2020 Vol. 20, Issue 9 Our guide for new, prospective, and current residents alike! photo courtesy of Delta Hotels Let us generate a HELPING YOU wellness program tailored to your LIVE company’s specifi c needs! BETTER Workplace Wellness Program | 920 436 9670 GREATER GREEN BAY YMCA | www.greenbayymca.org ® Dental Specialists for Children & Teenagers CREDIT SERVICES I T T AKE S BRICKS AND • with a low annual fee ST ONE T O BUILD A HOUSE. • A variety MasterCard® credit card options for you to choose • Fixed Rate, Adjustable Rate, and Balloon mortgages • Home Equity Line with preferred rates W E K NOW I T T A K E S SOMETHING • STRONGER T O B U ILD A H OME. • • • Local loan servicing for the life of the mortgage FINALIST...Best of the Bay Call or stop in today! Fast, Local Decisions Loans Serviced Locally 2865 South Ridge Rd., Green Bay, WI 54324 2747 Manitowoc Rd., Green Bay, WI 54311 www.BankFirstNational.com 920-499-0500 920-469-0500 5 Years Running! Please call Visit us at to arrange a visit and complimentar y 1670 Sunset Beach Rd. lunch Age Well takes an entirely new and enthusiastic approach to Suamico senior living with an award-winning lifestyle known as VIVA! 920-401-4013 • Lifelong learning, sharing and leadership options 246 Berger Street • Comprehensive care model focused on well care Green Bay, WI 54302 www.covantagecu.org • Three chef-prepared meals “from scratch” daily 920-541-4540 www.PathwaySL.com Your Preferred Community Lender SM 2 3 Visit us online at greenbayareanewcomersneighbors.com. For advertising information, call (920) 680-7437. FIRE BURGLAR ALARMS ALARMS ACCESS SURVEILLANCE CONTROL (920) 680-1502 www.dytechnologyllc.com 10% offCODE: 51990 Bay Port Chiropractic Clinic Next Purchase Dr. Dan Farah Expires: 12/31/20 Board Certified In Sports injuries. Valid at Ashwaubenon, Green Bay and Oshkosh locations only. Some restrictions apply. Not valid with any other offers. Chiropractor Prices subject to change without notice. A 820 Willard Dr. • 920-544-0046 G B 2206 Main St. • 920-468-3555 1330 Velp Ave, Green Bay, WI 54303 O 1051 S. Washburn St. • 920-235-3360 (920) 497-9499 KVVC235 - 1802 PIZZARANCHORDER.COM bayportchiropracticclinic.com DENNIS WATERMOLEN APARTMENTS 1685 RIVERBEND TERRACE #4 GREEN BAY, WI 54311 T PHONE920-465-6894 FAX920-406-8938 MyGreenBayApartment.com [email protected] Northeast WI #1 Furniture and Mattress retailer 800 Hansen Road 2156 W. Mason Street Green Bay, WI 54304 Green Bay, WI 54303 920-496-5780 920-499-2375 4 www.wgrfurniture.com 5 Visit us online at greenbayareanewcomersneighbors.com. For advertising information, call (920) 680-7437. BROWN COUNTY The third most populous county in the state of Wisconsin. The county seat is Green Bay. CITY OF GREEN BAY • Population: 105,477 - 3rd largest city in WI • www.greenbaywi.gov One of the most distributed, concise, all-inclusive book publications about Green Bay, which residents can view to learn all they need to know about the area. City Hall (920) 448-3000 Mission: Help connect new, prospective, and current residents and businesses to the community and to one another. 100 N. Jefferson St. Available in print, on the web, via weekly emails, and on social media. Clerk's Office (920) 448-3010 One of the key resources to promote the Green Bay area to new, existing, and prospective residents! Dept. of Public Works (920) 448-3100 Since 1985, has personally helped over 32,000 new residents become acclimated to the area. Fire Department (920) 448-3280 NEWCOMERS & NEIGHBORS www.greenbaywi.gov/fire Green Bay Area Newcomers Neighbors provides the resources to become acquainted with the community, businesses, and Mayor Eric Genrich (920) 448-3005 opportunities to meet others. We provide relocation assistance, a recommended businesses directory, community event calendars, networking opportunities, tours, rental searches, and this Green Bay Area Resource Guide. The Green Bay Area Newcomers Parks, Rec., Forestry (920) 448-3365 Neighbors, Inc. social club (since 1935) provides the opportunity to have fun and form friendships while participating in over 10 events a month. Police (920) 448-3200 307 S. Adams St. TOWNS & VILLAGES www.gbpolice.org ALLOUEZ TABLE OF CONTENTS RESOURCE GUIDE STAFF Water / Utility (920) 448-3480 • Population: 13,790 • www.villageofallouez.com BROWN COUNTY 7 CITY OF DE PERE • instagram.com/villageofallouez • facebook.com/villageofallouez CITY OF GREEN BAY 7 Joleen Allard • Population: 24,595 CITY OF DE PERE 7 Director of Sales • www.deperewi.gov Park Department (920) 448-2804 TOWNS & VILLAGES 7-8 City Hall (920) 339-4050 Trash & Recycling (920) 448-2800 Cheri Diring 335 S. Broadway GREEN BAY AREA MAP 10 Editor / Designer Village Administrator (920) 448-2800 ext.106 Brad Lange RESTAURANTS 11 Fire Department (920) 339-4091 Maggie Lamal ACTIVITIES 12-14 Editor Facebook Mayor James Boyd (920) 339-4040 Village President (920) 819-7652 Jim Rafter ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT 15 Parks (920) 339-4065 Judy Niesing Water Department (920) 448-2808 EDUCATION Calendar Editor 16-18 Police Department (920) 339-4078 HEALTH CARE 18-22 Courtney Francois Post Office (800) 275-8777 Proofreader ASHWAUBENON HOUSING 23-24 Trash Pickup Information (920) 339-4060 • Population: 17,000 MUSEUMS 24 Chris Riemer • www.ashwaubenon.com Public Relations Water Department (920) 339-4046 ORGANIZATIONS 25-26 Parks-Rec-Forestry (920) 492-2331 PARKS 27 Jacob Kulis Weekly Email SHOPPING 27 Calendar Trash & Recycling (920) 492-2311 SPORTS 28 Flavion Family Distributors Village President (920) 492-2301 TRANSPORTATION 28 Mary Kardoskee UTILITIES Karen Peterson 28 Data Research (920) 492-2301 WEATHER 9 Village Manager Allison Swanson WORSHIP Kara Vincent 29-30 Instagram DIRECTORY OF BUSINESS AD SPONSORS 31-33 Water Department (920) 492-2335 6 photo courtesy of the City of Green Bay Public Safety (non-emergency) (920) 492-2995 7 Visit us online at greenbayareanewcomersneighbors.com. For advertising information, call (920) 680-7437. TOWNS & VILLAGES CONT’D WEATHER 2018-2019 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC BELLEVUE HOWARD PULASKI lowest temp. (F) -11 -4 13 9 38 43 51 50 35 26 21 -15 • Population: 19,680 • Population: 15,687 • Population: 3,624 highest temp. (F) 48 65 55 76 97 94 93 88 90 82 70 61 • www.villageofbellevue.org • www.villageofhoward.com • www.villageofpulaski.org warmest night 30 44 31 39 66 75 70 72 66 55 47 46 Fire Department Police Department (920) 822-5613 (920) 884-1077 Village Hall coldest day 1 15 27 28 44 68 73 66 47 39 34 -1 (920) 434-4640 585 E. Glenbrook Dr. 2456 Glendale Ave. avg. min. temp. (F) 12.4 21.8 22.5 25.8 50.9 58.1 60.7 59.6 52.7 39.2 35.5 10.7 Police Department Public Works & Utilities (920) 448-4200 (920) 822-8618 avg. max. temp. (F) 27.5 37.8 40.3 44.9 73.7 77.3 82.7 80.7 73.1 55.1 53.6 26.7 Public Works 419 E. Pulaski St. Main office (Trash & Recycling, Sewer & Water) avg. temp. 20 29.8 31.4 35.3 62.3 67.7 71.7 70.1 62.9 57.2 44.6 18.2 (920) 468-5225 (920) 434-4060 Billing Information ,IRQHWKLQNVRI:LVFRQVLQWKHFROGZLQWHUVLVWKHÀUVWWKLQJWKDWPLJKWFRPHWRPLQG%XW (920) 822-5182 ,IRQHWKLQNVRI:LVFRQVLQWKHFROGZLQWHUVLVWKHÀUVWWKLQJWKDWPLJKWFRPHWRPLQG%XW 1336 Cornell Rd. total precipitation (in.) 1.4 0.82 .99 4.87 3.67 4.81 3.13 6.32 4.96 4.86 2.29 1.29 Trash & Recycling Village President ,IRQHWKLQNVRI:LVFRQVLQWKHFROGZLQWHUVLVWKHÀUVWWKLQJWKDWPLJKWFRPHWRPLQG%XW 888-804-8556 Public Safety Reed Woodward total snowfall (in.) 5.1 5.60 7 36.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 12 Non-Emergency (920) 434-4666 (920) 822-5182 VNLLQJDQGVQRZVKRHLQJ,QWKHVXPPHUDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVKLNLQJELNLQJDQGZDWHUUHODWHGVNLLQJDQGVQRZVKRHLQJ,QWKHVXPPHUDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVKLNLQJELNLQJDQGZDWHUUHODWHG max. 24-hr precipitation (in.) 0.63 0.40 .38 1.53 0.83 1.71 .70 2.88 2.06 1.42 1.47 0.63 DENMARK Village President SUAMICO VNLLQJDQGVQRZVKRHLQJ,QWKHVXPPHUDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVKLNLQJELNLQJDQGZDWHUUHODWHG Burt McIntyre max. 24-hr snowfall (in.) 2.6 3.90 3.9 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.90 7.1 • Population: 2,212 (920) 434-0482 • Population: 12,735 ,IRQHWKLQNVRI:LVFRQVLQWKHFROGZLQWHUVLVWKHÀUVWWKLQJWKDWPLJKWFRPHWRweather data for Green Bay, WI courtesy of ThePLQG%XW National Weather Service Forecast Office, w2.weather.gov • www.denmark-wi.org • www.suamico.org Fire Department LAWRENCE 6RXUFH:LVFRQVLQ6WDWH&OLPDWRORJ\2IÀFH ,IRQHWKLQNVRI:LVFRQVLQWKHFROGZLQWHUVLVWKHÀUVWWKLQJWKDWPLJKWFRPHWRPLQG%XW Fire Department AverageVNLLQJDQGVQRZVKRHLQJ,QWKHVXPPHUDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVKLNLQJELNLQJDQGZ temperatures °F DWHUUHODWHG Non-Emergency Assistance ,IRQHWKLQNVRI:LVFRQVLQWKHFROGZLQWHUVLVWKHÀUVWWKLQJWKDWPLJKWFRPHWRPLQG%XW • Population: 5,690 (920) 434-3201 906RXUFH:LVFRQVLQ6WDWH&OLPDWRORJ\2IÀFH (920) 391-7450 AVERAGE HIGH TEMPERATURE AVERAGE LOW TEMPERATURE • www.townoflawrence.org 80 Trash & Recycling 6RXUFH:LVFRQVLQ6WDWH&OLPDWRORJ\2IÀFH 70 VNLLQJDQGVQRZVKRHLQJ,QWKHVXPPHUDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVKLNLQJELNLQJDQGZDWHUUHODWHG Police Department Town Hall (920) 434-2212 VNLLQJDQGVQRZVKRHLQJ,QWKHVXPPHUDFWLYLWLHVVXFKDVKLNLQJELNLQJDQGZDWHUUHODWHG Non-Emergency Assistance 60 2400 Shady Court, De Pere 6RXUFH:LVFRQVLQ6WDWH&OLPDWRORJ\2IÀFH (920) 391-7450 Village Hall 50 (920) 336-9131 (920) 434-2212 40 Village Office 12781 Velp Ave. Town Chairman 118 E. Main St., Denmark 30 Dr. Lanny Tibaldo (920) 863-6400 Village President 20 Laura Nelson 6RXUFH:LVFRQVLQ6WDWH&OLPDWRORJ\2IÀFH Town Administrator 10 Waste Water Treatment Plant (920) 246-8212 6RXUFH:LVFRQVLQ6WDWH&OLPDWRORJ\2IÀFH Patrick W. Wetzel (920) 863-8401 0 Water Department JANFEB MARAPR MAYJUNE JULY AUGSEPTOCT NOVDEC Fire Chief (920) 434-8410 HOBART Kurt Minten (920) 660-6695 CLIMATE • Population: 9,599 While Green Bay is often described as the frozen tundra, residents know that the overall climate is more temperate with it's variability and distinctive weather patterns across the seasons. Extended periods of humid or subzero temperatures are uncommon due to the moderating effect of Lake Michigan so close by.
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