Illinois State University ISU ReD: Research and eData School of Music Programs Music Fall 10-25-2018 The Singing Revolution: Chamber Singers in Concert Mark Grizzard Director Illinois State University Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/somp Part of the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Grizzard, Mark Director, "The Singing Revolution: Chamber Singers in Concert" (2018). School of Music Programs. 3750. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/somp/3750 This Concert Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at ISU ReD: Research and eData. It has been accepted for inclusion in School of Music Programs by an authorized administrator of ISU ReD: Research and eData. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Illinois State University College of Fine Arts School of Music I LL I NOl"i SYMl'IIUNV OKl.ll["if'RA 'fl 11 ..ci, .. ilsymphony org Upcoming Events Saturday I October 27 "Ow.a Pdu,h1~" ~hdu:Uc \'nwht Stud1° Rn:n 11 The Singing Revolution: 1030 Jm Kemp Chamber Singers in Concert Pd, \mun \'mn: SstKIKJ lh·cu·1J 2:00 pm Kemp Mark Grizzard, director Scmor Rcs:ual· R u:hd Mdls:r mr~ 1°tmmo 430 pm Kemp Sunday, Ocrobcr 28 GfJJu-uc Rccirnl Uas: Ra l·mr ('lµm1 "T.JOpm Kemp Monday, October 29 JS(J Gunar Fns,-mhk and Encmls 7.30pm Kemp Tuesday, Occobcr JO C:mJ\'oc;atum Breu 11 ll·<K>Jm Kemp Clrndcs \X ' lfokn E·wuhy Reen 11· Fu:uh) Pnon Ouausa 7.30 pm Kemp Wednesday, October l t smnr Qas~ Fn~cmhk KOO pm Kemp Friday, November 2 hzz En;;emhlc I & II K·OOpm CP.1 Kemp Recital Hall Please see the ISU event calendar for more information on the CFA events. The link is included below: October 25, 2018 https://events.illinojsstale.edu/ Thursday Evening 7:00 p.m. This is the twenty-seventh program of the 2018-2019 season. Program (CK\MBER SINGERS) 6. Kuru krogu cs izdzcru, Which tavern did I drink dry, whose Plc!lsc silence aU clcctromc dcnccs for the c.luraoon of the concert. Thank you. kam noskrcJu kumcli9'? horse did I race mto the btround? Tuljak i\liinn Hii rma (1864-1941) 7. Pats par savu naudu <l7cru, I drank ,vith my own money, Pars skrcj' savu kumcli1}'. and raced ,virh my own horse. Estonia 1bis folk song \'l\'ldlr describes a 1ubtlant wedding recepnon, wuh an aside ALL - p B. Put, vcji9i, d7cn laivi9u, Blow, \vind, push my boat, "Oh, to go through ltfc thl!ii way" :m<l conclu<lmg wuh the <lcclam:aoon "Let U'i hvcl", ai7dzcn mani J..::ur7emc. sail me to Courland. Kur G iria Zahuoja Juozas Gu<lavic1us (1873-1939) 0 0 ALL - p 9. vcr~c on "ooo" (\'(/here the Forest Grows Green) Lithuania Sam Fleming, to11d11ctor Tava Saknes Tava Z eme Pc tens Plaki<lts ( I 947-201 7) [ rhc Roots in Your Land) Latvia This semester, Chamber S111gers arc celebrating the centennials of the Baltic stares of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. These small Eastern European nations share a rich culture of choral 0 Salutaris Hostia \'yrauras Mislurus (born 1954) music and a powerful history of nonviolent struggle for freedom that ,viii be shared <luring (0, Saving Victim) Lithuania tomght's concert. If you arc interested in exploring this topic further, we recommend the 2006 documentary "The Sinb>ing Revolution" by James Tusr:y, which b>ives wonderful 111sight 111to Lecture Presentation, Part I Connor Roonci Estonia's expcncnces, and the 2013 book Th, Potver of So,(g: No111•1ol,11t Natio11al C11/t11re i11 th, Raua Nce<lminecVcljo Tormis (1930-201 7) Baltrt S111g111g Rtt.,/11tio11 by Guntis Smi<lchens, which details the ways that the use of song in the (Curse upon Iron) Estonia Baine stares provides the world ,vith a successful example of nonviolent political action. Thank Robert Voelker, tmor solo; Sho Otsuka, bass solo; you for spending your evening ,vith us! Jakob Kocanda,pemm io11 Lecture Presentation, Part II Connor Rooney Illinois State University Chamber Singers In i\ly Little Picture Frame 1 riks E~enval<ls (born 1977) Latvia Grace Eom, ocromp"'111t Iris Leahy, soprm10 solo;James K.ieliszewski, tmor solo Soprano 1 Alto 2 Bass 1 Put, Vcji9i Latvian folk song 0 0 Hailey Ahlman Millie Frank Jake Hackl (Blow, Wind) Katie Badger i\lcb,an Roche Sha Otsuka J essica Bella K.inga Smutek Dan Provis Ivy Buenaventura Shayna Rosenberg I Ins Leahy Sam i\lasini Bass 2 Put ve • ji z:ii, dzen lai vi . z:iu, aiz -dzen ma . ni Kur. ze . me. Ohvia Watklm Jeffrey Burke [ POOT VEH YEE 1'°''EE 07.EN LIE \'EE NWO eYES OZE:< .\IAH NEE KOOR ZEH MEH J Tenorl Jonny Childs ' Soprano 2 ~ n l\lclvm Campbell Jeremy Eason Tarlor Ch1oro, Payton Gehm Devin Jackson Ashton Estell J amcs Kieliszcwski Dominic Regner l van a Popovic Matt Scars ALL - pp I. Put, vcjit;ti, dzcn laivi9u, Blow, ,vin<l, push my boat, Sj•<lncy Walcsk1 Tenor2 Luke Johnson ai1.<l1.cn mani Kurzernc sail me to Courlan<l. Sam Flem111g Alto 1 .\dam Frank (CHA!IIBER ~INGERS) 2. I..::ur✓. emrucce man ,olija A Courlan<l woman promised me Ashley Bautista Blaise l\lollctt sav' mciri1;1U malCjir.i'. her <laughter, a mill worker. Julia Fraczck Conner Rooney Lauren Knicl Robert Voelker 3. Solft sola, bet nc<lcva, She promised, but did not do it, Sam l\lasini Russell Zillman tcic man liclu d7crii ji9', saying I am a heavy drinker. Emma ;\loran Sarah Schumacher 4. Tc1c man Jiclu dzcraji9u, Saying I am a heavy drinker, Kumeht;ta skrcjcji9'. and a reckless horse racer. 0 u ALL - mf 5. Put, vcj19i, <lzcn laivt t;t U, Blow, wind, push my boar, ai7<l7cn mani Kurzcmc s:ul me to Courlan<l. .
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