WHATA MUSLIM ISBEAUIFED TO KNOWABOUT HIS RELIGION Sy bdullahAbdul Gh.ni Al$.y The FIVE PILLARS (FundamentalBases) of ISLAM ere: l) Euphoniousutterance of the basicformula of the Faith <Thereis no god but Allah, Muhammadis the Messengerof Allah>. 2l Performanceof the Prayers. 3) Paymentof the Zakah. (obligatoryalms). 4) Fastingof Ramadan. t) Pilgrimageto the SacredHouse MAKKAH for those who havethe meansto perform it. -rtl / f-/;.f./.U'#'- "t,'.1 l'- | INTRODUCTION \j6pr" iji $ylL 4 i-;:ili:,y -,:\, y .J-et|l With this great Sura which inspiresthe necessityof unity and co-operation between Believers(Muminin) as well as confidencein eachother; and calls for justice; With this great Sura in which Allah produced His evidenceunto mankind, as stated by Imam Shafi'e (May Allah's Mercy be upon him) if no other evidencehad been revealed by the Creator this sura would have been sufficient: Yes indeed,with this verseof the Holy Quran, we present these Islamic directives, which we trust with the help of Allah, will be useful to them. May Allah bless His choicestProphet Muhammad, the Redeemer and Beacon of enlightenment; his relatives; companions and those who followed his footsteps to the last dav. CHAPTER I ConditionsAnd Statusof Pilgrimage. Dear Pilgrim : You tave left the worldly ambitions behind, renounced the world's fascinatedpleasure and sacrificed your precious money, and valuable possessionsso willingly for the sakeof Allah, and for the sake of Pilgrimage to His Sacred House to perform one of the fundamental bases of lslam. Ever since you left home, you felt exhaustedthroughout restless travel by Air, by Sea, by Land or on camelback. Whatever means of transport you maintained, yet fatigue and lack of comfort cannot be avoided: Despite all difficulties you have set aside all kinds of worldly pleasuresto perform an important Pillar of Islam, placing the love of Allah above the love of your homeland and the performance of the Pilgrimage ritual above national duties. You have given up your relativesand children, who are the most delightful sources of life, and preferred the spiritual enjoyment as well as the encounter of your Muslim brothersaround the SacredHouse to mention with them the Name of Allah and to perform together the duty unto Alleh, than other pleasuresof Life. By so doing, dear pilgrim, you are under the protection and hospitality of Allah during your visit to His Sacred House, for Allah hassecured to pilgrimseither a safereturn home or a domicile in Paradise for those who pass away while on pilgrimage.The Divine hospitalityprovides for the responseof Allah to the call of pilgrims and the reward for their expenditures. s According to lbn Omar, the Holy Prophet wasquoted as havingsaid: Pilgrims and Umrah-makersare the delegation of Allah: If they requestthey shall be given, if they pray they shall be responded,and if they spendthey shall be compensatedby Allah. CHAPTER II Sencturryot MAKKAH. Derr Pilgrim ! You arein the vicinityof the SacredHouse of God : The House which was built by Khalillullah lbrahim (peacebe upon him) by orderof Allah. He wasordered by Allah to proclaimthe Pilgrimageunto mankindand to sanctifyit. The following versesays : ' ' *'7'? t l -:t Y-'rl-' r ll -)- rL/'r:#,' "K - ' -' 6k'+rt.l".vYi.suv elV(+;y'.*Y4;p:,##J4.", .Y1:g^Jr A,;j;3i Behold! We gave the site to Abraham of the (Sacred) House, Associatenot anything (in worship) with Me, and sanctifyMy House for thosewho compassit round or stand up, or bow or prostratethemselves (Therein in prayer)' tHajj S. XX tl,22 : 261 Dear Haji, You are here in the SacredMosque of Allah (ALHaram) togetherwith your money and family under the safecustody of Allah to worship Allah freely with absolutesecurity in soul and spirit unequalledor felt in any other country of the world. Our Lord said : ,;ui ,3ix;q\AtJ.6G6V{fJV 1 G .1V : c.5o*ell 4&ri <Do they not then Seethat We have made a Sanctuary Secure,And that men are being snatchedaway from all around them>. [Ankabut S. XXIX ,29 :671 He also said : 1,/ r .'< J o>; #)V_V\.tt> ;4,f;,Jjr F ov J.-4irr 4U146:; r;; <<Havewe not establishedfor them a secureSanctuary to which are Brought as tribute fruits of all kinds a provision from our selves. [Qasas S. XXVIII, 28 : 571 Dear Haji, the guest of the Rshmin : You are in the Holy town of MAKKAH which Allah called <Mother Town> (Um Al Kura) as indicated in this Sign when Allah addressedHis MessengerALMUSTAFA, upon whom may be peace : gut('vj4 aS-' tli ufil t-: [45 b .v : uiJr <(l; <Thus have we sent by inspiration to thee an Arabic Quran that thou mayestwarn ttre mother of towns and all around her>. [<Shura S. XLII, 42 :7>] Meantime, our Prophet had praised MAKKAH and pointed out her prominent positionand virtues.Addressing MAKKAH prior to his departure,the Holy Prophet <Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam> [may Allah have mercy upon him and blesshiml said: ,. .lr ,a.ri,--i; ,3t Ai 3 t t . l';L, ;l ;r- .<.zf t Jb bfi.,Ci ), il'l .'Jt .t.l,V.J, <By Mighty Allah, you are the bestterritory of ALLAH and the most belovedto me; and had I not been forced to evacuate,I would have neverleft>. In anotherattributed quotation,the Prophet<Salla Allahu Alayhi Wa Sallam> said : (O'MAKKAH, what a great city you are and most belovedto me; and had I not beendriven out by my people, I would havenever dwelled elsewhere>. Dear Haji, Your visit to this HOLY LAND is life-timechance and if you miss such a golden opportunity it might not become avaiiableonce again. Prayers in the Sacred Mosque is rewarded by 100 thousand folds; Similarly other good deeds are highly appreciatedfor the honour of time and place; if the intentionof the doer is for the sakeof Allah aloneand the true beliefin the rewardof Allah, with utmostsincerity as revealedby Allah in this Sura : 1<zt a .tf ,i . ,il .i7 | tl.,r ..i, i-t7 7. *;' 7ti> d-+Jt^t W A\ lr-r*J_Ylt1nlv1 9 4'#;r;5:,7f5t3fi-,"i6:n$i .o : 1.::ll <And they have becn commandedno more than this to (in worship Allah. Offering Him sinccredevotion being true faith) to establishregular prayer and to practise regular charity and that is the Religion Right and Straight >' lBaiyina S. XCVIII,98 : 5l l0 CHAPTER III WORSHIP: You should take advantageof this golden opportunity which Allah has provided for you to perform the pilgrimageto His SacredHouse and to visit this Holy Land - allowing no hour to be wastedoutside the framework of devotionentire worship and obedienceof your Allah. From absolutelynothing you were createdby Allah. In the Holy Quran, He says: q$frt#, K { /1t |iL,;.ii &,6,bb . I : ,,rrtJl <Has there not been over man along period of time when hewas nothing (not even) .*rti;:i:. S. LXXvt. 76 : tl * :tl b A'{;V A;,;'5+i3i " i'i H'{i6:r'..fiG'r'6gt;3i .r t :,r+!, 4 :e;\"-t{\i- 3;45iiJl#i It is Allah Who hath (created the heavensand the earth and sendethdown rain from the skies, and with it bringeth out fruits wherewith to feed you, it is He Who hath made the ships Subject to you that they may Sail through the sea by his Command, and the rivers (also) hath He made subject to youD. [Ibrahim S. XIV, 14:321 ll rr:p+!r 4.fr1fr|KfutY I And the Night and the day hath made subject to you the sun and moon Both diligently pursuing>. llbrahim S.XlV, 14: 331 .rr : g+!! q5(r\iJi:r{J,*'b <And the day and night hath He (also)made Subject to you>. i1-..i i3,2ta olr;;33t1. t.t, .t.t'ii./,. i)- " I ".4b t- o #rt; Y rr:s+!! .4=\;r*l;i'i And He givethyou of all that you ask for but if you count the favours of Allah, never will you be able to number them>. llbrahim S'XIV, 14 : 341 i&ijup'!i4-JL.?'{it'"LjuLYjvtii,, / , .?! -<r-?l2 t|.ai,, -71.:, .. t l't .it, -^'.. .( +;.1 t #!' Jb)\3liul\ ot t)j^-rb-Jl+rr 4 92 .oA - ol <I have only Created jinns and men, that they may Serve Me>i lZariyat S, LI. 5l - 581 Sincerity in Worship Worship is the profound feeling of the Grandeur of the Almighty Creator motivated by humility and submissionto His will. When a man stands before Allah for prayers,he t2 should forget the world and recall in repeatingAllah Akbar the greatnessof Allah and His Divine supremacyover every thing else; and should devote himself to the prayers with completehumility, sincehe is before the Greatestto whose will all things have subnrittedwith utmost humiliation. Listen to this Sign : /,1.. .-a 1-(- ..4t. .1t_ , \ F)\ J\' YJ.yjYb o_S>At C u L1.! F 1l:p.,rr 't lr+ <Not one of the beingsin the heavensand the earth but must come to (Allah) most Graciousas a servant)). [Maryam S. XIX. 19: 93] With suchfeelings, prayers, must be performedin a phase marking the conditions of real sincerity in worship and surrenderof a clean heart. Another section of worship with conditional terms of sincerityis the call for Allah's favours as explainedby our Prophet Muhammad in thesewords: <Calling on Allah is the root of worship>. He also said: <Call on Allah and be certain of His response).Ailah saysin this verse: t loc /- :,: t--l 1^L, c ,l/. 4ft/ lr\-:lrir1 b ?t' 9P ,r- er--- v\r s! P .\ A1: o-irr 6.)ci(r,41i;rr:, <When my servantsask thee concerningme, I am indeed Close (to them).
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