DEC. 23, 2016 – JAN. 5, 2017 VOL. 33, NO. 26 SERVING EVERGREEN & SILVER CREEK VALLEY EVERGREENTIMES.COM Santa lands his sleigh for annual 2:18 A.M. VOTE City Council approves 27 acre Evergreen pancake breakfast in Evergreen Valley College commercial development By Kevin Larsen By Kevin Larsen proceed that could eventually lead Times staff writer Times staff writer to commercial development on omething special was in the n a 10-1 vote, the San Jose the 27 acre site. The designation air on a brisk December 10 City Council approved a would allow a broad range of SSaturday morning in Ever- IGeneral Plan Amendment commercial uses, such as neigh- green Valley. changing the land use designation borhood-serving retail and servic- As he slipped through the clouds from Public-Quasi Public to es and commercial and profes- sunshine appeared for he and his Neighborhood Community Com- sional office development. reindeer lit up the Evergreen mercial for 27 acres of land at Residents are fearful of increased Community Center and warmed the Evergreen Valley College (EVC). traffic on San Felipe Rd. hearts of children and those a bit Councilmember Tam Nguyen Vice Mayor Rose Herrera apol- older. You see, Santa came to town! voted no at 2:18 a.m. Wednesday, ogized to those wishing to express While dropping by for toy parts Dec. 14. their views who waited more than for his workshop at the North Pole, Nguyen recommended defer- 6 hours into the early morning of he couldn't passes up invitations to ring the vote citing that there was Dec. 14. Some in the audience fell have pancakes with maple syrup! not enough public outreach, but asleep. Others went home and He loves maple syrup and this is a his substitute motion did not get came back. Others drank caf- known fact. the support of the City Council. feinated drinks to stay awake. This is a new stop off for him "The college should concentrate College students missed the meet- because the "Breakfast with Santa" for all. Mrs. Claus just as today I see in providing the classes that stu- ing altogether due to finals. event has returned to the Evergreen was also involved girls have wish lists dents needed so they do not have There were so many agenda community center as an annual and she thought it too with things for to travel to other colleges rather items for the Tuesday Dec. 13 San event and he likes to drop in before would be good for making new inven- than going into the commercial Jose City Council meeting, they Christmas to speak with children in her husband to get tions. This Silicon real estate business with a 95-year had to be extended over to the Evergreen and all around the world. out of the house at Valley is a special lease," said Nguyen. evening session causing a push of Evergreen Community Center the North Pole for place and the The San Jose - Evergreen time to exceed their expected pres- manager Tony Torres asked Santa to he was pushing the Evergreen area is so Community College District entation. Those attending the City come because his staff expressed it elves hard to make pleasant, he sighed. requested the change in order to Council meeting questioned why would be a nice thing to do and it sure they did good When he stepped be able to lease a portion of the such important agenda item was would bring in the Christmas cheer work in building in the room he saw land to generate revenue to sup- placed last on the agenda to cause Pictured: Christmas carolers heralded the toys and getting over a hundred fam- port programs and improve stu- them to be heard at 1:30 a.m. in the arrival of the man of the hour, Santa them organized for delivery on the ilies with children and marveled dent access at the college. The the morning. Some arrived at 11 Claus, at Evergreen’s annual “Breakfast 25th. What a fortunate thing it was at the light green placemats change now allows the process to See DEVELOPMENT, page 13 with Santa” event. to have Santa drop in and that See SANTA, page 6 explains the quick change in the weather conditions from the crisp cold to warm glow. Nguyen requests recount in District 8 council race This reporter asked Santa how he immy Nguyen (inset), candidate umentation from the automatic manual liked the Santa Clara Valley and he for San Jose City Council's recount." said that he really enjoyed his sleigh District 8 seat, has requested a On Monday, Dec. 19, the Register of ride for the clouds were comfy as he J manual recount of all the votes cast in Voters certified the District 8 election traversed over the hills. He said he the race on Tuesday, Dec. 13, which results and announced the staff of 150 always delivered a lot of science was the deadline for the request. had completed the County recount. items in this area and can remember Nguyen said he is paying for this The automatic recounts were a particular boy named Steve who recount himself. The Registrar has required, per the direction of the Santa kept asking him for more and more estimated the recount will cost more Clara County Board of Supervisors, computer parts a while back so he than $77,000. because the districts in which the con- could work with another boy named In his letter sent to the Santa Clara tests were held were entirely within the Woz and put different inventions County Registrar of Voters, Nguyen boundaries of Santa Clara County, the together. requested to see "all rejected vote-by- contests were not for any state or feder- Sometimes they were naughty he mail and provisional ballot envelopes, al office, and the margin of victory for said but…they turned out all right. all defective or 'spoiled' ballots' which were remade the candidates and measure was within 0.5% of the Ho Ho Ho, he chuckled, those boys by Registrar staff…and all tally sheets and other doc- total number of ballots cast or 25 votes. were always fiddling with new ideas SEE OUR LISTINGS OF EVERGREEN AREA MEETINGS, PLACES OF WORSHIP AND CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS INSIDE THE BACK COVER PAGE 2 EVERGREEN TIMES DEC. 23, 2016 – JAN. 5, 2017 SERVING EVERGREEN & SILVER CREEK VALLEY SINCE 1982 ONLINE: EVERGREENTIMES.COM SERVING EVERGREEN & SILVER CREEK VALLEY SINCE 1982 ONLINE: EVERGREENTIMES.COM EVERGREEN TIMES DEC. 23, 2016 – JAN. 5, 2017 PAGE 3 Times Local News The honorable President of the Board of Directors of the Evergreen Islamic Center, Mr. Faisal Yazadi, welcomed all of the nearly 400 citizens who walked through the gates and up the gentle hill of the Evergreen Islamic Center. Inclusiveness wins out when hate letter is met with love By Kevin Larsen community we should be proud of ourselves Times staff writer for coming together. "We are known as one brave decision was made to let our of the six metropolitan areas of the world community know about a hate letter that embrace a strong example for religious Athat resulted in bringing the commu- harmony where inclusiveness wins out," nity together at the Evergreen Islamic said Cortese. Center. A well-spoken eleventh grader stepped to The letter of hate speech was delivered to the microphone and while holding up her the Evergreen Islamic Association this past hand to the crowd expressed eloquently that month, which is located in Evergreen Valley. each finger is of a different size. "They are Humble civic leaders, spiritual leaders and only of certain strength but when they are all passionate citizens gathered to fight hate put together they become a fist and a fist is with love when they were invited to a gath- strong. The same is true with our communi- ering on Sunday afternoon, Dec. 12. ty, together we are strong and we are united." The calling together of religious leaders After saying a beautiful prayer it was stated from different faiths was done to symbolize that," we are a peaceful loving community." the family of caring and the common bond State Senator Beall explained that the of community. It was done to educate all strongest way to gain peace and end dis- including whoever wrote the letter. The crimination is through education. "To do entire community was invited to enter the this we should all work together to support Evergreen Islamic Center. every school board member and every mem- The honorable President of the Board of ber of the legislature to incorporate Islamic 4205 San Felipe Road, Directors of the Evergreen Islamic Center, studies in schools, colleges and more," said Suite 200 Mr. Faisal Yazadi, expressed "there is Beal. He went on to say, nobody should be San Jose, CA 95135 enough love to go around." He welcomed discriminated against in the state of all of the nearly 400 citizens who walked California." (408) 270-4333 Douglas W. Vierra, D.D.S. / Sharon D. Hoefling, D.D.S. through the gates and up the gentle hill of Bob Dhillon, Founder of the American www.plazadental.com Raju Y. Reddy, M.D., D.D.S. the Evergreen Islamic Center. Sikh Association and who helped make pos- Hundreds of community members poured sible the Gurdwara (Sikh Temple) said here into the gates and delicious cookies were set in our valley we are all part of the same I am extremely pleased on trays for all to taste and enjoy. In addition humanity and without the help of other that I chose Plaza Dental to their hospitality, the Islamic Community faiths we would not have been able to build Center gave tours of the building for all to religious buildings.
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