S5702 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 25, 2019 TRANSMITTAL NO. 19–47 to pursuing an education at the U.S. serving as a visionary guardian of the Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of Military Academy, to earning the rank country’s well-being. Hailing from Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the of Supreme Commander of Allied America’s heartland and devoting his Arms Export Control Act Forces in Europe during World War II, life to the pursuit of liberty, Ike left Annex Item No. vii to becoming the leader of our Nation behind an extraordinary legacy that (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: and the free world, Ike continually created a better, more peaceful world. 1. The AN/AAQ–24(V)N LAIRCM is a self- strived for the best. Like so many of f contained, directed energy countermeasures his generation, he achieved a great deal system designed to protect aircraft from in- for himself and our country, but didn’t ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS frared-guided surface-to-air missiles. The seek personal credit for his accom- system features digital technology and plishments. Eisenhower’s determina- micro-miniature solid-state electronics. The REMEMBERING MARCA BRISTO tion, leadership, and honorable char- system operates in all conditions, detecting ∑ Ms. DUCKWORTH. Mr. President, I incoming missiles and jamming infrared- acter are the reasons that he remains seeker equipped missiles with aimed bursts respected around the world to this day. come before the Senate today to honor of laser energy. The LAIRCM system con- In fact, just 2 years ago in 2017, histo- the life of Marca Bristo: a trailblazer, sists of multiple Missile Warning Sensors, rians with expertise on Presidential an activist, a mother and—to me and Guardian Laser Turret Assembly (GLTA), rankings revised previous figures to so many others—a hero. She passed LAIRCM System Processor Replacement now include Eisenhower among the top away this month at the age of 66, after (LSPR), Control Indicator Unit Replacement five of all U.S. Presidents. spending the last four decades on the (CIUR), and a classified User Data Memory frontlines of the disability rights (UDM) card containing the laser jam codes. Although there are numerous exam- ples of Ike’s international respect, one movement. The UDM card is loaded into the LSPR prior With every day that passed and every to flight; when not in use, the UDM card is particular instance can be drawn from removed from the LSRP and put in secure his 1945 Guildhall Address. After Eisen- fight she took on, Marca redefined the storage. The Missile Warning Sensors (MWS) hower received the key to the city of word resilience. It was thanks in large for AN/AAQ–24(V)N are mounted on the air- London upon leading the Allies to vic- part to her decision to get out of her craft exterior to provide omni-directional tory in World War II, he said, ‘‘No wheelchair and crawl up the steps of protection. The MWS detects the rocket petty differences in the world of trade, the Capitol Building to help pass the plume of missiles and sends appropriate data Americans with Disabilities Act that I signals to the LSPR for processing. The traditions, or national pride should ever blind us to our identities in price- can roll through its corridors to cast LSPR analyzes the data from each sensor my vote in its Chamber three decades and automatically deploys the appropriate less values. If we keep our eyes on this countermeasure via the GLTA. The CIUR guidepost, then no difficulties along later. displays the incoming threat for the pilot to our path of mutual co-operation can She climbed up those steps to tear take appropriate action. The LSPR also con- ever be insurmountable. Moreover, down the barriers that had been hold- tains Built-in-Test (BIT) circuitry. LAIRCM when this truth has permeated to the ing us back. She got onto her hands hardware is CLASSIFIED only when a classi- remotest hamlet and heart of all peo- and knees so the rest of us could rise, fied UDM card is inserted into the system working tirelessly to turn the ADA and it is powered up. LAIRCM system soft- ple, then indeed may we beat our swords into plowshares and all nations from a dream to a law that enshrines ware, including Operational Flight Program the basic civil rights that those of us and jam codes, are classified SECRET. Tech- can enjoy the fruitfulness of the nical data and documentation to be provided Earth.’’ with disabilities rely on to live our is UNCLASSIFIED. Today, we are surrounded by Eisen- daily lives. 2. If a technologically advanced adversary hower’s enduring leadership and ideas. I and countless others am devastated were to obtain knowledge of the specific The effects of his creative innovation that we lost her so soon, but I am also hardware and software elements, the infor- and his focus on the future gave us the deeply grateful to have known her, mation could be used to develop counter- Interstate Highway System, the Fed- deeply thankful that, in one of the measures that might reduce weapon system eral Aviation Administration, the toughest times of my life, when I was effectiveness or be used in the development still adjusting to life in a wheelchair of a system with similar or advanced capa- Saint Lawrence Seaway, NASA, and bilities. the Department of Health, Education, after being wounded in Iraq, she de- 3. A determination has been made that and Welfare, now known as the Depart- cided to reach out. Through her kind- Qatar can provide substantially the same de- ment of Health and Human Services, ness and her wisdom, her strength and gree of protection for the sensitive tech- and the Department of Education. Ike her grit, she quickly went from strang- nology being released as the U.S. Govern- also supported legislation that wel- er to mentor to dear friend. ment. This sale is necessary in furtherance comed Alaska and Hawaii into the Marca was raised on a farm in up- of the U.S. foreign policy and national secu- Union; eradicated segregation in our state New York before moving to Chi- rity objectives outlined in the Policy Jus- cago and earning her nursing degree at tification. Armed Forces; and deployed the 4. All defense articles and services listed in Army’s 101st Airborne to Central High Rush University, but less than a year this transmittal are authorized for release School in Little Rock, AR, ensuring after becoming a nurse, a diving acci- and export to the Government of Qatar. that the law of educational integration dent left her paralyzed from the chest f was followed by all States. down. As the chairman of the Dwight D. Ei- She lost her home because she could DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER senhower Memorial Commission, I am no longer access it. She lost her job be- Mr. ROBERTS. Mr. President, today pleased to announce that the comple- cause there were no labor protections I wish to celebrate the 129th birthday tion of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Me- for those with disabilities. She lost her of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower morial, commemorating and memori- health insurance because her injuries was a fellow Kansan, a strong trail- alizing the general and President, is on and care were too expensive. But she blazer, and an exceptional American. budget and on schedule. A dedication didn’t lose her resolve, and our country His lifetime traversed many important ceremony is slated for May 8, 2020, the is far, far better because of that and be- eras in our Nation. Ike was born as the 75th Anniversary of the Allied Victory cause she believed that, even if you get American Frontier came to an end, and in Europe, V–E Day, during World War knocked down, it doesn’t mean you are passed away only a few months before II. It is truly exciting to realize that, knocked out. the United States stepped foot on the in about 7 months, our Nation will Marca’s entire life changed the day of Moon, beginning an exploration into dedicate a Presidential memorial in her accident. Suddenly, she looked the new frontier of space. Washington, DC, celebrating the life around and saw a world hostile to her, Born in Denison, TX, on October 14, and legacy of Dwight D. Eisenhower. hostile to all who couldn’t walk or see, 1890, and raised in Abilene, KS, Eisen- I ask you to join me in honoring Ei- couldn’t speak or hear. hower grew up in a humble environ- senhower’s 129th birthday. Ike not only So she set about changing the world. ment. He always worked hard for what championed the free world as an excep- She saw a country that pushed people he wanted. From his early years of tional military strategist, but also led with disabilities into the margins, a working 12-hour shifts at a creamery, our country to times of prosperity nation that treated them as less than, VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:27 Sep 26, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25SE6.027 S25SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with SENATE September 25, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S5703 one that overlooked or ignored their Mazowiecki Ghetto from 1940 to 1943. S.J. Res. 54. Joint resolution relating to a needs, making it impossible for many From the ghettos, he was then trans- national emergency declared by the Presi- to work or even to get to work, impos- ported all over Eastern Europe.
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