STANTON BY DALE PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the Ordinary Parish Council Meeting of the Stanton-by-Dale Parish Council held at 7.30pm, on Thursday 7th June 2018, in the Village Hall, Stanhope Street, Stanton-by-Dale. Present: Cllr M Edinborough (Chair); Cllr R Homer; Cllr S Leaf; Cllr P Woodward. Cllr W Major (DCC and EBC); Cllr J Frudd (EBC) Mrs M Fox (Clerk) and 2 member of the general public. 128/2018 Apologies – Cllr C Coates; Cllr P Harvey; Cllr S Green (EBC) 129/2018 Cllr Homer to sign the Acceptance of Office. Cllr Homer signed the Acceptance of Office as Vice-Chairman. 130/2018 Variance in Order of Business – None 131/2018 Declaration of Members Interests – Cllr Woodward, item 9 ERE/0518/0035 132/2018 Public Speaking – (15 minutes) A resident requested a mirror at the bottom of Middlemore Cottages drive. Agree to put on the agenda for the next meeting and clerk to make enquires and talk to planning in the meantime, ie, lamp post or private wall. Chair had received an email request for a sign in Dale Road between Bird Watchers Cottage and Gary Hodgson. The sign should be narrow road and/or parked cars. Cllr Major agreed to make a request at DCC. Chair had telephone call from WI and they would like a Notice Board on the wall in the Village Hall, at their cost. Chair to confirm that it is no problem so long as not too large, but any damage up to them. Reports from Outside Bodies. Police – The crimes reported by PCSO Karen Pykett were on16th May there was a vehicle crime in Dale Road, 20th May criminal damage on Lows Lane and between 18th and 23rd May a theft on Lows Lane. DCC – Pot holes are now being repaired and although money has been put in, it will still take time. Fines have been increased for littering and two who refused to pay have gone to court and have had to pay in the £100’s. HS2 mitigation board is about to be set up and first meeting is next week on Tuesday and Cllr Major will attend in place of Cllr Hart. It is looking at mitigating disruption in the area. Stanton Gate has now been put in the rural banding for compensation. School crossing patrols - schools and Parish Councils are being asked to help with funding. The area for funding may be increased to school catchment area and Parish Councils may have to work together. There is a Consultation on Libraries at the moment, nearest to us is Borrowash Library and looking to run with community groups, but is causing upset. Hoping groups will come forward and will do all they can to assist. Cllr Major has seen a letter from DCC to Maggie Throup MP regarding HGV’s so we will probably hear from her soon. EBC - Mainly EMH properties, walls surrounding old peoples bungalows have wall worm. Also there are litter problem at Kirk Hallam shops and everyone needs to help to improve the matter. Kirk Hallam Lakeside Festival is on Sunday 1st July. A Cross Party steering group has been set up at EBC for HS2 to influence what will happen in Erewash. LED street lighting is starting to come out in Erewash; it may be a problem in the conservation area. Tuesday this week, EBC started on their new Core Strategy, it allows them to defend the green belt. 133/2017 To approve the Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Stanton-by-Dale Parish Council Meeting held on Thursday 3rd May 2018. The minutes were approved unanimously and signed by the Chair. 1 134/2018 To determine which items if any from Part 1 of the Agenda should be taken with the public excluded. – None. 135/2018 Chairman’s Announcements. None. 136/2018 Planning Cllr Homer asked Cllr Frudd if Borough Councillors do take any notice of the Parish Council as a planning has been turned down on access before and it has now been passed unanimously, it is 33a Main Street. It was passed as it was thought that if it went to appeal it would be passed. It was stated that there is bound to be an accident, it is unsafe. Each application is looked at on its merit. Cllr Major suggested that we contact the head of the EBC Jeremy Jerousak to arrange a meeting regarding previous decisions made by the Planning Committee and where the Parish Council stands in the future. Applications. ERE/0518/0005 27 Quarry Hill, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4QQ. Replacement of existing single glazed windows with new double glazed hardwood windows. Replacement & enlargement of side window. Replacement of rear window with timber doors. Replacement of side door. No objection. ERE/0518/0035 5 Main Street, Stanton-by-Dale, Derbyshire, DE7 4QH. Proposed new 3 bedroom dwelling with integral double garage on the garden of no. 5 Main Street, Stanton- by-Dale. Objection. 137/2018 Memorial to Dale Road Air Crash Facebook page is almost completed but some slight adjustments to allow people to donate. 138/2018 HGV’s in the Village. No more replies since the end of March. Leave on the agenda as we understand that there is information pending. It is hoped to try and arrange for residents to do a survey for a whole day. 139/2018 Village Entrance signs. Pictures of the entrance signs were handed out and look good. It was agreed to complete the application form to apply for entrance gates on School Lane and Cllr Woodward to let Clerk have information. 140/2018 Village Hall Refurbishment (including handrail outside). Handrail to go on the left-hand side and Cllr Woodward to pursue at a cost of under £50.00. Quotes for work are coming in and hopefully will be available for next meeting 141/2018 Fly Tipping and Rubbish. Email received back from Scott Cartledge and it is being processied and his officers are looking at the site. 142/2018 GDPR – Data Protection/ Privacy Policy. It was unanimously agreed to accept the Privacy Policy which had been forwarded to the Councillors for approval. All Councillors unanimously agreed for the Clerk to take the old paperwork to Matlock to be archived. 143/2018 20mph Zone Clerk to chase up with Traffic and Safety Team DCC. 144/2018 Camera in Village Clerk to find out who West Hall PC use for their cameras and to contact them and find out the cost. We would need one camera monitored from 6am to 6pm for HGV registration plates. Agreed to move up to HGV’s on next agenda. 145/2018 HS2 Growth Strategy/MP Letter. Letter sent to Chair from Maggie Throup MP and another meeting to be set up and to keep on agenda. 2 Clerk to contact Paul Mullins from High Speed Two (HS2) to confirm that they have 30 minutes for their presentation at the next meeting. 146/2018 Notice Boards outside Village Hall. Defer to next meeting. 147/2018 Footpath around Churchyard near Flake field. Up Church Walk to the gates before graveyard, if you turn left and there is a public pathway to east side of the graveyard and this is where the hedge needs cutting back. Clerk to contact Ian Slater to ask for a price. It was agreed unanimously that the quote be agreed by email. 148/2018 New Model Standing Orders. To defer to the next meeting. 149/2018 Playground and new multi-purpose bin. Paul Guyll has agreed to empty the bin on the playground and the Clerk agreed with him a price of £18.00 per month for the inspections and bin emptying. 150/2018 British Legion. It has been requested that the Parish Council write a message to be put on a wreath to be laid at Great Pilgrimage 90 and Cllr Homer agreed to do this. 151/2018 Report of the Parish Clerk on: - a) New Website/Minutes on old Website/S-by-D email. To go with £349.00 model and £60.00 per year for software and anti-virus at approx £20.00. All Councillors happy with the new website and Clerks first training is on 18th June and should hopefully be up and running soon after that date. The WI have asked if they can advertise their events on our web site. To put on the next agenda. b) War Memorial – continuing to monitor. c) Broken footpath sign at bottom of Church Lane. d) Stanton Regeneration. e) CREST but further results are still awaited. f) Good Councillors Guide handed out to one councillors not at previous meeting. g) Potholes on Dale Road are now done. h) Stone curbs on Stanhope Street, is still ongoing. 152/2018 Derbyshire Association of Local Councils DALC Circular No.7/2018 General Circular GDPR – Local Councils will most likely not need to appoint a DPO; GDPR – Guidance on keeping contact list up to date; GDPR – a bit of light relief!; Update on Data Protection Fees; Potential Issues with PWLB balances; National Grid Gas; Planning and Building Control – survey; Publication: a guide to effective partnership working between principal and local councils. 153/2018 Finance a) Accounts for Payment as per schedule (5 Minutes). b) Income – Electricity refund £8.36 from E-on paid into bank on 4th May and £70.00 from Darren Wild for Village Hall rent on 8th May. c)Councillors to approve the Annual Governance Statement and Chair and Clerk to sign. d)To agree Internal Accounts for year ending March 2018 and Chair and Clerk to sign.
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