US00871 1732B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,711,732 B2 Johnson (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 29, 2014 (54) SYNTHESIZED INTEROPERABLE (58) Field of Classification Search COMMUNICATIONS USPC .......... 370/259, 260, 285,351, 352,419,546 See application file for complete search history. (76) Inventor: Richard G. Johnson, Pittsburgh, PA (US) (56) References Cited (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 3,792.470 A 2f1974 Donovan et al. U.S.C. 154(b) by 264 days. 5,212,021 A 5/1993 Smith et al. 5,475,626 A * 12/1995 Viletto ..................... 361/679.55 (21) Appl. No.: 11/592,736 5,969,501 A * 10/1999 Glidden et al. ............... 320,101 6,389,114 B1* 5/2002 Dowens et al. ................. 379, 52 6,438,215 B1* 8/2002 Skladman et al. ........... 379 (67.1 (22) Filed: Nov. 3, 2006 6,541,978 B1 4/2003 Benveniste et al. 6,603,838 B1 8, 2003 Brown et al. (65) Prior Publication Data 7,039,205 B1 5, 2006 Carter et al. US 2007/O124144 A1 May 31, 2007 7.050,511 B2 * 5/2006 Jeong et al. ................... 375,301 (Continued) Related U.S. Application Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS (63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 1 1/545,731, Arland, Richard (Interoperability: Problem Solved?) Popular Com filed on Oct. 10, 2006, and a continuation-in-part of munications, Nov. 2006. application No. 1 1/486,445, filed on Jul. 13, 2006, said application No. 1 1/545,731 is a continuation-in-part of (Continued) application No. 1 1/137,115, filed on May 25, 2005. Primary Examiner — Wei Zhao (60) Provisional application No. 60/787,299, filed on Mar. Assistant Examiner — Robert M. Morlan 30, 2006, provisional application No. 60/708,932, (57) ABSTRACT filed on Aug. 17, 2005, provisional application No. A method for interoperable communications including at 60/709,019, filed on Aug. 17, 2005, provisional least the step of: a) at least one radio user's being able to application No. 60/698,687, filed on Jul. 13, 2005, transmit at least one transmission on a first radio frequency to provisional application No. 60/574.963, filed on May a computer having at least one sound card and at least two 27, 2004, provisional application No. 60/636,761, Sound card channels on one or more sound cards, wherein filed on Dec. 16, 2004, provisional application No. each of the at least two Sound card channels is programmed to 60/679,615, filed on May 10, 2005, provisional receive and process transmissions from at least two separate application No. 60/678,958, filed on May 11, 2005. radio frequencies. This configuration creates a new way of (51) Int. C. interfacing virtually any speaker with virtually any computer, H04L 2/6 (2006.01) and allows a paradigm shift of communications organization (52) U.S. C. such that everyone can talk at once, literally, and still “hear USPC ........... 370/259; 370/260; 370/351; 370/352; everyone else. 6 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets OESOAABASE -- 25 AY 2005 mateur Callsign :- SAINNERATIONAPEITIES License Closs :- siggs OPERATORINFORMATION 3.Res.62 E.Oudge E.E. as Nome; EersEston-SDs: Egne-S EE First Name: Eers, Eguccio E Eckle into: 6ers SE one SD Street Address ; size City: Sters 5ESSIPE Sote: as gone eS EN Years ESAN SERE! CONTACT INFORMATION 2-years 45,093, 1200 Boud Pocket Emol: - (563 TelephoneNumbers : so (-)--work- Work : (-)-- 20in cm 100 MHzteboneIone USBCEEEE 70 cm (405-HT20 Eudoce-E Cell: (-)--- Poger: (-)-- in SocES SMS: (-) Other: --- Best way to confoci: OPERATORQUALIFICATIONS FM OSB OSB APRS Slalion Description OCW OPSKS Pocke OPactor KFNVISYESONo DTT DARS OTone63 Porta-Browser HF Anderinus: Echolink' ink Repeater User VHF Anferings: Node Number : VHF Antenings: Palm-OS-based PDA Yes No Ballery Operations ? OYES NO Dale; Duration of Buttery Operations: Hirs Comments: US 8,711,732 B2 Page 2 (56) References Cited OTHER PUBLICATIONS U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club “Public Service and Software” Sep. 3, 2004.* 2002fO116176 A1 8, 2002 Tsourikov et al. Navy Mars “More on MT-63 Apr. 7, 2003.* 2003/0069002 A1* 4/2003 Hunter et al. ................. 455,404 SL.net MT63 Technical D iotion Dec. 28, 2003. 2004/0077347 A1* 4/2004 Lauber et al. ................. 455,428 QSL.ne echnical LeScription Lec. 28, 2005/008.4081 A1* 4/2005 Manto ...................... 379,11405 2006/0258336 A1 1 1/2006 Sajor et al. 2008/0274761 A1* 11/2008 Blocket al. ................... 455,517 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Apr. 29, 2014 Sheet 1 of 2 US 8,711,732 B2 OFFICIAL EMERGENCY STATIONS FT-87 MDTONE63SEUP POWER CABLE MDT'/Toness" DATA TRANSFER 4) DATA TRANSFER O O YAESU FT-87 O, FT-87 Signalink INTERCONNECT CT-39 INTERFACE CABLE Signolink POWER ADAPTER O BM. ThinkPad O ThinkPad Power O SignoLink SL-1+ o9 Volt Battery O Soundcord Cables O9 Wolf Connector O 12 Vol. Power O 12 Volt Splitter O Yoesu FT-87 OFT-87 Power O Signolink Interconnect O SignolLink Power O Aerial // Rabbit Ears O Feedline ODG 7-1 Tuner OCT-39 Coble O DG 7- Patch DDG 7-1 Power BM. ThinkPod PKT YODE--FM DIG MODE--SSB SOUNDCARD PKI Mic MDT =OO CABLES PKT MIC Tone65=25 FIG.1 U.S. Patent Apr. 29, 2014 Sheet 2 of 2 US 8,711,732 B2 US 8,711,732 B2 1. 2 SYNTHESIZED INTEROPERABLE As a result, in an age when messages are sent and received COMMUNICATIONS with relentless fury, the means for simple, effective, reliable and inexpensive communications are still elusive and many CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED times—especially in emergencies when they are most APPLICATIONS needed—completely unavailable. The greatest problem facing further development in emer This application is a continuation-in-part of U.S. applica gency radio communications is the problem of interoperabil tion Ser. Nos. 1 1/545,731, filed Oct. 10, 2006, Ser. No. ity. Because different radio systems operate on different fre 1 1/486,445, filed Jul. 13, 2006 and Ser. No. 1 1/137,115, filed quencies, they are not by nature interoperable. The result is 10 simple and inevitable: radios on different frequencies cannot May 25, 2005, and claims priority to U.S. Provisional Patent communicate with each other. Applications No. 60/574,963, filed May 27, 2004; No. The traditional solution to this particular interoperability 60/636,761, filed Dec. 16, 2004; No. 60/679,615, filed May problem is a device known as an interoperability bridge. In its 10, 2005; No. 60/679,958, filed May 11, 2005; No. 60/787, simplest terms, an interoperability bridge is a Switchboard 299, filed Mar. 30, 2006; No. 60/708,932, filed Aug. 17, 2005; 15 that either manually or physically connects two or more fre No. 60/709,019, filed Aug. 17, 2005; and No. 60/698.687, quencies together. Although this solution is viable and in filed Jul. 13, 2005, each of which is incorporated herein by Some circumstances works well, it has a significant drawback. reference. Once two frequencies, or more than two frequencies, are interconnected through the interoperability bridge, spoken BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Voice communications (known as traffic) on one frequency are automatically placed simultaneously on all other frequen 1. Field of the Invention cies interconnected by the interoperability bridge. This con The present invention pertains to governing computers Sumes valuable airtime on all frequencies, making the stan with radio transmissions, and to configuring data so that it is dard traditional interoperability bridge solution unacceptable accessible by any mode of communication including a radio 25 in threat situations, emergencies or disasters, when heavy transceiver. The invention pertains in part to restoring com traffic turns into a literal radio traffic jam. munications before and during terrorist threats or acts or in emergencies, and focuses on making heretofore non-interop SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION erable radio systems (such as Police, Fire, Hazmat, etc.) interoperable even under attack or emergency conditions 30 In order to avoid Such communications traffic jams and to (when such interoperability is most needed). render truly interoperable radio communications using two or 2. Description of Related Art more frequencies, the present invention is a method for In a disaster Scene, it is typical to find two types of devices. interoperable radio communications including the steps of: a) First, radios are plentiful. Second, computers are available. It at least one radio user's transmitting at least one transmission has been this inventor's mission to invent new ways of inter 35 on a first radio frequency to a computer having at least one connecting radios and computers to provide data transfer, and Sound card and at least two Sound card channels on one or data management systems, for regional disasters. Tradition more sound cards, wherein each of said at least two Sound ally, amateur radio has been a fertile ground for new technol card channels is programmed to receive and process trans ogy development. Since the 1940s, numerous products missions from at least two separate radio frequencies; b) said including cellphones, developed from amateur radio, have 40 radio user's simultaneously or Subsequently posting, via the been commercialized. The importance of radio technology in preprogrammed computer, said transmission as either a providing communications during emergencies is evident Sound recording or a transcribed Voice or data file obtained today in Such events as the earthquake and tsunami in Decem from the received transmission to a folder on the computer; ber of 2004, and the Sep. 11, 2001 attack.
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