UNDCP Eastern Horizons News on the fight against drugs and crime No. 1 in East Asia and the Pacific March 2000 Turn on music, Turn off drugs A success story from Laos UNDCP Breaking New Ground in Training UNDCP and ESCAP to Fight Against Exploitation of Children and Youth It’s only just begun Illicit drug use in highlands of East Asia reduced Turning the tide in Yunnan EASTERN HORIZONS • 1 SHORT TAKES TERRE DES HOMMES AND ABC BERLIN REACHING OUT: INCREASED TIES BETWEEN THE UNDCP HONOURED WITH AND CIVIL SOCIETY UN GRAND AWARD Undeniably, music can be a powerful medium to convey critical messages to today’s youth as few teenagers would admit that On October 25, 1999, Terre des hommes, in music is not an integral part of their daily lives. collaboration with the agency ABC Berlin, were Fortunately, top Japanese musical artist, Mr. Tetsuya Komuro, honoured for their campaign against the sexual has decided to take advantage of this exploitation of children in tourism. opportunity to produce a CD com- The United Nations in coop- intensify their work,” said prised of a campaign song for drug eration with the International campaign coordinator abuse prevention. The CD entitled, Public Relations Association Christa Dammermann of ‘Happiness x 3, Loneliness x 3" con- (IPRA) presented the project Terre des hommes. tains four arrangements of the song with the UN Grand Award for The advertising agency, performed by TM Network (Japa- excellent public relations in EURO RSCG Thomsen Rohle nese), Julio Iglesias Jr. (English), To k y o. in Dusseldorf was in charge of Sheila (Spanish) and Wang Lee-Hom The UN awards were es- creation and the spot was car- (Chinese). Reaching young audiences in Japan and other Asian tablished in 1990 by the De- ried out in cooperation with countries, Mr. Tetsuya Komuro decided that the proceeds from his partment of Public Informa- the European Commission CD sales should be donated to an appropriate cause. tion (DPI) in order to recog- and the German Federal Min- Thus, in conjunction with a signing ceremony on the 24th of Janu- nize campaigns that address istry for Family Affairs, Senior ary 2000, a meeting was organized in Tokyo with UNDCP Executive priority issues of the United Citizens, Women and Youth. Director Pino Arlacchi and the chairman of the board of directors of Nations. The short video “ “This award confirms us in Drug Abuse Prevention Centre (DAPC) to announce his decision to Toys”, acknowledges the our fight against child prosti- donate the profits to these respective agencies who will subse- problem of sexual exploita- tution and shows the high quently use the funds to strengthen their battle against drugs. tion of children in tourism and quality of the campaign we is intended to be shown to supported,” remarked Ger- JOINED HANDS long distance flight tourists. man Minister, Dr. Christine Six European airlines – Bergmann. However, the TO FIGHT DRUGS Lufthansa, Air Europa, battle against the exploitation Being the largest slum com- riety of activities including Sabena, Alitalia, Olympic Air- of children is far from over. munity in Thailand, Klong youth camps, sports events, ways and the charter airline As Anja Schlicht, project Toey has suffered severe so- anti-drug parades and weekly LTU have agreed to show the manager at ABC Berlin cial problems including drug meetings to discuss prob- spot free of charge during stated, “It is wonderful get- addiction, prostitution and lems prevailing in the com- their long distance flights and ting honoured for projects crime. In August 1998, munity. They exchanged and a German version is also be- which we ourselves consider UNDCP started collaboration shared information of their ing shown free of charge by important. Nevertheless, we with the Duang Prateep Foun- experiences with other youth 17 German TV stations. “We know that communication dation located in the Klong groups at a discussion forum hope that this distinction will can contribute only partially Toey Slum area in order to and seminar sessions orga- encourage all involved in the to the implementation of the combat these social problems nized by the Foundation. fight against sexual exploita- rights of the child and that through “Klong Toey Slum The project was success- tion of children in tourism to there is still a lot to be done.” Community Youth Develop- fully completed in July 1999. ment Project” for a proposed The participating youth UNDCP REPRESENTATIVE period of 12 months (8/98-7/ showed improved confidence 99). The project aimed at cre- in handling drug prevention HONOURED IN VIETNAM ating a supportive environ- activities and the communi- Mr. Jens Hannibal, the Representative of UNDCP in Vietnam ment for youth in the slum ties were seen to more was honoured with the “Certificate of Merit” by the Govern- area through community- strongly advocate drug pre- ment of Vietnam in recognition of his remarkable contribu- based approaches to primary vention. The Foundation has tion to the success of the national drug control programme prevention of drug abuse. since continued its drug pre- in Vietnam. The certificate signed Deputy PM Pham Gia The project targeted vention activities in a phase II Khiem, Chairman of VNDCC was presented to Mr. Hannibal youth from 12 communities in project entitled “Klong Toey at a function on the eve of his departure upon completion of the Klong Toey Slum area. Addictive Drug Problems his two and half year assignment in the country. Youth groups were organized Campaign” for a proposed – Information provided by UNDCP Country Office in Vietnam and edited by UNDCP Regional Centre, Bangkok. in each of these communities period from January 2000 to and each group initiated a va- December 2000. 2 • UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL DRUG CONTROL PROGRAMME foreword by the undcp representative GLOBALIZATION SHOULD WORK FOR PEOPLE NOT PREY ON THEM The latest UN Human Develop- ings on drug and crime related • In Belarus drug related dents of global governance. ment report has been the last matters are presented in the re- crimes increased from 4 per Along with the commonly of the second millennium at the port. 100,00 people in 1990 to 28 in embraced benign concept of dawn of the new century. “Glo- • The illegal drug trade - 1997, and from 1 per 100,000 non-state actors, it is also im- balization” was its focus. supplying 200 million custom- to 8 in Estonia. portant to recognize and ad- Global markets, global ers - is worth around US$400 • At the heart of all this is the dress the “dark side” of an in- technology, global ideas and billion, or 8% of the world trade, growing power of organized ternationally expanding civil so- global solidarity can enrich the that is roughly the same as tex- crime syndicates, estimated to ciety. In comparison with most lives of people everywhere, the tiles (7.5%) and gas and oil gross US$ 1.5 trillion a year - a other civil society actors, report argues. The challenge is (8.6%). major economic power rivaling transnational criminal organiza- to ensure that the benefits are • A global growth industry is the multinational corporations. tions have dramatically differ- shared equitably and that this trafficking in woman and girls The Report recommends ent goals and methods of ac- increasing interdependence for the sex industry - 500,000 an agenda for action to tackle tion. They want to minimize works for people - not just for a year to Western Europe alone. the challenges of globalization their vulnerability to state con- profits. Globalization is also in- It is now a US$7 billion-a-year at all levels: Reforms of global trol of their illicit activities, and creasing human insecurity as business. governance to ensure greater they seek to enhance their illicit the spread of global crime, dis- • Illicit Trafficking in weap- equity, new regional ap- “business” opportunities - by ease and financial volatility out- ons is a growing business - de- proaches to collective action any means necessary, legal and paces actions to tackle them. stabilizing societies and gov- and negotiation and national illegal. Thus, they pose a great It is indeed well known that ernments and arming conflicts and local policies to capture op- risk to the integrity and stabil- criminals are reaping the ben- in Eastern Europe and Africa. In portunities in the global mar- ity of public order at all levels. efits of globalization. The “un- Albania there were five times as ketplace and translate them To contribute to a better un- civil society” has better thriving many murders in 1997 as in more equitably into human ad- derstanding of what works (and conditions than ever before and 1996, a rise attributed to the il- vance. what does not work) in the in- a number of interesting find- legal arming of civilians. Big numbers, scaring ternational fight against drug threats to development and abuse and narcotrafficking and peace. In Asia and the Pacific, I against organized crime the INCREASED UNDCP ACTIVITIES think - the same threats are UNDCP Regional Centre for IN EAST ASIA AND THE PACIFIC bolder than everywhere else. East Asia and the Pacific is glad The Commission of Narcotics Drugs (CND) of United Nations The United Nations faces to launch a renovated newslet- Economic and Social Committee (ECOSOC) approved in No- the challenge to monitor and ter. vember 99 the UNDCP global budget for 2000-2001. control more effectively ex- UNDCP-Eastern Horizons In East Asia and the Pacific the programme portfolio will be panding transnational activities (previously called UNDCP in increased by 97.5%. The UNDCP budget for drug control ac- that threaten the integrity and East Asia) will report on activi- tivities in the region will expand from $13.1 million in 1998- stability of global governance ties by civil society, govern- 1999 to $25.8 million in 2000-2001.
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