!lumb. 86. 2425 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1915. Jublisgtb b]l jutgorlt!J. WEI1LINGTON, FRIDAY, JULY 16, HH5. ,9cheme for the Control of the ABhburton High Sch,ool. parent ma.y nom.inate any number of candida.tes not exceed­ ing the num.ber to be elected. (6.) Every nomination-paper sha.ll be in the form or to the Educa.tion Department, effect following :- Wellington, 10th July 1915. I [Name and addresa], being a pa.rent duly entered on the N accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, roll, do hereby nominate [Name and addresa] as a. ca.ndidate I 1914 (hereinafter called "the Education Act"), and lfor election to the Board of Governors of the Ashburton High with the powers thereunder, I, Francis Henry Dillon Bell, School at the election to be held on the day of • acting for the Minister of Education, do here by, on the advice De.tad this day of , of the General Council of Edttcation approve of the following · [Signature of nominator.] scheme for the Ash burton High School (hereinafter called " the school"), which is established under the provisions of CANDIDATE'S CONSENT [To be aubscribed at the foot of the Ashburton High School Act, 1878. nomination-paper]. 1. The school shall be controlled by the Board of Governors (hereinafter referred to as "the Board") constituted by the I hereby consent to my nomination. Ashburton High School Act, 1878, as amended by the Educa.tion [Signature of candidate nominated.] Act, 1914. (7.) If the nomination-paper does not bear the written con- 2. With regard to the election of members of the Board by sent of the ca.ndidate nominated, such consent may be given the pa.rents of the pupils, the following provisions shall by him to the Returning Officer before the nominations a.re apply:- closed, a.nd every nomination-pa.per sha.ll be void in so far as (1.) The first election shall be held on a date to be appointed concerns any candida.te whose written consent is not duly by the :Minister before the 31st day of August in the year 1915, given as aforesaid. and every subsequent election shall be held on a date to be (8.) Nominations shall close at noon on the tenth day fixed by the Board in the mnnth of July in every second year before the day of the election. thereafter. (9.) If the number of nominations received does not exceed (2.) The Secretary of the Board shall be the Returning Ithe number of vacancies to be filled, the Returning Officer Officer. shall forthwith declare the candidate or candidates so nomi- (3.) For the purposes of each election the Returning Officer 'I nated to be duly elected. In all other cases he shall, as soon shall prepare a roll, and shall enter therein the name, occn- as the nominations are closed, prepare and post to each elector pation, and address of every person qualified to be enrolled at his address as a.ppearing on the roll a printed voting-paper as a parent of a pupil of the school. The roll shall be closed I containing in alpha.betical order of surnames a list of all the at 5 o'clock on the fourteenth day next before the day on I duly nominated candidates for whom such parent is entitled which any election is to be held, and shall continue to be to vote, and such voting-paper shall be in the form or to the closed until the election is completed. effect following :- "Parent" mea.ns the father, if he is living, or, if not, the mother, or, if neither the father nor the mother is living, the VOTING-PAPER FOR USE AT ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE guardian, of a pupil of the school. DAY OF , 19 , OF MEMBER OF THE A "pupil of the school" means a pupil whose name is on BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE ASHBUBTON HIGH SCHOOL. the school roll at the end of the term preceding the closing of OANDIDATES. the r0ll, but does n~t include a pupil in any !owe: depart~ent. I [Set out in alphabetical order of aurnames the full name of (4.) The ~etul'Il;1ng. Officer .sh~ll, by ~dvertIS~ment m a every duly nominated candidate.] newspaper ci.rculatmg m the d1str1ct'. pubhcly notify, not less [Signature of voter.] than fourteen days before each election,- · (a.) The day and hour for the closing of nominations; I DmEO'l'IONS. (b.) The total number of candidates to be elected; The number of candida.tes to be elected is [Specify tke (c.) The day and the hour for the closing of the election, number]. (5.) Every candidate shall be nominated in writing by one I The voter is required to draw a line through the name of or more parents entitled to vote for his election, Each such I every candidate for whom he does not intend to vote, A 2426 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE. [No. 86 The num,ber of candidates wh. ose nam,es are left uncancelled ['the school, and to allot their several duties; and no assistant m,ust not exceed the total number of candidates to be elected. teacher or other officer of the school shall be appointed until This voting-paper must mi signed by the voter and en- the headmaster has been consulted. closed in a sealed envelope, bearing on the outside thel"llof the (3.) He shall have the power in cases of grave neglect of words" Voting-paper," and if posted to the Returning Officer duty or of gross misbehaviour to suspend any assistant must be posted on or before the day of election, or, if de- teacher or other officer, but shall forthwith repcrt his action livered to him, shall be delivered at his office, to the Chairman of the Board, who shall thereupon confirm Street, , before the day of election, or not later than or overrule his action until the next meeting of the Board, five o'clock in the afternoon of that day. when the matter may be determined; but the action of the (JO.) The poll shall close at five o'clock on the afternoon headmaster shall hold good until the Chairman or the Board of the day of election; but all voting-papers shall be included has determined the matter. and counted which are not informal and are received by the (4.) He shall be supreme over the discipline, and may sus­ Returning Officer in due course of post before the close of the pend any pupil, reporting his action to the Board at its next sixth day after the day of the election. meeting, and the action of the headmaster shall hold good (11.) A voting-paper shall be informal in any of the follow- until the Board has come to some determination in regard to ing cases, that is to say:- the matter. He shall not expel any pupil without the sanction (a.) If it is not duly signed by the parent; or of the Board. (b.) If the candidates whose names are left uncancelled (5.) He shall regulate all text-books, methods, and organiza- exceed in number the total number of candidates tion, and, subject to clause 5 hereof and to the regulations • for whom the person is entitled to vote, or if in any under the Education Act, he shall determine the course cf other way the paper fails to indicate clearly for whom study for each pupil. · the vote is intended to be given; or 7. The Board may license hostels or boardinghouses for (c.) If, being delivered to the Returning Officer, the sealed the accommodation of pupils, and may place such hostels or envelope containing the voting-paper is not de- boardinghouses under the charge of teachers of the school or livered at his office before the close of the poll; or other suitable persons, and shall provide for the inspection (d.) If, having been forwarded by post, the scaled envelope of such hostels or boardinghouses. containing: the voting-paper is not received at the 8. The school shall be open to inspection as provided by office of the Returning Officer before the close of the section 96 of the Education Act. sixth day after the day of election, or if, from, the post- Dated at Wellington this 10th day of July, 1915. mark on the envelope or otherwise, the Returning Officer is satisfied that it was not posted until after F. H. D. BELL, the day of the election. For Minister of Education. (12.) On the seventh day after the day of election the Returning Officer shall open and examine all voting-papers duly delivered to him or received by him through the post as aforesaid, and, after rejecting all informal voting-papers, Scheme for the Control of the Auckland Grammar School and shall ascertain the candidates (not exceeding the total num,ber the Auckland Girl8' Grammar School. to be elected) who have received the greatest number of votes, and shall declare such candidates to be elected. Education Department, (13.) If, by reason of an equality of votes given for two or Wellington, 10th ,July, 1915. more candidates, the election is not complete, the Returning N accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, Officer shall decide by lot, in the presence of two mem, hers I 1914 (hereinafter called "the Education Act"), and of the Board, which candidate or candidates shall be elected, with the powers thereunder, I, Francis Henry Dillon Bell, and thereby complete the election.
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