No. 220 £1.50 Table February 1994 Tennis News The official magazine of the English Table Tennis Association Subscriptions. Dlslrfbution ETTA Queensbury House, 1 FRONT COVER Havelock Road, Hastings. Alan Cooke winnerofthe Spanish Invita­ TN34 1HF Tel: 0424 722525 Fax: 0424 422103 tion and finalist at the Cleveland 5 star President J A Leach MBE Chairman A E Ransome 4 CHAnERIOX Editor John FA Wood Usa Lomas and Andrea Holt beat Edltorlal Office: 5 The Brackens, Hemel Mirjam Hooman Hempstead, Herts. HP2 SJA Tel/Fax: 0442244547 Mobile: 0850293518 CHAIRMAN-S REPORT Advertisement OffIces: 5 Just seven weeks to Euro Jim Beckley, Sports PR, Pa Box 8, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire. SK8 7RG Tel: 061-4396001 Fax: 061-4390223 EUR094 7 Schools committed to Euro 94 Table Tennis News is published eight times a year september to May/June CLEVELAND 5 STAR Subscription rates - £12.00 8 £17.15 sea Mall/Ireland Japanese excel at Cleveland Air Mall Zone 1 £22.20. Zone 2 £23.85 Photographers: SWEDISH OPEN Northern Photographic service, 10 Grubba beats Chen in five and John Wood PrInted by: Andrew Eden E.W. Publicity Limited, 15 King JUNIOR NAnONALS Street West. Stockport, Cheshire. 16 SK30DT Jun Tsuji lifts junior ttHe TABLE TENNIS NEWS 1993/94 Unsolicited articles are welcome for possl­ PERSONALm PROFILE ble publication. but the publishers will ac­ Publishing dotes: cept no responsibility for retum of manu­ 18 Buds are bursting in the Garden of Eden scripts and/or photographs. Whilst every SEPTEMBER effort Is taken to ensure reports and facts arecorrectatthetimeofgolngtopress.no 1st september 1993 responsibility will beaccepted by the Pub­ FRIENDLY HOTELS IRmSH LEAGUE (Copy date 15th July) IIshElfS should errors be published. either for 20 OCTOBER errors or matters arising as a result. Battle for second place The views expressed In Table Tennis 1st October 1993 News arethose ofthe contributors andare (Copy date 1st september) notnecessarilyofficialEllA policy. Similarly TIN acceptsadvertilsements In good faith. COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS NOVEMBER , but cannot accept responsibility for the 22 Essex bid for ttHe 1st November 1993 goods or services described in advertise­ ments.lfyouhaveanyquerlestheseshould (Copy date 1st October) be addressed directly to the advertiser. DECEMBER/JANUARY No part of this magazine may be re­ produced without written permission from MAILIOX 1st December 1993 the publlshElfS. 26 All your views (Copy date 1st November) FEBRUARY 1st February 1994 The rnA would like to thank the following companies for the (Copy date 1stJanuary) support they give to English table tennis: MARCH 18th March 1994 (Copy date lst February) l " Butterfly Fri~c!lY MAY -=D~!J~ 3rd May 1994 .df (Copy date 1st AprU) AODOLJOLI JUNE Nitt4ku WOOLWICH 1st June 1994 lIIIaques -BUILDING SOCI(TY­ DDHle (Copy date 30th April) TABLETENNISNEWS FEBRUARY 1994 PAGE3 OBITUARY ElSIE F. BETTS (1898- 1993) ETTA Vice President ON Christmas Day the table tennis worldlost a lady who devoted much of her life to the sport she loved. Elsie Betts, born in Folkestone in 1898 gave encouragement, enthusi­ asm andpleasureto countless young boysandgirls. Manyoftheseyoung­ sters owe their interest in the sport to her tireless devotion. Elsie Bettsand her husband, Mick formed the Beverley Table Tennis Club in Rendevous Street just after the second World War, such as its The Yorkshire and Humberside Federation of Disability Sports Organisations and the Sports Aid success that they were very soon Foundation (Yorkshire and Humberside) ran a Table Tennis Marathon. Pictured are some of the looking for largerpremises. TheClub players who tookpart (left to right), Les D'AIcy - World Over 70s Veteran's champion, David Young relocated at Cheriton Road and then - Paralympic Medallist at Seoul and Barcelona, Lord Mayor (Councillor Keith Loudon) and Lady movedon to the ConstitutionalClub, Mayoress of Leeds, Ray Burch - Regional Development Officer, Cyril Vllliers - Sports Council Victoria Grove, where the Beverley Club remained for some years. Un­ Regional Director and David Hope - Paralympic Medallist at Seoul and Barcelona. The promotion fortunately, Elsie's husband died in raised over £2000 for the above charities 1967, and in 1968 Elsie decided to move to the Folkestone Sport Cen­ appropriate County Association provides that no member or affiliated tre, where she continued her coach­ Disciplinary General Secretary or of the National organisation shall play table tennis with ing until 1982. At the age of 84 she A hearing was held on 11th Decem­ Council, contrary to Rule 32.1 or against or take part in any table decided her coaching career had to The Disciplinary Committee found tennis function in conjunction with any ber 1993 to consider a formal finish! the allegation proven and decided that suspended organisation or member. allegation of breach of ElI'A Rule Elsie Betts, spent36 years coach­ Mr. Newton be suspended from the ing nine to 13 year old children, far 32.1 made against Mr. Phil Newton privileges of membership of the ETI'A Lisa and of the Sheffield League. It was too many names to recall but her from 1st January 1994 until 31st most famous being Tony Piddock alleged that dUring the Season 19911 December 1994, both dates inclusive. Andrea beat whom she started to coach at the 92 and part of the 1992/93 season, This means that during this period Mr. age of 12. Tony not only won the Mr. Newton played with or against Newton will not be able to take part in Folkestone Junior and Senior titles, players not affiliated to the ElI'A or any table tennis activities held under Hooman out also the Kent Junior and Senior other National Association affiliated the auspices of the ETI'A or of any LISA LOMAS beat Miriam Hooman. the titles and went o.n to become ranked to the ITI'F nor under any auspices member Association, League or Club. current English Open Champion, 11 number eight in England. not in good standing with the ElI'A HQIE.:..Attention is also drawn and 16. Then Andrea Holt was also Not only did Elsie devote her without any permission of the particularly to ETI'A Rule 32.2 which successful against Hooman beating her time to coaching and fund-raising, -22, 11, 16 in the Women's Team Cup, she also became involved in the Munster Germany. organisation and promotion of the The two English women then also sport. Holding the post of secretary won the doubles, overpowering the to the Folkestone Table Tennis As­ Dutch duo of Hooman and current sociation from 1947 until 1982. A European Womens Singles champion keen member of the Kent Executive Bettine Vriesekoop. -23, 11, 19. Committee, a Life-President of the England won the match 3-2 but failed Kent Table Tennis Association and to make the finals when they lost 0-3 to Vice President of the English Table Rumania. Tennis Association. In 1977 in recognition of her For Sale outstanding service and hard work AN umpire's blazer is for sale, which is Elsie was one of only fifteen people in very good condition. It's on sale in England awarded the coveted because it was supplied to Christopher Torch Trophy for voluntary work in Dale to tight across the shoulders. sport. During the same year her The measurements are length 32" ultimate accolade was to receive sleeve length 33th··, centre back to the MBE. armhole 9th··, chest 42", waist 36". It cost new £82.50, but Christopher will accept offers, please write to 2B Oakwood Road, Wetherby, Leeds 1822 T.T. VIDEOS SYD FRYER 70Y. 8Cleveland Road, Hale, Altrfncham, Cheshire. WA15 8AY· 061-D80 8110 GOTHENBURG 93 • TAPE NO.l·COIlChing Cancelled Tape: FlllIIuring .. lMding p1ayera (except Swedes). commentaIy and anaJyaia by Donald ESSEX 3 Star, scheduled for 9/10th Parker. TAPE NO.2· Swediah Mens Tnrn April 1994, has been cancelled due l;Q Matches vFrancee. N. Korea (Group &Sernij, the lack of a sponsor. Germany, Belgium and China (Final). Last And sadly so has the Yorkshire 2 game from each 181 played a pr-mation Star championships been cancelled, C8I8IllOIl)'. Camera: Syd Fryer, commentary and anIIyaiI Donald Parker. Priced £15.00 due to be played on the 19th February each inc. p&p, lui three hour lapel. 1994. PAGE4 FEBRUARY 1994 TABLETENNISNEWS CHAIRMAN'S REPORT~~~~~~~~byAlan Ransome Just seven weeks to Euro WITH less than seven weeks to the start the men's singles and the former World of the European Championships in Champion, COOe Koyama comfortably Birmingham, the extensive planning collecting the women's singles. over the last two years is beginning to In January the England men's team fall into place. We have received entries will participate in the European Team from 47 men and 43 women's teams, Cup in Germany. The England women which is the largest entry ever received will also participate in the first European for a European Championship. Women's Team Cup, the results of both By the time you read this article, the will be published in the next issue of two briefing days for volunteers will Table Tennis News. have taken place. The umpires met on At the end of January the Common­ 8th January with the object of standard­ wealth Championships are being held in izing the interpretation of the laws of Hyderabad in India with the England table tennis, and on 29th January the team selected as: Matthew Syed, Alan volunteers met at the N.LA. for their Cooke, Chris Oldfield and Andrew Eden, briefing, including a full tour of the Lisa Lomas, Alison Gordon and Andrea facilities. Holt. We are hopeful of returning with Ticket sales are progressing well. an array of medals. Alan Ransome Already we have sold more tickets for On 16 February the England men will this event than for any championship The Japanese tour itself proved to be play the second leg of the European played in this country since 1977.
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