Socialist IUE members m~et . • 6 TH£ Skoglund: example for communist workers . 7 Interview with Cuban·art critic 17 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKLY PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 48/NO. 29 AUGUST 3, 1984 75 CENTS Nicaraguan Democrats no answer to revolution celebrates bosses' war, austerity BY MALIK MIAH fifth year The Democratic Party is attempting to present itself as the "savior" of working people in the elections in November. To BY JOSE G. PEREZ project this image, it nominated former MANAGUA, Nicaragua - Mobilized Vice-pres. Walter Mondale for president around the slogan, "Everything for the war and Geraldine Ferraro for vice-president at front, everything for the fighters," some its recent convention in San Francisco. Fer­ 200,000 or more people rallied here July raro is the first woman to ever run on a 19 to commemorate the fifth anniversary of U.S. capitalist party presidential ticket. the Nicaraguan revolution. The crowd to­ The Democratic ticket will be running tilily filled Managua's new Carlos Fonseca against Pres. Ronald Reagan and Vice­ Plaza, spilling over into the neighboring pres. George Bush, who are expected to be grounds of the Ruben Dario Theater and nominated at the Republican convention in beyond it along the Simon Bolivar August. Boulevard. It was difficult to gauge the The Democratic convention ended on an total attendance. Estimates ran as high as exhilarating note of unity. The delegates 300,000. hailed the party's platform. They cheered The turnout for the celebration exceeded the decision of Jesse Jackson and Sen. by far the predictions of Sandinista offi­ Gary Hart to urge their supporters to cam­ cials, who had aimed to mobilize 150,000 paign wholeheartedly for Mondale and people. Given the resources needed to Ferraro. And they hoped a vice-presiden­ maintain defense against the U.S. war tial nominee who is a woman will help here, government leaders decided not to rally the support needed to win the elec­ provide tr.ansportation for massive turnouts tion. from other cities. The platform adopted opens by saying, Carlos Fonseca Plaza had just been com­ "A fundamental choice awaits America ­ pleted througha round-the-clock effort by a choice between two futures." This choice workers from the Junta for the Reconstruc­ is between four more "bad" years of tion of Managua, the local government. Continued on Page 3 Delegates .at Democratic Party convention The plaza is named after the founder of the Sandinista National Liber~tion Front (FSLN) who fell in battle in 1976. CDS vigils Gonzalez demands: free Puerto Rico Although the rally did not begin until al­ BY MARTIN KOPPEL Puerto Rico as a showcase of progress and our sister peoples in Nicaragua, El Sal­ most 10 a.m., the neighborhood Sandinista SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - The final freedom in the Caribbean. "But the coloni­ vador, Cuba, and Grenada." This, she Defense Committees (CDS) began rousing leg of a solidarity and fact-finding tour in al reality is that Puerto Ricans suffer high added, "is being done against the will of people well before dawn. In some areas, · the Caribbean took Andrea Gonzalez to the unemployment and drug addiction, as well the Puerto Rican people, as shown by the CDS activists held all-night vigils and par­ U.S. colony of Puerto Rico. as political repression at the hands of U.S. demonstration of 30,000 people organized ties. In others, especially those relatively Gonzalez, Socialist Workers Party can­ grand juries and the FBI." last April against U,S. intervention in Cen­ distant from the plaza, people began didate for U.S. vice-president, earlier at­ She emphasized that "Right now there tral America and the Caribbean." gathering as early as 4 a. m. for the trip to tended the first convention of the Socialist are 25 Puerto Rican independence fighters the day before, Gonzalez took part in a one of the assembly points from which Bloc in the Dominican Republic. From jailed by the U.S. government for their po­ rally against Washington's use of the contingents marched to the rally site. July 17- 19 she attended a conference of litical ideas." Puerto Rican National Guard in Central In the first ranks of the immense throng Caribbean anti-imperialist organizations Asked about Puerto Rico's role in the America. at the plaza were units of the Sandinista held in Fort-de-France, Martinique. U.S. government's foreign policy, Gon­ The socialist candidate's news confer­ People's Army and Sandinista People's A well-attended news conference was zalez said that "U.S. colonialism has ence was immediately followed by another Militias. Many of the army units were held for the U.S. socialist on July 23 at the turned Puerto Rico into a huge military one involving Pedro Grant, PSP General composed of sombreritos, (little hats), as Puerto Rican Lawyers Guild office here. base, as a springboard for its war against Continued on Page 4 the young men drafted through the Patriotic Pedro Grant, president of the Puerto Military Service are affectionately called. Rican Socialist Party (PSP), explained to In the weeks leading up to the celebra­ the media that a range of organizations on tion, the revolutionary government had the island were planning to meet Gonzalez UAW pickets GM headquarters been on a massive campaign to get tens of to "discuss the political situation in the thousands of young Nicaraguans to register United States and Puerto Rico with her, as as auto contract talks begin for the draft, and to volu~teer to be called candidate for the Socialist Workers Party." up. Grant said her visit would "emphasize BY ANDREW PULLEY and other concessions imposed by General The sombreritos at the front of the crowd meetings with trade union leaders and · DETROIT - More than 3,000 auto Motors in 1982. set a militant and enthusiastic tone for the workers." workers picketed General Motors world An airplane circled the GM building entire rally. Building human pyramids, Gonzalez stated that the SWP campaign headquarters as national contract talks pulling a sign behind it also demanding Sandinista soldiers would wave high the supports independence for Puerto Rico. began July 23 . They came by bus from at "Restore and More in '84!" Nicaraguan-and FSLN flags and lead their ''I'm here," she said, "to extend solidarity least 30 United Auto Workers (UA W) loc­ As workers marched around the GM comrades in chants. to the forces fighting for national liberation als, mostly from Flint, the Detroit area, building, which occupies an entire block, One would shout, "From the border" and and to learn more concretely about the im­ and other cities in Michigan where GM is they chanted "Eliminate unjust absentee the rest would answer, "No pasaran" - pact of U.S. colonialism on Puerto Rican centered. Thirty buses were counted by this programs," "No concessions in benefits," "They will not pass !" Other popular chants working people." reporter. "Restore PPH," "Stop outsourcing," and included "People's power"; "National Di­ In response to a reporter's question, .Som e workers evidently· were left be­ "Cost of living on all pensions." The chant­ rectorate - we await your orders," refer­ Gonzalez said that Washington presents hind in Flint because there were not enough ing got louder when UA W interilational ring to the FSLN national l eader~hip ; and buses. Pres. Owen Bieber briefly led the pickets "A single army," meaning that all working In a show of solidarity, striking workers before going in to negotiate with GM .. people in Nicaragua need to form a solid from Toledo's AP Parts plant were invited Most workers came from GM plants. front against the imperialist aggression. to the rally. One hundred fifty strikers But some came from Ford, including work­ In addition to these chants, which are ai­ came on three buses, including members of ers carrying a banner from Local 600, rep­ ready common, a new one appeared at this the Women's Auxiliary. AP Parts workers resenting workers from the giant River rally; De frente con el Freiue," which hadn't brought enough buttons supporting Rouge plant here. the UAW began means "Forward with the [Sandinistaf their four-month strike to satisfy the de­ negotiating with Ford July 24. Front." It had been prominently featured at mand at the demonstration. So they sold In addition, a few workers from the big a meeting two days earlier where the their personal ones to their fellow union­ Jeep plant in Toledo participated. Socialist FSLN, vanguard of the Nicaraguan revolu­ ists. members of UA W locals participated as tion, announced its ·candidates in the This demonstration was called by presi­ well. Protesters bought 60 copies of the November 4 presidential and legislative dents of many UA w_ locals at General Militant from them. Helen Meyers, mem­ elections. Motors under the slogan, "Restore and ber of U A W Local 1200 and Socialist Adding to the theme of military pre­ More in '84." This slogan, which is also Workers Party candidate for U.S. Senate paredness, there was a display of San­ the name of the national committee formed from Michigan, was also on hand. The De­ dinista army equipment at the back of the by these presidents, refers to the demand to troit National Black Independent Political plaza: armored personnel carrie~s, trucks, Socialist Workers Party vice-presiden­ get back the wages, benefits, work-rule Party distributed a leaflet supporting the Cbntinued on Page 5 tial candidate Andrea Gonz81ez. changes, paid · personal holidays (PPH), UAW's fight. -SELLING OUR PRESS AT THE PLANT GATE------- BY LEE MARTINDALE representation ·election.
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