Big Ten official to investigate aid charges said Athletic Director Biggie Munn. " If Indications that those making the charges In Lansing, Walt Rskuekl, said compli­ By JOE MITCH the Big Ten Is going to make on Investi­ weren't conversant with what’s permis­ mentary tickets were sent to organiza­ THIS IS TO IMTROOUCE and gation, we hove everything In order here." sible under the Big Ten and the NCAA John A. Fusak, MSU* s faculty represent­ tional groups such as Boys -Training GAYEL WESCH rules." School and the Boy Semite as well as to ative to the B g T«t and chairmen of the One of the Daily’s accusations, that other area athletes. John Ebwey, Big Tan assistant com­ athletic council, said he had been con­ football players were given discounts at Other Butterfield Theatre managers de­ missioner, will Investigate the Michigan tacted by Dewey Sunday and asked to check local theatres, being charged only e 25 clined to comment on the Issuing of gratui­ a lly's charges of Illegal aid activities Into the accusations the Dally made In its He is • wember of the 1967 Verslty Football Squad. cent service charge, was affirmed by ties to MSU athletes. In MSLTa football deportment as soon ee Sunday edition. Dewey said at that time Any consideration you can give him M ill be greatly Daugherty and other MSU officials, but Another primary consideration con­ hie Investigation Is completed at the Uni­ he would check the situation at MSU the Illegality of the practice was ques­ cerning the discount was whether it was appreciated. versity of Michigan. after his Investigation at Michigan was tioned. used as Inducement for athletes to attend Dewey wee Instrumental In the con­ completed. The players wore Issued so-called MSU, Fuzak said this was not done. ference’s Investigation at Illinois last year Fuzak was uncertain as to when Dewey "Duffy Cards," at pre-fall practice, which " I ’m pretty certain this theater dis­ which resulted in the dismissal of three would be at MSU, but it could be late PuTTy fcugherty * ----- ^ identified them as members of the team. count is done at practically all universi­ Hum coeches and penalties imposed by this week. Managers, following a long-standing ties, and I can't regard it as being of Head Fo o tb a ll Coach the National Collegiate Athletic Assn. Fuzak and Assistant Athletic Director tradition, provided rosters to local Butter­ great significance," Fuzak said. "Maybe (TCAA) and suspension by the conference. Burt Smith said they have looked into Michigan State University field chain theaters, and the players were it's inappropriate, and if they regard ltaa He is currently Investigating charges by the Daily's accusations. given the special discount upon presen­ such we won't do it anymore." the Dally of Illegal practices by players Fuzak said he felt sure that "most, if A Duffy card tatimi of the identification card. When Dewey reaches MSU he will and athletic department officials at the not a ll" of the accusations would prove The practice illegal, according to Is probably meet with Fuzak, Munn, Smith, This Is the pass, called a Duffy card, used by MSU football players U of M. false. Fuzak, only if other student groups are "The allegations made by the Michigan "W e will look into all aspects of the to gain a 25 cent admission to the Butterfield theater chain In the not given similar arrangements. (Please turn to page 8.) East Lanstng area. Daily are being looked into by my office,” matter in detail," Fuzaksald. “Thereare The manager of the Gladmer Theatre W e d n e s d a y The multiversity MICHIGAN S u n n y . , , . Is an Imperative rather than . with a high In the m !d-20s. a reasoned choice among elegant STATE Low tonight: 12 degrees. Partly cloudy and warmer Thursday. alternatives. -_C|ark Kerr UNIVERSITY February 14, 1968 Vol. 60 Number 126 East Lansing, Michigan 10c Letter grade discontinuation proposed by faculty group C, D and F grades to a numerical system that does not exist at present," the report By LINDA GORTMAKER -No student may enroll in more than is detailed in the report in the following reads. State News StaffWriter six courses on the Cr-N basis and In no way: The numerical system also changes the more than one course in any given term. A standing faculty committee released — The present system of letter grades, minimum levels at which course credit The EPC has called for an evaluation today a propo sed revision of MSU's grading A, B, C, D and F shall be discontinued shall be awarded: . of this system by the provoat's office system calling for elimination of letter and replaced by a numerical system of — 1.0 for undergraduate students who annually and for a report to the Aca­ rejects G O P try Labor grades and a limited credlt-no credit grading upon the present grade point scale, have completed fewer than 85 credits at demic Council during the first five years system. — The numerical system shall consist of the beginning of a given term. after adoption of the proposal. The Educational Policies Committee the following scale: 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, — 1.5 for undergraduate students who The report must be approved by the (EPC) distributed over 2,500 copies of 2.5, 2.0,1.5,1.0, 0.5, 0. t o s t o p 1 a b ility to p a y ’ have completed 85 credits or more at Academic Council, rather than by the the report that represents one-and-a-half — The grade of 4.5 shall be awarded the beginning of a given term. Academic Senate. In 1964 an EPC pro­ years of work. Both students and faculty only for exceptionally high performance. -2 .0 for graduate students. posed grading system revision was re­ By LEO ZAINE A from the AFL-CK) to abandon bis campaign members working in subcommittees con­ "W e hoped to make the mechanics of The report also provides for exceptions jected by the Academic Senate. State News Staff Writer against the fee plan. tributed to the report. grading easier," M iss Arata said. " If in some graduate programs In the system At Tuesday’s Academic Council meet­ "They’ve been after me before on this Dorothy A. Arata, professor*of foods this system Is Implemented, it will avoid at the college and <l<q»xtm«otal level. ing, Mise Arata asked that the deans be Organised labor appealed to the Michi­ thing and called me names you couictfi'c ana nucrfcft/n and EPC chairman, pre­ the reconverting of grades. First, Che The second major recommendation, the charged to take Immediate action to call gan Legislature Tuesday to rejecta Repub­ print," he said, "They have charged me sented first copies to the Academic Coun­ sclent earns a numerical score on a test limited credlt-no credit system. Is a a meeting of college représentatives to lican-sponsored constitutional amendment with partisan politics simply because I cil at its monthly meeting at 3:15 p.m. that is converted to a letter grade for the modification of the pass-fail system em­ EPC and council representatives from to prohibit "abillty-to-pay" as a basis for opposed it." Tuesday. report card, and then the registrar re­ ployed by some 30to 40unlversiiies across each college to talk over the report and MSU tuition rates. He said die Issue had become a "polit­ The Council members now have a month converts it to a numerical value." the country, estimated C. R. St, Clair, "hash It out." b a two-page letter to lawmakers, the ical football" and many Democrats who to prepare for discussion, debate and M iss Arata stressed that the change chairman of the Dept, of Mechanical En­ AFL-CK), the state’s biggest union federa­ might have supported his fight felt "boxed- possible approval of the report at their would "take nothing out of the hands of gineering and EPC grading subcommittee tion, praised the University's controver­ in” because their party backed up the March 12 meeting. the instructor." chairman. * sial fee plan as "a major breakthrough*.. trustees. The report consists of 17 specific " If an instructor wanted to," she said, The report’s introduction reads: "... Troop buildup in minimizing the financial barriers to The amendment, which would prevent recommendations to change MSU’s grading "he could just grade on a 1,0, 2.0, 3.0 there are few comprehensive studies of higher education" and warned that any any state-supported college or university system, centering on the elimination of and 4,0 system," unconventional grading systems. There­ attempt to ban it from other state univer­ from establishing tuition rates based on letter grades and the limited credit-no- The numerical system also provides fore, the EPC believes it is inadvisable for insurance sities would result In " a blow to further "ability-to-pay,” is now in the House By- credlt system. for two failing grades, 0 and 0.5. "Thus, at this time to propose an across-the- progress" In increased educational op­ a ‘degree of falling’ has been Introduced board elimination of grades." (please turn to back page) Changing the present system of A, B, portunities. However, the credlt-no credit system Is "Although the plan has only been In ef­ described as "a conservative step towards in Cong attack fect a short time," the federation said, a possible Improvement and particularly " it is succeeding in achieving its goal” one that might generate greater motiva­ WASHINGTON (i| — The United States of providing an education to lower-income VOTE APRIL 24 tion In the student.” is speeding an additional 10,500 Army students.
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