SPORTS MENU TIPS ‘Stuff The Bus’ to accept donations Kid’s Corner BW to hold MBA open house Stuff the Bus for Cleveland’s Kids will hold its There will be an MBA Open House at B-W annual shoes, clothing, school supply fund drive to ben- Darian Van Horn, who is East, Landmark Centre, 25700 Science Park Dr. (Suite efit Greater Cleveland’s children in need during the back the son of Belinda Lemon, is 11 100) on Wednesday, August 15, at 6 p.m. Participants can Boxers Compete Handy Snack Bubbling to school season on Friday, August 17 from 10 a.m. to 6 speak with faculty to learn more about B-W’s MBA pro- At Olympic Trials With Blueberries p.m. at Great Northern Mall Parking Lot, North Olmsted. A months old. He has a lovely smile grams. Practical, principled and powerful, a B-W MBA school bus will be parked in the mall parking lot and volun- and likes cooing as well as playing combines sound theory and practical application to pro- teers will be on hand to accept donations. People can take vide work-relevant learning for tomorrow’s business lead- a chance to win prices with the WDOK Fifth Third Bank with his squeaky toy. Darian has ers. For reservations or info., e-mail [email protected] or See Page 8 See Page 9 Mega Money Machine. For information, visit www.sc4k. three brothers and one sister. call(440) 826-2390 or (800) 773-4261. Register online, at org or call (216) 881-SHOE (7463) x. 1. Van Horn www.bw.edu/academics/bus/programs/openhouse. EVOL.ASTSID 28 No. 27 Tuesday, July 31, 2007 - Friday, August 3, 2007E NEWDaily S ISSUED FRIDAY FREE FREE SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, READ ON - WRITE ON WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND READ ON - WRITE ON “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” City puts locks on fire hydrants The City of Cleveland’s for the purpose of testing and ex- and help to minimize the risk of pipes us to gauge the effectiveness of Divisions of Fire and Water re- tinguishing fires. breaking. hydrant locks and to ensure the cently teamed up to distribute and “Opening hydrants can Pressure is increased in the safety of not only the residents, install hydrant locks on city fire lead to sever injuries, including mains to flush the water out of the hy- but for our water mains, fire hy- hydrants. death. This pilot program is aimed drants and when this happens, if not drants and fire fighters,” said J. 37 locks were installed at keeping our children safe, reduc- done properly, can cause the main to Christopher Nielson, Commis- at pre-determined locations. Fire ing residual water loss and compli- break, leaving residents and fire men sioner of Water. companies and battalions will be cations resulting from unauthor- without water when needed. The locks will remain equipped with special wrenches to ized hydrant use and safety for the “This pilot program will help on until late September. ensure every fire company has ac- firefighters responding to calls,” cess to hydrants when needed. says Fire Chief, Paul Stubbs. Tips recommended to ‘Beat the Heat’ The locks help keep hy- Installing these locks will Forecasters predict temper- Index of 100 degrees. Residents drants secure and accessible only also help protect the water mains ature above 90 degrees with a Heat can keep cool by visiting any of The Cleveland Chapter of the Urban League recently held its 20 An- the city pools Wednesday thru nual Celebration in Black & White Ball at the La Centre in Westlake. Myron Sunday from noon until 8 p.m. Robinson (third from left), entertained guest at the event. Photo l to r: Brenda Robinson, Steven Minter, Cleveland State University executive in residence, and by following these impor- Robinson and Dolly Minter. (ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir) tant tips. Recommendations to “Beat the Heat”: Stay out of direct sun- light; Limit physical activity during high temperatures; Drink plenty of water and avoid caf- feine; Wear light colored, loose fitting clothing; Watch out for the warning signs of heatstroke: fainting, feeling nauseous, a rapid pulse rate and/or flushed skin; and Children should never be left in a parked car for any pe- riod of time particularly when it is very hot! Attendees in attendance for the Cleveland’s Urban League 20th An- Shoreway ramp closed nual Celebration in Black & White Ball at the La Centre Party Center in West- Beginning Monday Au- lake helped the Urban League celebrate an outstanding event and such people gust 6th at 9:30 a.m. the Shore- as Dave Janus, Hilton Smith, Barbara Danforth, Charles Thigpen and Myron way exit ramp to West 3rd Street Robinson added to the celebration and to give continual support to the Urban will be closed due to guardrail League. (ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir) work. Posted detours will be on the Shoreway Exit Ramp at East 9th Street, north on East 9th Street to Erieside and west on Erieside to West 3rd Street. The ramp is scheduled Cleveland youths between the ages of 14-18 are partnering with the Cleveland Division of Water and Water Pol- to close every day at 9:30 a.m. lution Control through Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) to work during the summer to paint fire hydrants and apply and reopen at 4:00 p.m. special curb markers to catch basins urging people not to pollute. YOU will employ 200 youths and 20 supervisors for the The ramp is scheduled program which continues August 17th. Youth painting a fire hydrant on E.115th St. and Woodland Ave. are Jacob Williams, to reopen Thursday, August 9, 15, attends John Marshall; Jasmine Elder, 14, attends Hope High; Robinson Murray, 14, attends Greater Achievement; and at 4:00 p.m. upon completion of supervisor Shyjaun Larken, who is a student at Kent State University. work. The celebration for the Cleveland Urban League to celebrate its 20th Annual Celebration in Black & White Ball was held recently at the La City youths paint fire hydrants Centre Party Center in Westlake. The attendees for the event came out to not only support the ball but to give their continual support to the Cleveland Ur- The Cleveland Division include the application of special Department appreciate the services posed of within the sewer sys- ban League. To help celebrate the event are Marcus Wright, Yolanda Harris- of Water and Water Pollution Con- curb marker stickers to catch ba- provided by the youth so in the event tem. ton-Wright, Dorian Harriston (Urban League young professional), Donna trol are partnering with Youth Op- sins, within the city. of fire, the bright orange and silver The program continues Chester and Richard Chester. (ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir) portunities Unlimited (YOU) to In addition to the assigned painted fire hydrant tops will enable all summer and ends on August employ 200 youths and 20 supervi- tasks for the youth, YOU will pro- firemen to easily spot the hydrants. 17th and participants will be Rev. Earnest Kelley was a builder sors, ages 14-18 and all Cleveland vide a work readiness component The special curb marked painting hydrants and placing residents, to paint fire hydrants to include: time management, work catch basins remind residents of the curb markers Monday - Friday By GEORGE GOLDMAN and apply special curb markers to performance and professional re- importance of conservation and an between the hours of 9 a.m. to 1 catch basins urging people not to sponsibility. Many residents with- awareness of what should not be dis- p.m. As Rev. James McTyre pollute. in the city reported the good job the eulogized the late Rev. Dr. Ear- This is the second year young men and women performed nest Kelley, Sr., he not only talked the city has employed youth to last year painting fire hydrants in Gasoline prices tumble in area about his outstanding qualities as paint fire hydrants and perform neighborhoods. a minister but also about how he Northeast Ohio motorists How much further additional assigned tasks which Residents and the Fire will have a little more to spend on gasoline prices may drop be- built the church and congregation their summer entertainment this tween now and the end of the at St. Mark’s Full Gospel Baptist week since gas prices fell for the summer is difficult to know. Church. second straight week. In the next few weeks refiner- Services for Rev. Kelley With a current drop of 16.3 ies will begin to sell off their was held on Thursday, July 19th at cents, a gallon of regular, unlead- remaining summer grade fuel, the church and interment was held and start switching back to pro- ed, self-serve gasoline now costs at Highland Park Cemetery. $2.67. ducing winter blends. According to the AAA Fuel This process - similar Rev. Kelley died on Fri- Gauge, this week the nationwide to that which takes place in the day, July 13th at the age of 81 years Rev. Kelley, Sr. average price of self-serve regular Spring - can cause problems at old. center where older people in the gasoline is $2.88 per gallon; a de- refineries and disruptions in the Rev. Kelley acquired the neighborhood could exercise and cline of eight cents from one week distribution process which can old Gypsy Celler (a favorite res- youngsters could play, as well as ago and down more than 18 cents lead to price spikes.
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