Annual Monitoring Report December 2016 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016 Cambridge City Council Annual Monitoring Report 2016 December 2016 List of Abbreviations List of Abbreviations Definition AAP Area Action Plan AMR Annual Monitoring Report ASHE Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings BfL Building for Life BfL12 Building for Life 12 BREEAM Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method CATS Cambridge Area Transport Strategy CCC Cambridge City Council CHP Combined Heat & Power CIL Community Infrastructure Levy CiWs City Wildlife Site CLG Department for Communities and Local Government CPERC Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Environmental Records Centre CSR Cambridge Sub-Region DPD Development Plan Document dph Dwellings Per Hectare DPSSC Development Plan Sub Scrutiny Committee DWP Department of Work and Pensions EEDA East of England Development Agency EERA East of England Regional Assembly ELR Employment Land Review EU European Union GC3 Greater Cambridge Cycle City Project GCP Greater Cambridge Partnership GO-EAST The Government Office for the East of England Grade I Listed Buildings of exceptional interest, sometimes considered to be internationally important. Grade II Listing Buildings that are nationally important and are of special interest. Grade II* Listed Buildings that are particularly important and of more than special interest. ha Hectares HESA Higher Education Statistics Agency HMO Housing in Multiple Occupation HRA Habitats Regulation Assessment HSSA Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix IMD Index of Multiple Deprivation IPPG Informal Planning Policy Guidance JDCC Joint Development Control Committee JSGIC Joint Strategic Growth Implementation Committee JTF Joint Transport Forum LDF Local Development Framework LDS Local Development Scheme Page | i List of Abbreviations Definition LEP Local Enterprise Partnership LNR Local Nature Reserve Local Plan Review The process of the creation of the Local Plan 2014, which will replace the Cambridge Local Plan 2006, once adopted. LTB Local Transport Bodies MW Megawatt NHB New Homes Bonus NHS National Health Service NIAB National Institute of Agricultural Botany NPPF National Planning Policy Framework ODPM Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (succeeded by the CLG) ONS Office for National Statistics PDCS Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule PDL Previously Developed Land PPS Planning Policy Statement R&D Research and Development RDA Regional Development Agency RGF Regional Growth Fund RSS Regional Spatial Strategy (also known as the East of England Plan) S106 Section 106 S29 Section 29 Committee SA Sustainability Appraisal SCDC South Cambridgeshire District Council SFRA Strategic Flood Risk Assessment SHLAA Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment SHMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment SPD Supplementary Planning Document SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest SuDs Sustainable Drainage Systems TIF Transport Innovation Fund TSCSC Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Page | ii Executive Summary Executive Summary Important Note: Cambridge’s planning policy framework is in a transitional phase, with the 2006 adopted local plan (plan period of 1999 - 2016) being replaced by a new local plan, to be adopted, hopefully, in 2017 (plan period of 2011 - 2031). This Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) makes reference to both plans, adopted (2006) and emerging (2014). Where the Local Plan 2014 is referred to, it should be noted that this plan has been submitted to the Secretary of State for examination and may be subject to change prior to adoption. However, the council believes it is appropriate, for the purposes of this AMR, to cautiously make reference to this emerging plan as part of this monitoring and reporting document. The Annual Monitoring Report (AMR) provides background information on the city and highlights the issues that need to be considered when reviewing or developing planning policies. Cambridge Today (Chapter 2) and the Contextual and Local Indicators (Appendices A and B) provide a general picture of the city. Analysis of policies in the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 from previous AMRs has been used to inform the policies in the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission, which will replace the Cambridge Local Plan 2006. This year’s AMR includes commentary and policy analysis of the 2006 Local Plan and provides additional information on the progress of the Local Plan 2014 and its associated documents. Local Plan Progress (Chapter 11) The Cambridge Local Plan 2014 was submitted for examination on 28 March 2014. Four blocks of hearing sessions took place between November 2014 and April 2015 and dealt with joint matters affecting Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council. The Proposed Modifications consultation was held between 2 December 2015 to 25 January 2016. On 31 March 2016 the Councils submitted the consultation responses, evidence base documents and associated proposed modifications to the Inspectors for consideration. Hearing sessions resumed in June 2016 covering the Joint proposed modifications issues of: housing; objectively assessed housing need; five year housing land supply and proposed joint housing trajectory and Green Belt. The Inspectors followed the joint hearing sessions on proposed modifications with Cambridge only matters and issues between 14 June 2016 and 7 September 2016. Hearing sessions for South Cambridgeshire District Council only matters commenced on 1 November 2016 and are currently scheduled to run until March 2017. Page | iii Executive Summary There are a number of South Cambridgeshire issues which are due to be scheduled for examination in public in the new year, these sessions will include strategic sites and the strategy for the rural area. Following this, examination sessions will focus on the remaining joint issues of transport, Gypsies and Travellers, omission sites and the Cambridge only matters concerning housing policies, site R17: Mount Pleasant House and student accommodation. Some of these sessions require the councils to produce further information for the Inspectors before hearing sessions can be scheduled. Following completion of the Local Plans examinations hearing sessions the Inspectors will write a final report on the outcome of the examination. Any major changes that are then required to the plan will be subject to a further round of consultation before the plan is adopted. It is envisaged that the plan will be adopted in 2017. However, this is dependent on progress made during the inspection. Work is underway to produce various SPDs that will support policies in the Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission. These SPDs will be adopted following the Local Plan. In 2016 two draft SPDs were consulted upon, have been agreed at the council’s Development Plan Scrutiny Sub Committee and are currently awaiting the adoption of the Local Plan 2014. These documents were: Ridgeons Site, Cromwell Road: Planning and Development Brief SPD and the New Museums Site Development Framework SPD. Mill Road Depot: Planning and Development Brief SPD and Mitcham’s Corner Development Framework SPD have been subject to consultation and are due to go to DPSSC for approval in January 2017. Land North of Cherry Hinton SPD is due to be agreed at committee for public consultation in January 2017, subject to the resolution of issues. The emerging Local Plan is still being examined. The Council is unable to adopt these SPDs until the Local Plan has been found sound and adopted. In the interim period, prior to adoption of the SPDs, these documents provide context and guidance as material consideration in the planning process. Designing Cambridge (Chapter 3) The council will be updating its Sustainable Design and Construction Supplementary Planning Document. It will be used to support a number of policies in the Local Plan 2014. The SPD will be adopted following the adoption of the Local Plan 2014. The Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD has been produced by Cambridgeshire County Council in conjunction with the Cambridgeshire local planning authorities. It was subject to consultation between 4 September and 16 October 2015. The SPD will be adopted following the adoption of the Local Plan 2014. Page | iv Executive Summary Conserving Cambridge (Chapter 4) The Historic Core of the Central Conservation Area has been reviewed and the Appraisal will be finalised and published in the near future. Public consultation on the Conservation Area Appraisal took place between 8 February and 20 March 2016. Both Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council have worked together with Sport England and the respective National Governing Bodies for sport to develop two sports strategies: a Playing Pitch Strategy 2015-2031 and an Indoor Sports Facility Strategy 2015. Both strategies will normally be refreshed every five years, to provide an up to date evidence base. Action plans for each strategy will be monitored on an annual basis to determine the progress made towards implementing each strategy and inform the process of refreshing each strategy. No planning permissions were granted contrary to Environment Agency advice on the grounds of flooding or water quality in the 2015/16 monitoring year. Living in Cambridge (Chapter 5) A total of 884 dwellings (net) have been completed in the last monitoring year (2015/16). 14,000 dwellings are to be provided between April 2011 and the end of March 2031, therefore the annualised projected requirement for Cambridge is 700 dwellings per annum. Current completions1
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