-.. , J)l () Ihis report not to be quoted without prior referenee to the Couneil* International Couneil for the C.M.1990/M:4 Exploration of the Sea Anadromous and Catadromous Fish Committee ICES COHPlLATIDN OF HICROTAG. FINCLIP. AND EXTERNAL TAG RELEASES IN 1989 Ihis doeument is areport of a Working Group of the International Gouneil for the Exploration of the Sea and does not neeessarily represent the views of the Couneil. Iherefore, it should not be quoted without eonsultation with the General Seeretary. *General Seeretary leES Pal<egade 2-4 DK-1261 Copenhagen K DENMARK < i > TAB LE o F C 0 N T E N T S Page Terms of Reference •...•.•.••..••••.•.. Table 2 APPENDIX 1, List of national tag clearing houses to which Atlantic salmon tags should be returned for verification ••.•.•••.•.•••.•• 3 • ICES ATLANTIC SALMON MARKING DATA BASE, Canada ••.. 4 Faroe Islands 21 France . 22 Iceland 23 Ireland 35 Norway 37 Sweden (West Coast) 39 UR (England and Wales) 40 UK (Scotland) 46 UR (N. Ireland) 52 USA 53 USSR 59 • ---00000--- Terms of reference for the 1990 leES North Atlantic Salmon Work­ ing Group state that the Group should: "With respect to Atlantic salmon in the NAseo area, prepare a compi~ation of microtag. finc1ip, and exter­ nal tag releases within leES member countries in 1989". Data were provided by Working Group members tor national tagging programmes, as far as possible including all agencies and organ­ izations. These compilation data are presented by country, together with a summary of the tags and tinclips applied by all countries (Table 1). Data were supplied on the standard form agreed by the workinq Group in 1988. A list of national tag • clearing houses is also given (Appendix 1) . • 2 ~ Number of microtaqs, external taqs, and finclips applied to Atlantic SALMON by ~ countries for 1989. External Country Stock Microtaqs taqs Finclips Comments Canada Hatchery 59,178 53,490 1,026,082 33,508 Carlin taqqed also with adipose clip wild 9,630' 173,932 Faroes Hatchery 26,943 11,714 Wild 13 France Hatchery 4,018 19,019 38,048 All externally marked fish also adipose clipped Wild 552 Iceland Hatchery 405,363 1,081 Wild 2,341 Ireland Hatchery 144,125 - In 1987 and 1988, 119,315 and Wild 3,216 101,679 adipose finclipped • fish released Norway Hatchery 98,347 In 1980, 50,000 adipose clipped underyearlinqs were released Wild 2,194 Sweden Hatchery 9,749 - All taqqinq aqencies in- Wild - cluded. 1,871 externally taqqed fish, also adipose clipped UK (Enq.+ Wales) Hatchery 246,405 14 ,488 All taqqinq aqencies in- wild 9,937 563 - cluded. 11,608 microtaqqed fish had no adipose clip UK (Scotland) Hatchery 24,852 585 7,013 Not all taqqinq aqencies wild 5,436 6,394 193 included. 5,529 Carlin taqqed were adipose or pelvic clipped UK (N. Ireland) Hatchery 7,854 All taqqinq aqencies in- Wild 1,958 - cluded USA Hatchery 660,932 52,527 151,523 wild USSR Hatchery 2,397 6,230 646,866 wild • Total 8atchery 1,582,067 241,028 1,895,734 Wild 23,440 18,794 174,125 Grand total 1,605,507 259,822 2,069,859 , Includes 1,408 that may be hatchery oriqin. .lfQll: All microtaqqed fish are assumed to have been marked by excision of the adipose fin and are not included in the finclip column. Finclip column includes all finclips includinq adlpose finclips. 3 APPENDIX List of national tag clearing houses to which Atlantje salmon tags should be returned for yerificatiQQ Country Institution Address Canada Atlantic Salmon Tag Clearing House P.O. Box 550 Department of Fisheries and Oceans Halifax (Att. : K. Newbould) Nova Scotia, B3J 2S7 Faroes Fiskiranns6knarstovan Debessartrfld 3800-T6rshavn • Iceland Institute of Freshwater Fisheries P.O. Box 754 Reykjavik Ireland Department of the Marine Abbotstown Fisheries Research Centre Castleknock (Att. : A. Cullen) Dublin 15 Norway Directorate for Nature Management Tungasletta 2 7004 Trondheim Sweden Sövattenslaboratoriet 17011 - Drottninqholm UK (Enql.+ Wales) HAFF Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory suffolk NR33 OHT (Att. : I. Russell) UK CScotland) Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory Faskally Pitlochry PH16 5LB UK (N. Ireland) Depart.ent of Aqriculture 38, Castleroe Road for N. Ireland Coleraine Fishery Research Laboratory C. Londonderry BT51 3RL CAtt. : W. Crozier) USA Northeast Fisheries Center Woods Hole NMFS/NOAA Hass . 02543 CAtt.: K. Friedland) USSR PINRO 6, Knipovitch Street • CAtt.: A. Zubchenko) Murmansk ICES ATlAUTIC SALV~N MARKING DATA BASE countr,y:. c_a_n_a_d_a _ Harklng during season:, ~1::.9~8::.9__ Auxlllary Nuabe Tag Codes or Flncllps or Release Coazrents lHe Stage Hatcher,y Type of TS9 Date PI ace of Rel ease Harklng Aoe at Stock OrlQin or Mark Marke Serial "s4 Marks Aoency MarklnQl at Markino' or Wll d Riv St Jean 12051 sp>;ing unk wild Riv St Jean adipose fuebec smolt clip spring Riv de la'Trinite adipose 11578 unk smolt wild Riv de la Trinite clip l, Riv st. Jean 36377 23-24/5 H Riv St Jean adipose 2+ smolt clip Riv York 5024 12/6 2+ smolt H Riv York adipose clip Riv sainte-Anne adipose 28734 12-16/ 2+ smolt H Riv Sainte- des-Monts Anne des-Ment, clip Anse a la Barbe 1737 spring unk sl"lolt wild Anse a la Bart Ie adipose (riviere) clip unk slT\Olt wild Stewart adipose spring Stewart (ruisseau) (ruisseau) clip 18 end Total ~ Wild Qupbec. Total ~ Wild Unk a a a Mi crCti1S. Microtags 59,178 59,178 (~xternal taos: 1,408 Ext. tags 63,120 53,490g 8,222 !'lnclles: ' 955l:J 70,135 25,384 1,026,082 173,932 Total: Finclips 1,200,014 ab 33,508@Ad clip. ~otes for tabulatfon: Excl. 33,508~xt tags. CO-, 1+, 2+ •••etc. , 2SW, 2SW, 3SW, MSW, etcl Parr, $':lott, post-smolt, adult, kelt. Ir a finclip is the only mark applled, it should be recorded in thls column. Micro, X-rav, carlfn, (lncHps or other vlth ldentlfylng features Ccolourl. Ito,...,at should be: Agency: Data 1: Data 2 leES ATlANTIC SALMON HARKING DATA BASE Markfng durfng season:,__=1..::;9..::8",9,--_ Country:__c_ana__d_a__ Auxillary HarHng Aoe at Ufe Stage Hatchery Type of T3 g lIunbe Tag Codes or Ffnclfps Or Release AQency M.irklnql at Markfng' or wnd Stock Orfqfn Or Mark Marke Serfal #'54 Marks Date Place of Release Comnents lfld. unk smolt wild Nfld. green 154 3247-3400 9-11/5 Conne River, Nfld streamer unk smolt wild Nfld. " . " 1297 3704-5000 11-18/5 'Conne Riv~r, Nfld I unk SI:lOlt wild Nfld. " " " 1252 20000-21251 18/5- Conne River, Nfld 4/6 unk kelt wild Nfld green earli 100 P35500-35599 2/11 Lloyds River, Nfld unk kelt wild Nfld green earli 199 P35700-35899 2/11 Lloyds River, Nfld unk kelt wild Nfld green earli 200 P36100-36299 2/11 Lloyds River, Nfld 0+ fingerlin wild Nfld adipose 14854 27/10 Indian Bk, ro;fld clip unk smolt wild Nfld green 2289 22000-24408 8/6-14 7 Gander River, ro;fld streamer unk adult unk unk . aroon earli 19 X50140-5080C ~8/9-5/1 IF,2H,2J (Labrador Seal Nfld. un" 1-'0St-"mo~t unk unk- rnarocn earlin 45 X5014i:s-5020, 1/11-7/11 .LF,L:H,L.J ~La.Draac.r .... ~u. Micrc:ags: - ~ --Hatch Wild Unk ~xternal taqS: 5,555 -sm 04 F"lncllps: 148,548 148,548 :roUI: otes for tabulatfon: (0+, 1+, 2+ •••ete. , 2SII, 2SII, 3SII, MSW, etcl Parr, $molt, POst-smolt, adult, kelt. Mlero. X-rav, carlfn, fincllps or other wfth fdentffyfng features (colourJ. If a ffnclip 15 the only mark applfed, ft should be recorded In thfs column. lfOMlat should be: Agency: Data 1: Da ta 2 ICES ATLANTIC SALMeN MARKING OATA BASE Markfng during season:__l:;;.9::....;.8.;.9__ Country:__C_a_n_a_d_a__ _Auxillary Markfng Aoe at lffe Stage Hatchery Type of T3g Nullbe Tag Codes or Ffnclfps or Release Aoency Märkino l at Mark f1l9' or Wild Stock Orfefn or Mark Marke Serfal ,'s4 Marks Date Place of Release COIlZllE!nts Gulf 0+ parr !I Millbank adipose cHI 23827 22-28/9 Mullin Strearn I 0+ parr H Clearwater adipose cHI 12027 4/10 C1earwater I 0+ parr H Roeky Breok adipose eH 31700 10··23/1 Slaters Brook 0+ parr H C1earwater adipose eH' 53651 24/10- South Renous 20/11 0+ parr H Dungarvon adipose eH 4726 30/10 South RellOus 0+ parr !I Clearwater adipose eH 21030 7-20/1 Cains River 0+ parr H Roeky Brook adipose eH 7100 8-14/1 Roeky Brook 0+ parr H NW Mirarnichi adipose eH 11310 Mullin Strearn IJ 14&20/ 11 H 5r:101t H SW Miramichi rnierotag 1100 ageney 55 adipose 25/5 Stewart Brook 16/15 adipose eH 3379 South Renous R ?+ "-~,. H ..., 19-29/ ,I ~ Tf: ~ hat.c.b lillsJ. 1J.rlk J "",",ags.• 2515 i;:xternal taos: 2706 2281 425 f"fncllps: . 403,708 408708 'fotal: otes for tabulation: CO" 1+, 2+ •••etc. , 2Sw, ZSW, 3SII, MSW, etcl Parr, smolt, POst-smolt, adult, kelt. Miero, X-rav, carlfn, flncllps or other wfth Identffylng features (colourl. If a flncHp 15 the only mark applfed, It should be recorded In thfs column. iI FOr-:lJt should be: Agency: Oata 1: Oata Z ICES ATLANTIC SALMeN MARXING OATA BASE MarUng during season' 1989 Country' Carrada Auxlilary Har~ing Age at lffe Stage Hatchery Type of T3 g Nuatle Tag Codes or Ffnclfps or Release Aoency Mar~fnql at MarHng' or Wild Stock Orfofn or Mark Markec Serfal ,'s4 Marks Date Place of Rel ease Coaroents p.,lf 2+ smolt H NW Miramichi adipose cli 8844 19-29/5 South Sevogle R.
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