Ki’rate studio celebrates anniversary. See page A-3. SOUTH PLAINFIELD o r t e r Metuchen • Edison • Highland Park • Piscataway Vol. 36. No. 22 Friday, May 28, 1999 50 cents Good grades equals District to host kindergarten forum a golden moment SOUTH PLAINFIELD — A B orough’s V ision 2001 honors students kindergarten orientation will be held 7 p.m., Thursday, June 3 at By UBBY BARSKY Leporino, a former Board of Riley School. CORRESPONDENT Education member who initiated The program is for parents the concept of a gold card that and guardians of children who SOUTH PLAINFIELD — The provides incentives to encourage will enter the kindergarten pro­ third annual Tiger Gold barbecue students to achieve. gram in September. This will was held Tuesday for the 250 The program is sponsored by offer information on curriculum, South Plainfield High School stu­ the South Plainfield Vision 2001 health and transportation ser­ dents who had received Tiger Education Foundation, of which vices, the latchkey program, spe­ Gold cards during the school Leporino is a co-founder. cial summer programs and tips year. “I’m very glad that it’s work­ for helping to prepare children To be eligible for a Tiger Gold ing out and students are striving for kindergarten. card a student must maintain a to achieve,” he said. Parents who have not yet reg­ 3.0 grade point average for the “It’s having a measurable istered their children into marking period; have no disci­ effect on the kids,” Principal kindergarten in September are pline referrals; and engage in two Anthony Massaro said. “I see if urged to do so in the transporta­ or more extracurricular activities building. tion department, room 2 1, of the or sports. “It’s gone from the thing you; Administration Building. The The program is “becoming don’t want to do to becoming the. office hours are 8 .a m.-noon more and more popular,” fashionable thing to do,” Massaro; Monday-Thursday. Assistant Principal Helen said. i Children who are age 5 by Gottlieb said. The students also spent time; Oct. 1 are eligible to enroll. “Those kids who were not able playing soccer, tossing a beach! For more information, call to attend today were heard to say ball around, signing yearbooks' (908) 754-4620, Ext. 224. ‘Boy, I’m going to really make and mostly talking to each other. sure next year that I get a gold As part of the event, raffles card at least once’,” she said. were held for yearbooks, prom The barbecue attracted 225 bids, sweatshirts and other items Need a cool treat students last year and 150 in donated by the Vision 2001 try ice cream social 1997. Education Foundation. Raffle This year there was also a stu­ prizes and winners: SOUTH PLAINFIELD — dent who received an honorary Yearbooks — Alison Barrett, Treat the family to a cool dessert Tiger Gold card for her honesty: Jason Bataille, Jaclyn Cox, David and support Roosevelt School at She turned in a wallet with Johnston, Michael Maina, Jeff the same time. money and credit cards. McNight, Marco Migliaro, Kevin An ice cream fund-raiser will Sodexho-Marriott Services Petrocelli, Sandra Sharbash and be 3-9 p.m. Thursday, June 3 at donated and cooked the ham­ Kathy Skoba. Petrucci’s Ice Cream Company, burgers, veggie burgers, barbecue Prom bids — Melane Cannon, 474 Washington Ave. in chicken, hot chicken wings and Ryan Flannery, Chris Gati, Piscataway. com on the cob. The company Kristen Linczyk, Michael also provided snacks, cookies, Lindgren, Chris Malecki, Sandra Road work may watermelon and soda. Marin, Jane Nguyen, Gloria Osley and Kristin Pfeifer. delay traffic Rita’s Ices provided the Italian ice. (Continued from page A-l) SOUTH PLAINFIELD — The Also present was Emil reconstruction of the traffic sig­ nals at the intersection of County park police officer to Centennial Avenue, Stelton GEORGE PACCIELLO/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Road and Hadley Road is expect­ Franklin School boated a Jump-A-Thon last Wednesday to raise money for the American Heart Association. ed to begin Tuesday, June 1. Nancy Ramno and her daughter Vanessa Cassano jump together. join borough department The project is expected to By UBBY BARSKY from the Municipal Building, take about a month. The road CORRESPONDENT will be nothing new for the bor­ will be open to motorists, but Franklin students jump with heart ough police department. they should plan an alternate By UBBY BARSKY and introduced it to Franklin mother of a Franklin student),” SOUTH PLAINFIELD — A Merkler said the South’ route. member of the Middlesex Plainfield police have always CORRESPONDENT School. the teacher said. “This event is Parents, relatives and busi­ dedicated to him. We are trying County Park Police will soon had a presence in Spring Lake Recycling center to SOUTH PLAINFIELD — A nesses were asked to sponsor to raise money so that won’t join the South Plainfield Police Park and responded to emer­ observe holiday total of 130 Franklin School stu­ students who participated. The happen. Department. gency calls from that park. dents from first through fifth students were told not to collect Bufis was 44 when he died, Chief Steven Merkler said In a related matter, the SOUTH PLAINFIELD — grades spent more than an hour door to door. Kelly said. the Park Police officer would be Borough Council will authorize Because of Memorial Day, there after class May 19 jumping rope If a student collected $125 he A large donation to the heart on the South Plainfield police $3,960.60 for seven new bullet­ will be slight changes this week in the gym for the American would receive a heart straw, association was made by force by late August. proof vests for the South for the recycling center and yard Heart Association. jump rope, T-shirt, key ring and Goldberg, Ackerman & Zucker, a The Middlesex County Plainfield police. The vests, waste site on Kenneth Avenue. The $5,318 raised by the stu­ playground ball as prizes. law firm where Kelly and Mrs. Freeholders has eliminated the which will be purchased Both facilities will be open 8 dents will be used for the associ­ All participants raising $150 Bufis are employed. Park Police for budget reasons. through a state contract, are a.m.-3 p.m. tomorrow and 1-8 ation’s research, public educa­ or more had their names placed The students were divided The county will assume respon­ replaced every five years under p.m. Wednesday. The center will tion and community programs. in a drawing for a trip for four to into groups of four with such sibility for the officer’s salary terms of the labor contract with be closed Sunday, Monday and The event, sponsored by the Walt Disney World. names as “Non-Stopper,” and fringe benefits until the Policemen’s Benevolent Tuesday. Franklin School PTA and the Before the groups began “Marathon Runner” and “Heart March. Association. Summer hours at the recy­ American Alliance for Health, jumping, Smith spoke to the Attacks.” Placing patrols in the coun­ The borough is applying for cling center and yard waste site Physical Education, Recreation students about the purpose of Each group shared one jump ty-operated Spring Lake Park, a grant that would cover half begin Friday, June 4. The recy­ and Dance, has raised $22,300 the “jumpathon.” rope with one member jumping on Plainfield Avenue across the cost of the vests. cling center will be open 8 a.m.- over six years. “Someone passed away with a for 30 seconds at a time. Some 3 p.m. Saturday, 1-8 p.m. Physical education teacher heart attack last month: Frank students, like fourth grader Memorial Day services set for Monday Tuesday and Friday. The yard Drew Smith was involved with Bufis, whose wife is a fellow Anthony Cassano, managed to SOUTH PLAINFIELD — Clinton Avenue, 10 a.m. waste site will be open 8 a.m.-3 the program while in college worker of Mrs. Sheila Kelly (a (Continued on page A-2) Memorial Day services in the Veterans Memorial Park, p.m. Saturday; 1-8 p.m. Tuesday, borough for Monday have been Church Street, 10:30 a.m. Wednesday and Friday. announced. The schedule: Veterans of Foreign Wars hall, * For updates, call (908) 226- Roosevelt students compete in bee American Legion hall, 243 155 Front St., 11 a.m. 7620. Oak Tree Ave., 9 a.m. Refreshments will be served > By UBBY BARSKY dents say the word, spell it then Douglas, first grade; Garrett Kelly, Baptist cemetery, New Market at the VFW hall after the VFW j Rescue squad logs CORRESPONDENT say the word again,” she said. second grade; Brooke Denitzio, Avenue, 9:30 a.m. service. “Parents don’t participate but one third grade; Ashley Anne Chosney, United Hebrew Cemetery, The public is invited to all ser­ 152 calls in April SOUTH PLAINFIELD — PTA parent is present at each fourth grade; and Ryan O’Shea, New Market Avenue, 9:45 a.m. vices. For more information, call SOUTH PLAINFIELD — The Roosevelt School held repent grade contest to help the classroom fifth grade. Holy Redeemer Cemetery, (908) 668-9751. South Plainfield Rescue Squad spelling bee for grades one through teachers.” logged 152 calls in April.. five, with students in the same Every participating students Those calls included 111 for grade competing against each receives a certificate and the win­ medical assistance; 20 motor other. ' ners receive Beanie Babies. vehicle accidents; six fires; four There were 15 winners, with First place winners: Jamie community service requests; each grade having a first, second Thompson, first grade; Ashley four transportation calls; two and third place winner.
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