123 GENERAL INDEX TO' VOL. I. PARTS I, II, HI, IV. Abbotston, earthworks.at,' i, 23 Bournemouth, well sections .at, iii, Aldershot, well sections.at, iii, 19, 21 20 Bracklesham beds at Southampton, Alice Holt Forest, ii, 50 iii, 45 Alton, well section at, iii, 21 Bramshaw, well section at, iii, 22 Andredsweald, Forest of Anderida,' Bramshaw, excavations at,-i, 17 ii, 50 Bray, Sir Reginald, iv, 6g • Arboretum at Basingfield, ii, 25 "Bray," an heraldic device, iv, 69 . Ashford, C, on Mollusca round Brickmaking, clays for, iv, 30, sqq. ' Christchurch, i, 40: Brickwork, fine specimen of, in Ashley, camp at, i, 23 Hampshire, iv,' 41 Augustinian friars at Southampton, Brierley, J., on New Forest water, deed of surrender,, iv, 19 iv, 71. Analyses of water, i, 27 ; ii, 70; of iron ore, ii, 71; of con- tents of British urn, iii, 92 Browne, Sir Anthony, 1st Viscount Baddesley, Knights Hospitallers at, Montague, his tomb, iii, 65 ,,ii, 76 Browne, Mary, wife of Henry 2nd Balksbury encampment, i, 23 • Earl of Southampton, pedigree of, Baptismal Rites, iv, 86 iii, 78 • ' Barrows at Beaulieu Heath, destruc- Buckell, E., on plants of the Test tion of, ii, 10 valley, iv, 52 Basing earthworks, i, 23 Buckholt Forest, ii, 55 Basingstoke, lock-plate at, iv, 68 Buckland Rings, i," 23 Beacon Hill earthworks, i, 23 Burley.earthwork, i, 23 . Beaulieu Heath barrows, destruc-. Bury Hill earthworks, i, 23 0 tion of, ii, io •Butser Hill entrenchment, i, 23 Beconshaw, Sir William, family of*. iii, 94 . • Bere Forest, ii, 52, 53, 54 Bibliotheca Hantoniensis, xix Camps, ancient, and other earth- Birds of Hampshire and Isle .of' works in Hampshire, list of, i, 22 Wight, iv, 90 Canoe, ancient British, iii, go Bos primigenius, remains of, at Castle Malwbod earthworks, i, 23 Southampton, iii, 53 -,,.r' Chalk specimens, analyses of, ii, 72 Chapel at Godsfield, ii, 73, 81 Botley,' discovery of ancient caripe. Chases, ancient, ii, 52 near, iii, 90 '_:'•' 124 Chaumont, Prof. F. de, analysis of Entomological collections, ii, 24 Malm Rock, i, 21; obituary notice Evans, Mr. E., obituary notice, iii, 12 of, ii, 15 Eversley Forest, ii, 41, 48 Chelonians, fossil, iv, 57 Eye worth, well section at, iii, 23 Chilworth Camp, i, 23 Eyre, Rev. W. L. W., on Hants Christchurch, Mollusca found near, .Fungi, i, 49 ;.ii,.22 ; iii, 41 ; iv, 66 ; i, 40 ' on Godsfield Chapel, ii, 73 Chute, Forest of, ii, 45 Clarendon, Forest of, ii, 55 Clausentum, i, 42 Clays, Economic Use of, in Hamp- Faccombe.Wood, ii, 47 shire, iv, 40 Fane, F.,on Moyles Court, iii, 93 Clays of Hampshire, iv, 23 Fareham and Netley Railway, sec- Coins, collection of, ii, 25 tions opened on, ii, 31 Coins, Roman, i, 42 Farnborough, well section at, iii, 23 Fauna of Bracklesham beds, re- Colenutt, G. W., fossil Chelonians, iv marks on.some species, iii, 50 . 57 Fitz-Gerald, H. P., on Flora of Collections, private, list of, ii, 24 Conversaziones, iii, 12 ; iv, 12 . 'Hampshire, i, 35 ; on Mollusca of -f Cranbury Common entrenchment, North Hampshire, ii, 26 i, 23 Flora of Hampshire, Townsend's, Crondall Camp, i, 23 additions to, i, 35 Cox, T., discovery of urns by,. i, 47. Font at Odiham, iv, 84 Fordingbridge, well section at, iii; 24 Dale, W., list of private collections, • Forests,'ancient Hampshire, ii, 40 ii, 24 Fossils, collections of, ii, 24, 25 Danebury Hill earthwork, i, 24 Fossils, i, 19'; ii, 32 ; iii, 45 ; iv, 57, Danes Dyke, i, 24. 80 Davies, Rev. J. S„ on the Dissolution Fowler, Miss M. W. E., on-local - of thejFriary at Southampton, iv, animal and plant names, iv, 75 17 Freemantle Forest, ii, 44 Derivations of local names, ii, 48 Friary at Southampton, iv, 17 Devil's Dyke, Andover, i, 23 Fritham, water from, i, 27 Dob cottages or mud houses in Froxfield earthworks, i, 24 New Forest, iv, 44 Fuller's Earth in Hampshire, iv, 37 Drosera rotundifolia, iv, 46' Funeral charges of Henry, 2nd Earl Dummer, British urn at, iii, 92. of Southampton, iii, 68 Dunwood Castle, i, 24 "Fungi, list of Hampshire, i, 49; ii, 22 ; iii, 41; iv, 66 Fungus. Forays, ii,' 12 ; iii, 14; iv, 14. Earthworks, ancient, iv 22 Egbury earthwork,, i, 24 Eggs, British birds', collection of, Gates, old, at Southampton, ii, 61 ". 24, 25 Gelatinous growth, examination of, ii, 65 Eling, well section at, iii, 22 Godsfield, Preceptory of Knights Elinge Wood, ii, 60 Hospitallers at, Cartulary; ii, 73, Ellisfield Castle, i, 24 84 Elwes, J. Wv, on excavations at Godsfield, chapel at, ii, 73, Bramshaw, i, 17; on.'sections Gosport, well sections at, iii, 25, sqq. between Fareham and Netley, ii, Greenfield, B. W., on Wriothesley 31 ; on '.Dock excavations at tomb, iii, 65. Southampton, iii, 43 ; on fossils, Grey Friars' conduit at Spring Hill, iv, 80 it. 9 Emys, remains of, iv, 62 125 Hampshire birds,, iv, go; - camps Lepidoptera, collections of, J ii, 24, and earthworks, i, 22; clays of, • *S iv; 23; collections, ii, 24 ; .forests, Lepidoptera of Hampshire,!, 28; ii, 40; fungi, i, ,49; ii, 22 ; iii, 41 ; ii, 19 ; iii, 37 ; iv, 64 iv, 66; flora, i, 35; lepidoptera, Lias, analysis of, from Southampton i, 28; ii, 19 ; iii, 37;.local names, Docks, iii, 92 derivation of, iv, 64; mollusca, i, Lisle, Alicia,-iii, 93; her defence, 40; ii, 26 ; mosses, i, 45; iv, 78; iii, 97 ; condemned by Judge names animals and plants, iii, Jefferies, iii, 100 89; iv, 75; orchids, iii, 57; Lisle, Sir John, iii, 94 plants, i, 35 ; iv, 52 ; trees, i, 36 ; Littleton entrenchment, i, 24 well sections, iii. 17 Local animal and plant names, iv, 73 Hampshire Record Society,' ii, 85 Lock-plate at Basingstoke, iv, 68 Hantoniensis, Bibliotheca, xix " Luti appositores," or clay plaster 'Harewood Forest, ii, 47 . ers, iv, 44 Harewood Forest Camp; i, 24 Headley, well sections at, iii, 30, sqq. Headbn Clay in Hampshire, iv, 34 Maclean, Dr. W; C., obituary notice Heathcote, Rev. £. D., on Hamp- of the late Prof. F. de Chaumont, shire'mosses, iv,.78 ii, 15 Hengistbury Ditches, i, 24 Malm Rock, analysis of, i, 21 Heraldry, uses of, iii, 76 . Malwood, water from, iv, 71 Herbaria, ii, 24, 25 Manchester ship canal, ancient Hervey, Rev. A. C., on Lepidoptera canoe discovered', iii, 90 of Hampshire, i, 28; ii, 19,; iii, 37; Marbles, collection of, ii, 25 iv, 64 Medstead entrenchment, i, 24 Hewitt, J. T., analyses of chalk by* Mepn Valley, origin of, i, 11 ii, 72; of Lias mortar, iii, 92 Merdon Castle, i, 25 Holt Wood, ii, 34 Michelmersh, well section at, iii.: 32 Horsea, geology of, i, 13 Milton, well section at, iii, 33 Hospitallers, Knights, at Godesfield, Minns, Rev. G. W., on lock-plate their origin and history,, ii, 73, 79 at Basingstoke, iv, 68; on font at Hythe, well section at, iii, 31 Odiham, iv, 84 • Howlett, Rev. F., on Drosera rotun- Mollusca, near Christchurch, ii 40; difolia, iv, 46 of North Hampshire, ii, 26; of Test and Itchen valleys, iii, 89 Implements, Palaeolithic and Neo- Monk's Sherborne, well section at, lithic, collections of, ii, 24, 25 >«. 33 Iron Ore, Hampshire, analysis of, Moordown, discovery at, i, 47 - ii, 71 Mortar, Lias, analysis of, iii, 92 Ironwork, ancient, at Basingstoke, Mosses, Hampshire, list of, i, 45; v, 69, sqq. iv, 78 Moth, scarce, iii, 16 Moyles Court, iii, 93 Jefferies, Judge, iii, 97 Musical Instruments, early, collec- tion of, ii, 24 v Kelsall, Rev. J. E., on birds, iv, go Kemp, J. T., on Tufaceous deposits - of the Test and Itchen, iii, 83 Neolithic'hammer,, found at South- Knights Hospitallers at Godsfield, ampton, iii, 54 ") 73 Netley, well section at, iii, 34 New Forest, ii, 58 New Forest water, iv, 71 ' Ladle Hill Camp, i, 24 "No man's land." why so called, ii, Lavas, collection of, ii,'25 •54. 126 Norsbury Camp, i, 25 Shore, T. W., on ancient camps, i, North Stoneham, well section at, 22 ; on ancient Hampshire forests, : -iii, 35. 36 ii, 40; microscopic examination of gelatinous growth by, ii, 65'; on New Dock excavation at South- ampton, iii, 43; on the clays of Odiham, font at, iv, 84 Hampshire, iv, 23 . GdihanvForest,'ii, 49 Silchester, condition of the ruins, Old Winchester Hill, i, 25 ' i i 1 4 ' ' • • • -.'.'. Orchids, Hampshire, iii, 57 Silchester Rampiers, i, 25 Skelton, A. H., on Roman coins,' i,' 42; on old . gates at South- ampton, ii, 61 ' Pamber. Forest; ii, 44, 48 ' '. Southampton, coins found -near, i, Parkhurst Forest, ii, 59 • ••- • 42; new dock at, iii, 43; disso- Parnholt Forest, ii, 55 lution of Friary at, iv, 17;.old, Pinder, R. G., on discovery of urns :gates at, ii, 61; well section at, iii, at Moordown, i, 47.; on architec- 3'6'. : tiire of'Godsfield Chapel, ii,' 81 Southampton, Thomas, Earl of, iii, Pink,' Mr. C. R., obituary notice, 71; Henry, 2nd Earl of, iii, 6fr iii, II--. Southampton, Earls of, Wridthesley, Pipe making, clay for, iv, 31 pedigree, iii, 82 Plants, addenda 'to Townsend's Southsea, well section at.-iii-, 36 Flora, i, 35; of Ropley, i; 36; of Spring Hill, Grey Friars' conduit' the lower Test .valley, iv, 52; *• local names of, iv, 75 ' at, ii, • g Poole, Mr. W. W.;'obituary notice Stanstead Forest, ii, 54 of, i, 13 St. Clare's Wood, ii, 53 Portsmouth, fire at, ii, 76 Stonehenge, condition of the stones, Portswood' Forest, ii, 59 i, 14 Pottery in Hampshire, iv', 31, 43 Protoplasm, agregation of, iv, 56 Tatchbury Mount, i, 25. • Terebratula, discovery of, at Fare- ham, ii, 34 Test Valley, rarer plants of, iv, 52 Quarley Camp, i, 25 Test and Itchen, tufaceous deposits of, iii, 83 • Thorhess Bay, I.W., iv, 61 Tidbury Camp, i, 25 .
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