M - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednegday, Jan. 28.1987 MANCHESTER Park Service backs down on monument charges FOCUS 1 SPORTS Deputy’s Job Girl’s operation Celts' shovrtime By Jeff Barker out, said Kostmayer, who disclosed entrance fees at 73 parks, monu­ carload, and $1 per person. (PhUadelidUa’s) City Hall.” A The Associated Press Tuesday that the park service ments and other installations for Aides to Kostmayer said they did statue of Penn, the state’s founder, isn’t all new is a long haul humbles Chicago decided to postpone indefinitely its the first time on Feb. 2 and raise not know whether any other sites’ sits atop the building. WASHINGTON - Freedom may plan to impose entrance fees at the entrance charges at 61 other sites. anticipated fees would also be Imposing a fee at Independence ... page 3 ... page 11 ... page 15 have a price, but for the time being, historic landmarks. The new maximum fee would be $5 deferred. Wallace could not be park “could not come at a worse visiting its shrines will be free. Kostmayer, a member of the per vehicle or $3 for an individual. reached for comment Tuesday time than 1967,” Kostmayer said. Philadelphia has just begun The National Park Service has House Interior Committee, said he The fee of $2 per person at night. marking the 200th anniversary of backed down on its plans to charge was also told by park service liaison Philadelphia’s Independence Na­ The new fee schedule prompted the Constitution. Organizers of the $1 admission to see the Statue of Rob Wallace that scheduled fees tional Historical Park would buy a protests in Pennsylvania, where celebration have invited Congress Liberty in New York Harbor and $2 were being scrapped, at least for view of the Liberty Bell. The the state, senate unanimously ap­ to convene in the city for a day this a t Independence Hall in now, at the Valley Forge National proposed $1 fee for the Statue of proved a resolution Tuesday urging summer. Philadelphia. , Historical Park in suburban Phila­ Liberty would have been in addition federal officials to change their There are 338 national parks, “These are people who know the delphia and the Canaveral historic to what visitors pay for a round-trip minds. monuments, battlefields and his­ price of every^ing and the value of site in Florida. ferry ride from Manhattan to the “They’re putting a tax on his­ toric sites operated by the service. nothing,” said Rep. Peter Kost- “I think the plan is dead,” the statue. tory,” said U.S. Sen. John Heinz, Fees are barred by law at some mayer, D-Pa., when he found out congressman said. At Valley Forge and Canaveral R-Pa. “The next thing you know, installations, and the service has SEN. JOHN HEINZ about the park service proposal. The park service announced in National Historical Site, the park the NPS will want to charge for said they are too hard to collect at iJJaitrliPBtprManchester — A City ol Village Charm Hpralii In the end, hard economics lost December that it would impose service proposed charging $3 per taking a look at Billy Penn on many multiple-entry parks. "tax on history” Nun meets Thursday, Jan. 29,1987 30 Cents GUARANTEED death in LOW PRICES... I NAMB BRANDS Captors the Bronx Al £ie||UC5 GUARANTEED for ^ Police seek SERVICE !!! / : ik s s 5k •ItN /T H threaten By Gary Langer I •AUI740 ^ • ^IRLPOOL The Associated Press I i ^M itsubishi two suspects NEW YORK - After four de­ I • P « t t o o ^ *SSOAN hostages cades of good works. Sister Virginia I •C A io aic II Thomann heeded a call to counsel I •* a n t o homeless men in the South Bronx ; •SHARP •TMtRSON and found joy in her new ministry. '• •SONY Bv Mohammed Salam But too soon, death found her. II •SUAtMir •n sH tR The Associated Press in murder While in the office of a church-run *fSIGlDAIRi BEIRUT, Lebanon — An under­ men’s shelter, the 6S-year-old Ro­ II ‘ fSItORiCH report. man Catholic nun was stabbed four I •rAnCut ground group today threatened to Bv Andrew Yurkovskv kill three American hostages and and George Layng After the August incident, a times in the neck and died last I •fOSHlBA resident at 76 Congress St. told weekend, just four months after she one Indian hostage in the event of a The Manchester Herald II U.S. military attack on Lebanon. police that he heard an argument at started work there. .muii— • IS S .T I Police are seeking two Hispanic the address aiid saw two men and A former shelter resident, Nor- ------- - The threat came in a handwritten males as suspects in connection two dark-haired women removing berto Torres, was arrested Tues­ I Arabic statement from Islamic with Tuesday’s murder of Lauren furniture from the apartment and day on charges of second-degree Jihad for the Liberation of Pales­ G. Anderson in her Congress Street placing it in a pickup truck. murder in the death. Torres, 19, had tine that was delivered to the Beirut apartment, police spokesman Gary Anderson told police that been expelled Saturday for violat­ office of a Western news agency. Wood said this morning. “Jackie” owed her $350, and she ing the rules at My Brother's Place, AT AL SIEFFERTS The previously unknown group The two were seen leaving the was holding on to the woman’s a three-story brownstone resi­ issued a statement Wednesday apartment at about 10; 30 a m. washing machine until the loan was dence, police said. YOU GET MORE... claiming it kidnapped the four Tuesday, Wood said. They were repaid. Grief has gripped Sister Tho- ■ FREE DELIVERY Beirut University College teachers. seen driving off in a 1986 red Toyota Wood said no arrests were made mann’s friends and associates, but Celica, which was later reported in connection with that incident. they console themselves with the ■ FREE REMOVAL The statement issued today was accompanied by a photograph of missing Tuesday by Anderson’s legacy of loving care that survives ■ FREE NORMAL roommate. Wood said the car has her. hostage Robert Polhill, 53, of New ANDERSON’S RELATIVES de­ H O O K -U P York City. The photograph showed still not been recovered. clined to comment when contacted "She was such a gentle person, so Wood said police were not specu­ this morning. warm and so caring,” said Sister Polhill with two submachine guns ■ FREE SERVICE pointed at his head. lating on the motive for the killing. School officials said Anderson Mary Pauline Bilbrough, regional Police said that Anderson, who attended East Catholic High School director of Sister Thomann’s reli­ ...PLUS MUCH, MORE!! The Pentagon announced earlier AP photo was found dead by her roommate for part of her freshman year, and gious order. “She was a hard this week it had postponed indefi­ Tuesday afternoon, was shot once Manchester High School for her worker. And she did a lot of work in nitely the departure for home from A Philippine rebel soldier gestures today. Leaders of the mutiny went to with a handgun. The bullet entered sophomore and junior years. Offi­ her lifetime.” GENERAL GENERA GENERAL the Mediterranean of the aircraft her left arm and exited the right cials said they did not know if she Sister Thomann joined the Order ELECTRIC carrier USS John F. Kennedy and toward comrades as he leaves the military headquarters to meet with the side of her body, they said. continued her education at another of the Good Shepherd in 1945 and [ELECTRIC ELECTRIC her 11-ship battle group. Another besieged Manila broadcast station early defense and armed forces chiefs. Information on the type of gun school after she left MHS. spent her life fulHlIing her vows of ELECTRIC AUTO M ATIC carrier, the USS Nimitz, which had involved was not released, but Those who knew Anderson des­ human service at child- and health­ been scheduled to relieve the police said no weapons were found cribed her as a beautiful girl with care centers in Philadelphia. She FROST FREE DRYER WASHER Kennedy, is also operating in the in the apartment where the murder blond hair who dressed well. worked for seven years, until last ■ HEAVY DUTY ■ HEAVY DUTY Mediterranean. occurred. “No matter when you saw her. fall, caring for ailing Jesuits in an [REFRIGERATOR ■ LARGE CAPACITY ■ LARGE CAPACITY The Pentagon gave no reason for Rebels give up as officials Wood said that Anderson was she always looked like she just got infirmary at their residence, the the change in plans. But informed shot in the apartment kitchen, made up.’’ remembered Roberta Loyola Center in Philadelphia. SIDE BY SIDE sources who requested anonymity where her body was found later. Wood of Lockwood Street. Her “She was constantly thinking of said the Reagan administration The gunshot wound was the cause of daughter was once friends with others — not just the sick but GIANT decided it should keep two carriers death, according to the state Anderson’s daughter, Jacquelyn, 8. everyone around her,” recalled in the Mediterranean in light of the block Marcos’ bid to return medical examiner’s office. The Sister Mary Inez Fitzpatrick, head 19.0 cu ft $ 2 4 9 wave of hostage-taking in Lebanon. apartment showed no sign of a "SHE LOOKED LIKE one of of the 13-bed infirmary. “She was struggle, Wood said, Today’s statement said; "After it those girls you see in the fashion unique in her willingness to sacri­ m DUAL’TEMP CONTROLS GENERAL GENERAL Bv Robert H.
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