543 f jat'W"Uganda "T" 'W GazetteA A Published Vol. XCII1 No. 73 15th December, 2000 Price: Shs. 1000 CONTENTS Page General Notice No. 441 of 2000. The Presidential Elections Act—Notice ... 543 THE INCOME TAX ACT, 1997. The Income Tax Act—Notice...................................... 543-544 (Act 11 of 1997), The Companies Act—Notice...................................... 544 the Trade Marks Aci-Registration of applications ... 544-549 LARGE TAX PAYERS DEPARTMENT. Advertisements ................................................. 549-550 NOTICE. SUPPLEMENTS ADDITIONAL LIST OF COMPANIES CONSIDERED F/7/y FOR SELF ASSESSMENT. No. 25—lhe Collective In-.c^tmcm Schemes Bill, 2000. Notice is hereby given for general information that me No. 26—The Non-Governmental Organisations Registration following taxpayers arc specified for self assessment under S.97(5) of the Income Tax Act. (Amendment) Bill, 2000. No. Name of Company TIN Stafition’ Instruments 1. Britania Cosmetics Limited B96-1006-6864-K No. 88—The Laws (Revised Edition) Approval of Omission of 2. Britania Foods Limited B96-IOO5-732O-N Particular Statutory Instruments) (No. 5) Instrument, 3. Cable Corporation B93-1000-2472-Z 2000. 4. Casements (A) Limited B93-1000-0436-H 5. Central Broadcasting Services B95-1005-610!-S No. 89—The Petroleum (Exploration and Production) Act, 6. Crane Bank Limited B95-1OO5-5J38-J 1985 (Commencement) Instrument, 2000. 7. Crown Corks (1994) Limited B 93 -1000-7 7 50-N 8. Dragados Constructors 895-1005-6877-1 No. 90—The Excise Tariff (Remission of Duty) 9. Drury (U) Limited B93-1000-48I8-B (Manufacturers of Furniture) Order, 2000. 10. Ernst & Young B93-1006-875I-K 11. Excel Construction Limited B93-1000-3115-F No. 91—The Customs Tariff (Remission of Duty) 12. General Machinery Limited B93-1000-0545-N (Manufacturers of Furniture) Order, 2000. 13. Global Distributors Limited B96-1005-7343-Z 14. Gold Trust Bank Limited B93-IOOO-4872-H 15. Gold Trust Insurance Limited B96- 1OO5-76* M-Q 16. Gomba Fishing Industries Limited B93-1000-6523-T 17. Grand Imperial Hotel Limited B93-IOOI-2O97-G General Notice No. 440 of 2000. 18. H.L Investments Limited B93-UXXM980-L 19. Hotel Equatorial Limited B93-1OOO-9549-G THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS ACT, 2000. 20. Imperial Botanical Beach Hotel Limited B96-1OO5-9382-X 21. Interfreight (LI) Limited (formerly Panalpina) B93-IOOO-2473-B ACT NO. 17 OF 2000. 22. Kaktra Sugar WorL» (I J85j Limited B93-1000-9941 K 23. Kengrow Industries Limited B96-I006-7992-B SECTION 8. 24. Kyoga Colton Company Limited (Soroti) B97-1007-0576-X NOTICE. 25. Livingstone Registrars (Delloite & Touche) B93-IOOO-2829-S 26. M.A Fann Industries B93-1000-2026-Y 27. Masaba Colton Company B97-1006-88I7-P APPOINTMENT OF NOMINATION DAYS FOR THE 28. Mbale Soap Works Co. Limited B93-IOOI-20J4-C NATIONAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS, 2001. 29. Mecra Investments Limited B95-1005-5714-Y 30. Megha Industries Limited B93-1000-7699-M NrrriCE is hereby given that by virtue of the powers 31. Metro Cash & Carry B97-JOO7-O638U conferred upon the Electoral Commission under section 8 of 32. Mweya Safari Lodge Limited B93-I00I-2I43-O 33. Nile Breweries Limited B93-1000-4334-A tc Presidential Elections Act, No. 17 of 2000, the 8th day 34. Nile Hotel International B95-1005-3714-K irj 9th days of January, 2001 are hereby appointed days on 35. N1S(U) Limited B94-I004-6855-N *hich candidates for the Presidential Elections shall be 36. Oscar Industries Limited 893-1000-2633-Z '. ;minated, from 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m. on each of those 37. Oxy Gas Limited B93-1OO5-3465-M 38. Packaging Products Limited B96-I005-7402-Q by the Returning Officer at Kololo Airstrip, Kampala 39. Pan African Carriers Limited L.strict. 40. Piefare Industries Limited B93-1000-2650-Z 41. Pre Press Services Limited B95-1005-6021-T L'.ued at Kampala this 15lh day of December, 2000. 42. Produce &. Commodities Limited B93-100I-2884-L 43. Radio Kampala Limited B93-1001-3187-P 44. Radio One B97-I007-0034-I 45. Rafiki Cotton Industries B96-1006-8336-U AZIZ K. KASUJJA, 46. Rafiki Motors (U) Ltd. B95-I005-7073-T Chairman. Electoral Commission. 47. Rafiki Property Services Ltd. B96-1006-7620 ' 544 77IE UGANDA GAZETTE I 15th Dece-.^.-/ 48. Rank Xerox • Xeiolecb Limited) B>'* UNX107I4-M (21) Application No. 23794 in Part "A”. 49. Roko Hotel’I«'r-HO '*li : l""l-l090-L (52) Class 29. 50. Root Clad it ) Ltd B'f.i.]fM)-58887-B (54) 51 Sadolm Paints Ltd. B93-HXNLO342-X 52. SCOUL(U)Ltd. B93-l(X)l - I968-L 53. Security Group 2000 (formerly Group 4 Security) B93-IO0O-4705-N DANIO 54 Speke Hotel Limited B93-|(XXL6031-T (53) 55. Starlight Conmnii-uaiionx Ltd BM5-IW5-2900-C (59) 56 Steel Corporation of I-aM Africa B93-|(XX)-99J3-F (64) 57. Steel Rolling Milk Ltd. B93-1 (XXJ-5586-Z 58. Sukari Sugar Ltd. B94-KXI3-9985-L (57) Nature of goods— Meat. fish, ham: poultry’: game, cu 59. The Monitor Publications B93-IOOO-95I6-R meals in particular for appetizers: Dried, presened 60. Tororo Cement Industries B95-I005-7200-C and/or cooked fniit and vegetables, stewed fruit, jjt. 61 Tororo Steel Works Limned B93-1001 - 1073-L fruit purees, jelly: soups: Canned food essentially mai 62. Tourist Hotel B93-I000-6946-Z of meat, of fish, of ham. of poultry, and/or of game 63. Trans Africa Bank B95-1005-5231-Z Prepared, dried, cooked, canned, frozen dishes 64. Transami (U) Limited B93-IOO1-O8S8-F essentially made of meat, of fish, of ham. of poulir. 65. Translink (U) Limited B93-1000-9321-A and/or of game. Sweet or savoury' appetizers maJeei 66. Uganda Bnaii Limited B93-1OOO-O392-M fruits or vegetables such as potato, flavoured or nature 67. Uganda Bandag Limited B93-1000-4779-Q potato chips, dried fruit mix and allo prepare: 68 Uganda Bala Shoe Company Limited B93-1000-0465-0 oleaginous nuts such as peanuts and cashew nuLs.il 69. Uganda Fi'.hnei Manufacturers Limited B93-1000-0299-V oleaginous products, particularly prepared nuts, ha/d *0■ L'g;,.• Klc: • Lhntie? 1)95-1005-69’’! V ruts nr,d nuts such as peanuts, cashew rails, inc.’ 71. Uganda Pharmaceuticals Limited B93-1000-1453-0 cooked meats as appetizers: Milk, milk powder.gelled 72. United Forex Bureau Limited B93-IOOO-9362-O flavoured and whipped milk. Milk products namely 73. Visa Plastic Limited B95-KXJ5-3282-C milky desserts, yoghurts, yoghurt drinks, mousses, 74. WBS Limited B98-KX17-1OI2-F creams, dessert creams, fresh cream, butter, cheese 75. Wilken Communication B93-IOOO-0632-J spreads, cheeses, ripened cheeses, ripened cheeses Kampala HEAD LEGAL SERVICES. with mould, unmatured fresh cheeses and cheeses in 23rd November. 2000. Uganda fiext nue Auflutrity. brine, cottage cheese, fresh cheeses sold cither liquids in paste, plain or flavoured beverages composed mainly of milk or milk products, milky beverages General Notice No. 442 of 2000. mainly made of milk, milky beverages mainly THE COMPANIES ACT. 1964. comprising fruit. Fermented, plain or flavoured milky (Cap. 85). products. Edible oils, olive oil, edible fats. (73) Name of applicant— Compagnie Gervais Danone. NOTICE. (77) Address— 126-130 Rue Jules Gucsdc. 92300 Lcvalloir Pursuant to section 20(3) of the Companies Act. notice Perret. France. is hereby given that Nylil Picfarc Limited has by Special Resolution passed on the 2nd day of December. 2000* and (74) C/o Ms. Mugcrwa & Mascmbe Advocates. 3rd Floor. with the approval of the Registrar of Companies changed its Diamond Trust Building P.O. Box 7166. Kampala. name to Southern Range Nyanza Limited and that such new (22) Date offiling application— 15th November, 2000. name has been entered in my Register. Dated at Kampala this 8th day of December, 2000. (21) Application No. 23842 in Part ’A”. (52) Class 16. JOEL COX OJUKO, Ass:.ta;u* Registrar of Companies. (54) General Notice No. 443 of 2000. THE TRADE MARKS ACT. (Cap. 83). NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that any person who has grounds to oppose the registration of any of the marks advertised herein may within sixty days from lhe date of this Gazette, lodge a RAFIKI Notice of opposition on Trade Mark Form No. 6 together with a TCH-E7 POLL fee of Shs. 4000 in case of National applicants or USS 250 in case of Foreign applicants. The period of lodging Notice of opposition may be extended in suitable cases by die Registrar as he thinks III upon such terms as lie may direct. Formal (53) Disclaimer— Registration of this Trade mark shall ghe opposition should not be lodged until after reasonable notice has no rishi to the exclusive use of lhe words ’TOILET ROLL" and "SUPER EXTRA FINE - SOFT - been given by letter to the applicant so that he may have an TISSUE’* except as represented. opportunity to withdraw his application before the expense of (59) opposition proceedings is incurred. Failure to give such notice (64) will be taken into account in considering any application by the (57) Nature of goods— Toilet roll. opponent for an order for costs if the opposition is uncontested (73) Name of applicant-— Busisu Industries Ltd. by the applicant. Representations of the marks herein advertised (77) Address— P.O. Box 30663. Kampala, can be inspected al lhe office of the Registrar of Trade Marks, (74) Parliamentary Buildings, P.O. Box 715L Kampala. (22) Date offiling application— 6th December. 2000. H1-' |)| ChMBERl IDE UGANDA GAZETTE 545 J > Application No. 23018 in Part "A". (21) Application No. 23671 in IAri A". Class 34.
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