TFs Datasets Sequence logos of information models showing cofactor motifs Top 500 peaks (FOXA motif) HepG2, Stanford ARID3A (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 5000 peaks (FOXA motif) All 14818 peaks (IRF motif) K562, HMS ATF1 (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 2500 peaks (SP motif) H1-hESC, HAIB ATF2 Protocol: v042211.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 1860 peaks (USF motif) GM12878, HAIB Protocol: PCR1x (SPP obtained from Factorbook) All 1670 peaks (SP motif) GM12878, HAIB Protocol: PCR1x (optimal IDR thresholded) 1550 peaks (USF motif), after masking the SP motif All 4803 peaks (SP motif) H1-hESC, HAIB Protocol: v041610.2 (optimal IDR thresholded) 4697 peaks (USF motif), after masking the SP motif ATF3 All 3284 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, HAIB Protocol: v041610.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) 3209 peaks (USF motif), after masking the SP motif All 11098 peaks (SP motif) K562, HAIB, Replicate 1 Protocol: v041610.1 (raw peaks) All 1232 peaks (SP motif) K562, HMS (optimal IDR thresholded) 1210 peaks (USF motif), after masking the SP motif All 4448 peaks (AP1 motif) BAF155/ HeLa-S3, Stanford SMARCC1 (SPP obtained from Factorbook) 1342 peaks (AP1 motif), after using masking BAF170/ HeLa-S3, Stanford SMARCC2 (SPP obtained from Factorbook) All 17809 peaks (IRF motif) GM12878, HAIB Protocol: PCR1x (optimal IDR thresholded) 17321 peaks (RUNX motif), after masking the IRF motif BCL11A All 2513 peaks (SOX2-OCT4 motif) H1-hESC, HAIB Protocol: PCR1x (optimal IDR thresholded) All 7707 peaks (AP1 motif), after masking noise A549, HAIB Protocol: v042211.1 BCL3 Treatment: 0.02% ethanol for 1 hour (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 500 peaks (SP motif) GM12878, HAIB, Replicate 2 Protocol: v041610.1 (raw peaks) All 2297 peaks (SP motif) K562, HAIB, Replicate 1 BCLAF1 Protocol:PCR1x (raw peaks) All 2362 peaks (SP motif) K562, HAIB, Replicate 2 Protocol:PCR1x (raw peaks) All 507 peaks (B-Box motif) H1-hESC, HMS (optimal IDR thresholded) BDP1 All 569 peaks (A-Box motif) K562, HMS (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 4500 peaks (SP motif) BHLHE32/MI K562, HAIB TF (optimal IDR thresholded) All 550 peaks (ZBTB33 motif) GM12878, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) All 1999 peaks (SP motif) H1-hESC, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 1000 peaks (ZBTB33 motif) All 8081 peaks (SP motif) BRCA1 Top 500 peaks (ZBTB33 motif) HeLa-S3, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 800 peaks (ZBTB33 motif) All 1489 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 800 peaks (ZBTB33 motif) All 192 peaks (B-Box motif) HeLa-S3, HMS (optimal IDR thresholded) 192 peaks (A-Box motif), after masking the B-Box motif BRF1 All 217 peaks (B-Box motif) K562, HMS (optimal IDR thresholded) 220 peaks (A-Box motif), after masking the B-Box motif All 316 peaks (AP1 motif), after using masking HeLa-S3, Yale (SPP obtained from Factorbook) BRG1 All 1544 peaks (GATA motif) K562, Stanford (SPP obtained from Factorbook) All 708 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, HAIB CBX1 (conservative IDR thresholded) All 19951 peaks (SP motif) K562, HMS CCNT2 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 5774 peaks (IRF motif) GM12878, HAIB CEBPB Protocol: v042211.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) 5759 peaks (RUNX motif), after masking the IRF motif All 11382 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, HAIB CEBPD Protocol: v041610.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 2000 peaks (SP motif) GM12878, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) All 2184 peaks (SP motif) H1-hESC, Stanford CHD1 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 7226 peaks (SP motif) H1-hESC, Broad (optimal IDR thresholded) All 35861 peaks (SP motif) HeLa-S3, Stanford (raw peaks) All 28621 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, Stanford CHD2 (raw peaks) All 29104 peaks (SP motif) K562, Stanford (raw peaks) All 3773 peaks (YY motif) K562, Stanford DDX20 Target: eGFP-DDX20 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 2227 peaks (SP motif) GM12878, Yale (optimal IDR thresholded) 2184 peaks (NFY motif), after masking the SP motif All 7628 peaks (a mix of primary AP1 motif and NFY motif) K562, Yale FOS (optimal IDR thresholded) All 5781 peaks (SP motif) K562, Yale (SPP obtained from Factorbook) 5601 peaks (a mix of primary AP1 motif and NFY motif) All 4542 peaks (SP motif) H1-hESC, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) All 5414 peaks (SP motif) HeLa-S3, Yale (SPP obtained from Factorbook) All 5134 peaks (SP motif) HUVEC, UTA (optimal IDR thresholded) All 24096 peaks (SP motif) K562, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) All 22384 peaks (SP motif) K562, Stanford Treatment: IFNg for 30 minutes (SPP obtained from Factorbook) All 5011 peaks (SP motif) K562, Yale (optimal IDR thresholded) All 7742 peaks (SP motif) K562, Yale Treatment: IFNa for 30 minutes (optimal IDR thresholded) All 10570 peaks (SP motif) K562, Yale MYC Treatment: IFNa for 6 hours (optimal IDR thresholded) All 19252 peaks (SP motif) K562, Yale Treatment: IFNg for 6 hours (optimal IDR thresholded) All 11688 peaks (SP motif) K562, UTA (optimal IDR thresholded) All 4403 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, UTA (optimal IDR thresholded) All 25644 peaks (AP1 motif) MCF10A-Er-Src, HMS Treatment: 1µM afimoxifene for 4 hours 25486 peaks (TEAD motif), after masking the AP1 motif (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 25000 peaks (AP1 motif) MCF10A-Er-Src, HMS Treatment: 0.01% ethanol for 36 hours (optimal IDR thresholded) All 26215 peaks (SP motif) NB4, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) All 15886 peaks (SP motif) A549, HAIB Protocol: v041610.2 Treatment: 100nM dexamethasone for 1 hour (optimal IDR thresholded) All 2902 peaks (SP motif) ECC-1, HAIB, Replicate 1 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 10018 peaks (SP motif) ECC-1, HAIB, Replicate 2 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) CREB1 All 6816 peaks (SP motif) K562, HAIB, Replicate 1 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 9966 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, HAIB, Replicate 1 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 5299 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, HAIB, Replicate 2 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 23689 peaks (IRF motif) GM12878, HAIB CREM (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 10000 peaks (SP motif) All 5041 peaks (SP motif) HeLa-S3, USC (optimal IDR thresholded) E2F1 All 10247 peaks (SP motif) HeLa-S3, USC Target: HA-E2F1 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 3429 peaks (SP motif) GM12878, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) All 2824 peaks (SP motif) HeLa-S3, USC E2F4 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 8170 peaks (SP motif) K562, USC (optimal IDR thresholded) All 3426 peaks (SP motif) HeLa-S3, USC (SPP obtained from Factorbook) All 14305 peaks (SP motif) K562, HAIB, Replicate 1 Protocol: v041610.2 (raw peaks) E2F6 All 41821 peaks (SP motif) K562, HAIB, Replicate 2 Protocol: v041610.2 (raw peaks) All 11853 peaks (SP motif) K562, USC (raw peaks) All 22962 peaks (SP motif) GM12878, HAIB Protocol: v041610.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 10176 peaks (SP motif) MCF7, HAIB, Replicate 2 ELF1 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 3558 peaks (SP motif) SK-N-SH, HAIB, Replicate 2 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 5577 peaks (SP motif) GM12878, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) ELK1 All 4807 peaks (SP motif) HeLa-S3, Stanford (optimal IDR thresholded) All 5514 peaks (SP motif) A549, HAIB Protocol: v042211.1 Treatment: 0.02% ethanol for 1 hour Top 5000 peaks (ZNF143 motif) (optimal IDR thresholded) (optimal IDR thresholded) All 4107 peaks (SP motif) ETS1 GM12878, HAIB Protocol: PCR1x (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 500 peaks (ZBTB33 motif) Top 2500 peaks (ZNF143 motif) K562, HAIB Protocol: v041610.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 10802 peaks (IRF motif) GM12878, HAIB ETV6 (conservative IDR thresholded) All 6484 peaks (SP motif) Astrocyte, Broad (optimal IDR thresholded) All 5730 peaks (SP motif) Fibroblast of dermis, Broad (optimal IDR thresholded) All 2467 peaks (IRF motif) GM12878, Broad EZH2 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 1685 peaks (IRF motif) K562, Broad (optimal IDR thresholded) All 1721 peaks (SP motif) T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Broad (optimal IDR thresholded) All 1394 peaks (SP motif) H1-hESC, HAIB, Replicate 1 FOSL1 Protocol: v041610.2 (raw peaks) All 22846 peaks (IRF motif) GM12878, HAIB FOXM1 Protocol: v042211.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 500 peaks (IRF motif) All 18140 peaks (SP motif) PFSK-1, HAIB Protocol: PCR2x (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 500 peaks (SP motif) FOXP2 All 14659 peaks (IRF motif) SK-N-MC, HAIB Protocol: PCR2x (optimal IDR thresholded) All 12314 peaks (SP motif) A549, HAIB Protocol: v042211.1 Treatment: 0.02% ethanol for 1 hour (optimal IDR thresholded) All 14322 peaks (SP motif) K562, HAIB Protocol: v041610.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 8000 peaks (SP motif) HepG2, HAIB Protocol: PCR2x (optimal IDR thresholded) GABPA All 9548 peaks (SP motif) MCF7, HAIB, Replicate 1 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 4319 peaks (SP motif) SK-N-SH, HAIB, Replicate 1 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 6682 peaks (SP motif) SK-N-SH, HAIB, Replicate 2 Protocol: v042211.1 (raw peaks) All 24222 peaks (TEAD motif) HUVEC, USC GATA2 (SPP obtained from Factorbook) 24178 peaks (AP1 motif), after masking the TEAD motif Top 5000 peaks (FOXA motif) T47D, USC Protocol: v041610.2 GATA3 Treatment: 0.02% dimethyl sulfoxide for 1 hour Top 15000 peaks (FOXA motif) (optimal IDR thresholded) (optimal IDR thresholded) All 2918 peaks (SP motif) K562, HMS GTF2B (optimal IDR thresholded) All 11780 peaks (SP motif) K562, Stanford HDAC1 (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 5000 peaks (FOXA motif) HepG2, HA HDAC2 Protocol: v041610.1 (optimal IDR thresholded) All 14436 peaks (SP motif) K562, HMS HMGN3 (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 500 peaks (B-Box motif) HepG2, Stanford HSF1 Treatment: forskolin for 6 hours (optimal IDR thresholded) Top 500 peaks (YY motif) K562, Stanford ID3 Target: eGFP-ID3 (conservative IDR thresholded) Top 2500 peaks (YY
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