THE CORY LIBRARY FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH, RHODES UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, GRAHAMSTOWN. C.P. SOUTH APRICA. LIST OP ACCESSIONS: 1 OCTOBER 1946 to 30 SEPTEMBER 1947 The list is an inventory of material, arranged alphabetically according to names of signatories of letters, etc., or to subjects of pictures, maps, etc. Books presented to the Cory Library are not included. Items numbered from 126 – 414; and Pr. 1 - Pr. 27 were presented by S. P. Landrey Esq. , Xanadu, Kei Road, C.P. Items numbered from 415 - 480 are photographic prints of material lent by C. I. Paton Esq. , Ormly, Arbory Road, Castletown, Isle of Man. The material is divided into the following sequences: 1. Manuscripts, including typescript or photographic copies or manuscripts. 2. Printed Material, This sequence has the prefix "Pr". 3. Pictorial Material, excluding maps and plans. This sequence has the prefix "Pic". Manuscripts: ................................ p. 1. Maps and Plans: .............................. p. 30. Official Publications ....................... p. 29, Pamphlets, Periodicals and Newspapers ........ p, 29. Pictorial Material ............ ............ p. 28. Material on Permanent Loan ................... p. 30. Names and addresses of those who have presented material ............... ......... p. (ii) Names and addresses of those who have lent material ...... .............. p. (iii) NAMES AND ADDRESSES 0F THOSE WHO PRESENTED MATERIAL TO THE CORY LIBRARY FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH: 1 October 1946 - 30 S t b 1947 James Collie Esq. 310 Eastwood Street, Pretoria, Transvaal. Dr. C.G.A. Cory. Harrismith Street, Grahamstown. Mrs. J.G, Cuyler. Cuyler Manor, Uitenhage, C.P. William Fehr Esq. P.0. Box 1033, Cape Town. V.S. Forbes Esq. Rhodes University College. Dr. Fourcade. Witte Els Bosch, C.P. L. Gluckman Esq. Cathcart Arms Hotel, Grahamstown. Messrs. Grocott & Sherry. High Street, Grahamstown. Ds. H.C. Hopkins. Fort Beaufort, C.P. W.J. LaGrange. Town Hall, Grahamstown. S.P. Landrey Esq. Xanadu, Kei Road, C.P. Mrs, W.M. Levick. Stone's Hill, Grahamstown. Mrs. H. McKay. P.0. Box 7605, Johannesburg. T. Mackenzie Esq. c/o .Public Library, Grahamstown. Mrs. A.E. Murray, Cypress Grove, Graaff Reinet, C.P. Hugh Parker Esq. 10 Kemp Street, Port Elizabeth, C.P. Hiss Ida Rabone, 12 Carrington Street, Mafeking. Professor J.V.L. Rennie. Rhodes University College. Professor Michael Roberts. Rhodes University College. Major E.B. Walker. Rhodes University College. C.C. Wiles Esq. 5 Bathurst Street, Grahamstown. J.C. Will ESq. Hill Street, Grahamstown. J.T. Yeomans Esq. Henry Street, Grahamstown. The generosity of the above in presenting material to the Cory Library is gratefully (iii) NAMES AND ADDRESSES 0F THOSE TOO LENT MATERIAL TO THE CORY LIBRARY FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH 1 October 1946 - 30 September 1947 Mrs, Edwin Allen. P.0. Manubie, via Butterworth, Transkei. A. Calvin Evens Esq. Lowestoffe, P.O. Cathcart, C.P. Ronald Currey Esq. The Grange, Worcester Street, Grahamstown. Basil Gardner Esq.. Harvest Vale, Alexandria, C.P. H. G. Harraway Esq. Private Office, P.O.Box 1, Port Elizabeth Healdtown Institution. Port Beaufort, C. P, C.I. Paton Esq. Ormly, Arbory Road, Castletown, Isle of Man, British Isles. H.B. Rabone Esq. Beaufort Street, Grahamstown. Dr. R. Ross, High Street, Grahamstown. Mrs. Varder. Oatlands Road, Grahamstown. J.T. Yeomans Esq, Henry Street, Grahamstown. The courtesy of the above in lending material to the Cory Library is gratefully THE CORY LIBRARY FOR HISTORICAL RESEARCH RHODES UNIVERSITY COLLEGE GRAHAMSTOWN, C.P., SOUTH AFRICA. ACCESSIONS LIST 1 October 1946 to 30 September 1947. Ref, No. Signatory. Date and Nature of Document. 176. A.A. GENERAL Telegram to Landrey snr. 1 Oct. 1881. 173. • • .. .. .. 31 Oct. 1881, Kingwilliamstown. 393. ADKINS. H. Letter and statement of cattle sold to J. Landrey, 18 July 1894. Fort Jackson. 757. ALBERTI, L. Copy of letter, 1 May 1804, to Governor and Council of Policy (in Resolutien: 2 May 1804. Deel 3. pag, 1545 , etc. Cape Archives.) Presented by Dr. C.G.A. Cory. 744. • * Copy of Dispatch from .... " ’ad interim’ Landdrost van het District Uitenhage aan den Gouverneur & General en Chef over die Colonie de Kaap de Goede Hoop J.W. Janssens”. Headed: "Resolutien 1804. Vierde Deel. pag. 2968 etc. Zaturday 22 September 1804." Presented by Dr. C.G.A. Cory. 751. • • Copy and translation of Report by ... in Vol. 4, p. 2543. Dated 8 July 1805. Algoa Bay. Presented by Cr. C.G.A. Cory. 464. ALCOCK. C.B, Letter to G. Paton, 30 Dec. 1828. Uitenhagen, 762. ALLEN.William Notes on a journal by .... dated 23 Oct. snr. 1865 to 30 June 1870. Cradock. 3½ Ts pp. 4to, Original lent by Mrs. Edwin Allen. 450. ARMSTRONG.A.B. Letter to G. Paton. 16 Oct. 1826. Hermann's (Captain) [Hermanus?] Kraal. 451. ditto: 31 Nov. [Oct?] 1826. Hermann's .. [Hermanus?] Kraal. 773. ARMSTRONG. Copy of a list of their children. Undated. MS William & copy of original lent by H.G. Harraway, and CUYLER, Jane owned by Mrs. B. Grant Dalton. Elizabeth. 774. ARMSTRONG, Copy of a note on.... by ? Undated. MS copy WILLIAM. of original lent by (.... as above.) 737. Copy of "The Geology of Uitenhage" by .... ATHERSTONE.Dr. from The Eastern Province Magazine. June William Guybon, 1837. Lecture delivered at the General Institute, Grahamstown, 19 f'cap ss. pp. TS. presented by Professor J.V.L. Rennie. 2. CORY LIBRARY ACCESSIONS LIST: 1.10.1946 - 30.9.1947. Ref. No. Signatory. Date and Nature of Document. Pr.3. AYLIFF. J. J. Landrey's Commission as Justice of the Peace, Kingwilliamstown District. 23 June 1884. Cape Town. BATES. THOS. See also EVERITT. Alfred. 322. BATES. THOS. Account for sales of J. Landrey's wool, per Alfred Everitt. 8 Feb. 1896. London, ditto. 335. • • 14 Dec. 1896. London. ditto, 17 Dec. 1896. 325. • • London. 331. • • ditto. 23 July 1897. London. 339. .. Ditto. 12 Feb. 1898. London. 338. .. ditto. 2 Apl. 1898. London. Account rendered to J. Landrey. 9 Aug. 1899. 388. BEHR & CO. W. Kingwilliamstown. 192. BENNETT. [M?] Letter to Capt. Landrey. 22 May 1889. Mimosa Park, 166. BLYTH. MATT. Letter to Capt. Landrey. 2 Nov. 1880. (Chief Magistrate, Transkei. Transkei.) 163. ditto. 3 Nov. 1880. Office of the Chief • • Magistrate, Transkei. 167. • • Memo, to Capt. Landrey. 3 Nov, 1880 Transkei, 168. • • District Orders. 26 Nov. 1880. Transkei. Pr. 4. BOURKE, Maj. Ordinance for creating Justices of the Gen'l. Richard. Peace. 11 Dec. 1827. Cape Town. BRASLER. J.C. & 429. Agreement. 1 Aug. 1808. Cape Town. PRYS. F. 149. CHARTERS. W. Letter to John Landrey. 20 Feb. 1883. (inspector General Paymaster General's Office. King- Colonial Forces) Williamstown. Letter to Capt. A.B. Armstrong. 11 Sept. 449. CHASE. J.C. 1826, Grahamstown. CHRISTIAN. Letter to J. Landrey. 4 Feb, 1888. 375. GEORGE. Kingwilliamstown. Letter to “Dear Sir” [J. Landrey?] 13 Aug. 411. • • 1895. Kingwilliamstown. Telegram to J. Landrey, 24 July 1896. East 240. • • London. 229. • • Letter to John Landrey. 30 July 1896. East London, 3. CORY LIBRARY ACCESSIONS LIST. 1.10.1946 - 30.9.1947. Ref. No. Signatory. Date and Nature of Document. Letter to J. Landrey. 3 Aug. 1896. East 243. CHRISTIAN. GEORGE. London. 244. • • ditto. 11 Aug. 1896. East London. CHRISTIAN. G.B. && CO. See also SEARIGHT. James & Co. CHRISTIAN. Account rendered to J. Landrey, re wool. 353. G.B. & CO. 13 liar. 1888. Kingwilliamstown. 357. • • ditto. 7 Aug. 1888. Kingwilliamstown. 358. ditto. 21 A.ug, 1888. Kingwilliamstown, 359. ♦ • ditto. 18 Jan. 1889, Kingwilliamstown. 362. • • ditto. 7 Aug. 1889. Kingwilliamstown. 364. • • ditto. 10 Mar. 1890. Kingwilliamstown. 365. • • ditto. 12 Aug. 1890. Kingwilliamstown. 366. • » ditto. 13 Aug. 1890. Kingwilliamstown. 368. Letter to John Landrey. 13 Aug. 1890. • • Kingwi1liamstown. Account rendered to J. Landrey. 27 July 370. • • 1891. Kingwilliamstown. 372. • • ditto. 3 Mar. 1892. Kingwilliamstown. 373. • • ditto. 27 Oct. 1892. Kingwilliamstown. 228. & CHRISTIAN. Letter to John Landrey. 25 July 1896. G.B. CO. (per East London. J.A. Hockly.) 230. • • ditto. 29 July 1896. East London. Receipted Account to J. Landrey. 29 July 231. • • 1896. East London. 232. • • Telegram to J. Landrey. 30 July 1896. 246. CHRISTIAN. Copy of Statement. 3 Aug. 1896. East G.B. & CO. London. CLARK. Rev. Thomas, See also: PATON. GEORGE and MUIR. REV. WILLIAM. 428. CLARK. Rev. Thomas. Copies of letters to George Paton. 5, 7 June 1849 [Edinburgh], 23 Aug. 1851. Edinburgh. 157. COLONIAL Draft letter to John Landrey (damaged) GOVERN MENT. No day or month. 1870. no address. 391. COOPER & WHEELDON. Account rendered to J. Landrey, 8 Hay 1897. Kei Road. 4. Ref. No. Signatory. Date and Nature of Document. CORY LIBRARY ACCESSIONS LIST. 743. 1.10.1946 - 30.9.1947. CORY. Prof. Sir G.E. MS notes on Cape History, in 1 bound 4to. vol. Presented by Dr. C.G.A. Cory, CORY. Prof. Sir G.E. Typescript copies of MS records of conversations, visits, etc, as follows: Visits to Fort Willshire, Port Elizabeth, 68. and Uitenhage. Undated, 3 pp, f'cap. Conversation with Mr. Frank Whittal, at 77. Cuylerville [?] Undated. 2 pp. 84. Notes on Grahamstown (information from D, Farley.) Undated, 2 pp. 86. Conversation with W.P. Keeton of Lombard's Post. Undated. 2 pp. [Information about Grahamstown] from Mrs. 91. Booth. Undated. 1 p. [Statement by Mr, A.P. van der Post]on 93. Liebenberg family. Undated. 1 p. Conversation with Wedderburn [?] Undated. 99. 2 pp. 117. Conversation with James Darling, in Grahams town. Undated. 4 pp. 74. Coversation with Mr. Watson, in Grahamstown. April, 1897. 7 pp. 75. Visit to Bathurst; conversation with Mr. Amos Timm; Mr and Mrs Hayward. Dec. 1897, 3 pp. 76. Conversation with Mr. Wedderburn, in Grahamstown. 26 July 1898. 5 pp. 88. Conversation with Mr. Joseph Gush at Salem. 13 July 1899. 2 pp. Conversation with Mrs. Cawood, 18 July 78. 1899. 2 pp. Conversation with Mrs. Donovan. 11 Jan. 79. 1900. 2 pp.
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