tte | No.44 Lagos - 2nd September, 1982 Vol. 69 CONTENTS . 3 Page . Page Movements ofOrficers oe ee 882-90 BabanlaPostal Agency—Openingof .. -. 896 Trade Dispute between the National Union Ibido Street, Ageg¢Postal Agency—Opening of and Non-Metallic Products of .. ool ee ee -- 897 Workers and Management of Metal Box NdiogwuaméechiPostalAgency—Opening of 897 Toyo Glass Limited oe o. -- 891 Akata-Ogbomosho Postal Agency— TradeDispute between the National Union Openingof ..: .. - o- 2. 897 ofPaperandPa rProducts Workers and Ungwar Shanu Postal Agency—Opening of .. 897 "Managementof WahumPackages Nigeria Housing Estate, Kaduna Postal Agency— Limited ..) ww 8. Openngof = ws wesw 897 Permitto Operate Non-Scheduled Passenger Nzerem Postal Agéncy—Opening of -- 897 and CargoAirCharterServices 1... .. 892 Ukubie Postal Agency—Opening of .. -- 898 Asa-Umunka Postal Agency— Introduction Zambuk Postal Agency: ing of -- “898 of Savings Bank Facilities ., oe -- 892 Enugu-Agidi Post Office—Opening of ' 398 Eha-AlumonaPostalAgency—Openingof ,, 892 Afor-Agulu Postal Agency—-Openingof .. 898 Ojobiofia Postal Agency—Introduction of ° Salami Street, Mafoluku, Mushin Postal = SavingsBank Facilities .. 892 Agency—Opening of _—.. oe -. 898 Kumo Post Offi ingof .., 892 . Darazo Post Office-Opening of cee ‘898 - | Ikot-Ekpenyong Postal Agency—Opening Ikot Okoro Sub-Post Office—Opening of 899 of .. oe oe . oe +» 893 IsuofiaPostal Agen¢y—Introductionof Uwene-Ekpoma Postal Agency—Openingof 893 Savings Bank Facilities .. .. .,. 899 Igbakwu Postal Agency—Opening of .. 893 . Agbogugu Sub-Post Office—Openingof 899 AwgbuPostal Agency—Introduction of ‘Tungbo Postal Agency-—Opening of -- §899 Savings Bank Facilities . , .. -- 893 Kachia Road, Kaduna Postal Agency— Enem Postal Agency—Opening of .. “»» $93 Opening of .. o- - ee -- 899 ' Asata-Enugu Sub-Post Office—Openingof ., 893 Alaropo Akinwole Postal Agency—Opening TbalaPostal Agency— Opening of ,, .. 894 of ., + + + - -. 899 Etomi Postal neency—Opening of _.. we. 894 - Toss ofLocalPurchase Orders . 300 ot Ukpo: sit —Opening te of Ro on Tin o. + ws of - none, .- ee gency Pe -- 894 Ap Meationforai ce ofthe Registrar of Oboro Umueze OgwaPostalAgency ompanies .. oe oe oe le 90 Opening of .. + oe es -» 894 Cause List .. a ve + 900-05 — Ukwa-Ibom Postal Agency—Opening of |: 304 Departmentof Customs and Excise—Reve- Itapa-Ekiti Postal Agency—Introduction of nue Figures for January 1981 as on 27th Savings Bank Facilities .- oe -- 894 July, 1982 2: so) ne 906-09 Igarta Post Office— ing of oe -- 895 Examination in Law, Civil Service Rules, Akwu-Achi Sub-Post Office—Openingof . 895 Financial Regulations, Police Orders and UturuPostalAgency—Introduction o Instruction and Practical Police Works— Savings Bank Facilities oe 895 14th-16th December, 1982 .. -. 910 Billiri Post Office—Opening of a 895 ~— Vacancies -- os -- .. 910-11 Otibio Post Office—Opening of °. 895 Public Notice No. 27:—SuitNo. FHC/L[M Terostal AgencyOpening of oe -. 895 76/81—Notice ofPetition. .. e- -- 911 Onicha-Ukwumuoji Post Sub-PostOffice—OpeningOffice_-Openio: os got42 896806 __ Inpex: To Lec Norice IN SUPPLEMENT UdungAffiang Postal Agency—Opening of 396 . S.I. No. Short Title Page o Square, Nnewi P. ency— | — Billentitled the Customsand Excise i oo | we oe ee -- 896 Management(Amendment)Act Owada Postal Agency—Opening of ., -» 896 1982 los . os -» Ciii ‘ 882 OFFICIAL GAZETTE No. 44, Vol. 69 Government Notice No, 562 __ NEW APPOINTMENTS AND OTHER STAFF CHANGES The following are notified for general information :— 4 NEW APPOINTMENTS Mee Date of © Department : Name Appointment Api. Administration ve IgboegwuyMrs O. G. Administrative Officer, Grade Viti .« 28+8-78 ve ce Akinwande, Mrs A. ..- Gleaner oe ee , 15+7-77 Ekanem, I. svLessenger ee oe 2-2-81 Iyamu,F. Clerical Officer .. oe 7-8-81 eremiah,S. we Clerical Officer .. ee ~- . 9-2-81 . Onifade, ’s. Cleaner : ‘ 16-6~73 Shopade, Miss O, ClericalAssistant e 31-3-81 Customs and Excise .. Aucrad QO. T. Preventive Officer oe 1-4~74 Akinjiyan, J. O. Officer of Customs and Excise’ oo 1—-4+-72 Cleaner . 1-4-75 Akwa, M. i. Officer of Customsand Excise 9-6-75 Ayodele, ‘Mrs M.AL Typist, Grade II . 1-4-78 Briggs, O. F. F. Clerical Assistant ~ te 17-12-79 Buraimoh, M. Motor Driver 9-12-74 Dosunmu, F. A. i. Superintendent Collector, Grade II 10-8~82 Ehuchie, T. Typist, Grade III 1-2-67 Ceegamosi, Ss. O. Assistant Superintendent Collector 24-9-80. Gbademu,I. O. Assistant Preventive Officer .’. 3-9-75 Trunmu, D. 0. Quartermaster .. .- 16-5-77 Iwegbu,J. Craftsman, Grade II -- 3-10-75 Izuagie, Miss A. O. Preventive Officer oe oe 1-4-71 James, N. Assistant Preventive Officer .. 8-7-75 Kalejaiye, Miss C. O. O. Preventive Officer . 10-4-72 Ndubueze, C. “Clerical Officer ., 16—1~80. Nmako, A. A. Preventive Officer oe 1-7-72 Ode, E. O. Cleaner we 1-472 Ofunrakinyo, Oo. O. Officer of Customsand Excise .- 4-71 Ol Cleaner + 1-4-76 Olusanya, Miss G. 0”‘ Cleaner ve 1-44-75 Ukwu, D Craftsman, Grade il te .- 26-4-77. Executive Office of the Oand Motor Driver - .. -- 30-9~72 President Inland Revenue Aina, I. O. Typist, Grade III 1-6-75 Falokun, S. A. essenper . 1-8-67 Judicial Afolayan, Mrs J. O. Typist, Grade Il 14-10-76 Obiaozu, K.I. Clerical Officer .. » -22-2-78 Udosen, Mrs R, Court Attendant .. oe "31-10-78 National Population Ekore, Mrs L. Cleaner. ve oe oe 1-2-77 Commission Nwaeseni, Cc. Clerical Officer .. - 16-11-73 Officeof theHead of Babatunde, D. A. Motor Driver ... : Service 9-5-73 Chidobem,J. N. Confidential Secretary, GradeIII 16-2-81 Cleaner .. >. 1-4-76 Opundace,are, $DS. Cleaner oe 14-77 Okcowo, T. Messenger -. 17-479 Peter, Miss C. we Typist, Grade Il > 30-6-79 Subair, Mrs O. Cloakroom Attendant “1 5-5-72 Ukelere, C. C. Lift Attendant ., . 30-7-75 Ministry of Agriculture Adeniyi,A.A, Agricultural Economist, GradeI 1-5-80 Messenger . 1—4-73 Agricultural Engineer, GradeII 7-8-79 Assistant Conservator of Forest, Grade i 25-8-75 Fapohunda, F. A. Agricultural Officer, Grade II 3-8-76 Ministry of Aviation Busari, R. Messenger -- o. 6-7-78 Inyang, M. B. Clerical Officer .. 23-6-80 Omojuyigbe, R. F. Climatological Assistant oe 27-9-77 Ministry of Commerce Alofabi, Mrs F. A. Cleaner oe 1-4-7 Akande, Mrs O. Ministry ofCommuni- Clerical Officer .. - .. 15-11-73 Fasan, O. D, Personnel Officer, Grade II .. .. 25-8-80 cations . Plant Officer, Grade II e 16-7-79 Personnel Officer, Grade II .. 1) 258-80 Technician te 3-4-7 2nd September, 1982 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 883 NEW:APPOINTMENTS—continued - . Department Name Appointment Date of Appointment Ministry of Defence .. Adeife,Mrs A.A, .. Teacher, Grade II | -- 13-3-78 Ekpenyong, P.E. .. Typist, Grade lll | oe «- 31-97-77 ’ Ewuosho, S. O, imekeeper ee oe -- ° 1-6-76 Ijeh, Miss P. J. -. Typist, Grade III oe oe 1-4-76 Ikhiebe, Mrs T. -- Ward Maid ee oe oe 1-4~74 Tlomah,” Miss S; Telephone Attendant . - 1-3-82 Ojetola, j. O. Artisan, Grade III . 26-7-67 Okechukwu, E. Carpenter Mate .. 21-12-72 Okpako, Mrs O. Ward Maid 1-4-75 1Sanni, M. Clerical Assistant 13-8-70 - Udoh, Miss A, A. Cleaner 14-75 Ministry of Education Bisiriyu, K. A. Motor Driver 15-1-76 Nwanze, Miss F. Clerical Officer .. 12-6-73 Ukor, Mrs I. E. Typist, Grade III = oe 1-473 Ministry of Employment, Troham, Miss C.-U. Assistant Registrar of: Co-operatives, Labour and Producti- Grade IT . o .' 22-8-80 vity *Pobeni, Mrs MI.A. Typist, Grade II oe .. 22-11-76 )=— Ministry of External ‘Adeniji, A Clerical Officer . 27-12-79 Affairs Oduyemi,"Miss B. Clerical Assistant 12-7-76 Ministry of Finance .. Adeniji, M. Y. .. Executive Officer (Accounts) -» 12-10-73 ~ - Adesanya, J. A. — -. Clerical Assistant -. ~s 87-71. Igbinehi, Miss G. .. Clerical Officer .. os 6-2~74~ lyinbor, Mrs F. O. Assistant Executive Officer (Accounts) -. 1-12-76 Ogunbameru,I. Clerical Officer .. o. .. 48-10-76 : Sokeye, Mrs M. A. ©. Clerical Assistant 29-976 Udu, Miss M. -- Sanitary Attendant |, +. 1-4~74 Ministry of Housingand Olojo, Mrs A. -- Clerical Assistant a ° . oe 1-4-80 Environment Ministry of Internal Akalugo, J. U. - Immigration Control Officer . .. 15-10-80 Affairs . Arotiba, M. O. Trade Instructor-in-Training -. 17-1-77 Echua, P. B. Warder . -. 18-4-59 Mahan, M. .. Warder oe 4-3-77 3Onwumeh,I. .. Warder .. ee oe 9-2~78 . Wanijjo, Y. Warder 22-8-74 Wolughoms, Miss A. Immigration Control Assistant, Grade ur 9-8-76 Ministry of National ‘Essien, E. J. ~ Messenger oe . 12-9-68 lannin Ministry of ‘Transport Dantani, U. Instrument Attendant a . 1-9-80 Ekwurugwo, Miss C. N. Typist, Grade III 1-3~81 Emeagha, Mrs R.N. ‘Typist, Grade III 1-3-81 Ologun, W.O. Hydrological Assistant-in-Training 11-11-80 Ministry of Works Ashimi, Y. oe os 1-4-75 Ebu, M. E. N. .. ‘Trade Apprentice — DR . 1-9-73 -Jimoh, M. Motor Driver... | oo. - 19-6-78 Olanade, j. Heavy Lorry Driver |; .. 4~10-76 Omene, Mrs B. I. .. Clerical Assistant -- ,- 9-83-78 Osakwe, Mrs C.N. .. Senior Technical oie(Buildings) 2. | 12-7—99 Ministry of Social Deve- Elushakin, P. A: .. Driver-Mechanic, Gra .. ‘23-11-76 Assistant ..° | She -. 2-12-79 lopment, Youth, Sports Okaro, H. G. U. -- Clerical and Culture . Statistics .. Ohonme, Mrs I. Data Processing Assistanttin-Training 4-1-71 1 Notification in Gazette No. 63 of 24-12-81 is hereby amended. 2 Notification in Gazette No. 61 of 25-12-80 is hereby-amended. Notification in Gazette No. 14 of 1-4-82 is hereby arnended. PROMOTIONS Department Name . Appointment Date of : . Promotion Executive Office of the Wrusogbule, Information Officer, Gratle II 13-4-82 President 884 | ' OFFICIAL GAZETTE No.
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