NOTES ON A STRANGE WORIP MASSIMO POLIDORO There's a UFO in My Painting! Gospels have it, a radiant cloud. ^ * "T" "TTOs are not a recent Another example of this kind is in I invention, they were the Nativity of Lorenzo Monaco." ^^*S seen by our ances- The litde man on die right of tors as well!" This is one of the typ- the painting that shields his eyes ical claims [hat can be found in looking at the sky is another typi- books by Erich Von Daniken, Peter cal element of such paintings. Kolosimo, and similar authors. The However, that man does not proof for it? A variety of strange appear to look at the radiant cloud, objects depicted in paintings by but at the Nativity Star and three some of rhe world's greatest artists. other small stars (or flames) to the far left, a symbol of the "trifold vir- ginity" of the Madonna (before, during, and after the virgin birth). Crivelli's UFOs In Carlo Crivelli's Annunciazione (Annunciation), a i486 painting now on display at the National Gallery in London, some believe The Madonna's Spaceship diat a UFO is in the sky and diat A typical example is the Madonna from it a ray of light comes down to con Bambino e San Giovannino touch the head of die Virgin Mary. (Madonna and Child with the Carlo Crivelli's Annunciazione (Annunciation). All mystery mongering prints of diis Infant Saint John) attributed to painting show poor-quality repro- Sebastiano Mainardi or Jacopo del In order to understand what this and ductions of the details. However, it would Sellaio. The painting is from die end of other ancient paintings really portrayed, be enough to visit die gallery or look at a the fifteendi century and is now on dis- however, it is essential to learn how better print of die painting to see that it is play in the Sala d'Ercole in Palazzo ancient artists really worked. "Not one not a UFO at all. "It's a vortex of angels in Vecchio, Florence. Examining it, we see of those that see UFOs in paintings," die clouds," says Cuoghi, "a very com- in the upper background, behind die says Italian art expert Diego Cuoghi, mon artistic device used to represent die Madonna, a strange oval shape sus- "ever tries to understand the real sym- presence of God, and it can be seen in pended in the sky. Some UFOlogists bolical meanings of those strange things many Medieval and Renaissance religious describe it as "an airborne object, leaden in die art of that period, and so they paintings, like in Correggio's fresco at die in color, inclined to port, sporting a take them as realistic depictions of Dome of Parma or in Gustave Dore's 'dome' or 'turret,' apparently identifiable unidentified flying objects seen live." engraving of Canto XXI from Dante's as an oval-shaped moving flying device." The object in Mainardi's painting is a Paradiso from his The Divine Comedy, but "radiant cloud." "In diose times," says above all in most Anunciations and Massimo Polidoro is an investigator of the Cuoghi, "the subjects for paintings were Baptisms of the Christ." paranormal, author, lecturer, and co- almost exclusively of a religious nature Another Crivelli painting, the founder and head of CICAP, the Italian and, in the case of the 'adorations,' like Madonna con Bambino (Madonna with skeptics group. His Web site is www. Mainardi's, there often appeared in the Child) at die Pinacoteca of Ancona, is massimopolidoro. com. sky an angel or, as some apocryphal believed by some to show "objects very 2 2 Volume 29. Issue 3 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER similar to modern nuclear missiles ready Monastery in Kosovo, Yugoslavia. Some the same way in other paintings of to launch"! did interpret the Sun and the Moon as the time. Those making such claims, however, "spaceships with a crew." "Only those The other UFOlogical painting is never take die time to research the life of that are unfamiliar with artistic symbol- the Miracolo delta neve (Miracle of the die artist, his work, or die place where die ogy of the time," says Cuoghi, "can claim Snow) by Masolino Da Panicale, painting was originally displayed. It that these are mysterious elements." painted in 1428 and on display at the would be enough to compare this with Museo Nazionale di Capodimontc, odier paintings by die same artist, in fact, The Flying Hat Naples. Here the mystery mongers to establish that die "missiles" are actually In Paolo Uccello's Tebaide (also known as claim to see "a UFO invasion" in die towers and bell towers, like those that Scene di Vita Ermetica, or Scenes of clouds above the scene. But those appear in almost all of Crivellis paintings. Monastic Life), now at the Gallerie lenticular clouds are not infrequent subjects in the artworks of the fif- Anodier example is die famous Mayan dell'Accademia, in Florence, some claim teenth century. "It is a nonrealistic way bas-relief that Von Daniken and others to see "a saucer object, suspended in the to represent clouds," says Cuoghi, believed represented an astronaut, but was air and surmounted by a red domed top. "such non-realism was seen in the actually a depiction of Pakal, die Maya Red in color, the object comes out over sacred art of the first half of the fif- . One cannot simply give a modern the dark background by contrast. The teenth century." As for the event dynamic movement of the flying object interpretation to events and depictions depicted in the painting, a snowfall in outside of dicir original context. is rendered by means of light brush August, it can certainly be seen as an strokes, again red in color, which provide God's Sputnik extraordinary event, but not an impos- the effect of a sudden turn." sible one. Exceptional atmospheric The Santissima Trinita {Holy Trimly) by One can't help but smile at such a events of this kind are sometimes Bonaventura Salimbeni (1595), now a St. description. When viewing die whole paint- recorded in Italy. Unseasonal snow, for Peter's Basilica at Montalcino, is one of die ing (not just a close up of the red object) it example, took place on the seaside of most famous "UFOs" in a painting. The is quite clear that the object is located inside Calabria on May 12, 1755; in mysterious "spherical object with anten- a cave, on die ground beneath the crucifix- Lunigiana on July 1, 1756, in Bologna nae" that appears between Christ and God ion, and diat it represents a large red hat on June 1, 1481; and recently in Prato has frequently been referred to as belonging to St. Jerome, who is seen praying on August 5, 2000. The memory of "Montakino's Sputnik," due to his similar- before die crucified Christ. such an extraordinary events might ity in appearance to the old Soviet satellites. The first one to write about St. easily be handed down through the In truth, the globe represents Jerome was Giovanni di Andrea of centuries, gaining details and particu- Creation, with the Sun on top and the Bologna, and in his writings legend lars and being transformed into the Moon below left (some interpreted it as overruled historical truth. The same "miracle of the snow." the periscope of the satellite!). The autlior gave precise details on how artists "antennae" are actually two sceptres held had to depict the Saint: "Cum capello, Aliens Everywhere! by Christ and God. quo nun cardinales utuntur, deposito, et The same kind of astronomical illus- leone mansueto "("With hat, of the kind "The method used by so-called UFO tration on the Globe of Creation can be still in vogue for cardinals, placed on the hunters," concludes Cuoghi, "requires found in a painting by Pieter Coecke, ground, and with meek lion.") The hat no knowledge whatsoever on the history depicting the Trinity and now on dis- in question is present in various of an. What you need is just to pick up play at Prado's Musem in Madrid. Here representations of the Saint. a book with reproduction of paintings, as well it is possible to see the Sun, the better if painted before the seventeenth Earth, with the cone of shade, and the UFO Invasion century, and try to find any little object Moon, smaller, down below. There are two other famous paint- that may have a lenticular shape. This "The representations of Sun and ings where flying saucers are said to way, you will find no difficulty at all in Moon" continues Diego Cuoghi "have fre- be represented. One is the Baptism locating elements that may appear quendy misled some UFOlogists who have of Christ by Aert DeGelder, now at bizarre and out of place. Now, you only completely misunderstood meir meaning. the Fitzwilliam Museum in need to claim that these objects are The majority of the crucifixion paintings Cambridge. In this painting, a UFO inconsistent to the time, place, or con- and mosaics done in the Byzantine style, seems to light from above the scene text of the artwork, and so you can cer- for example, show die same odd 'objects' of Christ's baptism. Actually, the tainly term them as 'alien' or 'unidenti- on eidier side of die cross, die Sun and die "thing" in the sky is not a flying fied.' And so, you can now call yourself Moon, and they are often represented with saucer but a circle of light with a an 'ancient UFOs' expert!" a human face or figure." dove inside, a typical representation Reference An example of this is the sixteenth- for the Holy Spirit.
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