Oral Answers DECEMBER 2.1991 Oral Answers 8 February. 1990. They were to supply three thinking to change the funding resource as turbines on tum-lcey basis. They were to requested by Shri Jyoti Basu. Chief Minister. prepare the detafled pio|ect report and gira it to us. Since March, 1991 there is no SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE: Very communication whatsoever in spite of re­ good. peated approaches being made by the Govemment of West Bengal - and I under­ ITnmslalioni stand by the Government of India also - for the last nine months. The agency which was Setting up of Jharkhand State implementing this project in Soviet Russia, namely T.P.E. -which isthepowerorganisa- tion there - seems to have been dissolved *143 SHRI SIMON MARANDI: because no reply is being given. The two SHRI GOVINDA CHANDRA officers who are there, seem to have van­ MUNDA: ished, or at least they are not in the position any longer. Therefore, is the hon. Minister Win the Minister of HOME Ai7AIRS be aware of this development and is the hon. pleased to state: Minister taldng any steps to fmd out • unit- wise - as to what is the position and particu­ (a) whether there is any demand to set larly what is the position with regard to up Jharkhand State by including the tribal Bakreshwar? The second part of my ques­ areas of Bihar. Orissa and West Bengal for tion is that will the hon. Minister give the the speedy devek)pment of the tribal areas Government's reaction to the request of the and speedy implementatton of several proj­ Govemment of West Bengal to delinli this ects of these areas; project from Soviet assistance because none is avalable now and to include it in the (b) if so, the details of the actkm taken Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund thereon; (O.E.CJ=.) of Japan for which the request has been made in July. 1991? I would Hke to (c) the difficulties, if any, in this regard; know the Government's response to that and SHRIKALP NATH RAI: AU the projects (d) the time by which the Jharkhand except Bakreshwar thermal power project State is Ikely to be set up? are in the Central Sector and are being executed by Centred Sector power coipoia- THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE t»ns. Bakreshwarprojectisbeingexecutod MINISTRY OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI by the West Bengal Power Oevetopment RAMLALRAHI):(a)Yes,Sir. Corporation and is in the State sector. Shri Jyotl Basu. Chief Minister of West Bengal (b) to (d). The Central Govemment had has written a letter to the Govefflment of set upaCommlttee for Jharkhand Matters in fcidia that this project of Bakreshwar shouki August, 1989. The Committee's report was not be tied up with Russia and this shouki received in May. 1990. However, the Com­ now be tied up wHh the Japanese d ^ C .F . mittee couM not reach unanimity. Thereaf­ That letter is under consideration ...(Inter- ter, a Review Committee was set up b) n vtio n s) November. 1990 but this Commttea also couW not make much progress in Hs deil>- SHRI SOMNATH CHATTERJEE'.Three eratkMw. The matter is under consideration feOeiB ware written. (Me«n4P<io»Mt) oftheGovemmenL SHRI KALP NATM RAI: We have re­ [Tfanstatlbf^ ceived that laitor and it is under oonsidera- tkxi of ttie Government of India. We are SHRI SIMON MARANDk Mr. SpaAw. 9 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA11.1913 (SAKA^ Orei Ansums 10 Sir, th« hon. Minister h a s given an Inoom- mand covers a major part of Bihar compris­ piste reply. He has mentioned that the ing 13 districts, the State Government is Central Government had set up a Commit­ presunru^ evolving ways and means to tee in this regard. So far as Jharkhand is solve this problem on the t^iso f the Daijee- concerned, a Commission was set up long iir^ pattern and it is being inquired into. It is back and from 1954 the Government has very difficult to give a definit answer to this been setting up committees. The last com­ questton without taking into confklence all mittee set up in this regard, about which an the four states involved. announcement was also made in the House, is yet to submit its report. I would like to get SHRI SIMON MARANDI: Mr. Speaker, the details from the Government because Sir,the Government says that the committee the hon. Minister has given an incomplete set up earlier oouM not reach unanimity. I reply.....(lnt6mpli[msi __ would Ike to know about those people who opposed the committee and acted as ob­ M a SPEAKER: Please come to the stacles to it. questkin when I say come to the question that much only goes on record. SHRI S.B. CHAVAN: Who opposed it or who dkJ not, is not the questkm. If a new SHRI SIMON MARANDI: He has not State is to be formed, we win have to bring a replied to the third and fourth part of my Constitutton Amendment to amend Article 3. question. I had asked about the Govern­ Even If another Committee is set up without ment's stand on the demand to tom a prior consultatkm with the four State Gov- Jharkhand State and the time by which the emments invohred, ft wouM be very difficult Jharkhand State is likely to be formed? to take any concrete step this regard. Without eridting the opinion of the concerned THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS State Governments. Therefore, we shall (SHRI S.B. CHAVAN): Mr. Spedwr, Sir, the spare no efforts to find out the facts from the earlier committee that was sat up in this State Governments. The Expert Committee regard had submitted an incomplete report set up earlier visited both Cafoutta and Thereafter, a Review Committee was sat up. Bhubaneswar, tiut unfortunately it dk) not Further, the Bihar Government also intro­ get any encouraging response from these duced a Bill in thte connectnn in the State State capitals. With regard to the inquiries Assembly and the initial reactton of the people they made with the Government of Bihar and spearheading the movement for the forma- the Madhya Pradesh Government, Bihar’s tk>n of a separate Jharkhand State was that response was found more encouraging. Therefore, they have made efforts to initiate [E n g m the piooess in Bihar State itself. A final dedskM) in this regard wiH be taken after this is a right step in the right directioa consultattons wfth the hon. Member and even the House can take up the matter for [T/ansUaiui However, they also added that they SHRI SURAJ MANDAL Mr. Speaker. were not prepared to accept as It dM not Sir, the hon. Minister of Home Affairs stated piovkia for the formatkm of a separate State that no oonsuRations «rar« heU with the ofJhaikhand. lhavecometoknowthatthis concernedStateGovemments. Iwasalsoa committsa was set up after consultations member of the sakl committee. I wouMHke with the four concerned State Governments. to know the reaction of the Govemfpnts of The prima facm informatkm available wtth Bihar, West Bengal, Madhya P r a ^ and me is that no oonsukattons have taken place Orissa to the rapoft sent by the Ministiy of with the four States concerned after the Home Affairs to eldt their opinion. I viuid conatitutkm of the commttee. As the de­ Ike to know their maetkm. 11 Oral Ansums DECEMBER 2,1991 Oral Ans¥»ws 12 The State Gtovemment in their reply ments. The Government of Bihar has intro­ have said that the matter is underthe consid­ duced a Bill in this connection and the Cen­ eration of the Govemment They say that tral Govemment have sought a copy of the theydonotagreetoit. Beforethatparaofthe same from them. The Bill has been pre­ report is published, we would sented in the Lower House and riot in the demand....(/nfem4p(«9n^ upper House and a copy thereof must be provkled to us. We have not received it so MR. SPEAKER: Please ask your ques­ far. We shall make efforts to get it at the tion. earliest. The matter can be solved only after hoMing comprehensive discussk>n with the SHRISURAJ MANDAL: I am asking the State Government Nothing can be done questton and also providing the informatnn before that in regard to the situatton. [EngBsfii MR. SPEAKER: You shouM ask your question instead of provMing information. SHRI SANAT KUMAR MANDAL: Sir, Point of information. SHRI SURAJ MANDAL: Perhaps the hon. Minister is not aware of it, he wants to MR. SPEAKER: No point of informa- hkle ft, that is why I am provkling it {Irttairup- tk>n. All questtons are poim of informatton. tions) Please sit down. MR. SPEAKER: Please ask your ques- SHRI INDER JIT: I have two short sup- tkm. plementaries. SHRI SURAJ MANDAL: In para 34 of My first supplementary is, the Home the report of the committee, it has been Minister has just saM that the Centre has stated unanimously. When Shri Chandra before it a proposal to give to the bng suffer­ Shekhar, the then Prime Minister dkl not find ing people of Jharkhand, an autonomous unanimity on the issue, he discussed the council short of a full-fledged State in accor­ matter wfth the MLAs and MPs of Bihar for 2- dance with Darjeeling model wheh has been 3 days. (ktterruptioiKli greatly praised by the PresMent during his recent visit to Daijeeling. In case the pro­ M R SPEAKER: Please ask your ques­ posal is implemented, will the Home Minister tion. Otherwise, I wiH disaltow you. give an assurance to this House that the Darjeeling model will be implemented hon­ SHRI SURAJ MANDAL: AH the mem- estly in its letter and spirit and not reduced to beis in that meeting with Shri Chandra a farce as in the case of Daqeeling model, Shekhar demanded Statehood.
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