Th e La w r e n t ia n Z 821 Vol. 60. No. 17. LAWRENCE COLLEGE, APPLETON, WIS. Friday, Feb. 20, 1942 Women to Choose Winternitz Invite Students Hold Banquet Most Handsome Of Local Schools Vote for Prexy Men on Campus Gives Series To View New Play For Best Loved Next Monday after convocation Approximately 300 students and Of Student Body the fourth annual election of the six Of Lectures faculty members of neighboring Four Senior Girls to be most handsome men on campus will high schools will be guests of the Group of American Honored; Mrs. Barrow be held. Lawrence college theatre this week The election is sponsored by the Colleges Sponsors at performances of Thunder Rock, At Polls Today To be Guest Speaker Lawrentian and the results will be the modern drama of a newspaper announced in next weeks’ paper. Prominent Speaker reporter who seeks to hibernate Harkins, Harvey and Lawrence is eagerly awaiting the Any man regularly onrolcd in the from the present world by living Celebration of one of its loveliest Dr. Emanuel Winternitz, promi­ Grady are Candidates college or conservatory is eligible. in a light-house in northern Lake traditions—the Best Loved. Every nent philosopher, art historian and Four of the six men chosen la.;t Michigan. In Intensive Contest year iour senior girls are chosen as musician, member of the staff of year are still in school; they are The play, the second major pro­ the Metropolitan Museum and fac­ Today is election day at Law- the best loved by a vote of all Law- John Disher, George Carman, Bill duction of the year by the Law­ rence! We have read the candidate^ rence^vomen. The identity of these Nolan and Keith Ridgway. ulty visitor sponsored by the Asso­ rence college theatre, was first pro­ platforms in last week's Lawren- girls is carefully kept secret un­ Be on the look-out, girls, 'cause ciation of American Colleges, has duced in New York in 1939 and tian, heard them enlarged and clar­ there isn’t much time to make up been on the Lawrence campus since later had a successful run in Lon­ ified by the candidates themselves til the day of the Best Loved Ban­ your minds! don, where it was one of the most yesterday. in Monday's convocation—and now quet; no one knows who they are popular plays of the season. The it’s up to us. Let's ALL go to tho until, at the banquet, they dance in ­ During his visit Dr. Winternitz Lawrence presentation is directed polls today and cast our vote for to the dining room to the strains Elect Boge as has offered a series of four lectures by F. Theodore Cloak, professor of student body president! on the arts, illustrated with draw­ dramatics of the college. There are polls posted at con­ Of a minuet, becostumed in pow­ The following high schools have ings. performances on the piano and venient places over the campua dered wigs and hoopskirts in the accepted the college invitation: Ap­ Lawrentian's lantern slides. The remaining lec­ Brokaw men. Sage and Ormsby spirit of George Washington. tures will be as follows: pleton, Brillion, Clintonville, Den­ girls will vote in their dormitories; The mothers of the girls and as Eager to Meet Student* mark. Freedom. Green Bay West, Conservatory students at the Con; Hortonville, Kaukauna, Neenah. many of last year's Best Loved’s as Managing Ed. This evening at 7 p. m. at Pea­ town students and frat men in Main can be here have been invited to body hall (dismissing in time to go Omro, Oshkosh, Shawano, Shiocton. hall; Peabody and Washington girls attend the banquet as guests of the Brumbaugh and Herold to Chapel for the final performance Weyauwega, and Wrightstown. at Ormsby; and Lawe and Sago college. Other guests will include of ‘‘Thunder Rock", beginning at Cottage at Sage. Mrs. Thomas N. Barrows, Mrs. Are Elected to Posts 8:30 p. m.> "Expression” (including By now you have probably mads Thomas Hamilton. Mrs. Paul R. A n­ an interpretation of symbols used in Dr. Tesoro to your choice and need only the loca­ derson and Mrs. Donald DuShanc. Of Asst. Bus. Mgr. the American "Funnies"». Tomor­ tion of your poll to finish up ths Begin With March row morning at 9 a. m. at Peabody day’s busines. But for those of you The program will begin with the At the Lawrentian Board of Con­ hall "Styles". Speak Before who are still undecided, a last march into the dining-room, led by trol meeting Wednesday, February Dr. Winternitz is eager to meet minute glance at the respectivo the girls on the L. W. A. council 18, Herbert Boge was elected man- the students and the faculty and to platforms might help matters. escorting the guests, followed by 1 aging editor of the Lawrentian. discuss with them any problems in IRC Meeting No Control all the other girls. As soon as 1 Boge has worked on the paper for the fields of music, the visual arts The radical position is taken by Dr. George Tesoro, new faculty everyone is seated the string quar­ I the past year and a half and has or aesthetics. For this purpose the Marg Harkins, whose platform tet will begin playing, and the : served as assistant managing editor following informal meetings have member in the department of eco­ hinges upon “making the student Best Loved girls will come out this past seme.-U r. been planned: nomics, will speak on the subject body government more effective by At the same time, the board de­ divorcing it from administration dancing the Minuet. Hold Faculty Lanrhron "Contradictions: Fascist and Demo­ cided that it would be advisable control and arousing the ¿nteresl After the dinner the string quar­ This noon at 12:30 p. m. in the cratic Economics’* at a meeting of to have two assistant business man­ of the students in their govern­ tet will entertain. Dorien Montz. so­ small dining room of Brokaw hall the International Relations club cial chairman of L. W. A., w ill in­ agers instead of the usual one and Faculty Luncheon <45 cents) with m ent” She includes in her propos­ Thursday, February 28 at 7:30 p. m. troduce the girls and their moth­ Jerry Brumbaugh and Bob Herold faculty group in phiUkophy or art al panel discussions for the student in Room 16. Main hall. ers. and explain the umillion. Elaine were to fill th.-»e posi­ as nucleus, followed Sy Informal body led by ths executive commit­ tions. discussion of problems in aesthetics. Following Dr. Tesoro’* talk, ther* tee and “taking the Lawrentian Buesing, representing last year's will be a period of open discussion Best Loved, will then give a toast Also present at the meeting was Any other interested member of the from administration control.** and questioning by the audience. followed by a speech by Mrs. Kep­ Gordon Shurtleff who handed in faculty or the student body is urged Phil Harvey presents the con­ ler. his official resignation as managing to come for the discussion, whether All students, whether members of servative viewpoint in his belief the club or not. are invited to at­ Don’t miss this banquet! Buy your editor with the understanding that or not he comes for the luncheon it­ that teamwork and unity of tho it was necessary for the Lawren- self. tend this meeting. student body and administration I • ticket before Sunday, from the fol­ Dr. Tesoro has suggested that lowing girls: At Ormsby, Charlot­ tain to train a junior for next year. Tomorrow morning from 10 to 12 are essential in the face of such However. th!s resignation was not a. m. at Peabody hall informal students especially interested in troubled times. Cooperation with te Graf on first floor, Bettie Halli- getting a background for his dis­ day on second, and Marian Pietsch offered in agreement with the meetings with studentft—by appoint, the local defense authorities, im­ clause stated by the board to the ment. Students and faculty are urg­ cussion read in any of the follow­ partial office appointments, and • On third. At Sage, Peg Thompson ing books: Ebcnstein, Fascist Italy; on first floor, Carol McCarthy on cffcct that his services were not ed to take advantage of these op­ social program to comply with tho portunities. Steiner, Government in Fascist fecund. Naomi Coumbe on third, satisfactory. fraternities' decreased budget* Italy; Schneider, Fascist Govern­ form part of his platform. He also and Mary Louise Day on fourth;. ment in Italy; Pitigliana, The Ital­ At Peabody. Dorothy Hohenadel, at advocates better telehone facilities ian Corporative State; Burgess, Go­ at Brokaw and the girls’ dormitor­ Washington house Patty Ladwig. Famed Pianist, Gyorgy Sandor liath and Rouck and Hoat, Com­ ies, better chapel programs, and and at Lawe house Miss Milbauer. petitive Economic Systems. Buy your tickets NOW. This is more convenient transportation to Receive Books games. One event nobody wants to miss! To Appear Here on Tuesday The International Relations club Action has recently received its mid-year Gerry Grady in his platform ad­ installment of books on internation­ Business Office An internationally acclaimed pi­ would probably have a rather per­ vocates ACTION, through creating anist, Gyorgy Sandor provides the manent state of indigestion re­ al affairs from the Carnegie En­ an active interest in student gov­ artist material for the third in the sult. But Sandor's comment on dowment for International Peace ernment and presentation of ths Has Odd Mixture 1941-42 series, Tuesday, February that aspect of touring the world was in addition to those received ear­ student's viewpoints to the admin­ 24.
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