... ' ,. '. \ :: ' ' . Friday ·Night: Saturday Night: W~ak~ Forest 78 Wake Forest 86 St. Bonaventure 73 nlll aub i lark St. Joseph's 96 -, / * NUMBER 21 No1·th 20; 1961 * Wake Forest College, Winston-Salem, Carolina, J.\'londay,.March VOLUME ~VI I --------------~------• Wake· Forest's Drive Toward NC~!\.A Finals i;;i,~: ~ ' . - - . ' - Is ·~~Halted By St. Joseph's Five In Charlotte A gari~nt second half comeback ,to put the Deacs within six points stealing tactic~. the game, all in the operrl,ng min- 08; However, after the 11-minute Chappell and Hart and another two that this was the turning pomt. by the·deiteJimined Deacons brought of the Hawks. At the same time, St. Joseph was utes and it was Lenny Chappell, mark the axe Jell on 'the Deacons. points from the foul line by Hart St. Joseph's scoring was well dis­ them vnthill:six pOints of the NCAA BUll: the Hawks. immediate)iy cap- able to maintain constant pressure who scored a total of 32 points in Taking advantage of Wake's cut the Hawk's lead to 14. tributed with six players hitting. semi-finaliii=in Kansas City, but a italized .on the Deacons' disorgan• on the Deacs and tore up· the ..net Ithe game, who did it in each case. errors -the Hawks outscored the The. Hawks, however, tightened double figures. couple of.costly defensive mis~ues ized defense a.!ld scored two _con-I with its shooting. St. Joe's was the first to score, Deacons; 28 to 10, in rtb.e remaining up and t:he •Deacs were able only Chappell's 32 points was high for prevented. them from coming all secutive layups on Snowbirds to Wake Forest shot at a creditable but two baskets from in close by 11 minutes of lthe half to forge a to whittle down the lead bit by bit. the game. Chappell also led in the · the'way from behind and thei·'bow- put the game on ice. 150 per cent from the field' in the Chappell pUll: the Deacs ahead 4-2. 48-28 lead. Wii1Jh 5:42 on the clock, the Hawk's rebounding department with 16. ed before the St.- .Joseph Hawks 96 ,Countless defensive erro_ rs by the,first half as againslt 47.7 for St. St. .Toe went ahead again momen- Signs Of Weariness lead was cut :to 8. But the Deaes Toonmy McCoy had a perfect to 86 in the finals-· of the Eastern obviously fatigued Deacons was the Joseph's but were able to take-only 'I tarily but at 16:23 Chappell threw Wake Forest, which had shown were able :to get no closer until' the night for the Deacons. He bit 6 for Regionals art;· Charlotte Saturday eW,ef _ factor ~hich · enab~ed _the 24 shots because of their sloppy in a jumper from the circle to_ visible signs of weariness from 3:48 mark, when .Wiedeman threw 6, from the floor, and 2 for 2 from night. · Hawks to build up their tremendous ballhandling. The Hawks on the Imake it-Wake 8, St. Joe 6. ,their 'games with St. Bonaventure in two charity tosses to make it the foul line for 14 points. Wake Forest, down 20 P'liP-ts at half-time lead. The Deacs lost ,the Other l}and played ;nearly .errorless The team fought it out nip and and St. John's early in the week Wake 74, St. Joe 80. The win sends St. Joseph's on half•time, climbed steadilY' back ball i:tUJmerous times in traveling, ball and got off 42 shots,Jof which Ituck fof' the next.five minutes, .shots came out of t:he dressing room after It was here that the Hawks got to Kansas City ,to participate in the into the game· and. at" '3:48 Alley threw away passes and were very they made 20. · by Chappell enabling the Deacs to intermission looking more like the four quick points on the fast break semi-finals of the NCAA basketball Hart dumped In two free throws susceptible Ito St. Joseph's ball- I Wake Forest led four times in lead ~omentarily at 13;57 and 13:·. Deacons Gf old. Field goals by and it was coneensns of opinion tournament. ~--------------------~---------------------------------------------------- SUFunds Program Aimed At Bolstering In~reas~ _ 'Approved Undergrad Education Okayed. The Wake Forest College faculiby ment in which they are taking a mental lines. has approved an honors program. major. The other ·is a series of The various departments are now . Students voted 2-1 last week to honDrs courses \vhich will cross de­ studying plans for l!:be department­ increase ,fue Student Union fees aimed at improving undergraduate education for superior students. partmental lines. al honors program and it is ex­ ifrOm $1.50 to S3 a wear. The program, which will be start­ A small group form next fall's pected that some will invite junior 7.. Approval of the request for an ed next fall, has two major phases. freshman class will be invited to students to initiate this phase of hJcrease in .funds was made ih One involves special work "for out· participate in the beginning· sbges the program this fall. Tuesday's chapel. The vote was standing students in the depal't· of the courses which cross depal'lt- Seminar Type Courses 730-386. The honors courses will be semi­ 'l'he fee of $3 per student per year nar type courses. Each will be will allow the· Student Union to taught by more than one profes­ operate on a budget of $16,oo0, -a sor and in each case the professors portion of the funds _to come frOm Sectional Baptists, will come from various depart­ another source. ments. ,· · The new budget will allow the Generally speaking, the honors ,Student Union to increase its, func­ To Visit ,The College COUTSeS will be devoted to studying tions considerably. Primarily each outstanding figures in the various of the nine already existing com- Baptists from 16 asnociations in cussing their needs in connection broad areas of man's cultural un­ . mittees of the Student Union will :be Piedmont and Northwest North with a proposed $45 million cam­ dertakings. Frequent written re­ allocated grea-ter !fundS with which Carolina will make their annual paign for the seven institutions. ports will be required. tO increase the effectiveness of visit to the College next Monda~. The convention will hold a spe­ The· main feature of the depart­ each committee. The program is one of a series cial session May 4 in Greensboro's mental honors program will be an The nine coonmittees are, the •of,_· visl!tE,tiO:(l days _held . eacl). year War Memorial Coliseum to deter­ independent study proj_ect by each candidate. The project will be super­ Small Social .CQm-mittee., the ~ee; ·at tiie state's seven Baptist colleges. mine the fate of the proposal. vised by a member of the candi­ ture Comniitt~; the TraVe'l- Com­ The Council on Christian Educa- Repre.sent~tives from the follow, date's major department and will mittee, the Movie Committee, the COACHES McKINNEY AND BRYANT-DUAL CONCERN IN PLAYOFFS tion of the convention started_ ~e 1ing associations are invited to the Major FUnctions Commitflee, the programs several years ago, divld- Wake Forest meeting: Randolph, lead to the writing of an honors Barn Committee, the Music and ing the state's associations into Liberty, Piedmont, Central, Dan !Continued on page 4) · Arts Committee, .the Recreation seven regions and making each Valley, Pilot Mountain, Surry, Yad­ Committee, and the Publicity Com­ Baptist college responsible for a kin, So\llth Yadkin, Rowan, Alleg­ ,, mittee. FM' Comes After Year's Work; particular region. - hany, Stone Mountain, Brushy . The values of each of the com­ $45 Million Campaign Proposed 'MGuntain, Brier Creek, Alexander Construction 'mititee were recounted in the chapel This year the colleges are dis- and Elkin. service by Sid Eagles, vice presi­ WFDI) · ,Gels Long Awaited Payoff Three members of the conven- Completed dent of the Student Union. ph • p f tion's Committee on Advance Pro- Student Union officials praised By CAROLYN YOUNG __ ,_the hour ifrom 10:00 to 11:00 Friday College Trustees approved the YSICS r0 eSSOl~ gram for the Colleges will speak Old- Gold and Black for editorial • AssisTANT EDITOR nights .. At this time "Operation changeover. Work was thenrstarted _To LectUi... e Here during the session which begins at On Walkway support of the increase in fees. Last Monday night the result of WFDD" will be heard on FM, on an application to the FCC for a ~ 10 a. m. They are Fred Helms of almoslt a year's work was visible- while class projects froon the license. Charlotte, J. J. Tarleton of Ruther- Construction was completed last or: more accurately, audible-as Speech-42 course will be presented At firslt there was a mixup over Dr. W~yne A, Bowers: pr~fessor fordton and Dr. ·vernon Taylor of week on the long awaited walkway' WFDD broadcast its first FM pro- on AM. call letters. The FCC was under of phys1cs at l!:be Umverslty Gf Elkin. , between ·Reynolda Hall and the gram. : Dr. Julian c. Burroughs, faculty the impression that "WFDD" be- North Carolina, ~ speak at 7:30 College Representatives Library. 67 Students Having at 6:40 p. m. Monday director of the station, says that as longed to the town of ~ake Forest, p.- m. _W"ednesd~y. m Room 21 of On Program I The $600 walk was constructed ., received a telegram from the Ned- yet WFDD's license which is the not realizing that the station moved the Sc1ence Building.
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