Com Compilment ary Issue HORSEHORSETIMESTIMES A Complimentary Newsletter For Horse Lovers IssueIssue ## 55 FFAHDAHD (( IkhnatoonIkhnatoon xx NoraNora )) ReserveReserve SupremeSupreme ChampionChampion StallionStallion 19961996 OwnedOwned ByBy BBADRAWIADRAWI SSTABLESTABLES Note From theEEDITORDITOR Dear Readers, The past couple of months have been charged with lots of eques- HORSE TIMES trian events. The showjumping finals for the Juniors and Seniors in Alexandria, The polo team competing in Spain, The inauguration of Editor in Chief the Presidential Guard Equestrian Club, The Eleventh annual Egyp- Khaled Assem tian Arabian Horse event in Sakkara and further more, a whole Managing Editor & Design year has passed since Horse Times started. Ahmed Hussein Editors During that year, we have tried to cover most of the various events Sima Fares if not all, we have created listings for most of the available services Amina Khalifa and we haven’t forgotten about those who have been stars in the Mona Adnan past carrying the sport on until today. Writers Apparently, there is a lot going on and there is still a lot to come. Sima Fares What is significant here, is that every one who loves the horse Mona Adnan Patricia Coupet should be involved one way or another. We should share and help Faten El-Zeioud in making things happen. Snap Shots Although it is quite nice to hear and read about things, yet, being a Patricia Coupet part of them is by far better. Sima Fares Editor In Chief . Khaled Assem The Connection Amina Khalifa CCONTENTONTENTSS Jumping Tips CCONTENTONTENTSS Gen. Gamal Hares IssueIssueIssue ### 555 Drawings Amandine Coupet FEATURES Vet Corner 4 The official Inauguration 16 A Day With Troy .. Dr. Ashraf El Kalla of the Presidential Guard Photos By Rodrigo Pessoa Wins Equestrian Club 17 Sima Fares Volvo World Cup Patricia Coupet 5 The Recollection of A Ahmed Hussein Collected Horseman 21 Endurance Khaled Assem Color Separation & Printing 9 Doping; Watch Out !! 23 Jumping Tips Apex Design Distribution Rules For Dressage Events 15 24 Horse Nutrition 2 Yasser Hashem To Subscribe: 202-340 6939 REGULARS On the Cover 8 SnapShots 16 Vet Corner - Equine Listings 10 Racing 20 If Horses Could Talk EQUICROSS !! 12 Teenage Riders 24 The Connection FAHD 1995 Junior Champion EAHBA EVERGREEN .. Owned By 14 25 BADRAWI STABLES Tel : 002 (02) 360 3755 002 (02) 381 1458 PRESIDENTIAL GUARDS EQUESTRIAN CLUB THE OOFFICIALFFICIAL IINNAAUGURAUGURATIONTION OFOF THETHE PPRESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL GGUARD EEQUESTRIANQUESTRIAN CCLUB First row, from left::Gen. Mohamed Sabry,Gamal Mobarak,,Gen. Saad Khalifa,Eng. A.Ragab, Gen.Elwi Ghazi, By Sima Fares Eng. H.Hattab.Second row,from left: Dr. Mahmoud Khallaf,Major Hossam El Haddary,Lieu.Col.Mohamed Moselhi, Major Wael El Mahallawy. ctober 1997 was when the The ceremony, supervised by Lieutenant the driver to constantly ensure the horses OO idea of creating a Presidential Colonel Mohamed Moselhi, Secretary safety during transportation . A Guard Equestrian Club emerged. This General of the Presidential Guard complete neatly arranged tack room is plan soon became a reality and the Equestrian Club, included a show- built where each horse’s equipment club was publicized on December 14 jumping demonstration to reveal the and grooming tools are separately 1998. However, it was not before March capabilities of the Presidential Guard placed. Also available is a walker, with 17th 1999 that the Presidential Guard riders, followed by a complete tour of the a capacity of placing 6 horses Equestrian Club was officially premises, stables and veterinary simultaneously to excercise & warm up inaugurated and became a full equipment available, and ending with a horses. Continuous veterinary consultation member of the Egyptian Equestrian cocktail reception. Federation. The Presidential Guard The inauguration ceremony took place Equestrian Club is fully in the presence of Gamal Mubarak, who equipped to meet the as a Board member of the Presidential demands of its 85 riders, Guard Equestrian Club, gave his full 25 of whom ride ponies. support to help create this club There are three riding according to the latest technology and arenas; one grass highest standards. (95x45m), and two sand (75x45m) & (40x45). All Among the list of attendees were Chief of showjumping and Presidential Guards forces Gen. Dr. dressage equipment is Mahmoud Khallaf, who is also Chairman of shipped from abroad. the Boardof the Equestrian Club; General The fences and course Mohamed Sabry Salah, Director of Aramour equipment is made of a dep.; General Saad Khalifa, President of the special combination of Egyptian Equestrian Federation, as well as plastic and aluminum, whichThe is Officialextremely Inaugurationis offered of the Presidential at all times, Guard as Equestrian there is Club, a constant March other federation board members and the durable (so as not to be affected by rotation between17 1999. the 8 veterinarians at the Oyml pci weather conditions) and comes in a club to guarantee both horse and rider variety of colors. The newly built brick safety. stables house 24 horses, where each Since the inauguration, the Presidential horse has a spacious box with rubber Guard Equestrian Club has lived up to floors, to protect their hooves and its standards and proudly hosted its first ensure easier sanitation, as competition on May 20 1999. 106 riders well as automatic drinking from 10 different clubs participated in bowls. An effective the competition, which turned out to ventilation system be a complete success, both from the guarantees that the air is continuously being managerial and technical aspects. renewed and odors diffused inside the The competition was under the auspices stables. There are also of Gamal Mubarak, and was attended randomly placed by Chief of Presidential Guards Forces insect and Gen.Mahmoud Khallaf, General Sabry flycatchers.The Salah, Federation President General Presidential Guard Saad Khalifa as well as Olympic riders transportation lorry is in a Gamal Hares, Selim Zaki, Elwi Ghazi & league of its own, Omar El Haddary. regardless of its eye- veteranGamal rider MobarakGamal greetingHares. the youngest Presidentialcatching Guard blue color, this Mercedes lorry rider, Karim Moselhi. TThehe RRecollectionecollection ofof AA CollectedCollected HorsemanHorseman By Faten El-Zeioud Everything is triggered by something. The first International Show Jumping That competition included riders and This literature was triggered by the event that took place in Jordan in drivers and their time was to be appearance of Amr. Amr, an Arabian 1986 was under the patronage of their accumulated to declare the winner. stallion that belongs to His Royal Royal Majesties King Hussein and Her Royal Highness Princess Haya was Majesty the late King Hussein bin Talal Queen Noor. His Majesty dropped in riding the course and His Majesty of Jordan. Amr walked along in his suddenly, literally, with his helicopter drove the car. Lubna rode and Nasser rider’s funeral, and a stallion’s normal in the center of the arena. He chose Bustami was to drive. The challenge behavior in a crowd is one of feistiness not to sit in the VIP stand, instead, he that was on hand made Lubna take and hyperness - Amr that day was not. stood in the arena and helped with a great risk that nearly cost her her life. putting up and setting fences. That In the midst of the course she fell off I sat with Hani Bisharat (Captain of the did not satisfy his sense her horse and broke her hips! Jordanian National Show jumping of involvement, he She was rushed to the Team) and he shared his reminiscing began hospital in His Majesty’s moments of His Majesty with me. I felt cheering the personal ambulance it my duty as a rider, writer, and a true rider and there the Royal fan of His Majesty to pay tribute the competing! family stayed with her best way I know how. He cheered and made sure she His Majesty never attended an with such got immediate and equestrian school, for that he needed enthusiasm adequate medical not to, for he inherited the natural seat that was attention. He even of a rider from his grandfathers. He naturally sent her cigarettes; was known for his intense love to disseminated back then Lubna’s animals, and therefore, he knew a to the riders. parents did not know true appreciation of horses. An asset The sensation their daughter was a he was for he sparkled the reservation was smoker! remembered to of the Arabian horse. Lubna recalls the event be one that words could not describe. with great melancholy, to her and many other Jordanians His Majesty Her Royal Highness Princess Haya Bint was not only a man who gave the El-Hussein, now competing and equestrian world a different taste, he playing the major role in the team, was the most approachable man to came for a while to do training at the those who needed him. Our discussion Arabian Horse Club. Their Royal seized and cherished that thought for I Majesties King Hussein and Queen saw in Lubna’s eyes what I saw in others Noor were there too! Hani remembers once the announcement of the passing His Majesty sitting back, relaxing, and away of our beloved King Hussein was drinking his coffee for hours. It was as made. though His Majesty was releasing the immense load off his chest. Next thing you know he would jump up, walk into AS WE CONTINUE TO FOLLOW IN HIS STEPS, the arena, and help out with the THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES PRINCESSES ALYA training. His Majesty’s presence was AND HAYA CARRY HIS BLOOD, COURAGE, not only a boost of morale - it was AND THE SAME TRUE APPRECIATION OF irreplaceable. His Majesty gave many HORSES. OUR JORDANIAN EQUESTRIAN riders an incentive to excel. For Lubna WORLD HAS LOST A REAL HORSEMAN. BUT Ezz El-Din that incentive was translated into a direct challenge between her THE LEGACY HE LEFT BEHIND SHALL OUTLIVE and His Majesty in one of the Show THE SANDS OF JORDAN’S DESERTS.
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