Ed 094 384 Title .Institution Pub Date Available From

Ed 094 384 Title .Institution Pub Date Available From

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 094 384 CS 201 408 TITLE Your Newspaper. .and You! .INSTITUTION Tennessean, Nashville, Tenn. PUB DATE 73 NOTE 36p. AVAILABLE FROM The Tennessean, Amon C. Evans, President, 1100 Broadway, Nashville, Tennessee 37203 (Contact publisher for price) EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC-$1.85 PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS *Critical Reading; Editing; Elementary Education; *Instructional Materials; *Journalism; *Newspapers; News Reporting; *Reading Habits; Reading Interests; Reading Materials; Secondary Education IDENTIFIERS *Newspaper in the Classroom Project ABSTRACT Designed to describe a technique for developing efficient habits for reading the newspaper, this booklet also provides a simplified explanation of how a daily newspaper is produced. The contents include "How to Get the Most Out of Your Newspaper," "A Newspaper Is Many Things," "People at the Paper," "The Front Page," "Headlines," "Stories in the Paper," "The Opinion Pages," "Editorial Cartoons," "Syndicated Editorial Columnists," "Letters to the Editor," "How Does a Newspaper Find Its Stories?" "Datelines and Bylines," "The Truth Generally Lies under the Surface," "Why So Much 'Bad' News in the Paper?" "How a Local Story Gets in the Paper," "What to Believe in the Newspaper," "Errors in the Paper," "Photo-Journalism," "How a Local Picture Gets in the Paper," "Color Pictures," "The Sports Section," "Woman's News," "'Pocketbook' News," "A Newspaper Is a Lot of Other Things," "The Big Sunday Paper," "Advertisements," "Classified Ads," and "Newspaper Jargon." (RB) THIS DOCUMENT HAS lINEN FDEPRO U S DEPARIMENTUF HEALTH, DUCED ESA(TLV AS TSECEIVI() FROM EDUCATION&WELFARE PIPE PE14',0N011 ORC,ANI/ATION ORIGIN NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TSNCIT POINTS Cl VINIA 014 OPINIONS EDUCATION STATED CO NOT NECOSSANILY I4EPRE SENTCVI ............. uu ............. .,......,..,. CAt- NATIONAL INSTITUTE Cl ,.... ................... 4_lI .. EOtIC,TI0N POSITION ON POLICY Lonnie Cross' Troubles Stone Age Child Gilliam's 'Out To Win' N" Fly off 'Like A Bird' Leaves His Mark In All-American Game Page 5 Page 3 Pc .. t5 u.s .............. is... ................................... ii. ....... ,n.. .............luo.,...n...,.u, ui..., ....... lull,..I............ uuuuuustiiuui WIATHIE - INDTX :':1 THE TENNESSEAN IlL IT-ST -.. iAaIII 11.1 I:. T4.SS All 111141. JI VI; 21. C12 I" lI.STY II Store OperatorsEast Battered By Worst Floods Ever C, M SITIOIII F.IIIIIIIVT .4< '1 Ct.1fll14. 1S.,,,.If At lIlAlI44d 03 PAIl I 11111414lIlt i1l1b11l ..tIe, FAA 11Dm V.1(nlI .1.114k. 4.44 luriD.. ....... 4t4 1r k.pD.l. Il,.10lIIIr Sr. \r.l fl.OflLP. 01*1.44.14 4., 1.. -. SadIll_il T rt 5,1*411 WhIrr - ItS ....... II I p.11100 - 0114SII.,IIr, .14111.IitI lb. 1100AM 4 S-lop. r lid 10.1.1411w. lOt. 11.4 .01.1 Dt.4I - SI lIad Ski.l. S. .1..Sutwilug illiddt 4k 1111*.54., .44.1 P411., kId 14.1 , .1 '4144.4.1, Tel IC Thy III. I'l -, Ma. .ai 5.0 dtlflS.4 Ire, 11111,1,111 4.411111410 II O4S4. riar. .Sti..r. a.. 5 log liar. han lIOn pIle. III 1044 1. ... 1.44.1I.411 110144 II. .4.c, .4.44 IS .1hr soiL,:' .14 ,,Mt,,sct_rrt4 II 4,14.4'. Clv 10.1.14 I 4,5,4 It .sdflIg .54 .1.0 I k..4 .rme.d 1,1.1,4.11 111Cr4 StIlt_DIr Ii.,. I..t - I.t.t IikOiflI 14.1 pI'tll.l .54 411.11SIll dolt .40 Ira II 1I SlOt_id 41115 14.1 .111.4, *0.411, 1141am .4.4. "It 1.1,4,41.14 by PatIdInI A. 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