Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 2000 Daily Egyptian 2000 6-29-2000 The Daily Egyptian, June 29, 2000 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June2000 Volume 85, Issue 169 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 2000 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 2000 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. .uilycgyptian.com • · 'SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY AT CARBONDALE . ...E··· .•. ····.·· ...n ~ •' TED SCHUIITUt - 0AILY EGY"IAN Left: Holding her foil upright, eight-year-old Ellen Esling watches her classmates , fit irito fencing gear at the Multi-Sport camp at the Student Recreation Center Wednesday morning. The camps give youngsters a chance to try different sports and are offered through the end of July. Above: Fencing instructor Stephen Gerrish covers his eyes as students Jessica Grigsby (left) and Ellen Esling forget about the technique he just taught them. ."- ~ "They"re over eager,:Gerrish said about his young students. :~• ·~,.:-"'~ Glass houses American watches · eagerly as more Susped in Dicicco slaying_ held for trial shows record the rives of everyday people. Preliminary hearing reveals details • C\idence :ugwng Forcum should be hdd for trial. figuring wounds to the face :md defensh-c wounds to her Forcum has been charged "ith first dcgrcc murder hands. It was later determined that DiCkco died from pagtJ in allegations against Forcum and attempted first degree murder in connection with the blood loss after the arteries in her neck were cut. June 10 dc:ath of Renee N. DiCicco :md the wounding of Stone said that in a police intcnicw,Jancckc said he DAVID 0SBOANC Brett H. J:mcckc. J:mcckc was DiCicco's house guest the :md DiCicco had fallen asleep on the couch. J:mcckc DAILY EGYPTIAN REPOIUER night of the attack. awoke to hear DiCicco sa}ing, "Donnie, what arc you Presenting the c:isc for the state, Mike Wcpsicc ca!led _doing?" · The SIUC senior clwged with first degree murder in to the \\itness st:md D:m Stone, a detcctn-c \\1th the Jancckc told the detcctn·e that he had a hard time ~nncction with the death of :m SIUC alum03 appc=d Jackson County Sheriff's Office. · focusing because he wears contact lens. He said he rose Head Start in Jackson County Circuit Court Wedncsdiy for a prc­ Stone said when he arrived on the scene, he followed from the couch. and was struck with a blmv to the head. Costello pushes lirnin;uy hearing. a blood tr:iil from the li\ing room to the northwest bed· for opportunities Donald E. Forcum appeared before Judge Da,id W. room, where he found the body of a partially clad female. for cfisadvantaged Watt Jr. as the Jackson County state's attorney presented DiCicco_ had large, gaping wounds on her neck, dis• SEE FORCUM, PAGE 6 children. pagd Aluinnus·withdraw Sunset .Con~~~-goers Website Students gain real firiandal support leave trash :behin·d world web experience as Just Ralph Becker and Larry Brown SUNSET CONCERT Ask Rental joins . Significant afi101mts CASA in developing accme BOT 'gross' neglect' • T0N1c:..-rs SUNSET c0NCERT BEGiNs AT 7 of of trash litter Turley Park · IN TUA LEY PARK AND WILL FEATURE THE website. BLUES BAND 2120., pag~s KATS MCCANII and Shryock steps GOVE"NMENT 1.DITO'I after concerts deputy director for the SIUC Physical Plant. Ralph Becker and Larry Brown have halted all financial contributions to Dillard attn"butes the large amount of trash ii-lMiMI · the College of Mass Communication :md Media Arts, citing dissatisfaction ANDIIKA DONAL.D90N to the large number of people attending the .lODAY. with the leadership in a letter addressed to Gov. George Ry.m, Becker and 5TU0lNT Ai,i,Al9!S l.01TOfl ainccrt. · · • . .. Partly Cloudy Brown expressed acute dis3pproval with the interim• administration among "It took significantly more time to dc:m 0th~ conccms, b~ the board's "incffcctn-c leadership" and "irresponsible Even Ddyte Morris w holding a beer up," Dillard said. : High: 86 0 dccmons as the prunary cause.· . ... ... _;. ::.-!-"'~-·_ .. _ _:. can at last Thursday night's Sunset Concert, There were 30 tr.ish barrels and nine alu-· Low: 57 Gov. Ry',Ul, in a response letter dated June S; rcbuttetl their aiticism by - or at least his statue was. minum recycling bins placed. around the pointing out that most interim positionsat SIUC have been filled, and rear~ Additional_ beer cans, bottles and tt2sh Sluyock area. Andilcc Warner, SIUC ~ 10MORROW . firmed the -:kncral Assembly'• dedication to SIU. · · were sattc:rcd on the ground, starues and. cling and solid waste coordinator, said she Ryan further defended his position, adding that he recently spent Ihm: ' fountain at the· Shryock •tcps area following. · was surprised at 'the amount. of trash. she Partly Cloudy hours at a Cmiondalc town meeting, where concerns and issues rcguding last week's bluegrass ainccrt "'::- a problem found on the ~d Friday morning aftu . High: 79 SIUC were raised.< . , for those left to clean the mess up. the concert. .. .. ... , Low: 59 In separate tclcphoqe interviews Wcdncsdiy, both Becker and Brown, the. ·· . · Mm)tenance crews arc hoping to sec a "It was really disconccming that people two largest individual financial aintributors to the college, expressed dis:ap- . trash at tonight's Sunset Concert, which fca- .. were so· irresponsible ·wi_th · their trash," pointm~t with Ryan's response. _ , : · , cures the blues band 2120 and takes place at Warner said. · SINGLE C~PY FREE 7p.m.atTurlcy'Puk. · >; : · • \'OL8S, N0.169 . There was notably more trash than there "' 12 PAGES SEE ALUMNU• , PAGE 6 · has been· .~. ~ pa,\ uid. B~~ Dillard,. '. / D11ull1m11 THURSi;AY JUNE 29 2000 • PAGE 2 Mi'HUl·Mi• I*""3¥:i!-M!il- June 29 Akiem the Dream, July 6 • library Affairs, Introduction to -UNIVERSITY ;, rubr.. h,d Mond,y Banjovi. July 13 SIROT, July 20 Loose Constructing Web Page~.(HTML), lhrough Fri<uy,duri.,g Gravel, July 27 Ear-Relev~nt, William 9:30 to 11 :31\ a ":'I, July 18, Morris •A lost or misplaced wallet was reported the fill and •r,ing 453-5388. Library Ro.om ; (ii>, 453•:81B. stolen at the Student Center Tuesday. One tcmnten and four timN suspect was identified, and police are inves­ a'Wftkduringthc • Women's Services Summer Brown • Library Affairs, l'inding Scholarly tigating. summer tcmcnrr cxcq,t Bag Series 2000, Dream Articles, 1 to 2 p.m., July 18, Moms duringnationtand TODAY Interpretation, 12 to l p.m. July 6, Library Room 1030, 453-2818. • An electronit dictionary/translator was aamwctbbytht Woody Hall A 31 O, 453-3655 •. ,rud<nts of Sooth<m • Blood Drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., • Llb.rary Affairs, Power Point, We~::~es~~~~:ie~~~ t~~r:a1:.uae~~~he Illinois Univmiry :at Student Center, donors and volunteers • library Affaln, Power Point, 2 to 2 to 3:30 p.m., July 18, Morris Library value of the item is not known. C>tbondil,. needed, Vivian 457-5258. 3:30 p.m. July 6, Morris Library Room Room 1030, 453-2818. Editor-in-Chief. 1030, 453-2818. • Vincent L Garrett. 29, of Carbondale was DAPIL'E llEl"l'£R • Art In th Garden, every Thurs. 12 to • Library Affairs, e-Mail.using arrested and charged with criminal trespass Ad:lbmgn: 1 p.m. University Museum Sculpture • library Affain, Strea~ing Media Eudora, to to 11:30 a.m., July 20, at the Student Center. Garrett was released llu:HEL Ttto~U.SSIE Garden, northwest side of Faner Hall, Seminar, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. July 7, Morris Library Room 103D; 453• on a recognizance "bond. Clusifi.J: June 29 Akiem the Dream, July 6 . Morris Library Room 1030, 453-2818. 2818. • Banjovi, July 13 SIRDT, July 20 Loose Tt..\lEKABELL ci~~J;!f!~t \1ii~~~;~~~~~~1/1:e~;fcle Busincu: Gravel, July 27 Ear-Relevant, William • library Affain, Finding Scholarly • Llbruy Affairs, Tables with HTML. ~f TIM 1\l\rnscLY 453-5388. Articles Seminar, 10 to 11 a.m~ July 2 to 4 p.m., July 20, Morris Library Tuesday. The accident was aused by his Adl'roduction: shirt getting aught in the wheel. The victim 11, Morris Library Room 1030, 453- Room 1030, 453-2818. refused medial assistance. Tt1.msA.,cu • Women's Services Summer Brown 2818. Cenenl Mu1>g<r: Bag Series, Dream Interpretation, 12 • library Affairs, Web Design Tricks RoB£JrTj.\ROSS lo 1 p.m. Woody Hall A 310, 453· • Blood Drive, July 11, 11 a.m. to 3 and Tips with HTML. 2 to 4 p.m., July CARBONDALE F..:ultyM=gi.-,g&lita: 3655. p.m. Life Science Ill, donors and 21, Morris Library Room 103 0, 453· w.,cESPEEll£ volunteers needed, Vivian 457-5258. 2818. • The Adolescent Health Center, 101 S. Wall Di•ruy Ad Director: • Disability Support Services, St. reported a fetal heart monitor stolen Stn'.RlllKIWOS retirement reception for Ellen Bradley, • Library Affairs, Introduction to • Library Affairs, Digital Imaging, 11 between 1 and 2 p.m. Monday. · ClmifiodAdMa,ugtt: the assistant director of Disability Photoshop Semir.ar, 11 a.m. to 12 a.m. to 12 p.m., July 24, Morris Dominique Jeanette lsspeih, 18, of Makanda, jERRYBl."511 Support Services, 12 to 4 p.m. Woody p.m. July 11, Morris Library Room Library Room 1030, 453-2818. was arrested and charged with theft in con­ .,,..._,,SureniJor: Hall Conference Room B-142, Tammy 1030, 453-2818. nection with the inci~ent. The monitor. val­ EoDa.MASTllO or Tara, 453-5738.
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