SPRING 2019 SPRING 2019 EnterTenant&Leaseholder Garden Comp 2019 Your communityinaction! **PLAN** your fireescape FREEPHONE0800408 0000VISIT www.cbh.org 1 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 1 02/04/2019 13:50 OurCharity of theyearis… Followingavotefromour employees,we This life changing charityhas ateamof are delightedtoannounce that Suicide dedicated, caring and well trainedstaff Crisis hasbeen overwhelmingly votedour that canprovide thehelp people need Charityofthe Year 2019/20. and hasacentrethat is open 24 hoursa dayfor people at high risk of suicide. SuicideCrisisoffersasafeplace and face to face supportfor people who More information aboutSuicide Crisis have suicidal feelings includingthose canbefound at www.suicidecrisis.co.uk whoare goingthroughacrisis that has been triggeredbyatraumatic experience or experiences. Watchthisspace as in oursummer edition of the newsletter we will be tellingyou howmuch ouremployees raised forthe Maggie’s CheltenhamCentre last year Reading CBHnews If you would like atranslation or would prefer this information in Braille, large print or audio tape, please contact us on 0800 408 0000 or [email protected] COVER PHOTO: Spring hassprung for ‘TheHappy Potters’ as they plantthe seeds forour excitingnew gardeningscheme(page8) 2 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 2 02/04/2019 13:50 SPRING 2019 Outwiththe old, in with thenew! Thereare someexciting times aheadfor CBH as soon we will be replacing ourcomputer systemswithmoreuptodateand more accessible technology. What does this mean foryou? Theseare just some of theexciting changesthat you • Anew onlineportal anda canlookforward to butpleasebeaware that when mobile appsothat youcan we first make theswitchthere maybesomeinitial access your information, pay delays to ourservicesduringthe first fewweeks. your rent and book your repairs 24/7 whenever andwherever We expect to have thesenew services in place youlike overthe Summer. Please note that youwillneedto • Real time access to information download themobileApp andregisteryourdetails about anycases you’ve reported on ournew online portal to access your account. or transactions that you’ve carriedout so that youhave We will updateour socialmedia and website morecontrol overyouraccount pages to let youknowwhen this when this will be happening. • We will have betteraccess to informationacrossthe business Keep your eyes peeled on thefollowing: making it easier forusto respondtoyourqueries and @ www.cbh.org @CheltBoroHomes resolvethese wherepossibleat @cheltborohomes first pointofcontact An opportunity to THRIVE Ouralternativeprovisionprogramme Theschemestarted on 1March andrunsover THRIVE is back foranotheryearand is set sixmonths. They will be taking part in awide to be bigger than ever! rangeofactivities covering areassuchas Theschemewas developed by our health andsafety,firstaid training andwork Employment Initiatives Team to helpenergise placements and inspireyoung people whoare at risk of At theend of thecoursetheywillall receive beingexcludedfromschool. theirASDAN Careersand Experiencing Work TheteamwenttoAllSaintsAcademy and certificatesata‘graduation’ ceremony in July. Pittville School and gave apresentationto We’llfollowupontheir progress later this year. groups of youngsters selected by theschools –withsix children eventually beingselected forthe course. 3 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 3 02/04/2019 13:50 Inspiring our futureworkers Here at CBHit’simportant that we findthe right peopletojoinour fantasticworkforce so that we cancontinuetoprovide our customers with excellent services. On Wednesday13February2019, we made a specialappearance at theCheltenham Jobs Fair to talk aboutour exciting career cash plan to look afterour employees opportunities. wellbeingand much, muchmore. This special eventorganised by the Jobs Therewas afantastic turnout andwemet Fairs,tookplace at Cheltenham Town Hall and many potential candidates whowereableto wasagreat opportunityfor us to raise findout more about theworkwedoand the awareness of CBHasatop employer andto typesofroles that we recruit. consider acareer in social housing. We were also able to share some of the fantasticbenefits of workingfor CBH Formoreinformation aboutour including; agenerouspension scheme, latestvacancies,visit ourjobs page at excellenttrainingopportunities,ahealth care www.cbh.org We show ourcolours as an LGBT ally February marked the15thyearofLGBT May, bringing PridebacktoCheltenham for HistoryMonth andCBH showed our thefirsttime in 10 years. supportbychanging ourlogo to the Formoreinformation on theevent,headto colours of therainbow flag. ournoticeboardsection on page 12. By showingour supportfor ourLGBTfriends, family, colleaguesand partners we are helpingtoraise awareness of LGBT rights and their ongoingcampaignfor equality. Thetheme forLGBTHistory Monththisyear was Peace, Reconciliationand Activism and thereweremorethan1,500 events taking place aroundthe UK,including Cheltenham. CBHalsodonated £500 towardsthe LGBT Partnershipwhich is helpingthemtoput on thePicnicinthe Park eventatPittville Park in 4 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 4 02/04/2019 13:51 SPRING 2019 Looking to ‘downsize’? We canhelp! Formany, theprospectofmovingtoanewhome, letalone asmaller property, canbeadauntingexperience. Belowisanexample of howwewereableto successfully help atenantmovetoasmallerhome: Forover30years,MrRhadbeenliving in athree bedroomhouse that wasbecoming increasingly hard to manage. He waskeen to move to asmaller property as he wasfinding it difficult to usethe stairs andwas no longer able to lookafter his garden.Hehad concerns that he wouldn’t be able to afford themoveand that it wouldbehardtofind anew home that he’d be happytolivein. OurEmptyHomes Team came to therescue and were able to talk throughall theoptions that were availabletohelpmakethe wholeprocess of downsizing an easierexperience. He wasdelighted to find out that therewereschemes availablethatcould help with thecosts of moving. Together theteamhelped himplanhis next stepsand advisedhim to register his interest on thecountywidechoicebased lettings system Homeseekerplus. They were also able to give him theheads up as soon as asuitablepropertywas added to thesystem. Once he’d placedabid he wasthrilled to find outthathewas successful andthathehad anew placetocallhome. SincethenMrR,has really settledintohis newplace andisreallypleased that he made themove. Alreadyhis heatingbillsare lowerand as he is basedonthe ground floor, he no longer struggles with thestairs. We’vereceivedlotsof complimentaryfeedbackfromMrRwho is loving his newhome. Formoreinformation aboutdownsizingand theschemes available to help youmove, please contacta member of ourEmpty HomesTeam on 0800 4080000 5 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 5 02/04/2019 13:51 Your Communityinaction During thesummer holidays last year,webroughtthe sunshine to Cheltenham with aseriesoffamilyfun days. We held thesespecial events to find out • HestersWay West moreabout thetypes of activities and • Oakley education opportunities that people would like to seeintheir localarea. • Springbank,Arle, HestersWay Sincethen,we’ve been beingworking closely • St Pauls, St Peters andThe Moors with ourlocal partnersand organisationsto pull together a2yearactionplan(2019-2021) • St Marks, Monkscroftand foreachofthe followingareas: Rowanfield Just someofthe ideas andschemes that we’vegot lined up for thenexttwo yearsinclude: Supporting youngpeopleand theirfamilies: •Workwith University of Gloucestershire on their GROW project to increase thenumberofyoung people applying to university •Teamupwithlocal organisationstomakesurethat childrenhaveaccess to nutritious foodduring theschool holidays •Supportthe younger generationbyteaming up with otherorganisations to deliver arealmix of excitingactivitiesfor youngpeopleofall ages •Work with training providerstodeliver arange of family learning courses to provideparents with thetoolstosupporttheir children’slearning Removing barriers into work: •Workclosely with registered training providerstodeliver accredited training coursestohelppeople achieve their chosen goals •Introducing ‘Trade Taster Days’ forthose interested in finding outmoreabout acareerintrades •Supportthe developmentofbusinesses (socialenterprises)whose aimisto help tenantsfurther developtheir skills andprovide them with thetoolsto setuptheir ownbusiness venture 66 11555.01 CBH News Spring2019 NL v6.indd 6 02/04/2019 13:51 SPRING 2019 Providing opportunitiestoimprove health andwellbeing: •Deliver projects andcourses that supporthealthy eating on abudget •Promote localfitnessclasses andsportsactivities forall ages •Set up social spaces that bring people together andhelptoreduceisolation •Helppeople to overcome anyconfidence and/or stress related issues throughthe provisionofmentalhealthand mindfulnesstraining Keepingour residentsand their communitiessafe: •Deliver projects forall generations aboutthe importance of staying safe on theinternet •Workinpartnership with local PCSO’s andthe police to create community ledworking grouptohelptackleany issues with crimeand ASB •Organiseplaces to talk to makeiteasierfor people to access thesupport servicesthattheyneed Above is only asnapshotofthe activities and taking place including informationabout schemes that we’reworking on to continue to thelocal organisationsinvolved, contact buildstrongercommunities andmake ourCommunityInvestmentTeamon Cheltenham abetterplace to live. 0800408 0000 or email [email protected] We’vegot many moreexciting plansfor the future in thepipeline.For
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