December 14, 1979 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 36171 the Superior Court of the District of Colum­ IN THE COAST GUARD Coast Guard nominations beginning Wil­ bia for a term of 15 years. Coast Guard nominations beginning Law­ liam F. Nettel, to be lieutenant commander, and ending William J. Wilkinson, III, to be Frank Ernest Schwelb, of the District of rence M. Schilling, to be commander; and ending Henry D. Jacoby, to be commander, lieutenant commander, which nominations Columbia, to be an Associate Judge of the which nominations were received by the were received by the Senate and appeared Superior Court of the District of Columbia Senate and appeared in the CoNGRESSIONAL in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD on Novem­ for a term of 15 years. RECORD on November 28, 1979. ber 28, 1979. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Friday, December 14, 1979 The House met at 9 a.m. Duncan, Tenn. LaFalce Rodino Cheney Hagedorn Nedzi Early Lagomarsino Roe Chisholm Hall, Ohio Nelson The Chaplain, Rev. James David Eckhardt Leach, Iowa Rose Clausen Hall, Tex. Nichols Ford, D.D., offered the following prayer: Edgar Leach, La. Rosenthal Clay Hanley O'Brien Edwards, Ala. Leath, Tex. Roth Coelho Harris Ottinger Eternal God, we praise You for Your Emery Lederer Roybal Collins, lll. Harsha Patten goodness, we testify to Your love and English Lee Royer Colllns, Tex. Hawkins Patterson In Erdahl Leland Runnels Conyers Heckler Pepper we magnify Your holy name. antici­ Evans, Ind. Lent Satterfield Cotter Hinson Price pation of those holy days, help us to Fary Levitas Sawyer Crane, Daniel Holland Pursell remember Your good deeds to us, how Fenwick Lewis Scheuer Crane, Philip Holien beck Quayle You have supported and sustained us. Ferraro Long, La. Schulze D'Amours Hutto Rahall Findley Long,Md. Sebelius Danielson Hyde Rangel In adversity You have comforted us, in Fish Lott Seiberling Dannemeyer !chord Richmond danger You have been near us, and in Fisher Lujan Sensenbrenner Da.schle Ireland Rinaldo our weakness, You have forgiven and Fithian McClory Shannon Davis, Mich. Jeffords Ritter Florio McDade Sharp de la Garza Jenkins Rostenkowskl filled us with strength. Continue Your Foley McKinney Shelby Dellums Jenrette Rousselot grace in our lives this day and every day. Fountain Maguire Shumway Derrick Johnson, Colo. Rudd We pray for a better world, for un­ Fowler Markey Shuster Devine Kastenmeier Russo Frenzel Marks Skelton Dickinson Kemp Santini derstanding, for tolerance and reconcil­ Frost Marlenee Slack Diggs Latta Simon iation, that all people may come to see Fuqua Marriott Smith, Nebr. Dingell Lehman Smith, Iov;a Your will and live in peace. Amen. Gaydos Martin Snowe Dixon Livingston Snyder Gephardt Matsui Solarz Dodd Loemer Spellman Gilman Mattox Solomon Donnelly Luken Stark Glickman Michel Spence Dornan Lundine Stewart THE JOURNAL Gonzalez Mikulski StGermain Dougherty Lungren Stokes Gore Miller, Calif. Stack Edwards, Calif. McCloskey Stump The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ Gradison Miller, Ohio Staggers Edwards, Okla. McCormack Symms amined the Journal of the last day's pro­ Gra1nm Min eta Stangeland Erlenboru McDonald Treen Gra.ssley Minish Stanton Ertel McEwen Trible ceedings and announces to the House Gray Moakley Steed Evans, Del. McHugh Ullman his approval thereof. Green Mollohan Stenholm Evans, Ga. McKay Van Deerlin Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour­ Grisham Montgomery Stockman Fascell Madigan Vanik nal stands approved. Gudger Moore Stratton Flippo Mathis Volkmer Guyer Moorhead, Pa. Studds Flood Mavroules Waxman Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Speaker, pursuant Hamilton Mottl Synar Ford, Mich. Mazzoll W-eiss to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote on Hammer- Murphy, Pa. Tauke Ford, T·enn. Mica Whitten agreeing to the Speaker's approval of schmidt Murtha Taylor Garcia Mitchell, Md. Williams, Mont. Hance Myers, Ind. Thomas Giaimo Mitchell, N.Y. Wilson, Bob the Journal. Hansen Myers, Pa. Thompson Gibbons Moffett Wilson, c. H. The SPEAKER. The question is on the Harkin Natcher Traxler Gingrich Moorhead, Wilson, Tex. Chair's approval of the Journal. Hefner Nolan Udall Ginn Calif. Wolff Heftel Nowak Vander Jagt Goldwater Murphy, lll. Wydler The question was taken; and the Hightower Oakar Vento Goodling Murphy, N.Y. Young, Alaska Speaker announced that the ayes ap­ Hillis Oberstar Walgren Guarini Neal peared to have it. Holtzman Obey Wampler Hopkins Panetta Watkin,c; 0 0910 Mr. BAUMAN. Mr. Speaker, I object Horton Pa.shayan Weaver So the Journal was approved. to the vote on the ground that a quorum Howard Paul White is not present and make the point of Hubbard Pease Whitehurst The result of the vote was announced Huckaby Perkins Whittaker as above recorded. order that a quorum is not present. Hug-hes Petri Wtnn The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum Jeffries Peyser Wirth A motion to reconsider was laid on the is not present. Johnson, Calif. Pickle Wolpe table. The Sergeant at Arms will notify Jones. N C. Prever Wrie-ht absent Members. Jones, Okla. Pritchard Wyatt Jones, Tenn. Quillen Wylie MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The vote was taken by electronic de­ Kazen Railsback Yates Kelly Ratchford Yatron Mr. vice, and there were--yeas 255, nays 14, Kildee Regula Young, Fla. A message from the Senate, by answered "present" 2, not voting 162, as Kindness Reuss Youne-. Mo. Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced follows: Koe-ovsek Rho1es Zablocki that the Senate had passed without [Roll No. 731] Kostmayer Roberts Zeferetti amendment a joint resolution of the Kramer Robinson YEA8-255 House of the following title: NAY8-14 Abdnor Bethune Butler H.J. Res. 458. Joint resolution to authorize Addabbo Bevill Carr Anthony Holt Schroeder and request the President to issue a proc­ Akaka Biaggi Carter Ashbrook Jacobs Swift Lamation designating December 18, 1979, Alexander Blanchard Chappell Coughlin Lloyd Walker "National Unity Day." Anderson, Boland Cleveland Derwinski Lowry Whitley Calif. Boner Clinger Fazio Sabo Andrews, N.C. Bonior Coleman Annunzlo Bonker Conable ANSWERED "PRESENT"-2 0 0920 Archer Bouquard Conte Forsythe Wllliams, Ohio AuCoin Bowen Corcoran A WORD OF PRAISE FOR AMERICAN Ba!alis Rrademas Corman NOT VOTING-162 SOLDIERS OF MEXICAN DESCENT Bailey Breaux Courter Albosta Atkinson Brodhead Baldus Brinkley Daniel, Dan Ambro Bad ham Brown, Calif. (Mr. GONZALEZ asked and was given Barnard Brooks Daniel. R. W. permission to address the House for Barnes Broomfield Davis, S.C. Anderson, lll. Bedell Buchanan Bauman Brown, Ohio Deckard Andrews, Beilenson Burton, John 1 minute and to revise and extend his B-eard, R.I. BroyhiJ.l Dicks N.Dak. Bereuter Byron remarks.) Beard, Tenn. Bur~ener Downey Applegate Bingham Campbell Benjamin Burlison Drlnan Ashley Boggs Carney Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, there­ Bennett Burton, Phillip Duncan, Oreg. Asp in Bolling Cavanaugh cent event, the epoch-making interview 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House Proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. • This "bullet" symbol jdentifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 36172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE December 14, 1979 on national TV with marine Corporal ate energy policy, the amendments Mr. SENSENBRENNER. Mr. Speaker, Gallegos, one of the captives in Iran, offered to tax the various classes of oil today is the last day to file public com­ failed to mention that this young man in differing degrees are being considered ments on plans for restructuring the had been offered the same opportunity solely from the view of how much money Milwaukee -Railroad pursuant to Public to be released on a racial basis as had they will contribute to Government tax Law 96-101. been the women and the other service­ revenues in order to meet a presidential­ The Federal Railroad Administration men previously released by the Iranian ly dictated revenue goal. has prepared an adverse report to the captors; and in the great tradition of the This should not be a revenue measure, employee-shipper stockownership plan bravery and nobility of the American but part of a plan for establishing priori­ filed pursuant to that law. This report soldier of Mexican descent, Mr. Gallegos ties among the possible incentives for states that the plan is not feasible. lived up to that tradition. domestic energy production. I urge Transportation Secretary Neil In World War I these soldiers served What will the American people think Goldschmidt to file this report with the their country in great numbers with of us if, when we are through, all we . Interstate Commerce Commission so great heroism. In World War II they have achieved in the windfall profit tax that the Commission can have an accu­ served in greater numbers and volun­ is more taxation ultimately to burden rate estimate of the cost of continued teered in greater numbers in proportion the average American rather than more operational subsidies for the Milwaukee to the total population of that element independence from unstable foreign oil Road while considering the ESOP. in our country than any others. sources? Failure to do so will signify that the Of the seven Congressional Medal of Transportation Department has buckled Honor winners in Texas, four were JAPAN NOT DOING ENOUGH to political pressure from powerful Mem­ names like Flores, and Garcia and Ro­ bers of the other body and that this driguez and Gonzalez. <Mr. REGULA asked and was given Congress will be called upon to bail out In the Korean war, the first Ameri­ permission to address the House for 1 another major corporation shortly. can soldier to die was a man from Texas minute and to revise and extend his re­ by the name of Trevino. marks and include extraneous matter.) They served in Korea in greater num­ Mr. REGULA. Mr. Speaker, a year ago RESULTS OF NATO MEETING IN bers than the average. Many of them I spoke in this Chamber and called on BRUSSELS, DECEMBER 13, 1979 languished in Communist prison camps the Japanese people to assume a greater <Mr.
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