ANNUAL REPORT 2014-15 (FOR THE PERIOD APRIL 2014 TO MARCH 2015) KRISHI VIGYAN KENDRA (SALEM) 2 PART I - GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE KVK 1.1. Name and address of KVK with phone, fax and e-mail KVK Address Telephone E mail Web Address Office Fax Krishi Vigyan Kendra 0427- 0427 - [email protected] www.kvksalem.org Mallur (Via) 2422550 2422269 Sandhiyur – 636203 Salem District TAMILNADU 1.2 .Name and address of host organization with phone, fax and e-mail Address Telephone E mail Web Address Office Fax Dr.C.R.Anandhakumar, 0422 - 0422- [email protected] www.tnau.ac.in The Registrar 6611201 2431821 in-charge, TNAU Coimbatore - 641003 TAMILNADU 1.3. Name of the Programme Coordinator with phone & mobile No Name Telephone / Contact Residence Mobile Email Dr.N.Sriram - 9443702262 [email protected] 1.4. Year of sanction: No. 6 (3) 194 – AE (1) dated 28.3.94 of ICAR, New Delhi. 1.5. Staff Position (as 31st March 2014) Sl. Sanctioned post Name of the incumbent Designation M/F Discipline Highest Pay Basic Date of Permanent Category No. Qualification Scale pay joining /Temporary (SC/ST/ (for PC, SMS KVK OBC/ and Prog. Others) Asstt.) 1 Programme Dr. N. Sriram Asst. M Agrl. Extension Ph.D 15600- 8000 10.12.2012 P OBC Coordinator Professor 39100 2 SMS Dr. B. Geetha Asst. F Agrl. Ph.D 15600- 8000 16.05.2007 P OBC Professor Entomology 39100 3 SMS Dr. M. Vijayakumar Asst. M Agronomy Ph.D 15600- 7000 05.12.2012 P OBC Professor 39100 4 SMS Dr. P. Geetha Asst. F Horticulture Ph.D 15600- 7000 24.04.2015 Professor 39100 5 SMS Dr. S. Srividya Asst. F Horticulture Ph.D 15600- 7000 06.04.2015 Professor 39100 6 SMS Dr. A. Sudha Asst. F Plant Pathology Ph.D 15600- 7000 22.04.2013 P OBC Professor 39100 7 SMS Dr.P.Kohila Asst. F Animal Ph.D 15600- 6000 04.08.2014 Professor Husbandry 39100 8 Programme Th. G. Senthilnathan Programme M Agriculture B.Sc (Agri) 9300- 4400 01.08.2008 P OBC Assistant (Lab Assistant 34800 Tech.) /T-4 (Technical) 9 Programme Th.B.Shanmugasundaram Programme M Computer MCA 9300- 4400 08.12.2008 P OBC Assistant Assistant Application 34800 (Computer) /T-4 (Computer) 10 Programme Mrs. A. Gayathri Farm F Soil Science & M.Sc (Soil 9300- 4400 26.08.2009 P OBC Assistant/ Farm Manager Agrl.Chemistry Science) 34800 Manager 11 Assistant Mrs. R. Subramaniyam Asst.Accounts F - 9300- 5400 12.05.2006 P OBC 4 Officer 34800 12 Jr. Stenographer Mrs. P. Ganesan Superintend M - 5200- 4800 01.04.2009 P SC 20200 13 Driver Th. M. Rajalingam Driver M - 5200- 4400 01.04.1998 P SC 20200 14 Driver Th. M.Shanmugasundaram Driver M - 5200- 2600 03.06.2011 P OBC 20200 15 Supporting staff Th. B. Ranganathan Office M - 5200- 1800 07.05.2008 P OBC Assistant 20200 16 Supporting staff Th. S. Ramesh MTSP M - 2500 500 01.10.2009 P SC 1.6. Total land with KVK (in ha) : ---- ha S. No. Item Area (ha) 1 Under Buildings 1.95 2. Under Demonstration Units 1.0 3. Under Crops 4.0 4. Orchard/Agro-forestry 3.0 5. Others - 1.7. Infrastructural Development: A) Buildings S. Name of building Source Stage No. of Complete Incomplete funding Completion Plinth Expenditure Starting Plinth Status of Date area (Rs.) Date area construction (Sq.m) (Sq.m) 1. Administrative ICAR 2006 467 33,84,000 - - - Building 2. Farmers Hostel ICAR 2008 300 30,55,000 - - - 3. Staff Quarters ICAR 2008 398 36,00,000 - - - (6 - Nos) 4. Demonstration ICAR Proposal submitted Units 5 Fencing ICAR 2006 600 RM 2,50,000 - - - 6 Rain Water ICAR Proposal submitted harvesting system 7 Thrashing floor ICAR - - - - - - 8 Farm godown ICAR Proposal submitted 6 B) Vehicles Type of vehicle Year of Cost (Rs.) Total kms. Present status purchase Run Bolero Jeep 2010 Rs. 6,00,000 121805 Working Mahindra Bolero TN 30 AH 4687 Tractor with 1996 Rs. 2,18,100 3517hrs Working Trailer MF 1035 DB TN 27 E 6385 Power Tiller 2010 Rs. 1,50,000 1600 hours Working Greaves Two wheeler 2005 Rs. 39,930 12466 Working TVS Motor Co. Ltd., Solo with Pillion, TVS Star DLX Two wheeler 2009 Rs. 50,000 35646 Working Honda active C) Equipments & AV aids a. Soil and Water Testing Laboratory equipments S.No. Name of Equipment Year of purchase Cost (Rs.) Present status 1. Spectrophotometer 2004-05 0.60 W 2. Flame Photometer 2004-05 0.50 W 3. pH Meter 2004-05 0.10 W 4. Conductivity Bridge 2004-05 0.10 W 5. Physical Balance 2004-05 0.10 W 6. Chemical Balance 2004-05 1.00 W 7. Water Distillation Still 2004-05 1.00 W 8. Kjeldahl digestion and distillation 2004-05 0.60 W ( 2 sets) 9. Shaker (2 Nos.) 2004-05 0.50 W 10. Refrigerator 2004-05 0.20 W 11. Oven 2004-05 0.15 W 12. Hot Plate 2004-05 0.25 W 13. Grinder (Willey Mill ) 2004-05 0.30 W 14. Total 5.40 W – Working Condition 7 b. A.V. Aids Name of the equipment Year of purchase Cost (Rs.) Present status Ahuja amplifier 1995-96 3,415 W Mike AUD WIXLR 1995-96 1,091 NW Stand DGN 1995-96 380 NW Mike AOD 101M% 1995-96 974 NW Stand DGT 1995-96 214 NW Column SCM 30T 1995-96 1,368 NW Mike CTP 10 1995-96 455 NW Philips tape recorder 1995-96 3,415 NW Black board with stand 1996-97 3158 W TRIPOD screen 1996-97 1,908 W Computer accessories 2003-04 1,35,000 W Slide projector with stand 2004-05 24,975 W OHP with stand 2004-05 24,950 W Xerox machine 2004-05 75,000 W Digital camera 2005-06 19,900 W Ergonomically designed student chair 2005-06 65,000 W W-Working, NW- Not working D. Plant Health Diagnostic Facility : 10 lakhs (sanctioned and established) Equipments allotted under Plant Diagnostic facility has been Purchased and established plant health diagnostic lab. S.No Components Rs. 1 Laboratory set up 490000 2 Entomology component 168500 3 Pathology components 171000 4 Horticultural components 114000 5 Seed health components 56500 Total 1000000 8 1.8. Details SAC meeting conducted in 2013-14 Sl.No. Date Number of No. of Salient Action taken Participants absentees Recommendations 1. 12.6.2013 28 Nil As given below The recommendations were included in the preparation of action plan and the same will be executed Sl.No Major recommendations Status of action taken in brief 3.1 Training on Processing and value On campus training on processing and value addition for addition for Banana and Coconut to banana and coconut conducted on 20.9.13 to farmers from be conducted Yercaud under ATMA Training on Mushroom production, Mushroom training was conducted on honey bee rearing and their value 30.9.2013,5.12.2013,30.1.2014 to farmers from Salem and addition to be arranged. surroundings Honey bee training was conducted on 11.4.2013 and 7.6.2013 to farmers from Salem and surroundings Vocational training with financial support from NABARD has to be organized on 19.3.2014-21.3.2014 Training on Papaya cultivation to On campus training on Papaya cultivation conducted on be conducted. 21.8.13 to mallasamudram farmers under NADP Field diagnostic visit was made to papaya field at panamarathupatty and pannapatty Skill based trainings for extension Skill based training on Kisan SMS Portal was organized to functionaries to be conducted ADAs and AOs of Salem district. Skill training Maintenance of drip and fertigation units was organized for the benefit of farmer friends and extension functionaries Training on high density planting in Off campus training on HDP at panamarathupatty on banana and mango to be promoted 8.01.14under IHDS On campus training conducted on 7.2.14 & 14.2.14 for the 50 farmers each of puduchattiram, vennanthur and elachipalayam and rasipuramblocks of Namakkal district under NADP Machineries and equipments Demonstration of laser leveler was done at Puttur related to potential crops of Salem Aggrakaram Village and Nalikkalpatti district has to be established at this station for demo purpose Advanced hi-tech horticultural Off campus training conducted for hi tech horticulture technologies should be promoted technologies on 20.9.13 at kamalapatty in crops intensive area for Improved practices in chrysanthemum on 8.11.13 at breakthrough in productivity pannapatty Improved practices in jasmine on 26.11.13 at panamarathupatty Off campus training on 8ortray nursery and transplanting of watermelon under polythene mulching at kamalapatty on 3.12.13 Exposure visit to hi tech farmers field at vepilaipatty on 11.12.13 Arrangement has to be made to Kisan SMS message is being sent to registered farmers from know the sale price of fertilizers KVK Salem through DEMIC by SMS messages DEMIC message on forecasting the price is also being sent to the DEMIC SMS message services Fertilizers price is being sent to the needy farmers through 9 kisan SMS portal Export oriented marketing Export of agricultural products message is being delivered information can be given through in all the on campus training programmes. trainings on selected commodities. Export of Banana, Mango training was organized during all the horticultural on campus training programme To Reduce the drudgery of weeding Development of single wheel power weeder is under operation by women in rice, single progress wheel power weeder has to be developed To facilitate weeding under spaced Demo on direct sown drum seeder has been done at (25 x 25 cm) direct sown drum seed Ulipuram village drill has to be developed Facilitate exposure visit to other Exposure visit to the State level farmers day programme state to create awareness on was organized.
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