University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1954 The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 11-5-1954 New Mexico Lobo, Volume 058, No 22, 11/5/ 1954 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1954 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Lobo, Volume 058, No 22, 11/5/1954." 58, 22 (1954). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ daily_lobo_1954/78 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1951 - 1960 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1954 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r'II" . j:,J , I! r I q Bear Facts • e • IH\ : Jonson CollectiC!n of Paintings 1'1 ,i Ii NEW,MEXICO LOBO Dorothy 1.t '~ Will Go on Display Tuesday > • ,! ' Ii. S Twenty selected paintings ;from west and were done by Prof. Jon- J:·f ! the Ri;lyriJ.ond Jonson retrospective son during the period from 19:/.7 to _V_O-I._5_S----.....-,:--T-H-E'-V_O_I_CE_O-F-T-H-E-U-N-I-V-E-RS-I_TY_O_F_N_E_W_M_EX_.-IC-O_------ - -.-2-2 C'.'. ·h·· ost e.· n U J I O ;. collection will be shown at the Jon· 1937. 1. Friday, November 5, 1954 N son art gallery beginning Tuesday, He later came to New Mexico anq If Nov. 9, and running throi.!gh Nov. it was during the summer of 1922 27. tha(; he spent some four months 11 The paintings are landscape com- traveling over most of the state, II < positions which depict the South- making about 8Q sketches of scenic : ; __~ ___-'-- ___~_ points of interest. j ( ! .\ Jonson, intdgued by the colodng, .1,/ 21st He Queen il mountains, and variety of landscape ~------------------- Lake leads, Navy scenes, settled in New Me,oco in lf~ ,f 1, 1924 and lived in Santa Fe until he 1 ! .. · R,efle'· Meet moved to Albuquerque in 1949. ) : Students. Seek In . The Jonson gallery has more , j I Potty Stewart, Sophomore midshipman Richard ~han 100 paintings from other art­ 11 A. Lake le'd the University of New ISts and .about 800 woz:ks done b,y Retention of Mexico NROTC Rifle Team to a outstandmg students 1ll Jonson s I j 1435 to 1429 victory over the Uni. cl~sses.overthe past 20 years at the II Pat Crean' BorboraMitchell versity of Colorado NROTC last UnlVerslty. weekend at Boulder, Colo. The paintings include landscal?es, (I . ',rhe LOBO learned late last night i, •I . Lake posted a 379 out of a pos. still life, figure compositions, por· Ii that 15 petitions seeking the reten· Are' , t~aits, non-o~jec. Attendants sible 400. abstractions, ao.d I i tion of Pat Crean, assistant SUB The Navy pistol team lost a close tlves. They are done In drawmgs, , I 1; iI manager, had been circulated on Porothy" Lewis became the decillion to the Colorado NROTC- water~olo.rs, tempera, or oil. campus. 21 t h . th 827 to 826. High scorer fOl'New Begmnmg Tuesday the ,Jonson I At press time, eight of the peti- • s omecommg quee:" m e Mexico was David Sanchez with 238 art gallery at 1909 Las Lomas Rd., \ tion forms had been returned, bear. hlstory Qf UNM tomght at while Colorado's top lUan had 232. NE, will be open to the public with- .. •. .. .. in~ a total of 143 signatures. Seven 7 :30. Major Robert Spuhler and M/Sgt. out charge.each afternoon from 3 And the boy knows how to use hiS blockers tool stIli had not been tur)led in. Th tt t' . Robert Costello accompanied the to 6 p.m. except Sundays and ,t Crean's Performance Praised . e a rae Ive senlOr, a team on the two-day trip. Mondays. ____'-- ________________________________ A spokesman, who asked not to physical 'education major, was I be identified, said the petitions were attended by Patty Stewart I. being ci~culated by students "not and Bal'bara Mitchell Prices Released ALYCE KIMMEL necessanly employed by the SUB, . • THIS COUPON WILL SAVE YOU 9 CENTS 1 but who had been favorably im- The three women were se­ : On Mirage Pages . CANDIES press~? by Crean's performance lected Wednesday in balloting A full page in the Mirage costs 1 2 Hamburgers for 29c, beginning . there. • . termed ''heavier than usual" by ~ $45 and a half page costs $25, Mir­ !he pehtlOns state, In par~: . Adele Br6wn, Mortar Board mem- ~ f, Fresh daily, fudge divinity, brit- Monday, November 8, Ending· Thursday, November 1 I I He (Crean) spends ~ mInImum bel' in charge of theelectiolls. A . age editor Joyce Simmons said tIe. Boxes of luscious chocolates I I '1! today. often (~O) hours a day Sl~ (6) days total of 1,069 votes were cast, and II Letters were sent to various uni­ a ,?eek In.the (SU!3) effiCIently ful. Mortar Boal'd members said the !~~l~~m!e:! :~t!~e::do~~ Only One Coupon Honored Per Person' fillmg" thiS devotion to the stu· final results were "very close." I versity organizations announcing 1[ Party mints by order to suit any dents. • Miss Lewis is head majorette for the prices. Miss Simmons said that , if anybody or any organization is color scheme. I Any child or adult may present this coupon with 29cat HOWARD'S HAMBURGER I I And! the petItIon asserts, C;ean the UNM marching band, and has missed or needs additional informa­ DRIVE-IN during the days specified above and receive 2 regular Howard's Hambur- has ~Ispla?,ed ~act at all ~lmes been a band member for four years. tion, they may call her at '1-8861, 220 Cornell, SE 3-8240 gers. If you wish more than 2 Hamburgers provided for In this coupon, any of How· worklU~ w~th ,h!s SUB commIttees She is a member of Delta Delta ext. 251. ard's personnel will be glad to sell you as many more hamburgers as you desire, at the I and WIth mdlVldual .st~dents an,d Delta sorority, belongs to the regular 19c price • .REMEMBER, ONLY U.S. GOV'T INSPECTED BEEF is the only I f!lculty, th!Is contradlctmg a petl- Major-Minor club, and is secretary­ I I, tlon ,submltted at a. SUB board trellsurer of the senior class. meat used in Howard's Hamburgers.. meetmg Wednesday mght. Miss Stewart is a junior from A~ this time, in closed ~xecutive Hatch, N. Mex., and was'sponsored Everything for the Bridal Party I seSSIon, . a group of students em· by dorm D. She serves as recording I-Iamburgers ployed m the SUp a~leg~d that secretary of the student council, a King of 1 Crean lac!<ed tact m handl~ng em- post to which IIhe Was elected last ,I Date Dresses-Party Dresses ployees, dlspl~~ed a lack of mtere~t spring. m SUB tradItIOn, ~ud termed hIS Miss Mitchell was named ~ut­ Ii He's sold thousands of hamburgers They must be good! ~mpl?;Y1llen~, as assIstant manager standing junior woman last spring .. 1 1 Two Lqcations a mIstake. when she became the first recipient Ii of the student council Betty Hall I 1717 E. CENTRAL 5205 E. CENTRAL Freshman Gridders me~orial prize. She is.pr~sident of II fJ6e empress Shop 1 Chi Omega, the orgamzlltlOn spon· f' Boring her in the homecomig queen THIS COUPON WILL SAVE YOU 9 CENTS . ' \ Play Denver' 3424 Central S.B. Ph. 5·1323 1 ~ election. Miss Mitchell is from Ra· ~he New Mexico freshmen played ton, N. Mex., and is an education \ theIr fil'St home game of the season senior, ~~~~~~~~~~~~ th~s afternoon when they enter- Following the coronation tonight, f t~Ined the Deny-er freshmen in Miss Lewis will reign over the tra­ ZImmerman stadIUm. ditional bon.fire and pep rallYI and I I Both teams had one victory and tomorroW will be presented to spec­ NOW! A filter cigar.ette real smokers can enjoy! , I no defeats. Denver beat Colorado tators during half.time of the A&M frosh 12 to 0 and New Mexico homecoming game between the Lo. I f I I won over PU~blo Junior College 19 bos'and Montana University. I ) Queen Dorothy to 12 last FrIday. Continued on Page Four f I I [ Queens Span ! (. I \ i ! 1 ! Twenty Years 1 ~ I. Ii Past homecoming queens in reo II verse order, are: 1953, Judy Hub· /1 bard-still attending UNM; 1952, I June Stratton (Mrs. Charles Elli­ son) f 1951, Sally Masury-Redondo Beach, Calif.; 1950, Ann Jackson (Mrs. Alvin L. Evans-Albuquer­ I que; 19491 Sue Williams (Mrs. Ken II E, Hart)-:MoIine, III.; 1948, Pat 1 i Jones (Mrs, Pa.ul M. Heggem)­ Albuquel'que: 1947, Virginia Strike 11 (Mrs. Ernest P. Malone, Jr.)-Lake Arthur, N. M,: 1946, Margaret B. I \ Smith (Mrs. Waldo E. Starr, J1'.)­ I i , i -t>asadena, Calif.; 1945, Maxine Bul­ I lock (Mrs. Walter Congdon)-Albu. 1 ( . querque; 1944, Elizabeth Duffy i 'r (Mrs. John W. Kalliels) Hobbs, N. M.; 1943, Jeanne Carrol Yashvih Ii (Mrs. Justin Truman Reid)-Santa ! I Fe, N. M.; 1942, Mary Jo Scott i ! (Mrs. Floyd F. Dal.'row)-Albu­ I quel'que; . 1941, ltathleen. ltiech (Mrs. Richard Jung)-San Antonio. .. Tex.; 1940, Ann Batchelor (Mrs. W • 'l C. Frey)~Tucson, Ariz.;. 1939, Wilna Gillespie (Mrs. D. C. Lim· I~'f pel't)-LaJolla, Calif.; 1938, Eileen I Scanlon (Mrs. Rollin C. Broughton) • Wh;'ston brings flavor' back to':filter smoking sive Winston :filter is unique, different, truly j -Letohatchee, Ala.,.
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