USERS MANUAL ZA-200 MULTI-FONT ZA-250 MULTI-FONT ZR 80825018 ZA-200 ZA-250 USERSMANUAL NOTINTENDEDFORSALE VDE Statement This device carries the VDE RFI protection mark to certify that it meets the radio interference requirements of the Postal Ordinance No. 243/1991. The additional marking “Vfg. 243/P” expresses in short form that this is a peripheral device (not operable alone) which only individually meets the Class B RFI requirements in accordance with the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89and the PostaI Ordinance 243/ 1991, If this device is operated in conjunction with other devices within a set-up, in order to take advantage of a “General (Operating) Authorization” in accordance with the Postal Ordinance 243/1991, the complete set-up must comply with the Class B limits in accordance with the DIN VDE 0878 part 3/11.89, as well as satisfy the preconditions in accordance with $2 and the prerequisites in accordance with $3 of the Postal Ordinance 243/1991. As a rule, this is only fulfilled when the device is operated in a set-up which has been type-tested and provided with a VDE RFI protection mark with the additional marking “Vfg 243”. Machine Noise Information Ordinance 3. GSGV, January 18, 1991: The sound pressure level at the operator position is equal or less than 70 dB(A) according to 1S0 7779. The above statement applies only to printers marketed in Germany. Trademark Acknowledgements ZA-200/250, FR-10/15, LC-200 Color, LC-10 Color, LZ9~X9CL, IS-8XL, IP-128XL, SF-1ODMIU 15DMII, SF-1ORMIV15RMII,PT-10XM/15XM: StarMlcronics Co., Ltd. IBM-PC, PS/2, PC-AT, Proprfnter, PC-DOS: International Business Machines Corp. MS-DOS, Microsoft BASIC: Microsoft Corporation EX-8OW1OOO,FX-850/1050: Seiko Epson Corp. NOTICE ● All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this manual in any form whatsoever without STAR’s express permission is forbidden. ● The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. ● Alleffortshaveheen madetoensurethe accuracyofthe contents ofthis manualatthetimeofpress. However, shouldany errors be detected, STAR would greatly appreciate being informed of them. ● The above notwithstanding, STAR can assume no responsibility for any errors in this manual. @Copyright1991StarMicronicsCo.,Ltd. I HOWTO USETHIS MANUAL Thismanualisorganizedintoelevenchapters.Toleamhow tomakethebest useof yourprinteryouareurgedto readthroughchapters2 through6.The remainingchaptemmay be treatedas a ~ference guidefor programming operations,etc. It assumesa degnx of acknowledgeof the opemtionof computers(forinstance,itassumesyouknowabouthexadecimalnumbers). The chaptersare as follows: Chapter1 — Introduction Thischapterindicatesthe somefeatwesof theprinter,thenamesandthose functionsof theprintercomponents,andthe actualexampleof fontstyle. Chapter2— Settingup the printer Thischapterexplainshowto gettheprinterunpackedandsetup. Readthis chapterbefo~ youdo anythingelse. Chapter3— Optionalaccessories Thischapterexplainstheoptionalaccessorieswithyourprinter,andhowto installthem. Chapter4 — Paperinstallationanduse ‘l%ischapterdescribesinstructionsforprintingsuchasselectingpapertypes, adjustingthe pfiting gap,andinstallingpaper. Chapter5— Controlpaneloperations T&e are a numberof controlson the frontpanel whichperformvarious iimctionsrelatedto paperhandling,printmodesand fontselection. Aftergettingsetup, nxulthischapterandtryout thepmcedumsin it to find outhowthe printerwoiics. Chapter6— Settingthe MemorySwitches This chapterexplainshow to set the Memory Switchesto make system settingson theprinter. Chapter7 — Printercontrolcommands Thischapterexplainsthedifferentemulationsprovidedbyyourprinter,and the softwarecommandsused to drive it. This sectionis of use if you are writingor modifyingprogramsto takeadvantageof the ptiter’s featunx. Chapter8— Downloadcharacters This chapterexplainsthepmcedunx to cmte yourowncharactem. Chapter9 — MS-DOSandyourprinter Sincethe PS/2 or PC-ATfamilyof computemrunningunderMS-DOSis cwmmtlythemostpopUIarmnfigurationofmic-mPuter. wehaveincluded a few hintsandtipsto helpyouuse yourprinterwith suchsystems. SincevirtuaUyallPCsm soldwithaMicmoft BASICinteqxW.er,wehave alsoincludedsomehints,andasamplepmgraminthislanguagetodemonstmte thecapabilitiesof the printer. Chapter10- Troubleshootingandmaintenance Thissectiongivesachecklistofpointstocheckifyourprinterisnotwodcing in the expectedway. It also includesdetailsof someroutinemaintenance operationsyoucancany outyourself.It isno~however,acompleteservice manual.Callaqualifiedserviceengineerif youm unsweof yourabilityto cany out anymaintenanceor servicingoperations. Chapter11— Reference Thissectiongivessomereferencesof yourprinter,suchas specificationsof yourprinter,thepinoutof interfaceconnector,thecharactertables. The charactertablechartsgivethe diffenmtcharactersetsavailable. I TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1 Featuresoftheprinter 1 Printercomponents 2 Fontstyleexample 4 Chapter2 SETTING UP THE PRINTER 5 Locatingtheprinter 5 Unpackingandinspection 6 Settingup 8 Mountingtheplatenknob 8 Installtheribboncartridge 9 Connectingtheinterfaeecable 10 Chapter3 OPTIONALACCESSORIES 13 AutomaticSheetFeeder 13 Single-BinAutomaticSheetFeeder 13 Dual-BinAutomatiC SheetFeeder 18 PullTractorUnit 20 InterfaceCartridges 22 DIPswitchfunctionsontheSerialInterfaeeCartridge 23 Chapter4 PAPERINSTALLATIONANDUSE 25 Selectionofpaper 25 Adjustingtheprintinggap 26 Loadingfanfoldforms 27 Loadingthepapertlomtherearoftheprinter(Pushfeed) 28 Loadingthepaperhornthebottomoftheprinter 30 LoadingthepaperwithPush/Pullfeed 31 Papx parking 34 Paperunparking 35 Loadingsinglesheets 36 Loadingthepaperwithoutoptionalaece+wories 36 LoadingthepaperwithoptionalAutomaticSheetFeeder 38 Chapter5 CONTROLPANELOPERATIONS 41 Buttonsandindiators 41 ONLINEbutton 42 PAPERFEEDbutton 42 SET/EJECT/PARKbutton 43 PrKH butten 43 MODEbutton 44 FONTbutton 44 Power-upfunctions 45 Shorttestmode 45 Longtestmode 46 Printareatestmale 47 Pitchlak mode 47 Fontlockmode 47 PitchamiFontlockmode 47 Hexadecimaldump 48 Switchcombinationfimdons 50 Formfeed 50 Topofform 50 Fonvsrdmicro-feed 51 Revememicro-feed 51 ChsngingtheSutoIoadingVshle 51 clearingtheIxIffer/Allreset 52 selectingtheprintC&r 52 SelectingtheASFbinnumber 53 Storemacrodefinition 54 Chapter6 SETTINGTHEMEMORYSWITCHES 55 Menuoptions 57 Printcurrentsettings 57 InstaUionmenu 58 Factmysettings 62 Dotwijustmexitmode 63 Chapter7 PRINTERCONTROLCOMMANDS 65 Fontcontrolcommands 66 charactersetcommands 71 Charactersizeandpitchcommands 74 Verticalpositioncommands 79 Horizontalpositioncommands 85 Graphicscommands 90 Downloadcharactercommands 93 Colorselectioncommands 98 Otherprintercommands 99 Chapter8 DOWNLOADCHARACTERS 103 Definingyourowndraftcharacters 103 Definingtheattributedata 104 Assigningthecharacterdata 105 Sampleprogram 106 DefiningyourownNLQcharacters 108 AssigningthecharacterdatawiththeStandardmode 108 higning the character data with the IBMmode 112 Chapter9 MS-DOSANDYOURPRINTER 117 Installingapplicationsoftwarewithyourprinter 117 Embeddingprintercommands 118 ProgrammingthepMtcxwithDOScommands 120 ProgrammingwithBASIC 123 Chapter10 TROUBLESHOOTINGANDMAINTENANCE 129 Troubleshooting 129 Powersupply 130 Printing 130 Paperfeeding 132 Maintenance 135 Replacingtheprinthead 135 Chapter11 REFERENCE 137 specifications 137 PinOutofinterface~tor 141 Parallelinterface 141 serialintexke 142 Charwtersets 143 standardclumwta Saw 144 Intematkd Cbaractasets 146 IBMCtiiUiW* set #2 147 km set #l 154 IBMqecid CiMtWkX * 155 INDEX 157 COMMANDSUMMARY 161 I chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Thisprinterhasafidlcomplementoffeatures,makingitanexcellentptier for a personalcomputer.It suppo~ theEpson/IBMprintercommmds ~d charactersets, enablingit to printjust aboutanythingyour computercan generate,bothtextandgraphics. FEATURESOFTHE PRINTER Someof mainfeaturesmethe following: ● Versatilepaperhandling Singlesheets,fanfoldforms, and multi-partfor& (up to 5-ply) are all accepted,andyoucanuseeitherpush/pti tractororfiictionfeed.(Youcan load fanfoldforms fmm the mar with internalpush tractor, or fanfold formsandmuhi-pmtformsftomthebottomwithoptionalpulltractor.)A specialfeatureenablesyoutokeepfanfoldformsparkedinmadinesswhile printingon otherpaper. ● Six brightcolors Red,blue,violet,yellow,orangeandgreenadda colordimensionto your printedoutputby the optionalcolorribbon. “ Largevarietyof fonts Theprinterhas the followingresidentfonts: ● Draft c High-SpeedDraft ● Sanserif ● Courier ● script . Orator ● Extensivesoftwaresupport Sinceitis compatiblewiththeEpsonandIBMprinters,itworkswithany softwarethatsupportsthoseprinters.Thatincludesmostword-processing andgraphicsprograms,spmd-sheets, andintegratedsoftwarepackages. ● Easyoperation Indicatordisplaysandbeeptonesprovideimmediate,easyto understand feedbackwhenyoupressthebuttonsonthecontrolpanel.Thesixbuttons canoperatein combinationsto performa surprisingvarietyof functions, includingmicro-alignment. 1 I ● Easy careandmaintenance The ribboncatidge can be replacedin secondsthe printhead in a few minutes. PRINTERCOMPONENTS Togetacquaintedwiththeprinter’scomponentsandcapabilities,mfertothe informationon the followingpages. Tractor - Paper guide Release lever Adjustment lever [or \ lever lever knob Control panel Tear assist 2 Paper guide Alignssinglesheets(cut forms)to help ● theprinterdetectwhenpaperis insexted. Releaselever Releasespressweonthepaper.Thislever mustbe backfor fanfoldfoxms,andfor- ward for singlesheets. ‘Front cover Protectstheprintheadandotherinternal componentsof yourprinter. Rear cover Protectsthe tractor feed unit and sepa- rates incoming and outgoing fanfold
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