S614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 5, 2004 says it really could have been more one of our soldiers or an Iraqi citizen. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without dangerous than we even ever thought— Yes, it hurts. objection, it is so ordered. I think we have to assess that in the But do the people of Iraq today have Mr. INHOFE. At this point, I will context of all of the rhetoric we are a better chance to live in freedom and yield to the Senator from Iowa, and hearing about second-guessing a deci- prosperity than they had the entire following his remarks I will seek to be sion that was based on what we had at time they had been ruled by a despot? recognized. the time. Absolutely. Do the people of Afghani- (Mr. ENSIGN assumed the Chair.) Senator FEINSTEIN said we should stan today have the hope for a future Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I relook at our intelligence-gathering or- of freedom more than they had under want to address the consideration that ganization. I do not think anyone the Taliban and the other despots the Senate Finance Committee gave to would disagree with that, including the under whom they have been buried for the portion of the highway bill that de- President of the United States. all these years? Oh, yes. They have a termines the size of the trust fund, In our first effort to address the constitution that is getting ready now source of the trust fund, and our com- issues of the failure that led to 9/11, we to become implemented that actually mittee’s decisionmaking over that. all tried to look at the intelligence says women will be equal in that coun- And my speaking to the Senate is failures, to look at the things that did try. based on the proposition, thus far, that not compute, to look at the commu- We have come a long way. we are moving ahead with the total nications systems that did not match The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- highway package the way that has up. We tried to put a grid in place in ator has used 10 minutes. been suggested by the Senate Environ- the agency that was created for home- Mrs. HUTCHISON. Madam President, ment and Public Works Committee, land security that would allow all of I ask the distinguished Senator from Senate Banking Committee, and the the intelligence gathering that is done Oklahoma if he would like to extend Senate Commerce Committee, with my in and for our country to be put the time or is he prepared to go to the committee working in cooperation through a grid to warn us when there highway bill. with those three committees, at that was an imminent danger. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- level of expenditure. Let’s talk about what the result has ator from Oklahoma. Somehow, if the President, in suc- been because we have tried to address Mr. INHOFE. Madam President, we ceeding days, would say he is not going those failures. We have prevented po- are prepared to go back to the bill at to sign a bill that is that big, I will tential terrorist acts. We know we pre- this time. moderate my remarks to conform with vented an airliner from being blown up Mrs. HUTCHISON. Thank you. that. But right now, all I know is what Madam President, let me end by say- because a very smart flight attendant this body has done in three of its com- ing I hope we will come together and saw a man get ready to strike a match mittees to arrive at where we are now. support the President in his initiatives and light his shoe. We know from that I want to address, within that frame- to get to the bottom of this issue. The work and that environment, the work experience what to look for in an air- President is looking out for the United of our committee. line passenger, and we have refined the States of America, and we do not need I will particularly speak about some system. We have seen flights canceled partisan rhetoric on an issue such as other Members of this body who lack a because there was a suspicion there this. We need to come together. That is consideration of the hard work that might be something going on. Who what we must do. has been put into this product, as well knows what was prevented in that in- Thank you, Madam President. I yield as their philosophical objections to stance? the floor, and I yield back the time what we have done. I don’t have any We have seen arrests in very remote that was allocated for morning busi- question that any Senator can have parts of our country because of intel- ness. any philosophical objections to any- ligence gathering. We have not had a f thing he wants, but I want everybody terrorist attack on our country since in the Senate to know that the 21 the time we were attacked on 9/11. We SAFE, ACCOUNTABLE, FLEXIBLE, members of the Senate Finance Com- have had attempts, but we, because we AND EFFICIENT TRANSPOR- mittee did not take this product light- have processes in place from what we TATION EQUITY ACT OF 2003 ly. have learned, have thwarted those at- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under There has been a lot of harsh criti- tempts, including one this week in the the previous order, the hour of 10:50 cism of the upcoming Finance Com- United States Senate. having arrived, the Senate will resume mittee title of this highway bill. So, yes, we need to relook at our in- consideration of S. 1072, which the What I will do is lay out the context telligence gathering. Yes, we are learn- clerk will report. of the funding portions of this legisla- ing every day. And, yes, the President The assistant legislative clerk read tion and respond to this harsh criti- of the United States has already said as follows: cism. The role of the Finance Com- he will have an independent investiga- A bill (S. 1072) to authorize funds for Fed- mittee on the highway bill is centered tion of our intelligence gathering that eral-aid highways, highway safety programs, on the highway trust fund raising, not led to the invasion of Iraq. He has said and transit programs, and for other purposes. expending, funds. Finance Committee he would do that. The President has Pending: jurisdiction involves the Federal excise also agreed to the extension asked for Modified committee amendment in the na- taxes, the highway trust fund, and the by the 9/11 Commission, the bipartisan ture of a substitute. expenditure authority of the trust commission that is looking into what Dorgan amendment No. 2267, to exempt fund. The Finance Committee has happened before and during the 9/11 in- certain agricultural producers from certain acted in all of these areas as recently cident. He has said, yes, I will agree to hazardous materials transportation require- as just this Monday. an extension, because he was asked. ments. Gregg amendment No. 2268 (to amendment The authorizing committee’s actions The President of the United States is No. 2267), to provide that certain public safe- will result in outlays from the trust being open. The President of the ty officials have the right to collective bar- funds of $231 billion for highways, and United States is trying to do the right gaining. $36.6 billion for transit, spread out over thing to get to the bottom of this be- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- the next 6 years. Essentially, those fig- cause he has the interests of the United ator from Nevada. ures I just gave you represent the cash- States at heart. Mr. REID. Madam President, I sug- flow out of the trust fund. The Finance Let’s look at some other results. gest the absence of a quorum. Committee’s action provided the re- Let’s look at the difference in the hope The PRESIDING OFFICER. The sources in the trust fund to cover the of the people of Iraq and Afghanistan clerk will call the roll. cash outflows and provide a cushion in today. Yes, there are continuing prob- The assistant legislative clerk pro- the trust fund balances. This is how we lems. Yes, it grieves every one of us. ceeded to call the roll. arrived at that action of the Senate Fi- Our hearts stop when we hear there has Mr. INHOFE. Madam President, I ask nance Committee. been another bombing or mishap that unanimous consent that the order for But some of the critics have said the has hurt one of our soldiers or killed the quorum call be rescinded. Finance Committee should have funded VerDate Mar 15 2010 21:42 Jan 29, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\2004SENATE\S05FE4.REC S05FE4 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY February 5, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S615 the trust fund at the level of the motor nance Committee’s role is undermined ethanol. These exemptions further im- fuel taxes and the compliant savings as well. portant policy purposes but purposes resulting therefrom. I also wish to point out the bottom which are not embedded in highway This is a very fair debate to have in line for those other 20 Senators who, policy. No one takes issue with the ex- the Senate, or in any committee, but I like me, voted against the higher trust emption but whether they should be want the Members of this body who fund spending last year.
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