WASHINGTON ~ILY STATE UNIVERSITY ;VERGREEN Established 1894 Vol. 90; No. 62 Thursday, Jan. 5, 1984 Hulac becomes acting PE chair Advisory Council to remain, assists in decision making complaints from some women faculty performance, sports and leisure" in its by Allen Cheng members because the women felt they last meeting in December. Evergreen Staff were not appointed to the right commit- The department has appointed an ad tees and were left out of the input pro- hoq committee which is presently tak- Georgia Hulac, associate professor cess. ing criteria from faculty members for of physical education, received a Hulac said she also felt left out. "I the new name. majority vote from PE faculty members wasn't on any important committee, so A name which was rejected by PE in a meeting Monday to replace Ken- I kind of felt left out. " faculty members but which received neth Penman as acting-chairperson. The five key committees of the much Senate approval was "physical Penman said his resignation, submit- Advisory Council are concerned with education, sports and leisure." Hulac ted after the Thanksgiving vacation, graduate student affairs, undergraduate said she did not support that name be- was due to the Executive Vice Presi- student affairs, special programs, re- cause it was "passe." dent and Prov~st Albert Yates telling search and faculty development and "The name 'physical education' it- Penman he should get rid of his Advis- activities courses. self is passe, because it really doesn't ory Councilor resign. She said much of the unhappiness represent the things we do," she said. Hulac said, after returning from was caused by little things. "There "It implies only the education of the Christmas vacation in Australia, she were just little things the men did that physical and we educate the whole per- was surprised with her appointment. the women didn't and vice versa," she son. What we're trying to do is find a She said she does not yet know just how said. "It was caused by not being name that would have an eye for the she will administer the newly merged familiar with what each other did." . future. " department. Hulac said her biggest priority as The PE department is in the process She speculates that the department's chairperson will be to make sure that of searching for a permanent chairper- Advisory Council, which consists of people know "what channels to go son to begin work next year. chairpersons from five key committees through to get things done." Hulac is not applying for that posi- within the department, will probably She said she will try to improve the tion, she said. She said she does not remain. The Advisory Council does communications by holding more wish to work as chairperson any longer just that - advise. The council assists faculty meetings. "Because we're than she has to. the chairperson in the PE department in merging, it will be important to hold "The problem is that if they don't daily administrative decisions. , more faculty meetings. I'm sure the get anybody, I might have to get this memo writing will never stop," she job for next year," Hulac said. "I don't Hulac said she also is considering .think I want this job for that length of creating an Operations and Facilities said. "I.don't anticipate really big prob- time. We need a top notch, creative, Committee as a key committee for lems (facing the department). The real younger individual. 1 think we need Daily Evergreen/J. T. Cooley overseeing the enhancement of PE faci- main thing is to get a real functional some new blood (from outside the de- lities. thing going, a nitty gritty kind of a partment)." . New chairperson "It wasn't a men versus women kind Richard Bevans, assistant professor thing," she said. of a thing. Itjust was a matter of getting One of the biggest tasks facing the of PE, said, "I think people are pretty Georgia Hulac, an associate professor in physical education, re- the right people for the right places department will be coming up with a happy with it. There wasn't much said ceiveda majority vote by the PE faculty members Monday to be- (committee positions)," she said of the department name that will be accept- (during the faculty meeting). 1 think come the new acting chairperson of the department. Hulac replaces problems which caused such a stir re- she's pretty good for the position. I able to the Faculty Senate, which re- Kenneth Penman, who resigned after Thanksgiving vaction. cently within the department. jected the proposed name of "human think she'll be a good leader." The old Advisory Council received In Olympia: Rape suspect sought Terrell to testify (with the victim) it was determined Pullman Police, aided by a de- The crime previously had been considered indecent liberties/ that a sexual assault did occur," tailed composite sketch, are sear- said Mike Earp, who is leading the ching for a male who raped a attempted sexual assault. "After a follow-up interview investigation. for faculty pay hike woman in Pullman on Dec. 10. "By and large, college towns have a higher-than-average inci- dence of rapes, although 85 percent "If we are already near the bottom of of rapes occurring at college are of by Michael Wickline the seven-state average and faculty in the acquaintance type, unlike this Campus Editor other states receive about a 5 or 6 per- one," Earp said. "The occurrence cent pay raise during this calendar year, - this year seems significantly higher The university administration will we surely can't move up from near the but the number reported seems to make its case for moving up the uni- bottom," he said. "We are already be- stay about the same." versity's faculty and staff pay raises by hind our competition and we'll be The incident occurred Dec. 10 SIX months tonight during the House farther behind after this year without somewhere between 9 p.m. and Ways and Means Committee's higher moving up the pay hike." midnight on the pedestrian staircase education budget hearing in Olympia. at the intersection of State and Terrell admitted that convincing the Olsen streets. University President Glenn Terrell Legislature to appropriate funds will be In the original police report, it will testify before the committee at ab- difficult during this election year ses- was stated that the victim, a non- out 6:30 p. m. Executive Vice President sion because no one wants to increase student in her mid-twenties, was and Provost Albert Yates, Vice Presi- taxes. "It is going to be a real uphill battle. However, they are still going to approached from behind and dent for Business and Finance G.A. hear about the faculty salary situation thrown to the ground. According to "Jay" Hartford and Vice President for from me tomorrow night," he said. the report, she escaped by kicking University Relations Stan Schmid also the man and using a "chemical are traveling to Olympia with Terrell. agent. " The crime was classified as "I am always optimistic about our chances before the Legislature - I indecent liberties/attempted sexual "We are going to tell them how dis- can't be a pessimist," Terrell added. assault. couraging it will be for faculty if the The second report, dated Dec. salary increases are not moved up from He said that he also will discuss the 18, stated that the classification of Jan. I, 1985, to July I, 1984," Terrell other budget items the administration the crime was being changed, and said yesterday. "1 will stress that pn- has requested be included in its 1983- the present charge is sexual assault. marily during my testimony." 85 supplemental budget during his "There is no one suspect right testimony before the committee. now," Earp said. The Legislature granted faculty and Police do not know if the attacker staff a 3.6 percent pay raise together is a student here, but the suspect is with a 3.1 percent average merit pay Included in the administration's re- described as a white male aged 18- hike effective Jan. 1, 1985. However, ques.t are. $588,00 to plan a food pro- 22 or older, 6-feet l-inch tall, 180 the administration requested the pay cessmg pilot plant and human nutrition lab here, $150,000 to plan an Engineer- pounds, medium build with long, hikes become effective July 1, 1985. ing and Technology Center in Spokane. dark curly hair. The crime remains under inves- Terrell said the administration is ex- under the aegis of the Spokane Area Higher Education Consortium, $1.2 tigation, and anyone who recog- periencing problems recruiting faculty nizes the composite is asked to con- because their salaries are not competi- million for an International Marketing tact the Pullman Police detective di- tive with the average salaries of faculty Program for Agricultural Commodities center here and $570,000 for a hazar- vision. working for institutions in seven com- Rape Suspect parable states. dous wastes analysis lab. Page 2 News Daily Evergreen Thursday, January 5, 1984 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON YMCA Yates' talks salaries Presents at ASWSU meeting KENTUCKY economy of the entire state." Yates FRIED MOVIE by Gail Folkins said. Evergreen Stall The image of the university is also of & importance, Yates said. "This uni- THE Overall faculty salaries at this uni- versity has a special quality. Students versity are lower by three to five per- have a high level of affection for MR. BILL centage points compared to overall WSU," he- said.
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