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We have developed a novel bioassay, the lymphocyte/platelet binding assay, for PIF in blood or other Infertility is a major health care concern affecting millions bodily fluids such as urine, saliva, tears and/or media used of couples worldwide, including approximately five million to culture in vitro fertilized ova. Development of other in the United States (5). Diagnosis and treatment of infer assays such as ELISA and other immunoassays and tility are costly. About one million couples have no discern chemolucent assays for PIF are made possible by use of the able cause for their infertility (7). Reproductive life table bioassay as standard. Known immunoassay techniques are analysis indicates that the majority of reproductive failures 10 employed to determine the presence or absence of PIF in occur immediately after fertilization during the preimplian blood by contacting with monoclonal antibodies to PIF and tation period (8). determining the amount of PEF, if any, that becomes bound It is important to be able to identify infertile individuals to a fixed quantity of antibody. Isolation and identification of experiencing recurrent post fertilization failures. Identifica proteins constituting PIF, made possible by use of PIF assay tion of such individuals would allow more focused investi 15 permits their application to development of diagnostic and gations for specific treatment of recurrent post fertilization therapeutic tools. failure. Exclusion of these individuals from treatment pro Early pregnancy factor (EPF) binds to lymphocytes and grams designed to enhance fertilization rather than implan decreases their rosette formation in the sheep red blood cell tation would decrease the cost of infertility therapy by inhibition assay (RIT) (3). By contrast, in our assay PIF eliminating inefficient treatments. 20 enhances lymphocyte binding to platelets demonstrating the After fertilization the developing human pre-embryo ability of PIF to cause enhanced platelet-lymphocyte inter takes approximately six days to traverse the oviduct, enter actions. Whatever the mechanisms of action, PIF can be the uterine cavity and implant in the maternal endometrium. measured in our bioassay by virtue of its enhancement of Implantation of the embryo, rather than fertilization, is the interaction between platelets and lymphocytes. This phe rate limiting process in human reproduction differentiating nomenon is pregnancy specific, and is not the result of fertile from nonfertile cycles. Yet in the human female the actions of pregnancy hormones such as progesterone or events occurring between ovulation and implantation in vivo human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). are clinically silent. Amarker for fertilization before implan Until now, the major limitation in applying the measure tation was sought. ment of an early pregnancy factor as a clinical tool has been Two factors have been reported as markers offertilization 30 the difficulty and lack of reproducibility of results obtained in women-embryo derived platelet activating factor when using other assays. Our new lymphocyte/platelet bind (EPAF) (9-12) and early pregnancy factor (EPF) (1.2, ing assay which detects PIF is easy (4 reagents), reproduc 13-17). PAF (platelet activating factor) is a potent phospho ible (intra-and interassay variabilities of less than 3%) and lipid mediator which is produced by many cell types and has cost efficient (time for each assay is less than 5 minutes).
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