All Photos Are For References Only (圖片僅供參考) $2.5/adult, $1.5/child surcharge on public holidays. $3 per person corkage BYO OUR ETHOS 锄禾日当午 汗滴禾下土 FARMERS WORKING UNDER THE BLISTERING NOON SUN, THEIR SWEAT MIXING WITH THE PLANTS AND SOIL. 谁知盘中餐 粒粒皆辛苦 OUR INSPIRATION DO YOU KNOW THAT EACH GRAIN OF RICE IN YOUR BOWL IS THE RESULT OF THEIR HARDSHIP AND TOIL Rice. The humble grain upon which many a nation has been built upon and is still Our goal is to offer various cuisines that are accompanied by a selection of great tasting rice. Our Chinese name “盘中餐” refers reliant upon until this day. In China, legends tell of a sagely figure known as the to a famous poem which pays homage to the rice farmers who toil under the sun in order for us to be able to eat our bowl of Divine Farmer who discovered rice and taught agricultural practises to the people. rice everyday. In the spirit of the poem, we see ourselves pouring our heart and soul into the food we make so that our guests Through experimentation of different plants and herbs on his own body he was may have an enjoyable meal. said to have recorded their properties in the manuscript titled “The Classic of Herbal Medicine”. OUR RICE 台湾白米 发芽糙米 养生黑米 Taiwan White Rice Germinated Brown Rice (GABA rice) Black Rice Small grain white rice from Taiwan with Germinated brown rice is brown rice that More nutritious than regular brown rice, an interesting al-dente texture for those has been soaked in water for between 4 to black rice is lower in calories and a better who like to taste each grain of rice. 22 hours in order to germinate the grains source of anti-oxidants. $3 per bowl / $10 per pot of rice and reap additional nutritious $3.5 per bowl benefits. $3.5 per bowl 川用秘酱 OUR RECIPE SAUCE 汉原鲜青花椒 保持在鲜绿色最原始的新鲜花椒。 与被提炼过的花椒有着不一样的鲜麻味。 Green Fresh Peppercorn, Stay in a refreshing state of green 宜宾碎芽菜 and numb. Despite being dried and extract, it gives an 四川四大名菜之一 essence of fresh numbness. 脆,甜,嫩,味美可口 Yi Bin Bean Sprout, One of Sichuan’s best four Vegetables, sweet, tender and with a sense of nice taste. 保宁醋 中国四大名醋之一,取于生产地四川保宁镇。以大米,糯 米小麦和麦皮为主要用料, 称为川菜精灵。 小米辣椒 Bao Ning Vinegar, one of the four best vinegar in China, 最低矮的灌木,味道鲜甜辣 produce from the birth place in Bao Ning, Sichuan. The main ingredients used are; grain and wheat, Bao Ning Vinegar also Xiao Mi Chilli, Only find in Sichuan, got another nickname - the elfen of Sichuan Cuisine. the taste is sweet and chilli. 永川豆豉 郫县豆瓣酱 永川有豆豉之乡的美称, 豉香非常诱人。 中国三大瓣之一,具有辣味重,鲜红油亮,辣椒块大, Yong Cun Black Bean, Yong Cun, Sichuan, is the birth place of 回味香甜等特点。有川菜之魂的之称。 China Black Bean, Black bean has a sense of luring taste. Pi Xian Soybean Paste, one of the three best Soya Bean Paste in China, with a sense of heavy spicy taste, bright oily red colour and large shredded Chilli including a sense of sweet taste. Nickname - The soul of the Sichuan Cuisine. 汉原大红袍花椒 以色泽红亮,大颗,香味浓郁出名。 称为川菜百味之首。 Han Yuan Peppercorn, bright red colour, heavy smell and taste of numbness. Nickname- The number one taste out of the hundred taste in Sichuan. 01. 生煎包 (八件) $10.8 Mini Pan Fried Pork Bun (8pcs) 02. 小笼包 (六件) $6.8 Xiao Long Bao (6pcs) 14.上海醉走地鸡 12. 极品白肉 03. 龙抄手 (八件) $9.8 Boiled Pork w/ Chilli Oil & Free Range Shanghai Style 点 心 Dragon Warrior’s Dumpling (8pcs) Garlic Drunken Chicken 04. 锺水饺 (八件) $9.8 DIM SUM Master Zhong’s Dumpling (8pcs) 05. 韭菜猪肉水饺 (八件) $9.8 Pork & Chive Dumpling (8pcs) 06. 素春卷 (四件) $8.8 Hand Made Vegetarian Spring Rolls (4pcs) 03.龙抄手 (八件) Dragon Warrior’s Dumpling (8pcs) 01.生煎包 (八件) 07. 糟卤毛豆 $4.8 Mini Pan Fried Pork Bun Green Peas Marinated in Wine Sauce (8pcs) 11.夫妻肺片 08. 老醋花生 $4.8 Mixed Beef Ox Tongue & Offal Peanuts Marinated in Vinegar Sauce w/Spicy Sauce 04.锺水饺 (八件) Master Zhong’s Dumpling (8pcs) 09. 川北凉粉 $6.8 Northern Sichuan Style Cold Rice Jelly 15.盘中酱猪手 10. 鲜椒牛肉 $8.8 Ricery Five Spices Sliced Beef w/ Fresh Chilli Braised Pork Knuckle 11. 夫妻肺片 $12.8 10.鲜椒牛肉 Mixed Beef Ox Tongue & Offal w/Spicy Sauce Sliced Beef w/ Fresh Chilli 12. 极品白肉 $11.8 Boiled Pork w/ Chilli Oil & Garlic 13. 藤椒走地鸡 $11.8 Free Range Chicken w/Scallion & Sichuan Peppercorn 14. 上海醉走地鸡 $11.8 Free Range Shanghai Style Drunken Chicken 冷 盘 15. 盘中酱猪手 $15.8 Ricery Five Spices Braised Pork Knuckle Spicy 辣 VegetarianAPPETISER 素食 Chef’s Recommendation 廚師推薦 特色菜 SPECIAL DISHES 35.四川粉蒸肉 Sichuan Style Steamed Sliced Pork w/ Rice Flour 20. 宫保鸡丁 $16.8 31. 黑椒牛肉 $18.8 Kung Pao Chilli Chicken Wok Fried Beef w/ Black Pepper Sauce 21. 腰果鸡 $16.8 32. 葱爆牛肉 $18.8 Cashew Nut Chicken Wok Fried Beef w/ Scallions 22. 泰式甜辣鸡 $16.8 33. 蒙古牛肉 $18.8 Thai Style Sweet & Chilli Chicken Mongolian Beef 23. 辣子鸡 $18.8 34. 双椒牛肉 $19.8 Sichuan Style Chilli Chicken Wok Fried Beef w/ Mixed Chilli 24. 家乡回锅肉 $16.8 35. 孜然牛肉 $19.8 Twice Cooked Pork Belly w/Cabbage Wok Fried Cumin Beef 25. 青椒肉丝炒豆干 $16.8 36. 水煮鱼 $26.8 Stir Fried Shredded Pork, Capsicum and Bean Curd Poached Fish Fillet in Spicy Fragrant Broth 26. 老上海红烧肉 $22.8 37. 水煮牛 $23.8 Braised Pork Belly w/Quail Eggs Poached Beef Slices in Spicy Fragrant Broth 27. 盘中小炒肉 $20.8 38. 辣爆肥肠 $20.8 Ricery Stir Fried Pork Belly w/Black Beans Dry Fried Pig Intestines w/Dry Chili 28. 鱼香肉丝夹饼 (六件) $17.8 39. 酸菜炒肥肠 $20.8 Shredded Pork in Sweet Chilli Vinaigrette w/Pancakes (6pcs)/ Stir Fried Pig Intestines w/Pickled Vegetables Add Pancakes +$3 40. 双椒爆肥肠 $20.8 29. 京酱肉丝夹饼 (六件) $17.8 Stir Fried Pig Intestines w/Mixed Chilli Peking Style Shredded Pork w/Pancakes (6pcs) 28.盘中小炒肉 Add Pancakes +$3 41. 毛血旺 $28.8 Ricery Stir Fried Pork Belly Sichuan Pig Blood Curd Hot Pot w/Black Beans 30. 四川粉蒸肉 $22.8 Sichuan Style Steamed Sliced Pork w/ Rice Flour (Limited Availability 限量) Spicy 辣 Vegetarian 素食 Chef’s Recommendation 廚師推薦 海 鲜 SEAFOOD 50.响油鳝丝 60.豆瓣活鱼 Shanghai Style Sizzling Oil Eel Live Burramundi w/Sweet Soybean Sauce 50. 响油鳝丝 $24.8 59. 西湖醋鱼 $36.8 Shanghai Style Sizzling Oil Eel West Lake Sweet & Sour Barramundi 51. 椒盐鱿鱼 $19.8 60. 鼠活鱼 $36.8 Salt & Pepper Squid Sweet and Sour Live Burramundi 52. 香辣鱿鱼 $22.8 61. 豆瓣活鱼 $36.8 Stir Fried Spicy Fragrant Squid Live Burramundi w/Sweet Soybean Sauce 53. 椒盐虾 $24.8 62. 槽溜鱼片 $19.8 Salt & Pepper Prawn Wine Marinated Fish Fillets 54. 香辣虾 $24.8 63. 风味炒肉蟹 Market Price, Pre-Order Stir Fried Spicy Fragrant Prawn Sweet Chilli Live Mud Crab 55. 香辣跳水虾 $24.8 64. 肉蟹炒年糕 Market Price, Pre-Order Braised Prawn in Spicy Fragrant Broth Ginger & Shallot Live Mud Crab w/Rice Cake 56. 干烧大虾 $24.8 Dry Braised Prawn 62.肉蟹炒年糕 57. 清炒虾仁 $22.8 Ginger & Shallot Live Stir Fried Shrimp Mud Crab w/Rice Cake or Pan Fried Noodles Spicy 辣 Vegetarian 素食 Chef’s Recommendation 廚師推薦 70. 干 锅鸡 $18.8 Chicken in Dry Hot Pot 71. 干 锅花菜 $17.8 Chinese Brocolli in Dry Hot Pot 72. 干 锅肥肠 $20.8 锅 煲 Pig Intestines in Dry Hot Pot 蔬 菜 73. 干 锅手撕包菜 $17.8 HOT & CLAY POT Cabbage in Dry Hot Pot VEGETABLE 74. 干 锅小炒牛肉 $21.8 Beef in Dry Hot Pot 75. 红汤酸菜鱼火锅(配羊肉卷,宽粉及油麦菜) $48.8 Live Fish w/ Pickled Vegetables Red Soup Hot Pot (includes thin sliced lamb, potato noodle & vegetable) 76. 沙茶粉丝牛肉堡 $18.8 Satay Beef Vermicelli Clay Pot 90. 蚝油芥兰 $9.8 77. XO酱粉丝虾堡 $24.8 Chinese Brocolli w/ Oyster Sauce XO Sauce Prawn Vermicelli Clay Pot 91. 菌菇扒时蔬 $15.8 72. 锅肥肠 Stir Fried Mushrooms w/Seasonal Vegetables Pig Intestines in Dry Hot Pot 92. 风味茄子 $18.8 Ricery Stir Fried Crispy Eggplant w/Chilli 80. 海鲜酸辣汤 $6.0 (S) / 20.8 (L) 93. 老厨白菜 $16.8 Braised Cabbage w/Sliced Pork Hot and Sour Seafood Soup 81. 合家欢 $20.8 94. 麻婆豆腐 (可提供素食選項) $15.8 Combination Soup w/Meatballs, Dumplings MaPo Tofu (vegetarian option available) and Vegetables 95. 鱼香茄子 (可提供素食選項) $15.8 82. 金汤 $26.8 Eggplant & Pork Mince in Sweet Chili Vinaigrette 汤 羹 Golden Seafood Soup (vegetarian option available) 83. 招牌盲曹鱼汤 $38.8 Ricery Live Barramundi Fish Soup 96. 煸四季豆 (可提供素食選項) $15.8 Stir Fried String Beans w/Pork Mince SOUP 84. 榨菜肉丝蛋汤 $8.8 (vegetarian option available) Chinese Pickle & Shredded Pork Soup 97. 蒜蓉炒白菜 $15.8 85. 香茜鱼片豆腐汤 $16.8 Chinese Cabbage w/ Garlic Sauce Fish Fillet, Coriander and Tofu Soup 92.风味茄子 Ricery Stir Fried Crispy Eggplant w/Chilli 82.金汤 Golden Seafood Soup Spicy 辣 Vegetarian 素食 Chef’s Recommendation 廚師推薦 面 米 RICE & NOODLES 100.雪菜虾仁炒饭 109.上海粗炒 (可提供素食選項) Snow Cabbage & Shrimp Fried Rice Shanghai Stir Fried Noodles (vegetarian option available) 100. 雪菜虾仁炒饭 $10.8 109. 上海粗炒 (可提供素食選項) $10.8 Preserved Vegetables & Shrimp Fried Rice Shanghai Stir Fried Noodles (vegetarian option available) 101. 海皇八珍炒饭 $13.8 (S) $20.8 (L) 110. XO酱海鲜拉面 $13.8 The Emperor’s Seafood Fried Rice XO Sauce Seafood Noodle 111. 重庆小面 (加牛肉+$2) $10.8 102. 四川辣味炒饭 (可提供素食選項) $10.8 Chongqing Noodle Soup (Add Beef + $2) Sichuan Spicy Fried Rice (vegetarian option available) 112. 老上海素汤面 $10.8 103. 扬州炒饭 $10.8 Shanghai Style Vegetable Noodle Soup Yangzhou Fried Rice 113. 雪菜肉丝汤面 $10.8 104. XO酱海鲜炒饭 $13.8 Shredded Pork and Preserved Vegetables Noodle Soup XO Sauce Seafood Fried Rice 114.
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