bradley. The XML Companion. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, USA, 3rd edition, 2002. ISBN 0-201-77059-8. This book provides a description of XML features without assuming knowledge of HTML or SGML, covering also related standards such as Xpath, XML Schema, SAX, DOM, XSLT, Xlink, and Xpointer.
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